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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    *Sticks fingers in ears*

    I'm not going to be able to see heroes until 2moro evening.... and the E-mail notifications i get don't hide the spoilered stuff!

    'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


      Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post

      *Sticks fingers in ears*

      I'm not going to be able to see heroes until 2moro evening.... and the E-mail notifications i get don't hide the spoilered stuff!
      don't worry, i won't spoil it for you. but i definitely didn't see it coming.

      edit: i'm off to bed, good night everyone!
      Last edited by StargateHERO; 13 October 2008, 06:04 PM.
      thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


        Originally posted by Daryst View Post
        your trying to make a music video...!!!!... the majority of the thread are writers. but some of us are not if you require any assistance on making that video, i will gladly help. Ask anyone here and they will say the same thing

        Edit-:... wait a minute.... i remembered you said something about you and youtube and movies.... so i assumed you were making a music video....but when i checked there were slide shows?! As much as i respect your work as an artist (yada yada bla bla bla ) please dont do that with your current project! seriously, if you think you are not experienced enough to use programs like Adobe premiere or something similair. just ask. I have been using it for over 9 years now and i can say that i know a thing or two about it. I dont wanna see potential going to waste and really. the creation of the video is not difficult. its the idea and getting the material that is the hard part
        Yeah, about that... The only reason my my "videos" are slides is because a) can't seem to get my hands on any videos that I can actually use, whether due to format or digital copyright infringement, b) the only program I've been able to use is Windows Movie Maker (gladly accept the tomato torture now ). So I think for now, the "video" is on hold, I've been working on my McKeller fic and making some little other, umm, you know, whatchamacallit doohickeys... icons! They make the little shipper voice in my head go squeee, so they work for me!

        Well, I guess it's good night from me. Stupid, stupid real life...

        Night, McKellers!

        And PS -- maybe later I'll see if I can get my hands on another program that would work better. But for the time being, my job stinks and doesn't pay well, but indulging in McKeller world is priceless, so hey, I'll take what I can get...


          Just read this McKeller fic --->Still Waters, Raging Rivers it's a new one.

          K, gotta go to bed now ...stupid work!
          Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 13 October 2008, 07:14 PM.
          Sig by ME.


            *nearly slips from mopped and waxed floor* WHAT THE HEL HAPPENED HERE!!......

            Night RiG!, (probably a very late goodnight, but what the heck )

            Will start to read the fic after ive done some stuff at work first.

            Well if you are postponing your video ShipperWriter for a fic, it better be a good fic

            EDIT-: Latest fic i found in FF net

            Any Other Name
            Last edited by Daryst; 14 October 2008, 12:33 AM. Reason: NEW FIC!

            Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


              Originally posted by Daryst View Post
              *nearly slips from mopped and waxed floor* WHAT THE HEL HAPPENED HERE!!......

              Night RiG!, (probably a very late goodnight, but what the heck )

              Will start to read the fic after ive done some stuff at work first.

              Well if you are postponing your video ShipperWriter for a fic, it better be a good fic

              EDIT-: Latest fic i found in FF net

              Any Other Name
              I think that's actually a Rodney/Sam fic, sadly.
              Theoretically spoilerish:
              Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                I think that's actually a Rodney/Sam fic, sadly.
                did not read it before i posted it but since it said keller and mckay as a pairing i posted it here as well.

                But after i read it, i kinda figured it out as well....shame really. but still if you people wanna read it. please do, its not a bad fic.

                and if i had to see Mckay end up with someone other then Keller i would choose Sam. Although i have Sam already paired up with Daniel
                Last edited by Daryst; 14 October 2008, 02:41 AM.

                Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


                  OT-Just thoguth i'd update you on the Mum situation....
                  I think i mentioned in here a while back about my mum and how the Doc's had found some kind of Mass during a routine scan....

                  Well she's just got a blood test result back that said that whatever the blood level is that indicates bad things is comign up as within normal parameters

                  While , yeah, it's not a definate YES/NO verdict... it's a step in the right direction

                  'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                    Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
                    OT-Just thoguth i'd update you on the Mum situation....
                    I think i mentioned in here a while back about my mum and how the Doc's had found some kind of Mass during a routine scan....

                    Well she's just got a blood test result back that said that whatever the blood level is that indicates bad things is comign up as within normal parameters

                    While , yeah, it's not a definate YES/NO verdict... it's a step in the right direction
                    i must have missed that memo. well give her my wishes on a speedy recovery and best of luck to your mother and your self ofcourse.

                    Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


                      i saw two new fics!!!! that's awesome!!! *is excited to read them* we need some more mckeller fics out there!

                      what happened here? page 2??? *gasps*

                      *goes back to homework*
                      thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                        Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                        i saw two new fics!!!! that's awesome!!! *is excited to read them* we need some more mckeller fics out there!what happened here? page 2??? *gasps*

                        *goes back to homework*
                        I'm working on one, but it's not going well... At the moment it's just plain embarrassing.

                        The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                          Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                          I'm working on one, but it's not going well... At the moment it's just plain embarrassing.
                          same with me. mine's almost done, but i'm not really liking the way that it's coming out.
                          thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                            well. like they say. its finished when its finished. no rush

                            Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


                              Originally posted by Daryst View Post
                              well. like they say. its finished when its finished. no rush
                              the sad part is though i've been working on it since the summer. and now i'm scared to post it because everyone's been waiting, and i don't want it to suck
                              Last edited by StargateHERO; 14 October 2008, 12:35 PM.
                              thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                                Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                                the sad part is though i've been working on it since the summer. and now i'm scared to post it because everyone's been waiting, and i don't want it to suck
                                What type of fic is it (ie whats the general plot?)

