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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mirafemina
    This was the point that did it for me.
    I don't care what the actors and tptb say about where the relationships will or won't go on SGA - this scene proves that Shep/Weir is totally on the boil. The way Joe Flanigan plays this scene makes you think that he thinks she's going to kiss him. And he doesn't exactly seem against the idea! And his cute little embarassed look after she hugs him, and the way his voice slightly quivers when he asks her "So, where are we?".... this scene is total ship.
    Completely have to agree with you that particular scene proves that Shep/Weir is totally on the boil because....

    As some people might (not naming names but you know who you are )interpret that scene as a friendly hug but I completely big to differ as why was there an embarrassed look from Sheppard and also as you said his voice does indeed slightly quiver so why if they were just FRIENDS would this be an awkward situation. Like when anyone hugs their friends its not a big deal so the embarrassment and the emotion in his voice proves just how that hug effected him which only leads to one thing.......LOVE wo ho.


      Well this is sort of random, but I was sitting in my history class today where we were watching a movie about Queen Elizabeth I and it struck me that our Elizabeth shares more with the Renaissance Queen than just her name. The movie portrayed Elizabeth I's conflict over whether or not she should have her cousin, Mary Stuart, executed for treason. She really didn't want to have Mary killed, but leaving the Scottish Queen alive meant her own life, and possibly those of her regime members, would be endangered. So she was torn between doing what needed to be done and her personal feelings on the matter. Her closest and most trusted advisor, Francis Walsingham, has a lot in common with John. He told the Queen that even though the execution of Mary would be distasteful, it still needed to be done. So while Queen Elizabeth was tormented about what the right thing to do was, Walsingham had a very clear idea of what he thought the solution should be. Again, this is very like our couple.

      So that was my random analogy for the day. I realize it has nothing to do with anything, but that's what happens when you're a Sparky addict: Everything you learn or see can be connected to them somehow. It's like the six degrees of Kevin Bacon; everything relates.

      “Le monde a tellement de regrets
      Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
      Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
      Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

      ~ Francis Cabrel


        Hey all. Welcome to the new ones.

        I photoshopped this cos it was just beggin' for it. Thanks for the cap Luz.

        ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


          Originally posted by Luz
          With all this talk about tptb, got me thinking. Haven't you thought that maybe they're jaded by what happened with the red herring, i mean they put all this work in the very beginning. Making a *huge* effort to push this ship, all the advertisement, the stick fights, the scenes popping out of nowhere with no other purpose than to push that farse down our throats, and we ducked for the anvils and decided that we liked S/W better.
          It's like a parent going all out to buy a well thought (well, in this case not so well thought, lol) present for their child, only to have said child disregard the gift, and start happily playing with the box.
          Maybe they thought, "hat the heck?", they tried it all to make us like a ship and it blew up on their faces, so they said "to hell with ship, from now on we are just going to deny it, if anyone comes to us asking us about the ship we are going to say it doesn't exist, how about that?". This might be tptb's idea of vengeance for having snubbed sheyla.
          That's an extremely unprofessional thing to do, and as much as I've wondered what the heck TPTB are thinking at times, they're all experienced in the television industry. They wouldn't go about deliberately trying to piss off a large and vocal segment of the fandom, even though the fandom is a small percentage and not an accurate representation of the audience at large. If you'll notice, people other than the actors rarely comment on Sam/Jack stuff in SG-1 commentaries, so I do think it's a matter of what they're interested in, not a matter of feeling vindictive toward a group of fans.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by GateByte
            Finished Chapter 2 of my fic so, here's the link if you're interested.

            'Falling' For You: Chapter 2

            If you haven't read it yet, there's a link the chapter 1 on the same page.

            It's got some Weir!Whumping and some Shep!Angst. No comforting yet, sorry, but I promise there will definitely be some in a future chapter. I already know what I want to do in that department.

            *wow, it's quiet here tonight, will talk to myself for a while*

            Am loving all the fics. Can't wait for Chapter 3, GateByte.

            I don't think TPTB are deliberately chucking a tanty because we didn't fall for their Sheyla anvils. Rather, they've got a bigger picture in mind for the SGA universe and I guess we'll just have to wait and see where this will lead us.
            I can't believe I'm saying this, but if they do make Sparky more overt, then I'll be like that little puppy, all excited and bouncy. If they don't, as long as the show has strong, believable, interesting storylines, then I will still be a happy camper. What I don't want is a soap opera. We've got enough of those already.

            If we're talking classics, then Jane Austen springs to mind, esp. Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth is, natch, Elizabeth Bennett (hee!) and John is Darcy. But can we really picture Rodney as Mr. Bingley? Maybe, Ronon? That is if Teyla is going to be Jane. *hard sell, I know*(OK, that just got me thinking of Ronon=Tarzan)

            OMG!!! I'm rambling....need more "milk".

            Edit: Another random note, was flipping thru' a SciFi mag in a bookshop while looking for something else. What caught my eye was "Top 10 Fantasy Hunks". Guess what, Shep came in only at No.8 and Mitchell at No.6. Forgot who was No.1 but the BSG and Lost guys scored highly. *is sad*
            Last edited by Ronnikins; 31 March 2006, 03:28 AM.

            Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


              Originally posted by Ronnikins

              *wow, it's quiet here tonight, will talk to myself for a while*

              Am loving all the fics. Can't wait for Chapter 3, GateByte.

              I don't think TPTB are deliberately chucking a tanty because we didn't fall their Sheyla anvils. Rather, they've got a bigger picture in mind for the SGA universe and I guess we'll just have to wait and see where this will lead us.
              I can't believe I'm saying this, but if they do make Sparky more overt, then I'll be like that little puppy, all excited and bouncy. If they don't, then as long as the show has strong, believable, interesting storylines, then I will still be a happy camper. What I don't want is a soap opera. We've got enough of those already.

              If we're talking classics, then Jane Austen springs to mind, esp. Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth is, natch, Elizabeth Bennett (hee!) and John is Darcy. But can we really picture Rodney as Mr. Bingley? Maybe, Ronan? That is if Teyla is going to be Jane. *hard sell, I know*(OK, that just got me thinking of Ronan=Tarzan)

              OMG!!! I'm rambling....need more "milk".

              Edit: Another random note, was flipping thru' a SciFi mag in a bookshop while looking for something else. What caught my eye was "Top 10 Fantasy Hunks". Guess what, Shep came in only at No.8 and Mitchell at No.6. Forgot who was No.1 but the BSG and Lost guys scored highly. *is sad*
              MILK!!!!!! i need that!!!!! LMAO!!!!!
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                Hello all! Doing a quick fly-by-post to share a fanfic that I recently found. I loved the humor of it!


                Hopefully I have not posted a story that you all have already read.
                "We'll name it later!"
                - - - -
                Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
                Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  That's an extremely unprofessional thing to do, and as much as I've wondered what the heck TPTB are thinking at times, they're all experienced in the television industry. They wouldn't go about deliberately trying to piss off a large and vocal segment of the fandom, even though the fandom is a small percentage and not an accurate representation of the audience at large. If you'll notice, people other than the actors rarely comment on Sam/Jack stuff in SG-1 commentaries, so I do think it's a matter of what they're interested in, not a matter of feeling vindictive toward a group of fans.
                  Yes, annoying the people who are in control of the future of your show is definately not something they are intentionally going to try and do. If people don't watch the show, ratings go down. And if that happens, well, they'll get cancelled. The whole point of producing a product is that everyone can enjoy it. Not producing something that you yourself enjoy and just hoping that other people will like it too.

                  I don't believe they chose the initial pairing of Shep/Teyla because they, as males, thought Rachel was better looking. But because they thought the idea would appeal to a larger majority. It was call they made and they got it wrong. It happens all the time. Now they know what the audiences reaction was, they can change it accordingly. Even if it means no ship at all.

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    I hate my computer so much right now.

                    Sorry for being OT.

                    Oooh, fanfic. *goes to read*


                      Originally posted by Ronnikins
                      If we're talking classics, then Jane Austen springs to mind, esp. Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth is, natch, Elizabeth Bennett (hee!) and John is Darcy. But can we really picture Rodney as Mr. Bingley? Maybe, Ronan? That is if Teyla is going to be Jane. *hard sell, I know*(OK, that just got me thinking of Ronan=Tarzan)
                      Augghhh! Now I have an image in my head of Ronon going "Me Tarzan, you Jane" to Teyla. So didn't need it, I start giggling, and dad wants to know what I'm laughing at. How am I supposed to explain?

                      With regards to P&P, I really can't see John as the snooty Darcy. But I just had a bad mental picture of Rodney as Mr Collins, and that's just mean.


                        Thanks for the words about my story.

                        As for a sequel... It was s'psed to be a Valentine's Day one-shot. Never envisioned a sequel to it. That said...

                        I have a rabid plot bunny floating around in my head to do with the kirking that was being talked about several pages back. But I have to finish my Jack/Sam songfic before I can even start that. And I really should finish some of the other unfinished ones on my site...


                          OT, but... Ronni... doesn't look like I'll be able to get that sig done today. I'm really sorry. I was working on it, then my comp crashed. Since then it's done it again... I need to replace the fan before I try to take on anything more than two windows open at once. Damn thing. Again, I apologise.

                          I'm in the mood for some fluff. Any recs, people?


                            Originally posted by Trialia
                            OT, but... Ronni... doesn't look like I'll be able to get that sig done today. I'm really sorry. I was working on it, then my comp crashed. Since then it's done it again... I need to replace the fan before I try to take on anything more than two windows open at once. Damn thing. Again, I apologise.

                            I'm in the mood for some fluff. Any recs, people?
                            Hey hon, no, have some happy pills.

                            Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                              Originally posted by Ronnikins
                              Hey hon, no, have some happy pills.
                              Haha. I don't need more happy pills... the ones I'm on mess me up enough, thank ya. But thanks for the offer.

                              This comp IS stressing me. I finally named him though-- Smith. As in Agent Smith. *nods*


                                Originally posted by Trialia
                                Haha. I don't need more happy pills... the ones I'm on mess me up enough, thank ya. But thanks for the offer.

                                This comp IS stressing me. I finally named him though-- Smith. As in Agent Smith. *nods*
                                Hey Trialia, I have got a standby sig - what do you think? Too much?

                                Sig made by Dana and RealmofX

