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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red
    Yes, constant arguing gets old. Even with Caldwell they have backed off a bit. Maybe they can take turns LOL.
    Oh yeah, those couples that are supposed to be the "opposites attract" kinda couple, but in the end just keep on bickering, seem to want to poke eachother's eyes out, and hate eachother's guts. Some people say it's a love/hate relationship, but most of the time i only see the hate with none of the love, GAH!. Makes me want to poke *my* eyes out.
    Nah!, sparky is alright with Sheppard and Weir being friends and having reached an understanding. Still... i wouldn't mind a little disagreement here and there, although i've been thinking about what it would be like to see them having a big blow up just to release some steam. I probably wouldn't care for it if i saw it on the show, cause i want to see them getting along well, and bangin'. However there is a certain attractive on the idea of them reaching a breaking point where they can't take it anymore, have a full blown fight, yelling at eachother and everything, and then somehow end up doin' it on the desk. Now, that would be my kind of fight .


      Originally posted by Luz
      Nah!, sparky is alright with Sheppard and Weir being friends and having reached an understanding. Still... i wouldn't mind a little disagreement here and there, although i've been thinking about what it would be like to see them having a big blow up just to release some steam. I probably wouldn't care for it if i saw it on the show, cause i want to see them getting along well, and bangin'. However there is a certain attractive on the idea of them reaching a breaking point where they can't take it anymore, have a full blown fight, yelling at eachother and everything, and then somehow end up doin' it on the desk. Now, that would be my kind of fight .
      I like that idea! Them having a blazing row. It would be the perfect opportunity for personal feelings to slip out accidently, then just staring at each other in shock... and then of course...doin' it on her desk...

      Making up is always the fun part...

      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Originally posted by Major_Moomin
        I like that idea! Them having a blazing row. It would be the perfect opportunity for personal feelings to slip out accidently, then just staring at each other in shock... and then of course...doin' it on her desk...

        Making up is always the fun part...
        I'm for that one too!

        No, seriously, S3 seems fine for an arguement. They could include/add a breakdown for Liz and John would have to lead Atlantis for a while and notice what a damn tough job Liz is doing.


          Originally posted by Trialia
          *nods* That's why I prefer Atlantis to SG-1... character-centric stuff is really my thing.
          Oh, yeah, Mine too! Like minds. Excellent point! SGA is a character nut and shipper nut's sci-fi paradise. Action is great but what is it but a video game without feelings and motivations involved?


            Originally posted by Bama
            Oh, yeah, Mine too! Like minds. Excellent point! SGA is a character nut and shipper nut's sci-fi paradise. Action is great but what is it but a video game without feelings and motivations involved?
            *chuckles* Sounds like you should go play the Final Fantasy video games, Bama... I think you'd enjoy them

            But yes, the reason I originally quit watching SG-1 years ago was because it was growing too political for my liking.


              Originally posted by Athenaktt
              I see Tame has been covert shipping on us. You sly one.
              well covert is definitely one way to put it

              Shep and Weir have from the beginning shown *sprks* and underlying attraction. I don't know if that was just a natural chemistry between the actors themselves and it just came across on the screen or if the characters were played purposfully that way. EIther way it was there. I do enjoy the banter between them, the tension when their views on how to handle a situation are opposed and just the playfulness that seems to come naturally.

              I am not as *emotionally* invested in this pairing as I might be mainly because I don't trust TPTB to write it very well. They do not have a very good track record as far as I am concerned when it comes to writing ship of any sort, be it subtle or intentional. Maybe it just insn't their forte. *Shrug* I don't know Since the beginning of shipping any SG1 or SGA characters I have read post after post after post expressing that Shippers of any sort don't really want it (the ship) to take over the show. They just want some kind of consistant back ground story that we see once in a while.

              TPTB can NOT seem to get this concept. In every interview I read, in every quote that I see from TPTB they seem to have this conveluted idea that *Shippers* want this hard core romance that vaults us all into something like *Gone With The Wind* or Young and the Restless...take your pick.

              I too was completely surprised by the change in Teyla IMHO when Ronan joined the team. I was like WOW those two have some major chemistry and again I am not sure if it is planned or just natural to the actors, but it makes it alot of fun to watch those two as well

              TPTB don't have a great track record in writing strong woman and then add an adult relationship that should make sense...well.......

              Hopefully they will learn from the past and we will reap some reward in the coming seasons. There are quite a few Sci-Fi shows that combined the romance well so maybe they will *Homage* one of them
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                I like that idea! Them having a blazing row. It would be the perfect opportunity for personal feelings to slip out accidently, then just staring at each other in shock... and then of course...doin' it on her desk...

                Making up is always the fun part...
                What eps like Michael and Coup hinted at is that John and Elizabeth are taking on the roles of the other. They've become such a part of each other and they've accepted what the other has brought to the table almost to the point of detriment at times. We see Elizabeth taking more militant stances and John being the more reserved and cautious of the two and I think we're definitely heading toward real conversations and even some arguments between the two on where they 'are' as people in their leadership decison making processes. And that is fantastic because when they have those type of talks, the *personal* is really the backbone of the conversation. If we see John ask Elizabeth, "Who are you really on the inside?-think about that." Up until now, their inner feelings have been disguised (poorly at times) as "professional" but with Elizabeth's
                venture into darkness
                steadily gaining momentum, it will most assuredly turn more personal between them as an issue as she tries to find herself and the place she needs to be as a leader.


