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Dr Rodney McKay - Sometimes the citrus is right

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    LOL hang tough there, don't have kids until YOU are ready, if you ever are!
    I got married & had a baby by the time I was 20, I want my daughter to enjoy being a young adult and enjoy finishing her education. Not that I regret having her, but going back to school at 40 wasn't easy.
    And the worst part of it: I have two older sisters, who don't get bothered that way

    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    *smiles and thinks of trinity*

    Ok a question- am I the only one who held Mckay responsible for Peter's death on the orbital weapons platform in The Siege (end of S1) ?
    I hold the Wraith responsible for that


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      He was a "love to hate him" character on SG1. He did make a few correct points with Sam about bypassing safeguards etc, but he was such a jerk. It was fun to see CArter ticked off. I found it kind of hard to believe they were making him a main cast member on SGA. How could they sustain a character that was that much of a misogynistic egomaniac? The writers have let him grow a little, but not much b/c they think he's funny or fun being a jerk.
      I don't want all my characters to be sweetness & light, but Rodney is extreme. I remember catching an episode at my mom's house once and her comment was "boy he's a piece of work, isn't he?"
      True, it was fun to "hate" him in SG1, but he did liven up the atmosphere. In SGA, he does the exact opposite - makes things kind of pessimistic and dull. There is a difference between the SGA complaining and snark of SG1.

      And SG1 was funnier.

      MCKAY: Yeah, that WOULD be embarrassing, wouldn't it? --- Nothing can stop the destruction that I bring upon you! Then the gate shuts down. Oops, sorry. Nevermind ...

      ^ never find something that good in McKay's Atlantis dialogue


        Originally posted by chensuu View Post
        Just dropping in to say that I never thought I'd post in an anti McKay thread but after reading the info on Brainstorm I've about had it with ...
        ...all the McKay centered episodes!!!! Don't even get me started on Keller.

        Is McKay the only character on this show anymore? I'm really, really getting tired of reading new info on an episode and finding out it's once again focused on McKay and his mind, McKay and his sister, McKay and his past, and now the biggest thing on the Atlantis agenda, McKay and his love life!!!

        I never thought I'd say this but I am really getting tired of McKay. And I'm really missing the good old days before Keller when there were actually team episodes and some good old McKay and Sheppard. I guess as long as Gero is writing more and more eps, all we're gonna get is more and more McKay and Keller.
        Well it looks like that is the direction the writers are going in... and for me they are my least favourite characters on the show so an episode of Keller and McKay if of no interest to me at all.

        I have no problem with McKay when he is integrated into team eps because he can be funny and I like his odd ball sense of humour at times..but my bone of contention with McKay is that he is overused and the emotional crutch on the show... no one else it seems are allowed to show any emotions.. when have we seen any of the team tear up over anyone except McKay... when McKay is in peril suddenley everyone turns all caring and teary eyed, but when have we seen this reaction to anyone else...
        Teyla is kidnapped and gone for months but yet we barely get any sort of emotional welcome back for her.... Sheppard disappears for 2 weeks and when he comes flying back through the gate in The Last Man.. barely any reaction at all.. same with when he was being fed on but yet when it's McKay... hey everyone is in touch with their sensitive side.

        I just want a bit of balance ... the same way I don't constantly want the Sheppard/McKay show.... this is the only relationship so far that has gotten any attention from the writers... though it looks like McKay/keller is their next obsession....

        So equal opportunity for everyone is my motto... stop overusing McKay because I don't recall SG1 over using one character or one pairng the way McKay and Shep/McKay gets overused.... they didnt focus on one character to the detriment of others...


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Well it looks like that is the direction the writers are going in... and for me they are my least favourite characters on the show so an episode of Keller and McKay if of no interest to me at all.

          I have no problem with McKay when he is integrated into team eps because he can be funny and I like his odd ball sense of humour at times..but my bone of contention with McKay is that he is overused and the emotional crutch on the show... no one else it seems are allowed to show any emotions.. when have we seen any of the team tear up over anyone except McKay... when McKay is in peril suddenley everyone turns all caring and teary eyed, but when have we seen this reaction to anyone else...
          Teyla is kidnapped and gone for months but yet we barely get any sort of emotional welcome back for her.... Sheppard disappears for 2 weeks and when he comes flying back through the gate in The Last Man.. barely any reaction at all.. same with when he was being fed on but yet when it's McKay... hey everyone is in touch with their sensitive side.

          I just want a bit of balance ... the same way I don't constantly want the Sheppard/McKay show.... this is the only relationship so far that has gotten any attention from the writers... though it looks like McKay/keller is their next obsession....

          So equal opportunity for everyone is my motto... stop overusing McKay because I don't recall SG1 over using one character or one pairng the way McKay and Shep/McKay gets overused.... they didnt focus on one character to the detriment of others...
          I agree with most of what you're saying but I would take an ep of McKay and Shep any day over McKay and Keller. Keller DOES NOT interest me at all under any circumstances.

          sigs by the talented CazzBlade, elephantgirl,CKO, kali1, csom, Luciana, Torri012 and rachel d..thanks so much!


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Well it looks like that is the direction the writers are going in... and for me they are my least favourite characters on the show so an episode of Keller and McKay if of no interest to me at all.

            I have no problem with McKay when he is integrated into team eps because he can be funny and I like his odd ball sense of humour at times..but my bone of contention with McKay is that he is overused and the emotional crutch on the show... no one else it seems are allowed to show any emotions.. when have we seen any of the team tear up over anyone except McKay... when McKay is in peril suddenley everyone turns all caring and teary eyed, but when have we seen this reaction to anyone else...
            Teyla is kidnapped and gone for months but yet we barely get any sort of emotional welcome back for her.... Sheppard disappears for 2 weeks and when he comes flying back through the gate in The Last Man.. barely any reaction at all.. same with when he was being fed on but yet when it's McKay... hey everyone is in touch with their sensitive side.

            I just want a bit of balance ... the same way I don't constantly want the Sheppard/McKay show.... this is the only relationship so far that has gotten any attention from the writers... though it looks like McKay/keller is their next obsession....

            So equal opportunity for everyone is my motto... stop overusing McKay because I don't recall SG1 over using one character or one pairng the way McKay and Shep/McKay gets overused.... they didnt focus on one character to the detriment of others...
            Well said blue and i agree.....No one ever left out on SG-1....They all got their fair share and yes even the wimmen......Heck eventhe recurring characters got their chance to shine sometimes!


              Originally posted by chensuu View Post
              Just dropping in to say that I never thought I'd post in an anti McKay thread but after reading the info on Brainstorm I've about had it with ...
              ...all the McKay centered episodes!!!! Don't even get me started on Keller.

              Is McKay the only character on this show anymore? I'm really, really getting tired of reading new info on an episode and finding out it's once again focused on McKay and his mind, McKay and his sister, McKay and his past, and now the biggest thing on the Atlantis agenda, McKay and his love life!!!

              I never thought I'd say this but I am really getting tired of McKay. And I'm really missing the good old days before Keller when there were actually team episodes and some good old McKay and Sheppard. I guess as long as Gero is writing more and more eps, all we're gonna get is more and more McKay and Keller.
              welcome to the thread! Yep this is where we gripe about "the mckay show"! whereas I like Jennifer Keller, I DO NOT like her paired with mckay! (no girl deserves that!)
              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Well it looks like that is the direction the writers are going in... and for me they are my least favourite characters on the show so an episode of Keller and McKay if of no interest to me at all.

              I have no problem with McKay when he is integrated into team eps because he can be funny and I like his odd ball sense of humour at times..but my bone of contention with McKay is that he is overused and the emotional crutch on the show... no one else it seems are allowed to show any emotions.. when have we seen any of the team tear up over anyone except McKay... when McKay is in peril suddenley everyone turns all caring and teary eyed, but when have we seen this reaction to anyone else...
              Teyla is kidnapped and gone for months but yet we barely get any sort of emotional welcome back for her.... Sheppard disappears for 2 weeks and when he comes flying back through the gate in The Last Man.. barely any reaction at all.. same with when he was being fed on but yet when it's McKay... hey everyone is in touch with their sensitive side.

              I just want a bit of balance ... the same way I don't constantly want the Sheppard/McKay show.... this is the only relationship so far that has gotten any attention from the writers... though it looks like McKay/keller is their next obsession....

