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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised

    how adorable!
    That isn't the look of someone who "respects" their boss.

    I told my husband about the
    welding scene
    and he said it sounded like MG had been doing some lurking around here.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Good Grief! If somebody posts the link to 'IT' again after this, I may need a cigarette. I don't think I could handle smoldering looks and 'IT' in one night. Seriously, thanks for all the caps guys and the scene descriptions. I want to lay a big one on ol' Martin Gero myself.


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        That isn't the look of someone who "respects" their boss.

        I told my husband about the
        welding scene
        and he said it sounded like MG had been doing some lurking around here.
        You think MG was actually here?? Hehe that's so cool!


          Originally posted by gooner_diva
          Sometimes a spark is just a spark.
          Well, now... is that a fact...
          You know what they say... it only takes a spark to get a fire going...
          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


            Originally posted by Erised
            You think MG was actually here?? Hehe that's so cool!
            Well, with all the "guests" we always have listed down at the bottom of the never know!

            Then again just the thought of that is kind of horrifiying, MG or any other cast member reading some of the silliness that goes on in here.

            But then again I think our indepth discussions cancel out the silliness. At least I'd like to think so.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              That isn't the look of someone who "respects" their boss.
              Careful FP-You'll set off a brushfire with that remark! These antis slay me sometimes with their 'Oh!No! Woe is Atlantis! They'll never do their correct duty if they become personally interested in each other!' or another fave is 'Oh! Favoritism would rule if Shep and Weir get involved on a personal level!' I think my favorite of all though is how personal involvement with a man would 'diminish' Weir and make her 'lesser' and 'weaker'!

              Please. Here's a clue. Weir and Shep are already personally involved with each other deeply-it's just a matter of *how* much more 'hands on' that personal involvement will get and when. Here's another clue- Favoritism already exists. Each of them go to each other first-and everyone on Atlantis knows it and accepts it and besides- they're leaders at the top of the food chain-who else they gonna favor more? The underlings better be glad they like each other so darn much and think so highly of the other. And third: If all it took was getting involved with John Sheppard to diminish Elizabeth as a person, then she wasn't too much of one to begin with. She's sure of herself as a person and I think more than capable of holding her own as an individual in a two person relationship. I actually think it'd be John that might have to hold on to the reigns for dear life.


                Originally posted by Athenaktt
                Well, with all the "guests" we always have listed down at the bottom of the never know!

                Then again just the thought of that is kind of horrifiying, MG or any other cast member reading some of the silliness that goes on in here.

                But then again I think our indepth discussions cancel out the silliness. At least I'd like to think so.
                Oh I know! I sometimes wonder if Torri or Joe actually read some of our. .em.. quotes for the pictures!

                Bama, I'm partially agree with you actually.
                If right now we saw an episode where John and Liz started making out like crazy *without the influence of aliens, that is* then all this shipping wouldn't last for too long! Just look at how excited we all get over some silly little things! I don't want that to end too fast. I love the excitement too much. Don't get me wrong though, I do want them to get together, but just little by litte you Sam and Jack..
                Last edited by Erised; 13 December 2005, 04:35 PM.


                  Originally posted by Athenaktt
                  But then again I think our indepth discussions cancel out the silliness. At least I'd like to think so.
                  Then again it could make us look even crazier and then the cast/crew sit at home thinking that we are all gnome like figures who where pointy ears to be like sheppard and red shirts for weir and sit in the dark giggling as we take old wires and cross them so they spark and we shriek "SPARKY!!!" and then get electrocuted and the process starts over again, only with crazier hair.

                  Or this post could make people shoot me in the face and then i would be sad and psycho and dead.

                  What the hell is wrong with me tonight??

                  Must be all the anticipation for GUP (ok does anyone else find this acronym or whatever you call it hilarious?)
                  Citizen of Braneville


                    wiz, GUP will make you cry!!
                    First happy tears because of Liz/John scene
                    and second, crazy tears because of McKay/Sam interaction


                      Originally posted by Erised
                      Oh I know! I sometimes wonder if Torri or Joe actually read some of our. .em.. quotes for the pictures!

                      Bama, I'm partially agree with you actually.

                      Erised! woman-you say that like it's an unusual thing!

                      If right now we saw an episode where John and Liz started making out like crazy *without the influence of aliens, that is* then all this shipping wouldn't last for too long! Just look at how excited we all get over some silly little things! I don't want that to end too fast. I love the excitement too much. Don't get me wrong though, I do want them to get together, but just little by litte you Sam and Jack..

                      I hear you and I think you have no worries. Their admittal of feelings of the loving kind will be a slow and gradual and even sometimes painful process. Lots of whumping will follow. Much angst will occur. This is one of those 'grand scale' romances. Looks mean a lot between them already and will grow to monumental proportions. Words will be layered and full of hidden meaning. Hooded glances and subtle remarks and even sly innuendo is the rule of the day between these two. It's been that way from day one with them and it's done nothing but increase. I love UST -I truly do. And I hope they play that hand for all it's worth and I'm certain they will but I also love great drama and realistic human storylines in the midst of the crap they're in constantly and if that means a natural coming together at some point in the future, then so be it and let the rammifications and fireworks begin! I want them dealing with real relationship issues and this one has the potential to have huge ones on many levels! Tear em apart and put em back together! Put the 'P' in passion between them! The 'A' in Angst! Just for goodness sakes, at the end of the day, let them find the 'L' in love together.


                        GUP totally makes me think of Guppy and the premise of the episode doesn't help either. But that's just me.


                          Originally posted by Athenaktt
                          GUP totally makes me think of Guppy and the premise of the episode doesn't help either. But that's just me.
                          LMAO! Good, so I'm not the only one!
                          "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                          My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                            Originally posted by Erised
                            Oh I know! I sometimes wonder if Torri or Joe actually read some of our. .em.. quotes for the pictures!

                            Bama, I'm partially agree with you actually.
                            If right now we saw an episode where John and Liz started making out like crazy *without the influence of aliens, that is* then all this shipping wouldn't last for too long! Just look at how excited we all get over some silly little things! I don't want that to end too fast. I love the excitement too much. Don't get me wrong though, I do want them to get together, but just little by litte you Sam and Jack..
                            Sam and Jack? you're kiddin' right?, did they even get together ever?, i lost track of SG1 sometime during season eight. I wouldn't want S/W to be anything like S/J too much teasing to get to nothing. Luckily tptb don't seem to be taking that road, and Sheppard and Weir are as different from Jack and Sam as they can be. They call eachother by their first names to begin with, Sam calling Jack Sir. all the time kind of killed it for me (that and the lack of UST).
                            I agree with you though, the kissing so soon would kill the UST, i know resolution could be good (this time around), but the built up has to be painfully slow to make it worthy.
                            On GUP
                            am i crazy or do the sparks on that scene scream CANNON!!!?, come on they totally must know, and then go ahead and put sparks. They're winking at us, showing us that they are paying attention


                              GUP totally makes me think of Guppy and the premise of the episode doesn't help either. But that's just me.
                              ...and me! Every time i read it i think of Flounder (The Little Mermaid)

                              Lovely new sigs y'all

                              Mel, you're a godess! Thx for the mini-script


                                Originally posted by wizengamot
                                Then again it could make us look even crazier and then the cast/crew sit at home thinking that we are all gnome like figures who where pointy ears to be like sheppard and red shirts for weir and sit in the dark giggling as we take old wires and cross them so they spark and we shriek "SPARKY!!!" and then get electrocuted and the process starts over again, only with crazier hair.

                                Or this post could make people shoot me in the face and then i would be sad and psycho and dead.

                                What the hell is wrong with me tonight??

                                Must be all the anticipation for GUP (ok does anyone else find this acronym or whatever you call it hilarious?)
                                LMAO JULI!

                                (are you on the *special* crack? Or possibly the *special* mints? )

                                I find the acronym GUP pretty funny too. I think of 'gulp', which also has to do with water...
                                Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                                Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM

