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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    -Hello Gabriel
    'ello lad, Poet ok?
    -I think I want to go & see her. Sis? You coming?
    Ok love
    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



      I'll come and see her!
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        And no S-Shep, please no loud noise. We rather like tha quite when we can ge' it *smiles*
        I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
        traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



          *Carson looks at Gabriel*
          Wha' sort o' gif'? *is curious*
          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



            Gabriel: she is sleepng still, I guess she plans on sleeping the whole day, Joey's out with Corey Amaell and Jukla and the others are just hanging around doing nothiing...Raphael is still not willing to stay with Poet and Larah is trying to make him, she is really a very patient queen
            Last edited by DarkenLycht; 25 March 2013, 07:29 AM.


              Of course I'm coming. *grabs A-Carson's hand and we both stand up*

              A- Aye, but I'd like t' know what sort o' gift Gabriel an' his friends 'ave come up with for Poet. *he stops and I keep going and end up falling back into him, laughing*



                S- Aw come on, can't there be some fireworks?

                Waggles his eyebrows at Sparky!
                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                  -haha, careful there sis *grins* Yes i want to know as well *looks at Gabriel*

                  *all together at S-Shep A- S- No!
                  -*I laugh at the all three Carson for that* Oh your so cute when you do that
                  *they glare me*
                  -sorry *giggles*

                  (yeah, ah S-Carson is here now He came to visit & see Sparky)
                  Last edited by McBecklover; 25 March 2013, 07:36 AM.
                  I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                  traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                    What can I say, I'm always being told to slow down! *I giggle*

                    A- *looks at me, smiling and his eyes sparkling* Aye Love, an' for good reason!


                      Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
                      -haha, careful there sis *grins* Yes i want to know as well *looks at Gabriel*

                      *all together at S-Shep A- S- No!
                      -*I laugh at the all three Carson for that* Oh your so cute when you do that
                      *they glare me*
                      -sorry *giggles*
                      S- needs to learn how to behave. Sometimes....
                      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
             Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                        Gabriel: um well, it starts with C and ends with arson, has fangs and is dressed in the wraithy way, and a long black leather coat for Poet loves that on males...he is supposed to be around her all the time, to just be able to help her instantly or keep her from hurting herself *he smiles* we couldn't think of any better doc for her than a Carson vampire-clone


                          A- S- Another me?
                          - haha, you guys! Wait... another Carson? Oy... *playfully faints against my Carson*
                          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                            *A-Carson and I look at Gabriel slightly surprised*

                            Wonder why we didn't think of giving her her own Carson clone... *I smile*

                            A- Love, I think ye just like carin' for 'er yourself. Funny, I canna' imagine myself as a Vampire. I'd probably no' like the feedin' process at first. *he smiles* Bu' that is a good idea, t'give her 'er own doctor.


                              Gabriel: indeed, I wouldn't know someone better for a job like that, but she needs to have someone doing it...we cannot be there all the time, though we wish to and, well sometimes, it could be just the time tat it takes us to go to her, that is too late to help her and Carson also knows much more about human anatmoy, which is hers most likely than we do...I guess I should go and see if she's awake already or not...who wants to come with me?


                                (oh by the way my "green" says Im a "SG Team Leader" now )
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


