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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
    I won't make the obvious joke here, I won't, I won't!

    Stop right there, y'cheeky bugger!
    I was thinking the same thing. Perfect LolScot for that response.

    What is it about men in kilts? They all look really cool, but then there are those men that look downright HOT in kilts. Yup, kilts and Scottish accents. It's no wonder Carson's my favorite Atlantis character.

    Although the outfit he was wearing in one of those pics reminded me on Charlie Eppes from Numb3rs, played by David Krumholtz, who is quite good looking himself. Hottest Jew in Hollywood, imho. Looks very good in a jacket, untucked shirt, loose tie and blue jeans.

    But enough about the genius Jewish crime fighter. This thread's about the genius Scottish doctor.

    Found this while searching for the identity of the tartan on Paul's kilt. Paul & co. at the Irwins' famous zoo (pretty sure it's their zoo, anyway; the blog said they were in Queensland):

    That is a HUGE wombat! As David Nykl puts it, this is "the only know photo of Paul McGillion and a Wombat in existence." Makes me wonder if wombats normally get that big.
    Last edited by Atarah Derek; 29 November 2009, 08:34 PM.
    "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her"
    SGA Lionized!
    For the larger version, visit my DA
    I support VOM and Bibles Unbound.
    I ship canon. & Keller
    Warning: Narnia fanatic posting here. VDT release date: 12/10/2010


      Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
      Hah- I think she meant tight-shirt-wearing Paul...
      But yes, it gets to wear him, on speshul occasions...

      btw- you changed your sig! A Joe sig! *gasp*
      Very nice, but still...sigh. I guess you've back to being a Joe-girl now...
      *shrugs* I'll change my mind in a couple of days. I always switch between these two.


        Originally posted by Atarah Derek View Post
        I was thinking the same thing. Perfect LolScot for that response.
        Great minds...

        What is it about men in kilts? They all look really cool, but then there are those men that look downright HOT in kilts. Yup, kilts and Scottish accents. It's no wonder Carson's my favorite Atlantis character.
        ...Now, if only Carson had worn a kilt...

        But enough about the genius Jewish crime fighter. This thread's about the genius Scottish doctor.
        Exactly. No space for more than one genius here!

        OT wombat ramblings...
        Found this while searching for the identity of the tartan on Paul's kilt. Paul & co. at the Irwins' famous zoo (pretty sure it's their zoo, anyway; the blog said they were in Queensland):

        That is a HUGE wombat! As David Nykl puts it, this is "the only know photo of Paul McGillion and a Wombat in existence." Makes me wonder if wombats normally get that big.
        Yup, that'd be Australia Zoo....
        And yes, as an Aussie who's held a pet wombat a few times, they can get bloody big. Heavy critters, sharp teeth. Heads like a concrete block.
        Love 'em.
        Also, that one is closer to the camera, so looks bigger than the Paul-in-the-distance.
        I've heard that cars often come off second-best against them...


          hahaha i love pauls face in that wombat picture! he's looking at it like he doesnt know what to do with himself ahaha
          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


            Is it just me, or does the "wombat" in that picture look more like a koala bear? Whatever it is, it's got a chubby wombat-like body but its face (and fluffy ears) looks more like a koala. I'm not sure if koalas could walk like that on the ground though, hmm...

            Oh and thanks to everyone who answered that quiz, I might stick it in the Off Topic section now...put more people through the hard slog of answering it

            I have 3 Photobucket accounts - so I can dedicate one to Paul pics

            Last edited by Mirela; 30 November 2009, 11:13 AM.
            Newly liberated multi-thunker
            Julia xx


              *is brain dead from GUH* What lovely Paul pix gang!! Great way to start off the week. More Hot Scot shots please!! Wooohooo!! hehe }:O


                OT wombat/koala chatter...
                Originally posted by Mirela View Post
                Is it just me, or does the "wombat" in that picture look more like a koala bear? Whatever it is, it's got a chubby wombat-like body but its face (and fluffy ears) looks more like a koala. I'm not sure if koalas could walk like that on the ground though, hmm...
       a proud Aussie, and one who has lived with and held both koalas and wombats, I can assure you that that is a wombat. 100%.
                Piccies below...

                Koala, as normally seen in a tree.
                Koala walking.

