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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

    Good luck with the guy, leighanners! I'm so glad to hear you're finally over the last dude and are happy again! *hugs*
    Oh and about that...dude was a total stalker freak. He called me 15 times a day. He didn't listen to a word I said, and ugh! I finally got rid of him. Such a creep. He even called me back asking me for a second chance...I was like negative. Sadness. He was really hot! Guess I'll just stare at my pictures of Paul...
    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
      Just got home from work. Had to tape SGA and won't be able to watch it until tomorrow!

      Please tell me, it's going to be worth the wait!
      I'm probably double posting...sue me. *grins* Not really. I have nothing. I've had to sell myself to pay my doctor bills. Sadness...

      But anyway, I thought last night's epi was really good. I think next week looks great. Kinda made the impression of first season desperateness. And there is a "hole" in the credits. Doesn't flow too well in that area, although I do like the new images they put in there. Here...have some dirt!

      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


        *waves* Hey all.

        I just watched the premiere episode and am desperately missing Carson. The infirmary just isn't the infirmary without that dreamy Scottish accent and those lovely blue eyes.

        On another note, since I haven't been around much, I've missed a lot of posts and I don't think I'll be able to go back through them all. But, I do I hope everyone is doing well. *big hugs*

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          Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
          Aww, I know, they seemed so.... well, I can't think of anything better to say than empty. No Weir, and no Carson meh.... it sucks.
          And of course, during the whole episode I had that itch in my pants thinking "Carson should be there, Carson should be taking care of everybody, Carson needs to be there...."

          I had to tape SGA too! I was at my lil bro's football game. And I just finished watching it, OMIGOSH, it is good, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Now I so can't wait for next week.
          *happy sigh* I have missed my stargate fridays. I only wish we had more SG1, that makes me sad. I can't wait for the movies though.
          Originally posted by leighanners View Post
          I'm probably double posting...sue me. *grins* Not really. I have nothing. I've had to sell myself to pay my doctor bills. Sadness...

          But anyway, I thought last night's epi was really good. I think next week looks great. Kinda made the impression of first season desperateness. And there is a "hole" in the credits. Doesn't flow too well in that area, although I do like the new images they put in there. Here...have some dirt!

          OOOoooOOOoooOOO LAAA LAAAA!!!
          idlewild and leighanners, Oh good, I'm glad it's been worth the extra day of waiting! I just got back from my ten year high school reunion (boy was that ever interesting!) and I'm staying up extra late to watch SGA because I can't wait any longer!

          Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


            Busy as heck but I'm back! How is everyone?

            Can nobodies be somebodies?
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            Lemming #63!


              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                Originally posted by Gilde View Post
                By the way, I still have not received any answer from the SGF 'marchendise". I heard on one of the videos took at Dragon Con that sombody (mentioning the GW if I heard it well) was asking him about how to get the DVD and he seemed to be pretty sure about that it can be ordered through the con mission: warn him.
                I spoke to Robert French (the Exec. Prod of See Grace Fly whose looking after the DVD sales) and let him know you were having problems contacting them. He assured me he did not get your email. I know Robert very well, he's a great guy and believe me if he got you email, he would have replied!

                The film now has a new website at

                Or you can email direct to [email protected]
                Last edited by TJuk; 30 September 2007, 01:44 AM.


                  Stayed up until two this morning to finally get to watch 'Adrift.' Saw what people were saying about the gap in the opening credits.

                  And definitely sad expecting, but not seeing Beckett in the infirmary.

                  Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


                    I watched Adrift an hour or so ago, and I have to say that
                    when Keller walked out in that uniform Carson wore in first season ( I think), I thought for a split-second that it was him. Then I said to my self "don't be silly". But still I waited to hear that lovely Scottish accent from somewhere and it never came.
                    *bursts out crying and runs out*

                    "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                      LOADS more Paul for Scotty press, including the Scottish Sunday Post! This paper has a readership in the 1.5-2 MILLION range! You can see a scan of it here:


                      And MORE press in spoilers:

                      Latino Review


                      Beyond Hollywood

                      The Private Universe

                      Space View (Major German Scifi Mag)

                      Fantasy FR (French Site)

                      Trekkies (Czech Site)

             (Spainsh Language site)

                      El Estreno (Spanish)

                      Monsters and Critics (as part of SGA s4 premiere article)

                      Edit Suit

                      Salon De Mal (Spanish)


                      Cinematrix (Hungary)

                      Movie Machine (Netherlands)


                      At the Movies


                      Product Review

                      Actuello (French)

                      Newsandco.Com (French)

                      Stargate Project (Biggest German SG site)

                      World News Network


                      Pete Repulic

                      Klamm.De (German)

                      TrekNews Network (German)

                      Dark Horizons

                      Film Wad

                      This makes 66 so far! WHOA!!! God bless Chris Doohan!!!!

