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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Athenaktt
    But it does make sense they highlight Sheppard and Weir during these situations. The are to main leaders of Atlantis. And it helps that they both have such a wonderful connectionw with each other.
    I didn't find this line extremely shippy, i agree with what many of you are saying, it's mostly about why did they showed Weir's reaction to the line, but it's not overtly charged with ship, to me it's another of those cute little lines of John's.
    Agree on the connection too
    i liked how Sheppard seemed to be following Weir around whenever the wraith queen was there. Seeing them like that in her office, her sitting and him standing at her side made me want to cheer: Go Team!!!. They present this united front, and it's like he's giving out this vibe, you dare to touch one her of her curly head...


      Originally posted by Bama

      I agree totally!!! The odd anvils...that's a good way to put them. They just come off as weak here and there because there's been none-nada build-up or real relationship -even friendship - built between the two.

      I think you've got it tagged better than anywhere I've seen. That is exactly the problem with the two of them. They can't 'get past' the idea of what they were 'supposed to be' to let them be the best they can be for each other as teammates and even friends.
      Very true. The lack of any consistent interaction between SHep and Teyla makes the odd moments of actual interaction feel like ship anvils even if they aren't. Teyla has had more consistent interaction with Rodney this season. It's just not normal if two people are suppose to be friends to have no interaction then a sudden moment of "oh forgot about you. I better ask how you're doing about this."

      Originally posted by Bama
      I was a little hopeful after seeing Elizabeth look to Teyla a time or two
      in Allies.
      However, I think it boils down to the fact that they're not 100 percent sure what they want to do with Teyla still to this point. I think they've flirted with the idea of a romantic triangle but honestly that is so pathetic and would be an absolute bust with fans across the board I think. Teyla needs to build her own niche and like you, I've seen some good signs with Ronon and that storyline this year and it could be expanded on exponentally in the future.
      I really feel they don't know what to do with Teyla and it's very unfortunate. Looking back at the first season I saw so many great opportunities to get to know her as a character. Nothing big, but the little moments are the best.


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        I think it's kind of like the balcony scene at the end of The Tower – not so much shippy for its content as for its presence. There was no reason in the flow of the scene to show Elizabeth's reaction, so the fact that they did (which was slightly jarring, and might have contributed to the oddness that so many people felt from the shot) speaks to me as significant in some way. The same was true of a lot of the editing in Siege III and Intruder. They chose to highlight Sheppard and Weir in those episodes.
        I sometimes find their reaction shots odd and out of place. Remember in TLG the reaction shot from Rodney when
        Thalen told Teyla John cared more for than she knew?
        Very odd moment.

        At least this reaction shot in Allies made some sense given the fact that Elizabeth was there in the conversation. It was just an odd reaction I thought.


          Originally posted by SGLAB
          Very true. The lack of any consistent interaction between SHep and Teyla makes the odd moments of actual interaction feel like ship anvils even if they aren't. Teyla has had more consistent interaction with Rodney this season. It's just not normal if two people are suppose to be friends to have no interaction then a sudden moment of "oh forgot about you. I better ask how you're doing about this."
          Is that their idea of building UST?

          TPTB male 1: "'s the plan, we won't let Sheppard and Teyla speak for episodes 12-17, but then, in episode 18, all of the sudden we'll let them have an actual face to face conversation! That will be hot!"

          TPTB male 2: "Hey guys! I've got an idea! How about we let a half bug Shep gnaw at her face in ep 12? The audience will go for that kind of hot stuff!"

          TPTB male 3: "But hey, didn't Sheppard and Weir just flirt their way thru episode 11?

          TBTB male 1: "Yeah, but they're just buds that like to talk to each other all the time because they're leaders and stuff. No big deal. "

          TBTB male 3: "But didn't we have his ass up next to her on her desk and let that dang female editor get away with showing them making eyes at each other?"

          TBTB male 1: *slams fist on table* "Listen you 'tards! I know what real romance is! Look at the final success we made out of Sam and Jack! Teyla and John will have a romance...because...well...because we are men and we say so!"

          TPTB male 3: "You know a lot of the fans don't see much chemistry between them. And the last time Shep actually spoke to her longer than five seconds was in episode 2."

          TPTB male 1: "Well so what? He's grunted toward her a time or two. People just need to learn to pick up on the relationship signals! We're makin them plain enough!"

          TPTB male 2: "We could have him turn into a supersoldier and hump her ankle. That'd be hot!"

          TPTB male 1: "Wrong show dimwit!"

