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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
    I've done that twice and am never doing it again... my hair is thick and when it gets longs it's imposible to comb.

    anyway, back on topic (sort of). I hate the color coding thing. It's just....grrrr. Like star trek. Not that red is a bad color on Liz... and red and black go together well
    Used to take me an hour to comb my hair in the mornings...

    Anyway, while red and black do go very well together, we now know that (promo spoilers)
    Elizabeth also looks very good in black. As Luz (it was Luz, right?) pointed out, she and John look sooooo hot in that one shot in the promo (the machine gun one). They look like a matched set!
    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


      Originally posted by xfkirsten
      *giggles* So if John AND Liz are both experts at The Eyebrow, if they were to have a kid, would that kid have SuperEvilEyebrow skills?

      Don't mind my ramblings... I'm on my fourth term paper today, and all the heavy thought it really getting to me...
      Well at first glance that post looks a little out there, but I don't doubt that Joe Mallozzi would be able to give you some kind of vague answer to that question lol.

      To try and say something on topic lol. After watching Conversion I got the impression that John wasn't completely aware of Liz's deep concern for his well-being. It almost seemed to me that he felt Elizabeth wasn't aware of his feelings. Now, in TLG we find
      out that John cares about Elizabeth "more than" she knows. Perhaps they are both completely unaware of the other's feelings, but TLG and Conversion have made it clear to both parties how things stand (even if vaguely and under the influence of various alien factors).

      I think, given the above, that the writers are going to have to go up to the next level so to speak now that
      both partoes have some kind of new understanding of their relationship

      Oh and on a side note,
      is there any info that suggests what goes on between John and Liz in that final scene? I remember reading that there is no dialogue, but I'm hopeful for an imrpomptu bit of acting. Maybe even another hand hold like in the Eye!
      Now that is overly wishful thinking for an ep so already sparked.


      Signature By Amber Moon


        Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
        Well at first glance that post looks a little out there, but I don't doubt that Joe Mallozzi would be able to give you some kind of vague answer to that question lol.

        To try and say something on topic lol. After watching Conversion I got the impression that John wasn't completely aware of Liz's deep concern for his well-being. It almost seemed to me that he felt Elizabeth wasn't aware of his feelings. Now, in TLG we find
        out that John cares about Elizabeth "more than" she knows. Perhaps they are both completely unaware of the other's feelings, but TLG and Conversion have made it clear to both parties how things stand (even if vaguely and under the influence of various alien factors).

        I think, given the above, that the writers are going to have to go up to the next level so to speak now that
        both partoes have some kind of new understanding of their relationship

        Oh and on a side note,
        is there any info that suggests what goes on between John and Liz in that final scene? I remember reading that there is no dialogue, but I'm hopeful for an imrpomptu bit of acting. Maybe even another hand hold like in the Eye!
        Now that is overly wishful thinking for an ep so already sparked.

        how do you know that John cares about Liz more than she knows? We don't know anything about it, lol
        And where did you read about the ending?


          Originally posted by Erised
          how do you know that John cares about Liz more than she knows? We don't know anything about it, lol
          And where did you read about the ending?
          The above info
          about John caring about Liz comes form those TLG spoilers garnered from that auctioned script. The same for the edning. The spoilers suggested that there is no discussion of the kiss or the day's events. We just see John entering the infirmary where Liz is staying. It's all spoiler info, so I'm not 100% sure how it will play out on screen, but Canadians only have to aut 21 more days for TLG so wel'll know soon enough.

          Btw, if you wantto look at those spoilers yourself, I suggest going back to around page 742-5 or that neighborhood because that is where most of it broke. Or someone else might have the links still--unfortunately I have no idea how to get to the spoilers lol. Good luck finding those!


          Signature By Amber Moon


            Erised, here are the spoilers in question Dorka posted them quite a ways back. Here you go:

            Originally posted by Dorka
            Owwwkay now, I have new really really great spoilers, someone from a german board also bought a script (or maybe it's the same) never mind:

            Here some S/W-facts (I haven't yet read these Spoilers here, so I guess they are new!): Warning...really massive!!!!


