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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Quetzalcoatl
    sorry for asking but what is a shipper, i just saw all those descriptions and kind of mindboggling to a newcomer, is like a forum status like primtah and glider pilot?
    Shipper is like a nickname for one who 'ships' for a certain pairing or relationship.

    Here is a link to the FAQs. That can explain it much better then me who is typing with one hand and eating a cookie with the other...LOL


      If you mean take the jumper through the puddle i think so.

      Such a good way to get around, you have to wonder though how will they maintain their physiques, sg1 walked everywhere and they had a gym at the base, do they have gym memberships in atlantis?

      i cant imagine exercise bikes and rowing machines would be high on the list when your packing an intergalactic mission not when you need space for more bullets some more sandwiches and rocky bars, not to mention tins of travel sweets for the pj's glove compartment


        Posting some new fanfics before I hit the sack.

        Atlantis Sings
        First Encounter
        At the Horizon
        All of them by Jen


          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
          Bah! Athena told me that I had to post this here. Also posted in the Sheyla thread in response to someone saying what we saw in W/S as they thought they had a brother/sister thing going...

          I have a theory about shippers and ship. Firstly, I think you have a tendency to ship, which as shippers we all have. (except we seem to get some non-shippers in this thread, but that's the beauty of Weir/Shep) Then you have a tendency for ship in a particular way, there's fluffy ship, cutesy ship, sexy ship, angsty ship, UST ship, snarky ship etc, etc. I'm an angsty, sexy, UST shipper-type myself. Then you usually fancy like mad the opposite sex member of your chosen pairing, Sheppard in this case, and then you find the person of the same sex you identify with most and/or like the most, (Teyla for them, Elizabeth for us) and who would give you the type of ship that you like and bingo! You ship for that!

          Does that make sense? Think I'm trying to say, Sheylas won't see what W/S shippers see because it won't interest them and W/S shippers can't see what they see for the same reason.
          I agree! Weir is like, the smart, class president type who you wouldn't expect to get the gorgeous boy. So I think a lot more of that type of people look at Shepp/Weir and think "Ugh! Why not me?!" So they like the idea of them together. Then Teyla is like the Captain of the Lacrosse team and "of course she would go out with the quarterback" So people who were maybe not into that stuff in high school are like "Ugh, seen that! hated that! It never lasts!"

          Well that is my opinion if it made sense, at least I know as a hs student that is the way my friends and I see it with not only stargate but other shows.
          Citizen of Braneville


            Originally posted by wizengamot
            I agree! Weir is like, the smart, class president type who you wouldn't expect to get the gorgeous boy. So I think a lot more of that type of people look at Shepp/Weir and think "Ugh! Why not me?!" So they like the idea of them together. Then Teyla is like the Captain of the Lacrosse team and "of course she would go out with the quarterback" So people who were maybe not into that stuff in high school are like "Ugh, seen that! hated that! It never lasts!"

            Well that is my opinion if it made sense, at least I know as a hs student that is the way my friends and I see it with not only stargate but other shows.
            LOL...Interesting High school analogies. I try to forget about high school, which isn't too hard. LOL

            Both Teyla and Weir are independent woman who are leaders. But there is something about Weir that I'm more attracted too is her maturity in dealing with the situations she had been thrown with, while Teyla lacks the maturity that Weir has.

            Just from the first season alone, you can see Weir change. The things she says in the season Finale are things that the Weir in the beginning of the beginning of the season would never have dreamed of saying. Which shows that Elizabeth is always willing to learn and adapt to a situation. She knows that what ever strategies that she would have used on Earth, no longer applied in the Pegasus Galaxy.

            I also prefer Weir over Teyla because she is strong, in a sense that she has to be strong for her entire team and everyone around her. All you can really do is admire her for her strength.

            As for Sheppard, I usually have a thing for geeks, and though he may be a closeted geek. He still a geek, and I love him for that. Also for the fact that he's a great character and all of the above.


              Originally posted by Athenaktt
              LOL...Interesting High school analogies. I try to forget about high school, which isn't too hard. LOL

              Both Teyla and Weir are independent woman who are leaders. But there is something about Weir that I'm more attracted too is her maturity in dealing with the situations she had been thrown with, while Teyla lacks the maturity that Weir has.

              Just from the first season alone, you can see Weir change. The things she says in the season Finale are things that the Weir in the beginning of the beginning of the season would never have dreamed of saying. Which shows that Elizabeth is always willing to learn and adapt to a situation. She knows that what ever strategies that she would have used on Earth, no longer applied in the Pegasus Galaxy.

              I also prefer Weir over Teyla because she is strong, in a sense that she has to be strong for her entire team and everyone around her. All you can really do is admire her for her strength.

              As for Sheppard, I usually have a thing for geeks, and though he may be a closeted geek. He still a geek, and I love him for that. Also for the fact that he's a great character and all of the above.
              LoL I try to forget high school and then... I wake up and have to go! lol!! Shepp is def. a closet geek!! Like (yay more hs analogies) The jock who pretends to get c's when he really gets a's just to keep the ool factor. Only, he's smarter than that. So he really just doesn't gloat about grades so everyone assumes he is stupid.

              But yes, def.! Weir seems more emotionally strong where Teyla is physically strong. Teyla is the "leader of her people" like Weir, but Teyla isn't really spending time with her people. Weir does all within and not within her power to put her people infront of herself. That's why I think Shepp/Weir works so much better. They both would rather see their people safe (on earth and Atlantis) then to really care about themselves. They know what needs to be done and know sacrifices need to be made. Even if Weir hates it, they normally end up seeing eye to eye. I think one example of the opposite between shep/teyla was Letters From Pegasus with the whole leave the people behind or not. I think Weir would eventually back Shepp up with his logic. While shep and weir think not only in the moment, but of the long term effects, teyla really can't get past that moment and those feelings.

