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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    Hey thunkers! I'm having a re-org of my SG albums and I'm re-posting my Duet caps. Hope you guys like them!

    ...all I can think when I see this is "Ooooh, I bet he got sand everywhere...down his shoes, his neck, his ears...."


      Originally posted by Mirela View Post
      Hmm, Cadman...I don't think she was ever right for Carson, she's too forward I think Carson needs a sweet, caring girl - like me!
      Hah- don't we all think that!
      He seemed to have found one, right at the end, not that we hear much about that sadly...

      I'm going to send Paul's card via his agent, there's an address on his official website I think
      Yup, he has so many agents! I think the Vancouver agent is the go-to guy for sending fanmail.

      Ok, I'll watch the whole of Sunday then
      Yay! Good choice.

      ...knowing he'll come back, it lessens the impact of his actual "death", kinda like re-watching that episode of SG-1 where Daniel ascended. Knowing he's still actually out there and not completely dead at all.
      Wellll...see, I think regardless of whether a character is truly dead-dead forever or just seemingly-dead, or alternate-universe dead or whatever, a death is a death, and deserves its impact to be felt...I had no idea he'd be returning, so was rather inconsolable and angry at first, but had to accept it, as the team did...
      Then when he came back, I yelled out loud and jumped up and down with glee. (this is Carson, btw. I had no idea about Daniel coming back either, and think I am one of the few who really liked Jonas in that inbetween-year...)

      *Pause* Hmm, the writers sure do like killing off our favourite Stargate Doctors, don't they? Daniel Jackson, Janet Frasier, Carson, Elizabeth Weir - do they have an agenda against scientists or something?
      I was thinking that too! Maybe they're seen as being easy-to-kill, because tptb think no-one will miss them? Or maybe, notice how they're all nice and pretty quiet characters? You never expect the nice quiet well-loved ones to die....?
      Whatever their reasons, I think it's a little biased too, but hey. *shrug*


        Dropping off another pic:

        Don't you love the hand on hip pose?


          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          any time Carson wants anything else from me, all he has to do is shout! Unless it's thunker type things and then I'd have to send him away!! I can't explain it, but nice looking as Paul is, I just don't thunk him! *luffs my Carson though*
          Mm, I think I'm the same...still a little unsure about what exactly constitutes 'thunking' (I imagine it's the sound of your head hitting the floor as you pass out from their gorgeousness?), but I can see why Joe gets 'thunkers'...I think I'd say I have more of an 'appreciation' for Paul, as he's just such a lovely, lovely man. And talented. And has wonderful eyes.
          Carson is just too loveable. Rewatching from season 1 (which I hadn't done before), I was this time just hanging out for all the little bits of Carson, and sighing over how damn cute and puppy-dog he is most of the time.

          I re-watched Sunday last week... it doesn't matter how many times I watch it, and know that he's back again, I cry my eyes out every single time!
          Same- A well-written episode will always work! And even if I've forgotten when I started crying the last time, I remember afterwards that it was at the exact same moments this time around...the speech...the bagpipes...the pier conversation....the fade.....

          More caps
          Mmm, it's the eyes, definitely those wonderful kind eyes...


            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

            You'd better hide kiddo!!
            Haha- I agree, though...He is fun to bring back in so many ways....

            Aww, Carson eyes and smile and...*flails*


              Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
              Like queen_hathor said, it doesn't help much. I still cry like a baby at the end every time I see it. It's not the eulogy by Weir (it was pretty pathetic, really) that gets me or even the actual death scene, but the bagpipes and the good-bye scene with Rodney that makes me bawl. And that's just the last 7 or 8 minutes.
              I get teary at the death scene, and it just keeps going from there...the music and Rodney's awful guilt and sadness and Carson's gentle reassurance just make it worse.


                Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                Dropping off another pic:


                Don't you love the hand on hip pose?
                No, no I don't.
                In fact, you may have to post more, so I can cement my opinion.


                  Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                  No, no I don't.
                  In fact, you may have to post more, so I can cement my opinion.
                  i second that wholeheartedly!
                  thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                    Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                    i second that wholeheartedly!
                    Gimme Five!


                      Hee, Carson smile.
                      (Sorry, first attempt at a screen-grab. Having to shrink it down to 600 pixels makes it really small!)


                        Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                        Gimme Five!
                        *high fives* love the picture by the way
                        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                          *waves weakly from the floor* M'fine. M'brain dead from the GUH of the pix. I,too,appreciate Paul's many talents (minds outta the gutter) but I don't "thunk" him or any of the actors themselves. *dodges rotten fruit* I respect him and the others as professionals and enjoy the performances they gave us (minds outta the gutter ya cheeky monkeys) but that's it. I "thunk and whump" fictional characters and admire the actors from afar. Right. Lovely pix gang!! More please!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O


                            Well, I see no shame in claiming Paul is as sexy-looking as Carson, and just as sweet! But of course, I think it's Carson's smarts that really attracted me to the character...*dreamy sigh* I thunked for Rodney for a while, but Carson is a genius in his own right. And of course, Carson is fun to whump too because of his sensitivity and innate strengths.


