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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *Hugs Aang*
    I'm just being silly, I know, it's not like he actually said "the words" even, and I'm pretty sure I have heard you and A-Carson tell each other that you love each other, can't put my finger on when but I'm sure it was said.
    *deep breath*
    Maybe I will just ignore this little gaff, and it will go away, much like the last one. Right, are we cooking here or what?


      Um well, I'm pretty sure we fairly yelled it at each other in the excitement when he proposed to me...but um, shall I say I don't know as we've ever really thought it through before saying it...*face turns pink*

      And yes, yes we are cooking, though I hadn't worked out what yet...*reaches to open the pantry and have a look at what we have to work with*


        How about pancakes, i haven't had them for ages!


          Pancakes sound wonderful to me.

          Abby: I like pancakes too!

          Good, sweetie. *smiles at Abby*


            Ok, lets get this show on the road then shell we!
            *start getting out flour and such like out of the pantry, while Aang gets what else is needed from other areas of the kitchen. then I toss an apron each to Aang and Abby, and put one on as well.*


              *we add the ingredients to the bowl and I hand Abby a spoon* Abby, you can stir the pancake batter for us, okay? *scurries off to the freezer to locate some sausages and bacon she'd hidden in the back corner*

              Abby: 'Kay Auntie Aang! *she starts mixing the batter*


                *mean while back at the pantry, I'm looking through it for toppings*
                Hmm, no golden syrup. Maple though, yuk, the bottle is all sticky, along with the shelf. That will need sorting.
                *gets a cloth and sorts it before going to the fridge*
                We do ice cream and strawberries back home, ah, strawberry ice cream, that will do.


                  Mmm strawberry ice cream on pancakes...My Mum never would have allowed that at breakfast (though my big brother WAS good for something, he did give me ice cream on my pancakes when Mum wasn't home )

                  *whispers to Dell as she passes by* (Well I think I figured out what got you about what Shep said, Luv. The way he worded that, the only way you could respond without hurting his feelings would have been to say 'yes' or 'I do love you anyway' or something else. It wasn't that he said the words as much as that you would have had to say them...)

                  (Also it's nearing 7am here, the sun should rise soon...and I am beginning to drift off to sleep. Besides that if Mum and Dad wake and I haven't gone to sleep yet, I'm sure I'll hear it about how much time I spend on the computer again...)


                    I think you are right in your assessment of the words issue.
                    Ok, well if you are off to bed we better get this lot on the table before you go. (with the magic of story telling, it's all done,and we start to take it out.)


                      Well I'm sure once Shep smells this lovely lot of food, he'll forget all about it

                      *looks at the food out on the table* Carson! Shep! Come have some pancakes, guys! *the two of them come over and begin digging into the food*

                      Well if nobody minds, it's near 7am so I'm going to get some sleep--it's also near 1am for Dell, so I feel like maybe I'm not the only one who ought to get some sleep soon.


                        Too true blue!
                        Might just sit down and have a pancake first.
                        *sits beside Shep, who gives me a nervous look, I give him a shy smile, and then we concentrate on the food*


                          *Carson & I walk in from the bedroom, as we had disappeared for a bit while Abby & everyone where occupied. I quickly straighten my clothes, pat down my hair, I straighten Carson's shirt & attempt to re-spike his hair*
                          How do I look?
                          aww thanx love

                          *we walk over to the table*
                          Oh pancakes!
                          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                            (sorry for disappearing, had to help parents clear out the old shed, then we had dinner & I did the dishes)

                            (but like what I came up with for disappearing in "GateWorld"??
                            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                              Strawberry ice cream and maple syrup is really good!
                              I'd skip the syrup and just stick to the ice cream if I was you Beck.
                              Did you guys go back for a nap? *said with a grin and a wink*
                              Shep, Abby's in the room.
                              what I only said nap!


                                *we sit down to eat. I stare at Shep fiercely*
                                Yes, we went back for a nap
                                Aye, we did. *Carson half holds back a giggle*
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


