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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
    ...As someone said in a video...and he replied to with a cheeky the accent. *sigh*
    I'll have to find them and put up linkies. It needs to be shared.

    doesn't it just? Could be the colour, or the nice man inside it...

    I'm crap with photoshop, and that's about as inventive as I can get. I just adore that pic so much, I felt I had to try to make a sig with it...
    haha i like to think its a combination of the man and the color...but a big part the man

    well i think your sig is wonderful
    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


      @scaperfan: You realize that the photo you made your sig from belongs to Phibi, right? Admittedly, she hasn't come back to the GW forums in ages and probably wouldn't mind if you asked permission to use it, but crediting only yourself under your sig might imply that the photo is also yours, when it is not.


        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
        @scaperfan: You realize that the photo you made your sig from belongs to Phibi, right?
        Um, no?
        I found it while trawling the internet...there's no watermark, it wasn't in a private album, so I figured that it, like all others, was fine to use.
        I had no idea it 'belonged' to anyone...

        Admittedly, she hasn't come back to the GW forums in ages and probably wouldn't mind if you asked permission to use it, but crediting only yourself under your sig might imply that the photo is also yours, when it is not.
        Er...people are always using random pics to make their sigs with, and I've never seen one that credits the photographer (if one is known...)... only the maker of the sig.
        I wrote that I made the sig, I never said I took the photo!
        But fine, have changed the sig. Hope all is well now.


          People copy photos to their own photo hosts and give credit where credit is due so that they don't eat up other people's bandwidth by hotlinking directly from other hosts. If I'm wrong about the photo being Phibi's (I was at that convention with her though, so I was pretty sure it was not yours), I apologize, but it's usually best to just give credit where credit is due, when at all possible. I believe the moderators even have policies to delete posts and/or sigs in which someone has used other people's photos without permission, so gotta be careful about it. Personally, I only said something because I don't think it's right to use someone else's photo in its entirety in your sig without offering due credit, so I hope you haven't taken it too personally.


            Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
            People copy photos to their own photo hosts and give credit where credit is due so that they don't eat up other people's bandwidth by hotlinking directly from other hosts. If I'm wrong about the photo being Phibi's (I was at that convention with her though, so I was pretty sure it was not yours), I apologize, but it's usually best to just give credit where credit is due, when at all possible. I believe the moderators even have policies to delete posts and/or sigs in which someone has used other people's photos without permission, so gotta be careful about it. Personally, I only said something because I don't think it's right to use someone else's photo in its entirety in your sig without offering due credit, so I hope you haven't taken it too personally.
            Mhm! Hotlinking is so annoying.
            Ohkie dokes! I usually tend to give credit if I know who it's from... but yeah, we'll be careful!


              LOL, don't feel bad! Here's a consolation gift... credit again due to Phibi.

              EDIT: I see CaramelMonkey's already commented though! Let's see... How about this one then?


                OT for ramblings about sigs...
                Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                People copy photos to their own photo hosts and give credit where credit is due so that they don't eat up other people's bandwidth by hotlinking directly from other hosts. If I'm wrong about the photo being Phibi's (I was at that convention with her though, so I was pretty sure it was not yours), I apologize, but it's usually best to just give credit where credit is due, when at all possible.
                But I never said the photo was mine! I've posted it several times in this thread because it's just the cutest photo, and never once have I claimed it as my own. I'm sorry if I somehow gave that impression?
                I wasn't aware that using a pic in a sig was wrong...hardly any are marked as 'don't re-use without my permission'- if this one had been, I would have asked first before using it in my sig, of course.

                I believe the moderators even have policies to delete posts and/or sigs in which someone has used other people's photos without permission, so gotta be careful about it.
       are we supposed to say every single time where we found a photo? I've rarely seen people do it, only when they're posting someone else's personal pics...(This is a serious question, btw) I can spend a day clicking around and saving and renaming, and by the end I couldn't tell you where most were from!

                Personally, I only said something because I don't think it's right to use someone else's photo in its entirety in your sig without offering due credit, so I hope you haven't taken it too personally.
                Well, I had no idea whose it was or where it was from, so expecting me to have known that was a bit unfair.
                Like I said before- if it's marked 'ask before using', or 'please credit me as photographer', I certainly will. I just couldn't recall this one having any such things attached to it.
                I've seen pics I took used a few hours later in sigs, and when I asked, the creator of the sigs said 'I assumed you wouldn't mind'. Well, I kinda did, but nothing I could do about it. I guess I shoulda said 'please don't re-use without asking', and of course I would have said 'yes' to anyone who's just nice to be asked.
                So I get where you're coming from- if this 'Phibi' posts that it's hers, fine, I'll credit her in my sig as well if you like. Otherwise, I think I'll leave it with my 'pic not mine' tag.

