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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    happy belated birthday oda!

    Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
    Visit me at my LJ


      Happy belated birthday, Oda! I hope it was a great one!

      Love all this publicity for Paul as Scotty! (Though really, Ernest Littlefield? I'm just amused because you'd think a cursory check of Paul's filmography would show Beckett more prominantly than his one-shot on SG-1, so how did that catch their eye more? lol)



        Oh, just in case you guys are interested, I finished another SGA fic today. No Carson actually in it, but it's "Sunday"-related, so he's reference plenty. I do still owe him a happy fic to make up for all these sad ones, but I have an idea in mind so hopefully I'll put that to paper soon.

        If you want to read, it's a McKay POV scene to go with my last fic, "Last Patient". I hope you enjoy!



          Originally posted by Sheppard little minx View Post
          gets a full size poster of Paul

          Soorry i am looking after the real one (safe keeping) you can hae him back in say ten years

          *runs away and hides with Paul*

          *Yells after Sheppard little minx* "Hey come back with him!I can't have 10 years without him." *calls the police*

          Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
          Happy Birthday *Oda*!

          Will be working on more caps tomorrow after work. Any requests?
          Originally posted by phibi View Post
          happy belated birthday oda!
          Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
          Happy belated birthday, Oda! I hope it was a great one!

          Love all this publicity for Paul as Scotty! (Though really, Ernest Littlefield? I'm just amused because you'd think a cursory check of Paul's filmography would show Beckett more prominantly than his one-shot on SG-1, so how did that catch their eye more? lol)

          Thanks guys *blushes*
          "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


            second page bump.. and as it has been a while since I've posted that pic, I'll do it now

            Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
            Visit me at my LJ


              Omigosh!! Thats awesome!!! so awesome i died a little XD!!!! Thanks for that!!! *favorates the picture*


                *Yells after Sheppard little minx* "Hey come back with him!I can't have 10 years without him." *calls the police*

                Have to catch me first *runs away*

                Happy belated birthday


                  I'm not sure if this has been brought up yet, but i figured it wouldnt hurt to post again ^_^

                  On the right side, Vote Paul for Scotty!!!



                    ok, when you liked it, maybe you want another one?

                    Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                    Visit me at my LJ


                      *flail spaz* Goodness~!~!~!!!! *yoink* thank you!!!



                        *gets up again*
                        *dies again*

                        do i get anything special for 100 posts


                          From Echoes.



                          Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


                            More massive multi-quotes m'ahead... (I know I'm silly!)
                            Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                            It's a really tough position to be in and I give JS a lot of credit for what she has been able to do with what she's been given. I do definitely feel for her, because I am trying to give her character a chance and to like her, but I just, I don't know, she's no Carson. And it's very hard not to think that when she appears on the screen.

                            That's exactly the point, cshawzye! No matter how hard I try to be fair towards her character, I just can't get my head around the fact that I want Carson in that spot and now we have a whole infirmary of not-Carsons. She might be good but the infirmary is definitely missing an essential element, our lovely Scot!

                            Good to know you found more back pics...

                            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                            (warning.... I'm in an incredible goofy mood tonight XD)

                            It's.... the incredible BLUR!!!


                            The Blur?? OH NO

                            Okay, I admit, it was me.

                            Carson?? How could you?

                            What did I tell you about using the focus shifter device

                            Ummmm.... oops

                            I won't do it again, promise

                            Well, if you're sure we guess it's alright

                            Oh yeah, I'm sure

                            lmao, that was beyond fun.
                            That was hilarious, idlewild! Great inspiration! If ever again you feel goofy, don't hesitate to post in here before it's over. Promise?

                            How adorable! Loved your caps!

                            Originally posted by phibi View Post
                            I know, I'm terrible.. what shall I say, I'm MUCH better at recognizing men's faces *lol*
                            I see your problem, phibi! But I think that's a quite common syndrom with girls, especially when you are distracted like this! lol

                            Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                            I whole-heartedly agree with all the comments on how nice people on this thread are. I remember when I first started watching SG-1 around season 8 and 9, I popped over to the SciFi Channel BBoard to chat about it and got a hugely rude response (save for two lovely people), in part because I was coming to the show as a Scaper, and I was scared off Stargate boards for a while. It wasn't until I found Atlantis that I gave it another shot, this time with Gateworld, and have been so touched by the warm welcomes and general kindness of everybody I've met here. *hugs to everybody* It's been an absolute joy hanging out and chatting on these threads. Thanks for making the gutter such a nice place to be! Wish I had more time to spend here!
                            I'm very sorry to hear you had such a bad first experience, Seti! *comforts Seti some more*

                            Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                            Watched my tape of "Misbegotten" from last Saturday last night and so help me but I just couldn't help thinking of Beckett returning. There were little lines from Michael to or about Carson that I just kept interpreting as hints even though they couldn't have been meant that way at the time. (ex. "You underestimate your value." "Let him go. He served his purpose.")
                            Yes, in retrospect it all sounds a little bit different although they surely didn't have his demise and return in mind while doing that episode. Very fitting nonetheless.