                              Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                              Well, I see no shame in claiming Paul is as sexy-looking as Carson, and just as sweet!
                              Oh, for sure. When I'm at home, Carson is wonderful. When I'm at a con, it's Paul who's the lovely one.
                              In fact, Paul being such a nice person makes me love his portrayal of Carson, and Carson's wonderful character makes me love his actor Paul. If that makes sense.

                              But of course, I think it's Carson's smarts that really attracts me to the character...*dreamy sigh* I thunked for Rodney for a while, but Carson is a genius in his own right.
                              Mm-hmm. A more likeable, soft-spoken genius...that if you make him sad, will give you hurt puppy-dog eyes.


                                Hi again!

                                Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                                Like queen_hathor said, it doesn't help much. I still cry like a baby at the end every time I see it. It's not the eulogy by Weir (it was pretty pathetic, really) that gets me or even the actual death scene, but the bagpipes and the good-bye scene with Rodney that makes me bawl. And that's just the last 7 or 8 minutes.
                                It starts with the *sniff* you know, but what really sets me off is seeing Ronon & Lorne with tears in their eyes... I'm a sucker for Ronon at the best of times, and he and Carson had such a special relationship... that opens the floodgates. Another scene that always makes me cry too is the end scene in The Kindred pt 2 where Ronon hugs him... oh gawd, I'm welling up just thinking about it!!

                                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan
                                Rodneys face in the second picture is so hilarious, he's totally pouting haha. Thanks for sharingg!
                                He can pout with the best of them lol. And you're very welcome!

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                ...all I can think when I see this is "Ooooh, I bet he got sand everywhere...down his shoes, his neck, his ears...."

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                Mm, I think I'm the same...still a little unsure about what exactly constitutes 'thunking' (I imagine it's the sound of your head hitting the floor as you pass out from their gorgeousness?), but I can see why Joe gets 'thunkers'...I think I'd say I have more of an 'appreciation' for Paul, as he's just such a lovely, lovely man. And talented. And has wonderful eyes.
                                Appreciation is the key I think. I thunk Jason Momoa & Jensen Ackles *fans self* but I also spend a *lot* of time in the Jared Padalecki thunk/appreciation (Supernatural) thread ... there's something about him that I like, but he doesn't have the 'thunk' factor for me. It's the same with Paul... he's a genuinely lovely lovely, funny guy, great looking... but, well.. I dunno, something's still missing!!

                                BTW - are there any Spn fans in here? What did you think of Paul's appearance?

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                Carson is just too loveable. Rewatching from season 1 (which I hadn't done before), I was this time just hanging out for all the little bits of Carson, and sighing over how damn cute and puppy-dog he is most of the time.
                                For me, Carson is such a loveable character... there's not a bad bone in his body. He's caring, funny and wears his heart on his sleeve. I just wanna squish his cheeks, make him cups of tea and cuddle him!!

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                I get teary at the death scene, and it just keeps going from there...the music and Rodney's awful guilt and sadness and Carson's gentle reassurance just make it worse.
                                Now I'm depressed... WHY do we keep watching this ep again?

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                Hee, Carson smile.
                                (Sorry, first attempt at a screen-grab. Having to shrink it down to 600 pixels makes it really small!)
                                Aww that's a lovely cap! I'm very greedy with my caps... I tend to leave a lot of mine 'Queen sized' as they've been called elsewhere, i.e. full 1024 size, and I create smaller copy for posting on places where there's restrictions like here. But then I'm a cap-aholic so I justify having as many as possible!

                                Originally posted by scaperfan
                                From Poisoning the Well, the very first Carson-centric episode...

                                <snipped for time>
                                Great caps, I felt so sorry for him in that ep

                                Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                                *waves weakly from the floor* M'fine. M'brain dead from the GUH of the pix. I,too,appreciate Paul's many talents (minds outta the gutter) but I don't "thunk" him or any of the actors themselves. *dodges rotten fruit* I respect him and the others as professionals and enjoy the performances they gave us (minds outta the gutter ya cheeky monkeys) but that's it. I "thunk and whump" fictional characters and admire the actors from afar. Right. Lovely pix gang!! More please!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O
                                *huggles Raven* It's OK hon, we believe you!!

                                Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                                And of course, Carson is fun to whump too because of his sensitivity and innate strengths.
                                It's funny, running my own whump forum you'd think I'd whump anyone and everyone... but I couldn't bring myself to whump Carson..ever!! I can't explain it, I just love him too much!! There are some guys I don't even find attractive, but rough 'em up a bit and there's a glimmer of something there on occasion... but Carson? Nope... can't do it!!

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                Oh, for sure. When I'm at home, Carson is wonderful. When I'm at a con, it's Paul who's the lovely one.
                                In fact, Paul being such a nice person makes me love his portrayal of Carson, and Carson's wonderful character makes me love his actor Paul. If that makes sense.
                                Makes sense to me! Should I worry?


