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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I remember before this season started and we would mess around with what we would like to see happen between John and Elizabeth, and so far we've gotten a
    a hug and now in "TLG" a kiss...!
    Maybe we should start talking about making Sheppard/Weir canon eventually. Because lately I haven't had to read into too much subtext to find Sparky.

    Especially in GUP *giggles* that still makes me laugh...anyways especially in GUP, there are actually
    sparks in the background when those two are chatting
    . That just amuses me. Overall this season as been pretty amusing for Sparky.


      Holy Cow! Just finished catching up on 25 pages (I love this place! )

      Originally posted by Hatcheter
      Worth repeating.

      I've challenged the Shep/Weir-opposed types to show me anything that would pass for written regulations that would prevent Sheppard and Weir from getting together. So far, I haven't seen any. For Sheppard and Teyla, he's the direct superior and boss (as long as she remains a member of any team), and is strictly prohibited from pursuing a relationship.

      At one time, I even went digging into Department of State regulations, working on the idea that Elizabeth may be a State employee in her position. State didn't seem to have relationship prohibitory regulations, so much as ones that make sure nepotisim/favoritism can't happen by pushing certain responsibilites, specifically performance reviews, off to disinterested parties when one person in some sort of close realtionship is over another.

      Unless Elizabeth is some sort of super-double-secret Special Deputy Assistant Defense Secratary for Intergalactic Operations, the only way she could legally command a military contingent is as a Resident Security Officer, a State Department position that oversees the military personnel in US embassies and consulates. I don't think its too far fetched that she's the US/Earth ambassador to the Pegasus Galaxy, and is wearing the RSO hat at the same time.

      Couldn't find any regulations on that position's relationship with the military personnel, either. I'd welcome that, too, if anybody can give me the actual regulations.
      Wow Hatcheter! You really did some homework for our little ship here. **Bows down to amazing fact finding**
      Also, thanks for telling us about Jor and how he came to be. Blade is now throwing Jor another bat...go to it jor! Wait! Maybe not

      Originally posted by lurker La
      Er, that is - good spotting. Also, it brought to mind Spygate, and because I'm a card-carrying AU junkie, that just tickled me.
      I am a complete AU junkie as well. I love Melyanna's. Langford U and Spygate fics ** Now if I could just give her enough cookies... maybe she would write a AU fic where John and Liz are part of the ancient community back when they first came to Atlantis... runs off to bake cookies

      I am still tottaly Squeeing about TLG, I cry my eyes out all the time, as I have to wait until Jan to see these new eps. As to what some people have been saying about Conversion
      I still think that Shep only kissed Teyla because he was turning part bug/wraith and she has wraith DNA in her. (Hmm...maybe I didn't even tell you guys this theory yet) The whole time it was happening I just kept thinking how most "animals/insects etc..." go after their own when it comes to mating of any kind. So that is my story and I sticken to it. John's DNA was being wacky...and he went after someone with the same "wacky" DNA was well **no offence to Teyla**

      Hatcheter I tottaly agree with you about Shep and Weir having no problems with personal space (that why I love them both) how else would they be able to go into closets so much?

      Originally posted by xfkirsten
      It's a uniform thing. Like how on Star Trek, different color uniforms represent different roles - red is the command color.
      As to that did you all notice that the people had the same type uniforms in Condemend? I was re-watching it (for a little Lorn thunking time and some wow Weir time) and it hit me that the leader of the world had a gray suit mixed in with red (like Liz) and his henchmen had gray with black woven in (just like the military guys on Atlantis) I just thought that was intresting.

      Welcome ShippyMom!

      Originally posted by Athenakitt
      Seriously, everytime I hear the word "Sparky" I can't think of anything else but John and Elizabeth.
      I know, me too. A nurse I work with was taking about "sparky" one day and I tottaly made a fool of myself and was like "oh you like Weir and Sheppard too?" She gives me this weird look and then proceedes to tell me that Sparky is the name of her dog.

      Dorka, love your manips with Liz's shirt. I personally like the first shot of them. Pink looks good on her...and well John, he looks good in anything :sigh:

      Martin put sparks flying around liz and john in GUP?!?! I love you Mr. Martin G! I agree with everyone who said that we did not misname our ship in any way. And whom ever said that if Liz and John remark on "closets" in any shape or form...I am right there with you on falling off my couch and giggling uncontrolably.

      Ok I am finally off to bed must remember to not stay away from the form too long as I have to read so much to catch up Just wanted to have a last Sparky forever! before I hit the sack.


      "We'll name it later!"
      - - - -
      Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
      Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


        Awww, I really love the GUP-pics! Can't wait to see this episode today evening...only 8 more hours to go

        We should make a collection of "typical John looking at Elizabeth" and typical Elizabeth looking at John" pictures
        Maybe I have some time today evening after GUP...


          Hi Everybody!
          I'm new and totolly love with The Sheppard Weir Relationship. Anywho... The reason I'm posting is i was looking over and

          SPOILER AHEAD:

          The newest news item to be mentioned is the latest SciFi ads about Stargate... AND if you watch *squee* the second trailer *squee* You see the squee scene from The Long Goodbye*squee* with THE KISS *REALLY REALLY BIG SQUEE*. I just HAD to tell everyone, so they can all see!
          I've watched it 100 times already... and now i'm going to go watch it some more.

          ***Thankyou to Andy for this sig***


            I'm an idiot, so here is this post in the right spot:

            Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


              Originally posted by ShepsGirl1987
              Hi Everybody!
              I'm new and totolly love with The Sheppard Weir Relationship. Anywho... The reason I'm posting is i was looking over and

              SPOILER AHEAD:

              The newest news item to be mentioned is the latest SciFi ads about Stargate... AND if you watch *squee* the second trailer *squee* You see the squee scene from The Long Goodbye*squee* with THE KISS *REALLY REALLY BIG SQUEE*. I just HAD to tell everyone, so they can all see!
              I've watched it 100 times already... and now i'm going to go watch it some more.
              Just be aware that on GW, you can use spoiler tags... [SPOILER (beginning)] message [/SPOILER (ending) ] (Just remove (beginning) and (ending) and it'll be useable)
              And yes... we've had several days of people squeeing already...

              Welcome to GW...
              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                Originally posted by ShepsGirl1987
                The newest news item to be mentioned is the latest SciFi ads about Stargate... AND if you watch *squee* the second trailer *squee* You see the squee scene from The Long Goodbye*squee* with THE KISS *REALLY REALLY BIG SQUEE*. I just HAD to tell everyone, so they can all see!
                I've watched it 100 times already... and now i'm going to go watch it some more.
                Welcome, ShepsGirl1987! Err, the latest news you mention... Let's just say it's already been discussed here in great detail (i.e. 50 pages).


                  Thanks. Oh well I'm using *new* as my excuse

                  ***Thankyou to Andy for this sig***


                    Originally posted by Erised

                    how adorable!

                    That does not look like a man looking at his CO.


                      new sig.

                      Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                        Originally posted by ShepsGirl1987
                        Hi Everybody!
                        I'm new and totolly love with The Sheppard Weir Relationship. Anywho... The reason I'm posting is i was looking over and

                        WELCOME HERE

                        Ah, I already wanted to ask, if those trailers are different from the one which was showed here... can't watch it here at work... don't have quick-time

                        *g* you've got one of my icons in your sig


                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Zelenka *thinks*: How can I get my beloved Rodney out of danger? Sheppard *thinks* My, Elizabeth has a fine...
                          LOLOL! *loves*


                            I made a bunch of sparky screencaps but I don't know where to upload them


                              Nice...We're up to 800 pages now!


                              Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                              LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                              Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                                Originally posted by Erised
                                I made a bunch of sparky screencaps but I don't know where to upload them
                                You can upload them on
                                we want to see them

                                One more post people and we hit 16'000

                                Edit: And I just hit 900

