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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Vixen
    Thanks Or was Michael pushed after TLG so people could remember it more and get
    a better idea of what awaits us in Allies
    instead of being distracted by the goodnees that (I hope) will be TLG
    Episodes are usually filmed out of order to accommodate the schedules of guest stars. They're rarely switched after they're written or produced. Underground and Home were switched in production, probably so Colm Meaney would be able to do his two appearances back to back. Given that Coup d'État is one of the episodes that got moved around and it contains a few characters we've seen before, that's probably the reason.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      And, um, Athena, how often do you hear the world Sparky?
      You know. I actually hear the word "Sparky" a lot, or maybe I just watch too much TV. But I remember watching "Dead Like Me" I think someone called someone Sparky for an episode. I cracked up.

      Then I think I was watching "the Rock" and Sean Connery called Nick Cage's character Sparky for some reason.

      Then there is the nickname for the lead actress in "Cupid" and Joe's character calls her "Sparky" so that really amused me.

      I'm sure there are more, apparently Sparky is all around us.


        Let me just make a point here. Weren't we at just 300,000 views like...a little while ago? Think how amazing that number of hits is in that short amount of time! Wow...we're rocking on 350,000 within the next week or so at the rate we've been travelling. This thread and this ship have really taken off this year. And imo, once something like this is out of the bottle, it's hard to put it back in. Shep/Tey, regardless of what's been said or hinted at on screen has never generated the kind of fan response that shep/weir has and again, I don't mean that snarkily. So many people out there connect and 'get' and 'feel' this ship's life and that imo, is the heartbeat that TPTB will hear. I started a thread over at the Sci-fi board several days ago and that board is about as dead as a doornail many times and yet, that thread has just taken a life of it's own and zoomed to well over 1000 hits and 60 plus posts. The thread about the promo on the season two section of this board has an amazing number of hits and posts in a few days-much more than the other topics will get in that amount of time. Whether it's pro or anti people-this ship's movement gets people talking and 'into' the game. And *that* is exactly what TPTB want. You want people fired up and watching for it all. And imo, that's the best reason that this ship will sail and it will sail long and far. The bottom line for the people in charge is not so much what they plan or think but what the fans react to. I'd say the fans reaction to shep/weir is pretty strong.
        Last edited by Bama; 12 December 2005, 02:41 PM.


          I think you mean 300,000 views and not posts...well not yet at least. So far I'm very satisfied with our 15,800 posts. I remember when this thread just started. My has it grown.

          But since we have nearly 350,000 views on this thread, it shows we have a lot of people lurking about.


            Thought it was time for a pic!!!
            Last edited by ~beach chick~; 12 December 2005, 06:25 PM.

            Twilight in theaters: 12.12.08


              I think you should make the pictures smaller before posting. Big pics stretch out the forum.


                Wow!!! Sorry, that pic came out kind of big....

                Twilight in theaters: 12.12.08


                  Eep, yes... the screen is warped!

                  Just watched Grace Under Pressure...
                  Twas a lot like SG1's Grace actually...

                  There was one very cute Sparky moment demonstrating that Shep and Weir already work very well as co-leaders of Atlantis and therefore should marry to solidify the bond.

                  Some cute dialogues too - the usual. I totally agree with Bama: this ship has grown and bloomed and silently pushed Sheyla out of its way... Teyla didn't even appear *once* in this ep. Then again, I missed the first minute, so maybe she was there, but she couldn't have been there for long...
                  Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                  Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                    Originally posted by Athenaktt
                    I think you mean 300,000 views and not posts...well not yet at least. So far I'm very satisfied with our 15,800 posts. I remember when this thread just started. My has it grown.

                    But since we have nearly 350,000 views on this thread, it shows we have a lot of people lurking about.
                    And we don't have to spam this thread to get the count up either.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Hey, beach chick, could you edit your post to just have a link to that picture? It's lovely, but a bit huge.

                      And Buggy, I've read elsewhere that we learn in this episode that
                      John can understand Zelenka's Czech. That true?
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by Buggy542
                        There was one very cute Sparky moment demonstrating that Shep and Weir already work very well as co-leaders of Atlantis and therefore should marry to solidify the bond.
                        Care to expand on that detail

                        I've just read A Time To Talk and WOW! Amazing fic!! Thanx so much for the rec Alyssa. After reading the last section with Carson and Rodney, i've decided they remind me of Lumiere and Cogsworth Naturally Liz would make a perfect Belle, not that John's a beast, John's a beast

                        *sinks into gutter*


                          Originally posted by alyssa
                          As for never getting anything done, join the club! Don't work, don't sleep! Just play!
                          Well, I already try to sleep the least amount possible, but a seriously sleep deprived ShippyMom vs. the kiddies is not pretty (for me!).

                          But spending as much time on here as I did today meant I did not get my Christmas cards done (yet again) or...write Christmas fic! Must learn proper time management skills...

                          And Whistler! Thank you for your offer to make me a sig. I also received both an offer and a sig from Dorka earlier in the day (and hopefully I will soon figure out how to have it attach to my posts). How nice to receive two offers of assistance my first day in the forum. What a great group!
                          signature with thanks to Dorka


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            And we don't have to spam this thread to get the count up either.
                            *gasp!* What a shocking idea!

                            Really, though, just look at the number of people who've posted here. That alone says volumes.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Hey, beach chick, could you edit your post to just have a link to that picture? It's lovely, but a bit huge.

                              And Buggy, I've read elsewhere that we learn in this episode that
                              John can understand Zelenka's Czech. That true?
                              Omg i hope so coz then
                              Lizzie can find out and give teh Lizzie!brow of astonishment, then they can have sekrit foreign convo's assumes Lizzie speaks Chzech


                                Originally posted by ShippyMom
                                And Whistler! Thank you for your offer to make me a sig. I also received both an offer and a sig from Dorka earlier in the day (and hopefully I will soon figure out how to have it attach to my posts). How nice to receive two offers of assistance my first day in the forum. What a great group!
                                No problem. We're a friendly sort of people here!

                                Weir: John, you seen concerned. Is everything alright?
                                John: Actually, I just got off the internet and I'm a little disturbed. Elizabeth, have you ever heard the term "Sparky?"

                                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!