            - When Phoebus infiltrates Liz's body, it's John who catches her from not to fall to the floor (*sweeett!*)
            - Phoebius tells Caldwell what she thinks about him: Caldwell: "I'm not lying." Phoebus: "Oh, please, even Weir thinks you're hopeless. She can't hide it."
            - When Liz wants to kill John (O.K Phoebis vs. Talan) John/Thalan:"He cares for you more than you know. If you kill me, you're killing him." *SQUEEEEEE*
            - John visits Elizabeth in the infirmary at the End of the eps... sooooo an ending scene

            I thought I was excited before, but now I'm even more!!!!!!!!!

            Signature By Amber Moon


              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
              Erised, here are the spoilers in question Dorka posted them quite a ways back. Here you go:
              Yea I just read them on like 743 or something This is great!!!


                If you're interested in spoilers, Melyanna posted some of "The Long Goodbye" Spoilers on her Livejournal.

                Here are links the some of the "TLG" spoiler entries.

                Snippet of the scene
                An expanded version of Dorka's spoilers


                  Well, the forum is still standing, so it looks like Jor behaved himself while I was at work.

                  Originally posted by xfkirsten
                  Atlantis also uses green on occasion (at least I've seen it on jacket fronts) - it seems to be a general tech color.
                  According to Joe Mallozzi on his Q&A thread, green is for Stargate technicians.

                  Originally posted by Buggy542
                  K, we're kinda OT so...

                  Originally posted by Easter Lily
                  Erm... Part 2 of pirate AU fic is complete... All are welcomed to partake.
                  Encounters Part 2
                  Very nice, very nice. Don't leave us hanging here, okay?

                  a time to mourn


                    I don't know if this was posted, but I was just clicking around and found a couple snippets from the Scifi Magazine interview.


                    I just love Torri's answers. And Joe has some fun answers too. Especially his response to the question for "Conversion".

                    There are also snippets of Paul Mcgillion, David Hewlett, Jason Momoa, Brad Wright, and Rachel if you click on the drop down menu.


                      Originally posted by Athenaktt
                      If you're interested in spoilers, Melyanna posted some of "The Long Goodbye" Spoilers on her Livejournal.

                      Here are links the some of the "TLG" spoiler entries.

                      Snippet of the scene
                      An expanded version of Dorka's spoilers
                      oooh thanks!
                      Ah I can't wait anymore!!!!! MUST SEE!!!!!


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        I don't know if this was posted, but I was just clicking around and found a couple snippets from the Scifi Magazine interview.

                        and Rachel if you click on the drop down menu.
                        Q: Will we get to see more Athosian culture?

                        Luttrell: Yes!

                        O boy. More athosians being evacuated or boring village scenes. HOORAY.


                        Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                          ^ agreed
                          THis is like Chulak episodes lol


                            Originally posted by macktheknife
                            Q: Will we get to see more Athosian culture?

                            Luttrell: Yes!

                            O boy. More athosians being evacuated or boring village scenes. HOORAY.


                            At least it's not yet as boring as the Jaffa rebellion... I liked the Athosians in CM so....


                              21 days for you We have 28 until the Hive! I don't even want to count how many until The Long Goodbye!
                              Actually, no. I'm a Brit so it's more like 56 days till The Long Goodbye for me but i'm super!excited over this so i'm countdowning with the Canadians

                              Plus, I'm with Reyclou. Think of all the fic and vids that's to come in just over 3 weeks!

                              I don't know if this was posted, but I was just clicking around and found a couple snippets from the Scifi Magazine interview....I just love Torri's answers.
                              Thx Athena!..and she's talking about Chuck, right? Eee! Think i just found another OTP


                                Fic recommendation, girls and boys....


                                Just realised I passed 1600! Argh!