                Yes, they walk on the ground, but are much higher-up when doing so, and much faster. And they totally look different. You could never mistake a wombat for a koala, or vice versa, in a million years.

                Wombat. never seen in trees.
                Wombat walking.

                Built close to the ground, like a little bulldozer. They waddle/shuffle a lot more. Slow but steady...

                And I'm sorry, but please don't call them koala bears. They're not even related!

                There, that's my patriotic duty done for the day.

                On with more Paul!

                (I saw the vids of this Con on youtube...such a nice way to spend an afternoon....switch it to full-screen, and sit back and enjoy.
                - His non-stop flirting with the audience just has me in stitches....that man is such a ham! )


                  Mirela,I'm glad you have a PB account just for Paul. You obviously have great taste. Cool chatter about wombats and koalas scaperfan...nice Paul
                  shot too. More Hot Scot shots please!! Wooohooo!! hehe }:O


                    This picture was posted a while ago, but it's been bugging me, not knowing what tartan he's wearing.

                    I finally found it. I kept looking at all the clan tartans, assuming that he was wearing the tartan of the clan that he's associated with. Finally I decided to look up generic tartans (after all, Billy Boyd has a kilt in a purple generic tartan, as well as his clan tartan). Paul is wearing a version of the Scotland National.

                    I found it here:
                    Billy Boyd's kilt (well, one of them) is in the Spirit of Scotland tartan:

                    He looks really good in it. I wonder how Paul would look in purple?
                    "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her"
                    SGA Lionized!
                    For the larger version, visit my DA
                    I support VOM and Bibles Unbound.
                    I ship canon. & Keller
                    Warning: Narnia fanatic posting here. VDT release date: 12/10/2010


                      scaperfan that man is darn handsome he can flirt all he wants *siighhs longily* i wanna flirt with him

                      Atarah Derek he looks good in pretty much any color, lets be honest here haha
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        Originally posted by Atarah Derek View Post
                        This picture was posted a while ago, but it's been bugging me, not knowing what tartan he's wearing.

                        I finally found it. I kept looking at all the clan tartans, assuming that he was wearing the tartan of the clan that he's associated with. Finally I decided to look up generic tartans (after all, Billy Boyd has a kilt in a purple generic tartan, as well as his clan tartan). Paul is wearing a version of the Scotland National.
                        I found it here:
                        Billy Boyd's kilt (well, one of them) is in the Spirit of Scotland tartan:

                        He looks really good in it. I wonder how Paul would look in purple?

                        Thank you for the website. I was able to look up my family tartan. I had a book, but it's hard to get the pic on my computer.

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                          Originally posted by Atarah Derek View Post
                          I wonder how Paul would look in purple?
                          As good as he does in anything, I'd say!
                          Herewith, my very crappy attempt at photoshopping...

                          Yep, I'd say purple would suit him jist fine.
                          (I really need to learn how to do things on it properly, someday...)


                            Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                            scaperfan that man is darn handsome he can flirt all he wants *siighhs longily* i wanna flirt with him
                            Hehe- it is certainly a part of his charm...
                            And the accent when he does doesn't hurt either...

                            Atarah Derek he looks good in pretty much any color, lets be honest here haha
                            Yup, I have to agree. I really like him in white, though we don't see it that much...also, I really like this shirt on him, dunno why...I think just 'cause it looks so comfy.


                              Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                              Hehe- it is certainly a part of his charm...
                              And the accent when he does doesn't hurt either...

                              Yup, I have to agree. I really like him in white, though we don't see it that much...also, I really like this shirt on him, dunno why...I think just 'cause it looks so comfy.
                              the accent is *GORGEOUS*

                              that shirt looks uber comfy! haha

                              oh and btw your sig = and *LOVE* <3
                              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                                the accent is *GORGEOUS*
                                ...As someone said in a video...and he replied to with a cheeky the accent. *sigh*
                                I'll have to find them and put up linkies. It needs to be shared.

                                that shirt looks uber comfy! haha
                                doesn't it just? Could be the colour, or the nice man inside it...

                                oh and btw your sig = and *LOVE* <3
                                I'm crap with photoshop, and that's about as inventive as I can get. I just adore that pic so much, I felt I had to try to make a sig with it...