                  Originally posted by Trialia
                  *chuckles* Sounds like you should go play the Final Fantasy video games, Bama... I think you'd enjoy them

                  But yes, the reason I originally quit watching SG-1 years ago was because it was growing too political for my liking.
                  LOL! I haven't played many video games since 'Donkey Kong' and 'Frogger' and Atari first came out in the early 80s! To say I'm 'behind the times' in that area is a vast understatement!

                  I'd love for you to elaborate on your 'political' comment...?


                    Originally posted by Trialia
                    *chuckles* Sounds like you should go play the Final Fantasy video games, Bama... I think you'd enjoy them

                    But yes, the reason I originally quit watching SG-1 years ago was because it was growing too political for my liking.
                    Woa, a Final Fantasy lover! I call myself a geek Could play it all day and night. Esp VII + X.

                    Tame, I think we're all a little concerned about what tptb will do with our ship(s) (including Spanky). Maybe some of us (all you great ff writers!) should write the scripts.


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      LOL! I haven't played many video games since 'Donkey Kong' and 'Frogger' and Atari first came out in the early 80s! To say I'm 'behind the times' in that area is a vast understatement!

                      I'd love for you to elaborate on your 'political' comment...?
                      Well, it didn't really feel as though the show was about the exploring and the team anymore, to me at least. I wasn't exactly obsessive about watching it before-- just a casual fan, really. But I noticed that the character-centrism was growing less and less with each episode, and they were focusing more on the politics and religions as seen between the worlds, if that makes any sense.

                      Jenova-- I knew you were a VII fan. How could I not, with the name you use? VII is actually my least favourite FF. IX is my favourite, and I run the fanlisting for V, second favourite.


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        LOL! I haven't played many video games since 'Donkey Kong' and 'Frogger' and Atari first came out in the early 80s! To say I'm 'behind the times' in that area is a vast understatement!
                        I love Atari. Still have my dad's. Were'nt those games the best!

                        Anyways back on topic:

                        Originally posted by AngelQueen
                        Must think PG thoughts, must think PG thoughts, must... think PG... Ah, screw it.


                        AQ was my fic that good that you can't think of a single PG thought about it?

                        I plan on reading yours after I make myself some lunch.


                          Originally posted by AngelQueen
                          Oh one other thing, a bit of a shameless plug. I posted a new story last night, a post-ep for Conversion. Take a look if any of you have a spare moment on hand.

                          Wrongs Set Right

                          Okay, I'll be quiet now.

                          Really interesting fic. The ending was soo cute!


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Anyway, awesome interview snippet. SP, you make some great points there. (Feel free to post at will. We won't bite. ) Weir and Sheppard were intended to be antagonists, but it just doesn't work because they really are cut from the same cloth. From the beginning, they've always had the same interests in mind, and when that's the case, it's hard to yell at each other all the time. I posted this a few days ago, but all Weir really asked of him in their first argument was that he stop and think. She's never told him no if he's proven to her that he's thought his crazy plan through. That's resulted in a lovely give-and-take between them now.
                            ::tackles Moomin and Jen with big SP hugs:: Thanks guys! Missed you!

                            And Mel, you guys can nibble at me if you like. I'm not too delicate, so you won't bruise me or anything. Just don't take too many bites outta me. I agree that they really are quite similar, perhaps more so than they are even aware of. I mean, conflict makes for some great drama, but they really do have many of the same ideas so having them argue seems forced if it happens too often. I kind of like it when they don't agree (I feel that way about all the characters, actually), but only because it happens pretty infrequently. It's much more effective and thought-provoking for them to be split on an issue if it only happens once in a while; having fights all the time gets old really, really fast. They have definitely become allies of a sort and I think this connection will only get stronger over time. Yeah, they might not 100% see eye-to-eye all the time, but I really like that they get along way more often than they don't. Especially when they verbally thrash someone. Heehee. They make a good team.

                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            SP, I think I love you. As I said before, we can get along. And I hope you aren't offended by our attempts at humor over here. Now do we hug?
                            Awwww! ::huggles:: Don't tell anyone, but...I think I love you, too! We definitely can get along, and it's fun to thread-hop. And no, I love the humor over here, and I will certainly be sure to visit more often.

                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            Sorry SP. Just when things were going so well.
                            Why you! Troublemaker.

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Originally posted by GateByte
                              Really interesting fic. The ending was soo cute!
                              Indeed! Makes me feel hungry. Chocolate cake...

                              Edit: *big bear hug for SP*


                                Originally posted by GateByte
                                I love Atari. Still have my dad's. Were'nt those games the best!
                                You have your DAD'S?!

                                Aw, honey, you just made me feel so very, very ancient. LOL! I really could be the mom of a grown kid if I'd started earlier or forgone the career.

                                Dang. But then so could Shep and you youngsters are lustin after him. So there! Ha!

