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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I never thought it was my fault.
    *puts his arm around my shoulder*
    Maybe we should leave them to it Dell


      Gabriel: there we have to go...what could be more lonley and dark as the cold water of an ocean...she's in there for sure

      Corey: see, and that's why I still want to be a doc....*looks at Gabriel* you really think we have to get her out of there somehow? I know I can hold my breath for long...but she is gone for longer now already than we actually would be able to

      N-Steve: but if she won't return, you will, Carson....even if I have to force you and get shot over it by Sheppard


        A- Th' difference is if she's there an' we can find 'er, I know we can save 'er. *his eyes sparkle like ice* *he looks at N-Steve*

        Well if we need to, we can take a puddle jumper.. *I stand up from where I am sitting*


          Hang on, what? You're planning on asking me to shoot you? No way! Not doing it!

          -wouldn't ask him that Steve surely! And I wouldn't let him anyway!


            N-Steve: looks sat Shep* noI am just planning to have the pain in my heart eased, and if Poet ain't there anymore I don't need to be either

            Corey. *vanishes and appears again over the surface of the ocean* Poet are you anywhere can you hear me?

            *is surrounded by cold dark water in which she floats like if she had wings* I can but it won't take long until I am frozen, go back to the others and tell them I love them

            *Corey vanishes again and appears next to Gabriel* you where right, she doesn't have much time, but I guess we'll have to force us let her save her


              *she is by now standing between Dell and A-Carson* What can we do?

              A- Aye, how c'n we be o' help?


                I can fly a jumper to her if you want.


                  Gabriel: *looks at them sadly* you can help by just doing nothing now *he closes his eyes, changes to his human shape again, then reahes for his boot, pulls a dagger out of it and pushes it right through is heart. he whispers as he falls to the floor* if there is still some love in her she will come and save me, if not, I don't wnat to live anyway

                  *N-steve and Corey look at Gariel, than at each other and do the same as as he did*


                    Oh Crap!
                    *he knells down and tries to stop the bleeding, as do I*

                    -No Gabriel, why did yo do this? What can we do?


                      Gabriel: she'll come...back if she


                        -And if she can"t, if she is to far gone?
                        *I'm covered in his blood now*


                          A- Bloody hell! Aang, y'know what ta do! *he goes to Corey first and then to N-Steve, trying to stop the bleeding quickly*

                          I do know what to do, Carson...but they really feel that this is how it needs to be. *I go to Gabriel, but I know that Gabriel thinks Poet will come if she loves them, so I sit with his head in my lap, stroking the hair from his face and crying silently as I try to stop the bleeding*


                            N-Steve: there...there is no...too far for love

                            Gabriel: no there is not

                            Corey: she'll...come back


                              *I move to Cory since Aang is working on Gabirel, and hold him while trying to stop his bleeding*

                              -Well where is she then?


                                *I look down at Gabriel and sniff back a few tears* Gabriel... *I use the hand that isn't coated in blood by now, to run a hand along the side of his face* I never thought it would be possible for me to get this close to Wraith and Vampires, but I am. You showed me how to trust someone I thought I never could trust.