                Phew, now that's over, I need a wee in 'small', ye cheeky monkeys!


                  Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                  Phew, now that's over, I need a wee in 'small', ye cheeky monkeys!
                  hahaha your cheeky monkey comment made me think of Helen Magnus from Sanctuary
                  thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                    Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                    OT for ramblings about sigs...

                    But I never said the photo was mine! I've posted it several times in this thread because it's just the cutest photo, and never once have I claimed it as my own. [...] are we supposed to say every single time where we found a photo? I've rarely seen people do it, only when they're posting someone else's personal pics...(This is a serious question, btw) I can spend a day clicking around and saving and renaming, and by the end I couldn't tell you where most were from!

                    Well, I had no idea whose it was or where it was from, so expecting me to have known that was a bit unfair.
                    Of course no one expects you to remember where you snurch all your promo shots or photos gleaned from the public domain, nor do I doubt that you would ask permission when you snurch photos. It's merely not right for you to claim to "own" a work for which you used materials that you are not the sole originator of, and by putting the words "sig by me" underneath, you implied (at least, I interpret it that way) that you are claiming "ownership" of said work. But don't sweat it, you've acknowledged now that you don't own the photo, so no problem any more.

                    On a finer note... Did someone say Sanctuary?

                    I always thought the make-up made him look "lizard"-like, but he claimed the character was more "fish"-like. The make-up doesn't look much like gills to me, but rather scales. I can't wait to see the new-and-improved version! I should take some better caps...


                      And now, for some Paul convention goodness...enough static Paul pics, we need to see the man in motion!

                      Dragon*Con, 2009- courtesy of youtube, the source of all good vids.
                      No-one else had turned up yet, so Paul was the Atlantis panel!
                      Part 1

                      Part 2
                      …I love his response to the staff member at 6:35…
                      And at 8:35, what he says to the poor girl trying to ask a question…I love the camera shaking as the cameraperson is laughing!

                      Part 3
                      “…and Doctor Beckett because he’s kinda cute, loveable, and can handle a lot of dialogue.”

                      Part 4
                      3:53… Paul: “…can I ask you a question? Are you hitting on me? ‘Cause it’s working…”
                      And her continuing banter “I know a gorgeous man when I see one!” A-men.
                      4:50 his talk on accents.
                      6:04: His dad watching Atlantis…“Is that you?” “no, it’s Joe Flanigan…”

                      Part 5
                      3:08 Joe hearing his Scottish accent...
                      3:40 Audience member: "Scottish accent? Crazy sexy."
                      5:50 His Aussie accent....I'm sorry, it's awful. He sinds Sith Ifricin!

                      ...and, lucky last,
                      Part 6
                      "I'll give her a Doctor Beckett hug"


                        Last sig OT:
                        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                        It's merely not right for you to claim to "own" a work for which you used materials that you are not the sole originator of, and by putting the words "sig by me" underneath, you implied (at least, I interpret it that way) that you are claiming "ownership" of said work.
                        Of course I'm claiming ownership of the sig, I made it! I manipulated the pic, shuffled it, added text, borders, etc...
                        I meant (and would always assume) that 'sig by me' refers to exactly that- 'I made the sig', not 'I took the photos'.

                        But don't sweat it, you've acknowledged now that you don't own the photo, so no problem any more.
                        Okeydokes, glad we're sorted...

                        Moving on...

                        So...uh...d'you come here often, colonel?
                        Um, no, no, not
                        Last edited by scaperfan; 30 November 2009, 08:09 PM.


                          That picture totally inspired me to do up a new sig!

                          Heh. Done.

                          Well, glad that's all sorted! It's a cute pic, anyhow. Seriously, just credit Paul for his cuteness.


                            Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
                            That picture totally inspired me to do up a new sig!

                            Heh. Done.

                            Well, glad that's all sorted! It's a cute pic, anyhow. Seriously, just credit Paul for his cuteness.
                            You're the best. I really have to learn how to do more pretty things...

                            No Zoe...y'hafta choose Joe's no good, I tell yeh!


                              Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                              You're the best. I really have to learn how to do more pretty things...

                              No Zoe...y'hafta choose Joe's no good, I tell yeh!
                              Heheh! Thanks!

                              That was enough for me. I totally melted.
                              Into a puddle of fangirl.


                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                No Zoe...y'hafta choose Joe's no good, I tell yeh!
                                Yeah, isn't it ironic that Sheppard could have been Mensa, and he's played by someone who spent three years on the show before he figured out that Carson's Scottish?
                                "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her"
                                SGA Lionized!
                                For the larger version, visit my DA
                                I support VOM and Bibles Unbound.
                                I ship canon. & Keller
                                Warning: Narnia fanatic posting here. VDT release date: 12/10/2010