                      Visit My Flickr!!


                        Originally posted by TJuk View Post
                        I spoke to Robert French (the Exec. Prod of See Grace Fly whose looking after the DVD sales) and let him know you were having problems contacting them. He assured me he did not get your email. I know Robert very well, he's a great guy and believe me if he got you email, he would have replied!

                        The film now has a new website at

                        Or you can email direct to [email protected]
                        Wow! So cool


                          Originally posted by TJuk View Post
                          I spoke to Robert French (the Exec. Prod of See Grace Fly whose looking after the DVD sales) and let him know you were having problems contacting them. He assured me he did not get your email. I know Robert very well, he's a great guy and believe me if he got you email, he would have replied!

                          The film now has a new website at

                          Or you can email direct to [email protected]
                          Thanx TJ to check it out!

                          Of course I didn't think that thay may be ignorant, but there could be some technical problem, and I was right if they had not received any of my mails. I think this is a film others should see, and they want to, so if the organisers do not notice that there is a problem they can not sell the film and the fans can not get it. It's not good for anyone. I hope they can solve this soon and many people can see the film.

                          Many thanks again.


                            Watched "Adrift"! Also had to wait to watch the tape over the weekend since I was over at my dad's Friday night watching "High Noon". (Good movie, but could've used a friendly Scottish guy with great hair...) I see what you mean about the hole in the infirmary scenes. (It didn't help that Keller's main assisting doctor was the woman who stayed with Carson to the end in Sunday.) I like Jewel Staite and thought she did well, but would like to see her and Carson working together on these things. At least he got a mention when McKay talked about shutting down the replicator nanocyte thingies. Can't wait till "Kindred".

                            Response to Twinny's response:
                            In general I'm also very positive and optimistic but after what I've seen and heard of TPTB's decisions of late, I've just got a hunch they won't bow to fan wishes as much as we would like with bringing Carson back. I'm afraid they are too fond of Jewel Staite as the new CMO to ditch her again. And even though I think there's room enough for the both of them, I'm pretty sure the producers and showrunner won't necessarily agree on that one.
                            True. Like I said, I'd love to see the two working together, but don't think it's as likely. Still, having Beckett be recurring in season 5 would be better than nothing.

                            But I certainly share you feeling about Paul McGillion being protective of his character. He knows why and what his fans love so much about Beckett, and giving them something completely different from what the fans know and rallied for would certainly estrange fans from supporting the character for further appearances. Of course there has to be some kind of development for the character but in the end, they essentially want to get back what they loved and lost.
                            Love the man's commitment to pleasing his fans and being true to his character. How often do you see an actor insist on keeping his character sweet and nice rather than reveal a dark side or bury himself in angst? Development is good too, but the core essence of the guy we love needs to remain, and I trust Paul to do that.

                            As for the pics from JM's blog, he surely wouldn't post any spoilery pics, just a bit of teasing here and there. But I think that maybe Beckett was turned into a Wraith or perhaps a hybrid and when the team brings Carson back to Atlantis they make him human again with the help of his own retrovirus or something. Maybe he also has to take regular doses of the drug to remain human, much like the humanized Wraith did.
                            I'm with you on the hybrid thing. I'm not sure about him going fully Wraith, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if Michael did some experimenting/manipulation on him. All nice character development stuff! Should be fun to see what they do with that whole option.

                            Your idea for the cloning storyline is great too. What an internal struggle it would be for Beckett to come to terms with knowing or perhaps not knowing whether he was the clone.

                            Still worse would be the question, whether the SGC would allow Carson to let his family know that he is still alive. But they might consider something like that, especially when something like cloning was involved or being turned into a Wraith, compromising information for the expedition. Especially on him it would be very cruel to forbid him to tell his family. That would certainly break his heart and make for very good drama. Maybe they amend their decision when they realize how much he suffers from being seperated from his family for good.
                            I thought about the family thing. How do you explain to someone, "Remember how we returned the body of your son for a funeral? Well, here's the thing..." Do you say the military made a mistake identifying the body? (Could get them sued, if the family was that sort.) All in all, safer not to let him see his family again, but oh so cruel. Mallozzi did say there wouldn't be a dry eye in the house while watching "Kindred II". *worries* Poor Carson. I'm glad to know he'll be alive going into next season, but there's so many ways to mess with him while still meeting those criteria. (Rose's fate on Doctor Who springs to mind...) At least David Hewlett has said he thinks fans'll be happy with the way things go. (And can I just say how much I love his responses to being asked about Paul and Beckett leaving? The friendship is so clear between them.