              Am I rambling? It's been a long day! Lol! And I read your (one of them) story Athena, and I LOVED IT!
              Citizen of Braneville


                Originally posted by wizengamot


                Am I rambling? It's been a long day! Lol! And I read your (one of them) story Athena, and I LOVED IT!
                Oh Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


                  Originally posted by Athenaktt
                  I didn't say you had too

                  But it pertains to ship and could work for a nice discussion. (I know I didn't say that in so many words...actually I didn't say that at all) .

                  Anyways from Suspicion

                  John: This is moving awfully fast...
                  Elizabeth: I know, I wasn't expecting intense gazing until Season 3.

                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Athenaktt
                    Both Teyla and Weir are independent woman who are leaders. But there is something about Weir that I'm more attracted too is her maturity in dealing with the situations she had been thrown with, while Teyla lacks the maturity that Weir has.
                    While Teyla and Weir are both in situations that bring them to deal with a lot of people, I see more Teyla as a trader, someone good to build commercial relationships and Weir is more the diplomat, the one bringing peace between several nations. I don't think it's a question of maturity that makes the difference between them, rather a question of job and responsability. You don't deal in the same way with trading partners and governments at war.
                    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                      Hi everyone.
                      I’ve been lurking in this thread for a few weeks now and I’ve finally decided to join you.
                      First, I have to say this thread seems to be a really nice place, with serious discussions and fun as well

                      When I first watched Atlantis, it was just to give it a try. But I was hooked almost immediately : special effects are amazing, characters are great (there’s just Teyla I don’t care much about), there’s humor, good stories.
                      I’ve learnt to appreciate Mc Kay : I didn’t really care about him in SG1, I found him annoying. But in Atlantis he’s so funny, although I don’t always understand what he says
                      I laugh everytime I see Beckett because of his accent and his frightened “I did nothing !” look
                      Weir : I didn’t like her so much in SG1 New Order but she’s found her place in Atlantis and I really love her now
                      And of course there’s Sheppard... Funny, cool, dark and so WOW ! But there's another thread for this

                      About Sheppard/Weir, I noticed almost immediately there were sparks flying between these 2. Very subtle maybe but it was there, I swear !
                      No need for words, everything is in the way they’re looking at each other. Did you notice they’re always looking for the other’s eyes even when they’re talking with other people, in conference room or in Weir’s office ? Yeah, of course you noticed, I’m in the right place to talk about this

                      That’s all for my first post here. I’m sure I’ll have fun with you in this thread

                      Oops, almost forgot : there are many talented people in here, I’ve been reading a lot of fics and they’re really good

                      PS : LYS ! I wouldn’t have thought to find you here !!! Secret shipper maybe ?
                      It's just a joke of course I know you’ll NEVER be a shipper (I’ve tried to convert her for a long time but it’s hopeless )
                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        Originally posted by florence
                        PS : LYS ! I wouldn’t have thought to find you here !!! Secret shipper maybe ?
                        It's just a joke of course I know you’ll NEVER be a shipper (I’ve tried to convert her for a long time but it’s hopeless )
                        Hi Florence ! I thought for a long time you would be the first of us to go on this thread, you're the serial shipper, after all.
                        And I already warned everyone on this thread that I'm a non shipper. Of course, it doesn't prevent me from enjoying the jewel that is Atlantis.
                        Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Bah! Athena told me that I had to post this here. Also posted in the Sheyla thread in response to someone saying what we saw in W/S as they thought they had a brother/sister thing going...
                          What I have found is that it is mostly high school/college girls who are fans of Teyla. There are some guys, but they are young as well. Someone on another thread even pondered why the threads pertaining to Teyla were 90% girls.

                          Weir, on the other hand, seems to appeal to the more educated/mature crowd. Not necessarily more intelligent, but folks who just have more life experiences and who can identify with what Weir is going through and trying to accomplish.

                          Just my wee observation.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by Lys
                            Hi Florence ! I thought for a long time you would be the first of us to go on this thread, you're the serial shipper, after all.
                            Yes I am
                            I haven't been here before cause Sam/Jack Ship thread is already taking a lot of my time. But since I'm a little doubtful about what will happen in S9, I thought it would be fun to jump in another ship that's just beginning

                            And I already warned everyone on this thread that I'm a non shipper. Of course, it doesn't prevent me from enjoying the jewel that is Atlantis.
                            I agree with you on this one. I really love this show and I can't wait to see what they'll do with it in the 2nd season.

                            And note to everyone : Lys is a really nice non shipper and she makes wonderful wallpapers, even shipper ones if you ask nicely
                            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                              Originally posted by florence
                              And note to everyone : Lys is a really nice non shipper and she makes wonderful wallpapers, even shipper ones if you ask nicely
                              I'm blushing Florence, really blushing.
                              Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                What I have found is that it is mostly high school/college girls who are fans of Teyla. There are some guys, but they are young as well. Someone on another thread even pondered why the threads pertaining to Teyla were 90% girls.

                                Weir, on the other hand, seems to appeal to the more educated/mature crowd. Not necessarily more intelligent, but folks who just have more life experiences and who can identify with what Weir is going through and trying to accomplish.

                                Just my wee observation.
                                College people aren't educated? I'm crushed.