              So equal opportunity for everyone is my motto... stop overusing McKay because I don't recall SG1 over using one character or one pairng the way McKay and Shep/McKay gets overused.... they didnt focus on one character to the detriment of others...
              ITA bluealien, you hit the nail on the head as usual. I find the focus on Mckay to be so off-putting that I want to propose a new show "McKay IN Pegasus"! take him out of atlantis and give him his own show based on one of Michael's old labs! I want to see interactions and emotions between the TEAM not just Mckay! Let's see some real sadness because sam is gone, let's see teyla deal with her emotional response to having a baby (beleive me there is one! ), let's see sheppard deal with what he knows about the future events, the concern and worry. McKay is not the only one who worries. How will CarsonClone deal with being alive but unable to visit his family... EVER?
              Last edited by Rac80; 19 July 2008, 06:44 AM.


                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                welcome to the thread! Yep this is where we gripe about "the mckay show"! whereas I like Jennifer Keller, I DO NOT like her paired with mckay! (no girl deserves that!)

                ITA bluealien, you hit the nail on the head as usual. I find the focus on Mckay to be so off-putting that I want to propose a new show "McKay IN Pegasus"! take him out of atlantis and give him his own show based on one of Michael's old labs! I want to see interactions and emotions between the TEAM not just Mckay! Let's see some real sadness because sam is gone, let's see teyla deal with her emotional response to having a baby (beleive me there is one! ), let's see sheppard deal with what he knows about the future events, the concern and worry. McKay is not the only one who worries. How will CarsonClone deal with being alive but unable to visit his family... EVER?
                I have to agree with you on this one mom. I do find it annoying when they have a McKay centered episode. I like to see the rest of the team deal with their issues it too.
                Last edited by Snookie16; 19 July 2008, 09:59 AM.
                All of the above statments are merely my own opinion unless otherwise stated.


                  Originally posted by Snookie16 View Post
                  I have to agree with you on this one mom. I do find it annoying when they have a McKay centered episode. I like to see the rest of the team deal with their issues it too.
                  *points to her daughter* see I told you all I raised her right!

                  My current count of heavy-Mckay eps for S5 is 5 (ghost in the machine, shrine, tracker, first contact, & brainstorm) and that doesn['t include the last 5 eps. that is waaaaay too much mckay!


                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    *points to her daughter* see I told you all I raised her right!

                    My current count of heavy-Mckay eps for S5 is 5 (ghost in the machine, shrine, tracker, first contact, & brainstorm) and that doesn['t include the last 5 eps. that is waaaaay too much mckay!
                    Yes you're a good rolemodel

                    Yep way too much McKay......I liked him in the seed....There was no whining really and he wasn't overly used which is a nice change and my ears aren't hurting


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Yes you're a good rolemodel

                      Yep way too much McKay......I liked him in the seed....There was no whining really and he wasn't overly used which is a nice change and my ears aren't hurting
                      that was a pleasant change for Mckay. I really enjoyed the episode without his whining!
                      *takes a bow for being a good role model*

                      edit- while reading spoilers for other eps we must add outsiders to the above list... that makes 6 eps! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        that was a pleasant change for Mckay. I really enjoyed the episode without his whining!
                        *takes a bow for being a good role model*

                        edit- while reading spoilers for other eps we must add outsiders to the above list... that makes 6 eps! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
                        I am so not looking forward to the shrine or brainstorm at all......Outsiders,isn't that supposed to be a follow up to the queen!


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          I am so not looking forward to the shrine or brainstorm at all......Outsiders,isn't that supposed to be a follow up to the queen!
                          yep but it heavily features Carson & Mckay. too much mckay I am sure!


                            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                            yep but it heavily features Carson & Mckay. too much mckay I am sure!
                            huh...I thought it would have been more Teyla seeing as the queen ep is a Teyla ep and outsiders is a follow up!


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              huh...I thought it would have been more Teyla seeing as the queen ep is a Teyla ep and outsiders is a follow up!
                              that is what I gathered reading an interview the guy who plays carson gave. it's in the episode description. I too would have thought it would be more teyla.


                                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                                that is what I gathered reading an interview the guy who plays carson gave. it's in the episode description. I too would have thought it would be more teyla.
                                hmph....I guess even non Rodney eps end up being Rodney eps!

