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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
    McBecklover, you can read my SGA story on It's rated M (mostly for paranoia's sake) and here's the link:

    Carson has a major role in the story.
    Kool thanks, will check it out at some point!
    Originally posted by Aang View Post
    That is the perfect Stargate analogy for it! I giggle when he lets Carson come out and talk, because that Scottish accent melts my brain and my heart.

    ...I was sitting on a little brick wall outside my school flipping through Twitter on my laptop when I realized he replied. Let's just say I squealed, lost my balance and almost fell off the brick wall, then smiled so hard that it hurt for like an hour. All the while writing excited emails and messages to various friends to be like OMG HE REPLIED TO ME!!! I know I went totally fangirl which I did once swear I'd never do...but when it comes to Paul, all bets are off on my fangirl-ing xD
    yes I just LOVE his Carson voice, just so dreamy My perfect man would be someone like Paul, can put on that sexy accent & looks like Carson with those dreamy blue eyes & a head full of thick brown hair... think I just blew a brain cell or two!

    I also went fan crazy, with my first reply & went reposting his tweet to everywhere I could! lol & did the same for the second & third time too - going "OMG guess who replied to me AGAIN!!! OMG!!! I LOVE THIS MAN!!!" lol
    I now have 12 replies & 1 mention from this amazing man!
    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



      You are seriously obsessed. But in a good way.
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
        yes I just LOVE his Carson voice, just so dreamy My perfect man would be someone like Paul, can put on that sexy accent & looks like Carson with those dreamy blue eyes & a head full of thick brown hair... think I just blew a brain cell or two!

        I also went fan crazy, with my first reply & went reposting his tweet to everywhere I could! lol & did the same for the second & third time too - going "OMG guess who replied to me AGAIN!!! OMG!!! I LOVE THIS MAN!!!" lol
        I now have 12 replies & 1 mention from this amazing man!

        ...At least I'm not in class this time. Cause I think I also blew a couple brain cells I can't get Paul out of my head now.

        ...This may be enough to make me keep my Twitter account even after school ends...I only had it for a class requirement (Oh my poor professor reading through my Twitter page...xD) but I'm thinking of staying on Twitter now if only to keep tweeting to/with Paul xD


          Oy vey. I thought that *I* was crazy about him, you all put me to shame. Then again, I've created a character that's a blatant ripoff of Carson Beckett!
          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


            Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
            Oy vey. I thought that *I* was crazy about him, you all put me to shame. Then again, I've created a character that's a blatant ripoff of Carson Beckett!
            Aww but you are pretty crazy about him! Remember those blue eyes Actually I was just thinking since my love for him is so recent, maybe everybody else on this thread has put me to shame xD

            And actually in a completely original story I've been working on outside of my fanfic and other such things, I have also created a character who is also a blatant ripoff of Carson Beckett -- what other character would my favorite female OC be falling head over heels in love with? xD


              Originally posted by Aang View Post
              Aww but you are pretty crazy about him! Remember those blue eyes Actually I was just thinking since my love for him is so recent, maybe everybody else on this thread has put me to shame xD

              And actually in a completely original story I've been working on outside of my fanfic and other such things, I have also created a character who is also a blatant ripoff of Carson Beckett -- what other character would my favorite female OC be falling head over heels in love with? xD
              Yeah, I am pretty crazy for those blue eyes!!! In case it isn't already apparent! Have you noticed the name of the character in my story? Oh I love that character.
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                Yeah, I am pretty crazy for those blue eyes!!! In case it isn't already apparent! Have you noticed the name of the character in my story? Oh I love that character.
                I just went back and re-read the story again to refresh myself. Course his name is Paul Butler And of course I just read chapter five and the end of the chapter made me smile kinda mischievously xD

                [e] Also just read your SGA fiction...Carson is so adorable with the kids And John & Lizzie do make a quite nice pair together xD
                Last edited by Aang; 08 October 2012, 05:57 PM.


                  That last part where he picks her up? That's one of my favorite parts of the chapter!!! And there will be more to come with those two in later chapter. Much more!

                  Laura will be showing up within the next couple of chapters. Glad you liked "The World Goes On". John, Elizabeth, and Carson are my top three favorite SGA characters.

                  Last edited by Sparky She-Demon; 08 October 2012, 06:26 PM.
                  sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
         Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                    Yeah. I couldn't help but drift off for a moment and wonder what it'd be like to be Victoria, when Butler caught her and picked her up. Images of myself in her place, Carson picking me up... and then my brain exploded from the awesomeness of that fantasy xD

                    Ooo Laura I've always liked Laura & Carson together <3 Pair of sweethearts, they are. ...And I do find Laura very amusing in that SGA episode, Duet XD I could tell from like...the first couple scenes she had a thing for Carson, so when The Kiss happened, I died laughing.


                      Originally posted by Aang View Post
                      Ooo Laura I've always liked Laura & Carson together <3 Pair of sweethearts, they are. ...And I do find Laura very amusing in that SGA episode, Duet XD I could tell from like...the first couple scenes she had a thing for Carson, so when The Kiss happened, I died laughing.
                      Yes, I thought it was cute the way Laura had a crush on Carson & was willing enough to show how she feels even in the body of McKay!! I also died laughing at every scene where Laura/McKay flirts with Beckett & that kiss, that just did it for me, I was on the floor! haha
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        Originally posted by Aang View Post
                        Yeah. I couldn't help but drift off for a moment and wonder what it'd be like to be Victoria, when Butler caught her and picked her up. Images of myself in her place, Carson picking me up... and then my brain exploded from the awesomeness of that fantasy xD

                        Ooo Laura I've always liked Laura & Carson together <3 Pair of sweethearts, they are. ...And I do find Laura very amusing in that SGA episode, Duet XD I could tell from like...the first couple scenes she had a thing for Carson, so when The Kiss happened, I died laughing.
                        She pretty much had a sensory overload. Sometimes, I want to be my characters, especially when it comes to scenes like that!
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          McBeckLover Yeah! When 'McKay' and Katie were on their date and Cadman was flirting with Beckett...the look on Katie's face was priceless!!

                          Sparky She-Demon Well when it comes to original characters that you create Paul McG says it, "any character that you play becomes an extension of yourself" and I think that can go for characters you write as well. ;D

                          And as a side note, Jae'a has me stuck on this shot:

                          Because happy Carson makes me squee because of the adorableness


                            Originally posted by Aang View Post
                            McBeckLover Yeah! When 'McKay' and Katie were on their date and Cadman was flirting with Beckett...the look on Katie's face was priceless!!

                            Sparky She-Demon Well when it comes to original characters that you create Paul McG says it, "any character that you play becomes an extension of yourself" and I think that can go for characters you write as well. ;D

                            And as a side note, Jae'a has me stuck on this shot:


                            Because happy Carson makes me squee because of the adorableness
                            I like that picture as well!

                            Also what he said makes sense. All the original characters you create are extension of yourself in some manner.
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              What also makes me happy is this pic, which I borrowed from the Kate Hewlett WOW thread because I feel like it belongs here as well-

                              Aren't they adorable?


                                Yes. They most certainly are!

                                Going slightly off topic, Vic is going to be under the influence of painkillers she is not supposed to be on. Don't worry, Butler didn't give them to her! And she says some things that she won't be held to, because she was on the painkillers.
                                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane

