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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
    Howdy shipper!

    In Tabula Rasa, Ronon and Sheppard go to the new mainland to get the enchuri plant, for Rodney to aerosolise the sap and then disperse it into the ventilation system in order to save everyone.

    So there is land on Atlantis' new planet. Remember Tabula Rasa was in Season 4, after they landed the city.
    Yay, now the fic bunnies are multiplying again! Thanks RiG!

    Originally posted by Daryst View Post
    beach??? sunburn??? you sure that you are on earth?? its getting colder and colder here.. rains to + wind.... luckily i have a car

    can't wait for the new fic though. even if you are not from earth.

    well enjoy the ep tonight. going back to my friends now.. they dont like it when i dont give them attentions xD just kidding ^__^
    Yeah, about that . . . (sheepish grin) I live in Florida . . . (tomato comes flying out of nowhere ) My brain, however, is not of this planet . . . still looking for home! Actually didn't get burned, it's gettin colder here too . . .

    I didn't get to see eppy tonight, so I'll hafta catch the transcript tomorrow, then I can understand all the comments here later!

    A'right, I think I'm done.

    . . .

    OH OH, NO I'M NOT!!! Sorry, need help from any techno-nerds that haunt this thread. I wanna make a video, an ACTUAL vid this time, with McKeller. I have the video, two eppys, they're WMV files. Really, I just need to know what program I can use to cut scenes from so I can make the vid full of moving McKellerness. Any help is appreciated.

    Ok, NOW I'm done. Night all, hope the eppy was good . . .



      "Are you interested in anyone?"
      "I, uh, no. Who has time for that?"
      "You're a terrible liar, Dr. McKay. Give it up."
      Theoretically spoilerish:
      Sig courtesy of Pandora.


        Sidenote: Love the sig, shipperwriter, but GW doesn't like the pictures to be that big. Yours needs to be about 2/3 smaller for the mods to leave you alone.
        Theoretically spoilerish:
        Sig courtesy of Pandora.


          I caught that scene too, KK! Awesome!

          Sigs need to be at most 200 pixels tall and 700 pixels wide.


            To KK about the spoiler thing (outsiders)
            What, what scene!! Who was talking? Mckay and who?


              New fic...

              Some Hearts Just get Lucky Sometimes


              at the very end, Carson and Rodney are walking off to get dinner and Carson asks him if he's interested in anyone


                Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                Sidenote: Love the sig, shipperwriter, but GW doesn't like the pictures to be that big. Yours needs to be about 2/3 smaller for the mods to leave you alone.
                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                I caught that scene too, KK! Awesome!

                Sigs need to be at most 200 pixels tall and 700 pixels wide.
                Thanks for the info, I'll go and fix it . . . once I've read all the new fic!


                  Sorry I was gone so long, was watching Atlantis and Sanctuary.

                  Originally posted by shanna1 View Post
                  *waves* I come bearing fic! And no, it's not a habit of mine to stop by just to share a fic link. I also show up to share pie and cookies.

                  Fic!: Sunset
                  Will read it soon.

                  Originally posted by heeroyue View Post
                  ummmm hi! I've been a McKeller shipper since saw trio this summer and I just thought I'd come in here and say hi........I just got to see TLT yesterday and had a major squee moment. I got really odd looks from my dad who was in the same room though.....
                  Welcome to Operation McKeller!!!

                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Yay, now the fic bunnies are multiplying again! Thanks RiG!

                  Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                  Sidenote: Love the sig, shipperwriter, but GW doesn't like the pictures to be that big. Yours needs to be about 2/3 smaller for the mods to leave you alone.
                  Yeah, the same goes for you too shanna1 ...don't want the mods to catch ya.
                  Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                  New fic...

                  Some Hearts Just get Lucky Sometimes


                  at the very end, Carson and Rodney are walking off to get dinner and Carson asks him if he's interested in anyone
                  Will read it soon too.

                  I so wanted Rodney to tell Carson that yes he is interested in someone --->Keller. I wanted to hear him say it. I don't want to have to just assume that he told Carson about his feelings for Jennifer. I want, well, to be a fly on the wall druing that particular dinner conversation. And to see Carson's reaction.

                  Spoilers for Outsiders
                  Oh, and I loooooved the scene where Rodney and Carson get into the Dart. Disappointed that we(I) didn't get to see Rodney acatually fly a Dart tho. The scene was just so funny.

                  Rodney and Carson are squished into the cockpit of the Dart, Carson is halfway sitting on Rodney:


                  Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 17 October 2008, 07:43 PM.
                  Sig by ME.


                    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                    New fic...

                    Some Hearts Just get Lucky Sometimes


                    at the very end, Carson and Rodney are walking off to get dinner and Carson asks him if he's interested in anyone
                    (quiet little contented squee) That was perfect, just what I needed before going to sleep, thanks!

                    PS -- I changed my sig to the correct size, so hopefully that should be okay. I'll make a brand new one soon that matches the sizes better . . .
                    Last edited by ShipperWriter; 17 October 2008, 08:09 PM.