                            Can I just once more whine how desperately I want Carson back as a regular?! Pretty please! *begs on knees*

                            Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
                            Been screencapping today.

                            Here's a few from 'The Eye.'
                            Wow, the caps were great, phynyx!

                            Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                            My 1600th post - with a Paul picture taken by myself
                            Dearest congrats on 1600 brilliantly thunk-worthy posts, JennyJ!
                            And great pic, even in blurry!

                            Originally posted by TJuk View Post
                            More press for Paul as Scotty in print! This time its the front page of the showbiz section of the 'Daily Express' (Scottish edition), a huge national daily in the UK!


                            Spot the obvious mistake! Not that I'm complaining, its a lovely article AND its more support for Paul as Scotty! wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            PAUL FOR SCOTTY & SGA SEASON 5...FULLTIME!!!!!
                            Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                            Well you know how much we love our good ol Ernest Littlefield. I don't know about y'all but I just couldn't let that one time episode be the end of it. I must have more Ernest! Those glasses were HOTT! *fans self*
                            Yay, that was great! I just about choked at the mention of Ernest Littlefield. Yes, save him as well while you're at it, Joe!

                            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                            I've been meaning to mention how proud I am of all the work everyone has done on behalf of the "SAVE ERNEST LITTLEFIELD" campaign.
                            A statement of great magnitude, TJinLOCA! I'd green you into the end of next week if I could right now!

                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            New interview with Paul at sliceofscifi. I've put up link and a hightlighted transcript of his interview at

                            Very well done, prion! Thank you for letting us know and posting the link. I really liked what he said.

                            Originally posted by Sheppard little minx View Post
                            you lot are mad.
                            Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                            Just got my Chicago photo op picture with Paul...

                            Very nice pic, EG!

                            Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                            Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ODA!!!!!
                            Thank you JennyJ. *hugs*
                            I may be the last one but my best wishes for your new year are no less sincere, Oda!
                            Happy belated birthday! Have many Carson-filled thunk dreams!

                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            PAUL McGILLION - nice big article!


                            Oct 7 2007

                            Beam up a new Scotty... from Paisley
                            BRIAN PENDREIGH

                            THE search engines cannae take it, Captain. Internet speculation on who will
                            play one of the most iconic Scottish characters in entertainment history has
                            gone into warpdrive.

                            An American TV actor from Paisley has emerged on the worldwide web as the
                            favourite to land the coveted role of Scotty in a highly anticipated Star Trek
                            "prequel", and has set phasers to stun by admitting he has auditioned for the

                            READ FULL TEXT AT LINK ABOVE
                            Great, great, great, great! Did I mention great?!

                            Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                            Oh, just in case you guys are interested, I finished another SGA fic today. No Carson actually in it, but it's "Sunday"-related, so he's reference plenty. I do still owe him a happy fic to make up for all these sad ones, but I have an idea in mind so hopefully I'll put that to paper soon.

                            If you want to read, it's a McKay POV scene to go with my last fic, "Last Patient". I hope you enjoy!

                            I need to check out immediately. Thanks for the writing this and sharing with us poor buggers, Seti!

                            Originally posted by phibi View Post
                            second page bump.. and as it has been a while since I've posted that pic, I'll do it now

                            Another classic pic! I love this so much! He looks stunning in the costume.

                            Originally posted by Sheppard little minx View Post

                            *gets up again*
                            *dies again*

                            do i get anything special for 100 posts
                            We love you much more when you're still alive and ready for the next thunking incident, Slm!

                            Congrats on 100 posts!

                            You get a hug from the thread and an especially sweet smile with dimples and blazing blue eyes from your CarsonHologram.

                            Thunk all over again!

                            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                              More massive multi-quotes m'ahead... (I know I'm silly!)
                              Twinny, you are the queen of multi-quote posts *bows*

                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                              That was hilarious, idlewild! Great inspiration! If ever again you feel goofy, don't hesitate to post in here before it's over. Promise?
                              Yes Ma'am!!

                              Phibi I absolutely love those pictures!!! They are beyond awesome, lol!!

                              And, congrats on 100 posts Sheppard little minx *high five*

                              Proudly Supporting Team USA


                                Originally posted by Sheppard little minx View Post

                                do i get anything special for 100 posts
                                Congrats on 100 posts Sheppard little minx

                                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                                More massive multi-quotes m'ahead... (I know I'm silly!)

                                I may be the last one but my best wishes for your new year are no less sincere, Oda!
                                Happy belated birthday! Have many Carson-filled thunk dreams!

                                Thank you Twinny. Carson dreams? How does that saying go again: "From your mouth to God's ears?"

                                And I love the surprise at the end. *thunk*

                                Angry Carson:
                                "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."