          TPTB male 2 : *sulking* "Well, the hot babes were my idea and the audiences loved them. Let's just let Shep find a hot babe in a bottle this next episode and forget all this relationship stuff. That's more cooler.

          TPTB male 3: "You haven't said what we're going to do about Shep and Weir yet."

          TPTB male 1: "Tell them to ignore each other dangit! "

          TPTB male 3: "They can't seem to do that! "

          TPTB male 1: "Then keep them away from each other! At least keep him off her desk and tell her to go rub Caldwell's head or something!"

          TPTB male 2: "Now that's hot."

          TPTB male 3 "It ain't gonna work I'm telling you! The audiences seem to love Sheppard and Weir together!"

          TPTB male 1: "Oh, tell them to write one where Sheppard and Teyla have a stick fight or they get tied together in a cave or something. That will bring the hot vibe home to em!

          TPTB male 3: muttering..."We've tried all this before..."

          TPTB male 1: "Well tell them to make it HOTTER this time!! Lower Teyla's neckline some more-I don't care! Just make it hotter so the audience can't miss it this time!"

          TPTB male 2: "Whoo! Boobies! Boobies!"

          TPTB male 3: "We're that determined to stick with the original plan?"

          TPTB male 1: "Look, we didn't tell Sheppard or Weir to start falling for each other or have chemistry or male and female awareness or any other such nonsense!"

          TPTB male 3: "True. And we are men. We can't be sacrificing our vision for something as silly as real emotions between two characters."

          TPTB male 2: "Boobies. The only way to go."

          TPTB male 3: "Ok then, boobies it is! And we'll throw in a real conversation too! Maybe that will do the trick."

          TPTB male 1: "We'll make them love Sheppard and Teyla. Stupid fans. Who invited all these females who think they have a clue to watch this show anyway?"

          TPTB male 2: *grins and shrugs* I like boobies!
          Last edited by Bama; 11 March 2006, 10:11 AM.


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            I'm surprised no one else had mentioned this part of Allies yet.
            Very reminiscent of John's panic in Siege III when he couldn't raise her. And how much do I love that in such a tense situation, they were using each other's first names most of the time?
            I loved that "chatty" line as well. They have a really easy and comfortable professional relationship.

            I alsoo wanted to mention that I actually liked the scene with Teyla in this one. If anything, I think it showed the stark differencesbetween the two, and as Mel pointed out, the cultural differences. I like that Shep and Teyla are good friends, but I'm glad TPTB are giving Teyla the chance to speak her opinions and become her own character. I think it's a continuation of what we saw beginning in LFP. John and Liz seem to be backing one another whole heartedly on the
            Retrovirus--Wraith alliance plan, even though both are concerned about what it means morally and politically.
            I find that quite interesting.


            Signature By Amber Moon


              Originally posted by Bama
              Is that their idea of building UST?

              TPTB male 1: "'s the plan, we won't let Sheppard and Teyla speak for episodes 12-17, but then, in episode 18, all of the sudden we'll let them have an actual face to face conversation! That will be hot!"

              TPTB male 2: "Hey guys! I've got an idea! How about we let a half bug Shep gnaw at her face in ep 12? The audience will go for that kind of hot stuff!"

              TPTB male 3: "But hey, didn't Sheppard and Weir just flirt their way thru episode 11?

              TBTB male 1: "Yeah, but they're just buds that like to talk to each other all the time because they're leaders and stuff. No big deal. "

              TBTB male 3: "But didn't we have his ass up next to her on her desk and let that dang female editor get away with showing them making eyes at each other?"

              TBTB male 1: *slams fist on table* "Listen you 'tards! I know what real romance is! Look at the final success we made out of Sam and Jack! Teyla and John will have a romance...because...well...because we are men and we say so!"

              TPTB male 3: "You know a lot of the fans don't see much chemistry between them. And the last time Shep actually spoke to her longer than five seconds was in episode 2."

              TPTB male 1: "Well so what? He's grunted toward her a time or two. People just need to learn to pick up on the relationship signals! We're makin them plain enough!"

              TPTB male 2: "We could have him turn into a supersoldier and hump her ankle. That'd be hot!"

              TPTB male 1: "Wrong show dimwit!"

              TPTB male 2 : *sulking* "Well, the hot babes were my idea and the audiences loved them. Let's just let Shep find a hot babe in a bottle this next episode and forget all this relationship stuff. That's more cooler.

              TPTB male 3: "You haven't said what we're going to do about Shep and Weir yet."

              TPTB male 1: "Tell them to ignore each other dangit! "

              TPTB male 3: "They can't seem to do that! "

              TPTB male 1: "Then keep them away from each other! At least keep him off her desk and tell her to go rub Caldwell's head or something!"

              TPTB male 2: "Now that's hot."

              TPTB male 3 "It ain't gonna work I'm telling you! The audiences seem to love Sheppard and Weir together!"

              TPTB male 1: "Oh, tell them to write one where Sheppard and Teyla have a stick fight or they get tied together in a cave or something. That will bring the hot vibe home to em!

              TPTB male 3: muttering..."We've tried all this before..."

              TPTB male 1: "Well tell them to make it HOTTER this time!! Lower Teyla's neckline some more-I don't care! Just make it hotter so the audience can't miss it this time!"

              TPTB male 2: "Whoo! Boobies! Boobies!"

              TPTB male 3: "We're that determined to stick with the original plan?"

              TPTB male 1: "Look, we didn't tell Sheppard or Weir to start falling for each other or have chemistry or male and female awareness or any other such nonsense!"

              TPTB male 3: "True. And we are men. We can't be sacrificing our vision for something as silly as real emotions between two characters."

              TPTB male 2: "Boobies. The only way to go."

              TPTB male 3: "Ok then, boobies it is! And we'll throw in a real conversation too! Maybe that will do the trick."

              TPTB male 1: "We'll make them love Sheppard and Teyla. Stupid fans. Who invited all these females who think they have a clue to watch this show anyway?"

              TPTB male 2: *grins and shrugs* I like boobies!

              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                Originally posted by Bama
                Is that their idea of building UST?
                OMG! I come back after a couple of days and find this!

                I think you just converted me to a S/W shipper!
                Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                  Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                  OMG! I come back after a couple of days and find this!

                  I think you just converted me to a S/W shipper!
                  Heh, score another one for Bama.


                    Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                    SouthernRed: Sparky Obsessive Syndrome! I like that! Got a symptoms list?
                    I did, but I got distracted by Bama's PTB conversation and lost my train of thought.
                    Let's see: Symptoms of Sparky Obsessive Syndrome

                    1. You hear a song on the radio and think it will make a good vid for Sparky.
                    2. You fantasize about Elizabeth and John more than you and John. Or Elizabeth.
                    3. You use the words "That reminds me of something I saw on Stargate Atlantis" in conversation.
                    4. Seeing sparks or hearing the word Sparky makes you grin.
                    5. You have a pet named Sparky.
                    6. You have no idea what's happening on the show when John and Elizabeth aren't on screen.
                    7. You can look at a picture of Sparky and tell which episode it is from.
                    8. You know exactly how many days, hours or minutes until the next episode.
                    9. You've stopped reading anything but Sparky fanfic.
                    10. You see every moment they are on screen together as a shippy moment.

                    I'm sure there are more. There are probably phases of obsessiveness until you get to the point where you never leave the house. But none of us are like that.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Mwahaha SR, I think I fall into every category except for the pet one. Can I name my stuffed animal cat a Sparky?

                      It's 111 days until July! + whatever date the premiere is on! w00t
                      Oh and yeah, I've been inside for 5 days and it's wonderful 80 degrees outside. So yeah I never get out

                      Originally posted by Bama
                      Is that their idea of building UST?
                      *dies from laughter*


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        Is that their idea of building UST?

                        TPTB male 1: "'s the plan, we won't let Sheppard and Teyla speak for episodes 12-17, but then, in episode 18, all of the sudden we'll let them have an actual face to face conversation! That will be hot!"

                        TPTB male 2: "Hey guys! I've got an idea! How about we let a half bug Shep gnaw at her face in ep 12? The audience will go for that kind of hot stuff!"

                        TPTB male 3: "But hey, didn't Sheppard and Weir just flirt their way thru episode 11?



                        I came over here to mention the fanfic awards and saw this and I haven't stopped giggling about it for oh, 20 minutes or so...

                        I think I can actually hear that convo...
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Originally posted by Southern Red
                          I did, but I got distracted by Bama's PTB conversation and lost my train of thought.
                          Let's see: Symptoms of Sparky Obsessive Syndrome

                          1. You hear a song on the radio and think it will make a good vid for Sparky.
                          2. You fantasize about Elizabeth and John more than you and John. Or Elizabeth.
                          3. You use the words "That reminds me of something I saw on Stargate Atlantis" in conversation.
                          4. Seeing sparks or hearing the word Sparky makes you grin.
                          5. You have a pet named Sparky.
                          6. You have no idea what's happening on the show when John and Elizabeth aren't on screen.
                          7. You can look at a picture of Sparky and tell which episode it is from.
                          8. You know exactly how many days, hours or minutes until the next episode.
                          9. You've stopped reading anything but Sparky fanfic.
                          10. You see every moment they are on screen together as a shippy moment.