                            Went to a friend's baby shower yesterday. A new little sci-fi fan is due into the world in the next month! Should be lots of fun.

                            Oh, and my Stats teacher is offering 10 extra credit points to anyone who comes to class in costume for Halloween (plus a DVD of a slasher flick to the three best dressed). Wonder if I could make an Atlantis uniform in time...



                              Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                              Wow. The new credits just seems so empty. Especially between Jason and David. I miss my Carson.
                              We're all with you there, leighanners! *hugs*

                              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                              Aww, I know, they seemed so.... well, I can't think of anything better to say than empty. No Weir, and no Carson meh.... it sucks.
                              And of course, during the whole episode I had that itch in my pants thinking "Carson should be there, Carson should be taking care of everybody, Carson needs to be there...."

                              Hmmm... this thread has been missing photos lately. How 'bout some for cheers to the new season (and to carson eventually returning)




                              *pokes computer* it ish moving in slooooow-motion tonight, grrrr....
                              Having to get around watching eps without our favourite Scottish eye- and earcandy is definitely a hard blow. I've already been hard to satisfy with eps Carson wasn't in while he was still a regular, but now we have to wait till... I don't even want to think about how long!

                              Yes, yes, yes, piccies! I've missed them loads and loads (but I don't think my Mom would have appreciated my need for thunking during the first week...)

                              Ha, did I mention I got a homemade Carson bookmark and Atlantis mouse pad? Squeee!!! Our parents did a brilliant job at "celebrating" our birthday properly. We each got 2 birthday cakes (our best friend wasn't sure Mom was in the mood for baking or had the time with all the organization, so she made a little pie for each of us and our mother did bake our favourite cakes, so there were four cakes at midnight. We always drink a glass of champagne, have a slice of birthday cake and light candles with our parents and our best friend, who we have known for 18 years now, at midnight.) They sent us out of the room about ten minutes before and then when it turned midnight they called us in and lit 30 sparklers! That was phenomenal! I so love fireworks and sparklers! [A few weeks back, I dreamed about a colourful chalkfirework when I nodded off on the couch, twinchy said the smile I had on my face was invaluable!]

                              Ehm... where were we... ah, piccies! Lovely, lovely, idlewild! Those are very good reasons for cheering.

                              Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                              Oh and about that...dude was a total stalker freak. He called me 15 times a day. He didn't listen to a word I said, and ugh! I finally got rid of him. Such a creep. He even called me back asking me for a second chance...I was like negative. Sadness. He was really hot! Guess I'll just stare at my pictures of Paul...
                              Sorry to hear that, leighanners! Aren't there any nice and decent guys around where you live? You don't deserve to be disappointed by one dude after the other! Here's hoping for better guys in your near future. *hugs*

                              Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                              Here...have some dirt!


                              OOOoooOOOoooOOO LAAA LAAAA!!!
                              Aaaahhhh, that's my dear leighanners! Loving the dirt pics. I think I can add one or two...

                              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                              *waves* Hey all.

                              I just watched the premiere episode and am desperately missing Carson. The infirmary just isn't the infirmary without that dreamy Scottish accent and those lovely blue eyes.

                              *big hugs*
                              cshawzye is back!
                              You are absolutely right about the accent and the blue eyes! How can I do eighteen eps without that? I have no idea. Loved your caps!

                              Originally posted by KerMcG90 View Post
                              Busy as heck but I'm back! How is everyone?
                              Good to see you return too, KerMcG! Are you enjoying the pics?

                              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                              I watched Adrift an hour or so ago, and I have to say that
                              *bursts out crying and runs out*
                              Don't cry, Oda, we're all with you!

                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              Can't wait till "Kindred".
                              Response to Twinny's response:
                              In general I'm also very positive and optimistic but after what I've seen and heard of TPTB's decisions of late, I've just got a hunch they won't bow to fan wishes as much as we would like with bringing Carson back. I'm afraid they are too fond of Jewel Staite as the new CMO to ditch her again. And even though I think there's room enough for the both of them, I'm pretty sure the producers and showrunner won't necessarily agree on that one.

                              True. Like I said, I'd love to see the two working together, but don't think it's as likely. Still, having Beckett be recurring in season 5 would be better than nothing.
                              You certainly won't hear me argue against that. Beckett in any capacity and alive is way better that what we have now.

                              But I certainly share you feeling about Paul McGillion being protective of his character. He knows why and what his fans love so much about Beckett, and giving them something completely different from what the fans know and rallied for would certainly estrange fans from supporting the character for further appearances. Of course there has to be some kind of development for the character but in the end, they essentially want to get back what they loved and lost.

                              Love the man's commitment to pleasing his fans and being true to his character. How often do you see an actor insist on keeping his character sweet and nice rather than reveal a dark side or bury himself in angst? Development is good too, but the core essence of the guy we love needs to remain, and I trust Paul to do that.
                              Yes, I too adore his commitment to being true to his character. When he says the character of Carson Beckett has also become very dear to him because it incorporates the strengths and values of the Scottish, it's not hard to believe him, for he really has such fondness and enthusiam for Beckett. Knowing how much his many fans love the role also helps, no doubt.

                              As for the pics from JM's blog, he surely wouldn't post any spoilery pics, just a bit of teasing here and there. But I think that maybe Beckett was turned into a Wraith or perhaps a hybrid and when the team brings Carson back to Atlantis they make him human again with the help of his own retrovirus or something. Maybe he also has to take regular doses of the drug to remain human, much like the humanized Wraith did.

                              I'm with you on the hybrid thing. I'm not sure about him going fully Wraith, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if Michael did some experimenting/manipulation on him. All nice character development stuff! Should be fun to see what they do with that whole option.
                              I'm convinced that Michael would see it as justice if he essentially did to Beckett what Carson did to him. Surely, this would wear down on poor Beckett's soul, especially if he was forced to feed on humans. Or worse, what if feeding on humans was a euphoric feeling for a Wraith and now Carson has a very hard time accepting how he feels when his senses are battling with his integrity and everything he believes in...

                              Your idea for the cloning storyline is great too. What an internal struggle it would be for Beckett to come to terms with knowing or perhaps not knowing whether he was the clone.

                              Still worse would be the question, whether the SGC would allow Carson to let his family know that he is still alive. But they might consider something like that, especially when something like cloning was involved or being turned into a Wraith, compromising information for the expedition. Especially on him it would be very cruel to forbid him to tell his family. That would certainly break his heart and make for very good drama. Maybe they amend their decision when they realize how much he suffers from being seperated from his family for good.

                              I thought about the family thing. How do you explain to someone, "Remember how we returned the body of your son for a funeral? Well, here's the thing..." Do you say the military made a mistake identifying the body? (Could get them sued, if the family was that sort.) All in all, safer not to let him see his family again, but oh so cruel. Mallozzi did say there wouldn't be a dry eye in the house while watching "Kindred II". *worries* Poor Carson. I'm glad to know he'll be alive going into next season, but there's so many ways to mess with him while still meeting those criteria. (Rose's fate on Doctor Who springs to mind...) At least David Hewlett has said he thinks fans'll be happy with the way things go. (And can I just say how much I love his responses to being asked about Paul and Beckett leaving? The friendship is so clear between them.
                              That is exactly the point. Even if they don't want to come across as the evil military, could they really let him inform his family about his alleged demise? And what could he tell them about his whereabouts for a significant amount of time? It's not like Ford, who is missing in action and could return any time.

                              I'm also caught in the ambiguity of anxiety and euphoria at his return and everything that leads to and from it. There's an almost infinite number of possibilities and I'm dying to see what happens. Sometimes I'm so convinced they'll bring him back at least in a regularly reccurring spot (after all, David Hewlett and Paul McGillion were both quite enthusiastic about what it could mean for Beckett in the future.)

                              Oh, and my Stats teacher is offering 10 extra credit points to anyone who comes to class in costume for Halloween (plus a DVD of a slasher flick to the three best dressed). Wonder if I could make an Atlantis uniform in time...
                              Your Stats teacher seems like a really cool guy! And even if you don't get the uniform finished till Halloween, it'd be still great to come in costume. Though I'm not so sure whether I'm totally on his side with rewarding the people who come in costumes with 10 credit points; it's nice but has nothing to do with the class/course.
                              Did you all read some of the press outlets writing about 3 eps for season four?
                              Are they a bit behind or will there be a third appearance and JM tries to hide it from us to give us a surprise cameo as maybe "The last man standing"? I wouldn't put it beyond them to try something like that. And if they really have him in a short spot in the cliffie, I'm convinced he'll be back on a regular basis for season five!

                              Now the dirt pics for leighanners and everybody else

                              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                                I've got some pretty huge gaps in my SGA viewing (which I'm closing fast!) I've only heard of Michael through a friend of mine who watches SGA and have seen others speaking of him and that he might be involved somehow with bringing Carson back.

                                What episode does he first show up in?

                                Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!

