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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *commes in* Hey Aang great to see you again *hugs her* and thabnk you again carson for yesterday

    And *looks at Gabriel* are you starting about this whole me not likeing you if I get a Steve clone-thing again? If you really get this feeling, you maybe should go and find someone who you feel loves you more than me....*walks out again slowly, not looking back to make no one see she's got tears in her eyes*


      Gabriel, do you see now? She is upset that you think she could ever like you less...she doesn't want to see you hurting like this. *I shake my head and Carson sees that my own eyes are filling with tears, so he pulls me into a hug*

      A- Aang, Love, don't get yeself so worked up. Y've had a long week wi' this mission, it's worn on your nerves a can't handle bein' upset like this. *he holds me protectively, and he looks up at Gabriel, his eyes shining* Please...your Queen does like ye. Canna' ye see that?


        Gabriel: *looks at Carson* but didn't you hear as she just said I should leave? Why would she do that, if she likes me?
        I am sorry Aang I didn't mean to make you upset I just don't ubnderstand it, she tells me to leave because she likes me? Then she should want me to stay with her because I want her to stay since I like her very much....
        I am afraid you wasted your time saving me yesterday, Carson ....


          A- *stares up at Gabriel* I did no such thing, Lad. Saving a life is never a waste o' my time. *he looks away, staring down at me now*

          *I pull out of Carson's arms and go to Gabriel, and I put my hands on his shoulders and stare into his eyes* Gabriel, she doesn't want you to feel like she wouldn't like you because of a clone of Steve. She said to find someone who didn't make you feel that way, because she feels bad that she makes you feel that way and thinks you might be happier with someone who wouldn't make you feel like she doesn't like you. You know that isn't true and I know it isn't true. We both know that you like your Queen and you want to be with her, so why don't you tell her that. *I turn away and go back to Carson, and now it is my turn to hug him protectively*


            Gabriel: and what if I hurt her heart now, you can heal that again Carson, can you? *looks at Aang* things like a hurt heart can be healed, right?


              *I turn back to look at Gabriel* Yes, a hurt heart can be healed. It isn't something that a doctor can heal though. It's something you have to heal. You have to go to her that you like her and you are happy to be with her. And to heal her heart, you have to let yours be healed too. You can't go forever thinking she might not like you, that is what's hurting her heart right now. That you think she might not like you.


                Gabriel: *hugs Aang* thank you so I will go now to find her, I don't want her to you know where she is?


                  *hugs Gabriel* Last time I saw her, she was going over to the 'Hottest Guy' thread...we were looking at Carson's smile...*I turn back to Carson and smile at him*


                    Gabriel: thanks Aang, so you females like guys smiling I guess, maybe I smile at heer than a bit like that *puts on his most beautiful slmile showing his little pointed teeth and his fangs, his yellow eyes are sparkling*


                      Yes, we do like guys smiling. She particularly likes Wraith smiling. *I smile at Gabriel and then I look up at Carson who is now smiling at me*


                        *At that moment A-Carson puts a hand on my shoulder and reminds me gently of Shep, and I take off at a dead run for the Infirmary, with A-Carson on my heels*

                        *I skid in just in time to see Beck with a big smile on her face sitting beside Shep and her Carson going back and forth doing things, and I go to switch spots with Beck*

                        Thanks for staying with him for me, Beck, so I could go and see the others for a moment. It was nice...*I take Shep's hand* Dell should be arriving soon, love. She'll be here as soon as she possibly can.

                        *almost in his normal voice now* I can't wait to see her. I do hope Sam's plan worked right. *he smiles at me and I smile back*


                          *I leave Jack and Sam and go off to my quarters, close the door and check that no new cameras or bugs have been installed, Then get out the com ball from my pocket. I wonder if it really would have worked across dimensions, I'd been going to try it if I had been sent back. I activate it. After a moment a picture of Aang appears, she is in the infirmary, but I can't see anyone else with her*

                          Aang, it all went well here, I'll be coming home soon, and I will be staying for good! Is Shep there? How is he? You guys didn't get in any trouble did you?


                            *comes in with Gabriel* hi Dell, it's so lovely to see you again *hugs* missed you


                              *my head snaps up from looking at Shep and I grab the Comm Ball and hold it up* Dell! Oh! I'm glad it all went well! Shep's doing fine, he's mostly got his voice back and I think maybe...let me ask A-Carson a question. *I vanish for a moment, there is some rustling and a slight noise from Shep, as we help him sit up* *I move and hold the ball so she can see Shep as well* hey Shep, do say hello to Dell *I am grinning so hard that it nearly hurts*

                              *lifts a hand and waves to Dell, a smile on his face* Hello Dell, I take it everything went well? I miss you.


                                Gabriel: I'd love to give Dell a real hug now though