                          I'm sure there are more. There are probably phases of obsessiveness until you get to the point where you never leave the house. But none of us are like that.
                          Leave the house? You mean there's an outside world????

                          Kind of reads like a checklist...
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by Bama
                            Is that their idea of building UST?

                            TPTB male 1: "'s the plan, we won't let Sheppard and Teyla speak for episodes 12-17, but then, in episode 18, all of the sudden we'll let them have an actual face to face conversation! That will be hot!"

                            TPTB male 2: "Hey guys! I've got an idea! How about we let a half bug Shep gnaw at her face in ep 12? The audience will go for that kind of hot stuff!"

                            TPTB male 3: "But hey, didn't Sheppard and Weir just flirt their way thru episode 11?

                            TBTB male 1: "Yeah, but they're just buds that like to talk to each other all the time because they're leaders and stuff. No big deal. "

                            TBTB male 3: "But didn't we have his ass up next to her on her desk and let that dang female editor get away with showing them making eyes at each other?"

                            TBTB male 1: *slams fist on table* "Listen you 'tards! I know what real romance is! Look at the final success we made out of Sam and Jack! Teyla and John will have a romance...because...well...because we are men and we say so!"

                            TPTB male 3: "You know a lot of the fans don't see much chemistry between them. And the last time Shep actually spoke to her longer than five seconds was in episode 2."

                            TPTB male 1: "Well so what? He's grunted toward her a time or two. People just need to learn to pick up on the relationship signals! We're makin them plain enough!"

                            TPTB male 2: "We could have him turn into a supersoldier and hump her ankle. That'd be hot!"

                            TPTB male 1: "Wrong show dimwit!"

                            TPTB male 2 : *sulking* "Well, the hot babes were my idea and the audiences loved them. Let's just let Shep find a hot babe in a bottle this next episode and forget all this relationship stuff. That's more cooler.

                            TPTB male 3: "You haven't said what we're going to do about Shep and Weir yet."

                            TPTB male 1: "Tell them to ignore each other dangit! "

                            TPTB male 3: "They can't seem to do that! "

                            TPTB male 1: "Then keep them away from each other! At least keep him off her desk and tell her to go rub Caldwell's head or something!"

                            TPTB male 2: "Now that's hot."

                            TPTB male 3 "It ain't gonna work I'm telling you! The audiences seem to love Sheppard and Weir together!"

                            TPTB male 1: "Oh, tell them to write one where Sheppard and Teyla have a stick fight or they get tied together in a cave or something. That will bring the hot vibe home to em!

                            TPTB male 3: muttering..."We've tried all this before..."

                            TPTB male 1: "Well tell them to make it HOTTER this time!! Lower Teyla's neckline some more-I don't care! Just make it hotter so the audience can't miss it this time!"

                            TPTB male 2: "Whoo! Boobies! Boobies!"

                            TPTB male 3: "We're that determined to stick with the original plan?"

                            TPTB male 1: "Look, we didn't tell Sheppard or Weir to start falling for each other or have chemistry or male and female awareness or any other such nonsense!"

                            TPTB male 3: "True. And we are men. We can't be sacrificing our vision for something as silly as real emotions between two characters."

                            TPTB male 2: "Boobies. The only way to go."

                            TPTB male 3: "Ok then, boobies it is! And we'll throw in a real conversation too! Maybe that will do the trick."

                            TPTB male 1: "We'll make them love Sheppard and Teyla. Stupid fans. Who invited all these females who think they have a clue to watch this show anyway?"

                            TPTB male 2: *grins and shrugs* I like boobies!

                            Ok, green for the whole thing but don't go attacking men on the whole we like breasts thing. We've been down this road before!

                            I also resent the "True. And we are men. We can't be sacrificing our vision for something as silly as real emotions between two characters."
                            Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                            In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                            Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                              All the great discussion on this thread has sucked me in so much that I just went out and bought Season 1 on DVD (first TV on DVD purchase ever, actually) to re-watch everything from a Sparky point of view. I'm not sure whether to go in order or jump around... Anyone have recommendations for their favorite Sparky eps from the first season?


                                I just had to rec this. It's called Sacrifice. I was beginning to think fanfic was getting as bad as the show only having Elizabeth angst over John. Finally found some John angst.