                      Hello people! I have to leave for school in about 10 minutes, but hopefully will be back in no time! You're all asleep anyway...

                      Originally posted by heeroyue View Post
                      ummmm hi! I've been a McKeller shipper since I saw trio this summer and I just thought I'd come in here and say hi........I just got to see TLT yesterday and had a major squee moment. I got really odd looks from my dad who was in the same room though.....
                      Welcome heeroyue!

                      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                      Yay, new fic! I love new fics. And I see there wasn't to much feedback on yesterday's episode, I hope it was still good though. I haven't peeked into the spoiler tags, so I don't know what you thought about it. By the way it was no easy task with quoting your post PB, I had to close my eyes, and blindly delete the spoiled section of your comment. But I managed...

                      All righty, I'm off to school now, probably I'll be back after watching Outsiders myself.


                        So, I'm back, the weekend officially started! Although, nobody posted while I was gone, that's sad.

                        spoilers for Outsiders:
                        I just loved the two-men commando of McKay and Beckett on the Hive ship. I really missed these interactions between the two. And yes, the ending, poor Rodney can't even fool Beckett. We all know he has the time to be interested in a certain someone between brain parasites and kidnappings.


                          Originally posted by heeroyue View Post
                          ummmm hi! I've been a McKeller shipper since I saw trio this summer and I just thought I'd come in here and say hi........I just got to see TLT yesterday and had a major squee moment. I got really odd looks from my dad who was in the same room though.....
                          Welcome heeroyue!

                          made by krissie678


                            Yeah new mckeller fic by CL, havent read it yet but heres the link
                            banner by Pandoras-box


                              Originally posted by stclare View Post
                              Yeah new mckeller fic by CL, havent read it yet but heres the link
                              I read it, it has cool Daniel-Mckay friendship stuff.


                                Originally posted by heeroyue View Post
                                ummmm hi! I've been a McKeller shipper since I saw trio this summer and I just thought I'd come in here and say hi........I just got to see TLT yesterday and had a major squee moment. I got really odd looks from my dad who was in the same room though.....
                                you know... i have seen you lurking around here before.... always thought it was my imagination though... anway. WELCOME! ^__^

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Yay, now the fic bunnies are multiplying again! Thanks RiG!

                                Yeah, about that . . . (sheepish grin) I live in Florida . . . (tomato comes flying out of nowhere ) My brain, however, is not of this planet . . . still looking for home! Actually didn't get burned, it's gettin colder here too . . .

                                I didn't get to see eppy tonight, so I'll hafta catch the transcript tomorrow, then I can understand all the comments here later!

                                A'right, I think I'm done.

                                . . .

                                OH OH, NO I'M NOT!!! Sorry, need help from any techno-nerds that haunt this thread. I wanna make a video, an ACTUAL vid this time, with McKeller. I have the video, two eppys, they're WMV files. Really, I just need to know what program I can use to cut scenes from so I can make the vid full of moving McKellerness. Any help is appreciated.

                                Ok, NOW I'm done. Night all, hope the eppy was good . . .
                                Ah Florida, i think there is a difference between a coastal province in Holland and Florida.. specially when it concerns the temperature

                                Right. The program i am using to edit movies is called Adobe Premiere CS3. it will allow you to import alot of formats, including "*.wmv" files

                                Originally posted by atlantisk View Post
                                Welcome to Mckeller

                                Oh, and I think I missed someone else... So, WELCOME ALL NEWBIES Have fun

                                EDIT: I read the fic It was cute. Is it just me or did we get a bunch of fics this week?

                                EDIT2: I'm alone Lonely, under my little tree
                                *Joins sitting under the tree* comfy??

                                Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post

                                "Are you interested in anyone?"
                                "I, uh, no. Who has time for that?"
                                "You're a terrible liar, Dr. McKay. Give it up."
                                yeah, the news spreads fast eh? Even Beckett knows about it. And he has been offworld for a long long time ^__^

                                Originally posted by trekie View Post
                                Hello people! I have to leave for school in about 10 minutes, but hopefully will be back in no time! You're all asleep anyway...

                                Welcome heeroyue!

                                Yay, new fic! I love new fics. And I see there wasn't to much feedback on yesterday's episode, I hope it was still good though. I haven't peeked into the spoiler tags, so I don't know what you thought about it. By the way it was no easy task with quoting your post PB, I had to close my eyes, and blindly delete the spoiled section of your comment. But I managed...

                                All righty, I'm off to school now, probably I'll be back after watching Outsiders myself.
                                i knew it... you are a Jedi in disguise. No mere mortal can blindly delete a spoilered section!

                                anyway, good to know that you finely have a weekend. enjoy it!

                                Originally posted by stclare View Post
                                Yeah new mckeller fic by CL, havent read it yet but heres the link
                                we are being bombed with new stories everyday!!!..... with this rate, i'll never get to work. Will only be reading

                                Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive

