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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Oooooh, pretty!

    I'm being sort of MIA, I know. Reason being the Olympics (must watch gymnastics) and the fact that my muse for artwork has deserted me, but my muse for fanfic has returned.

    Yay me!

    Also, I took the time to do this, McKeller fanvid playlist.


      Originally posted by atlantisk View Post
      Looking at all these post, witch are taking me a long time to read, I saw this and I was like WOW!! it's so beautiful!!
      *snurch it* For the futur don't worry, I will credit
      Now look, you made me blush! Thanks, glad you likey
      Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
      no problem Kate the reason i love decorating my books is that i love people's reactions to all of the SciFi stuff on them. like when they see all of the stargate, farscape, BSG, and firefly stuff they're like, 'wtf?', and it's just so funny to watch. and plus, I have something to distract me during school! *drools at pics of john, daniel, cam, rodney, and major lorne*
      Lol, that was the reaction I got when people saw my agenda this past year. I only got as far as the agenda, but the notebooks will follow in the fall The looks on their faces were like "who the hel* are they?" and then when i started to rant about stargate and what not, "woah, i guess you really like the sci-fi stuff then..." And I would just smile and grin like a maniac.

      btw Nicole, CONGRATS ON 1000 POSTS!!!!
      Originally posted by sunnytyler001 View Post
      Wow!!! Really fantastic!
      Thank you!
      Originally posted by atlantisk View Post
      I feel so young here , since I still go to school....
      We got all ages here....
      i'm in good ol' high school.


        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
        Oooooh, pretty!

        I'm being sort of MIA, I know. Reason being the Olympics (must watch gymnastics) and the fact that my muse for artwork has deserted me, but my muse for fanfic has returned.

        Yay me!

        Also, I took the time to do this, McKeller fanvid playlist.
        yeah, i have the olympics on in the background because of gymnastics as well. watching those girls and guys perform inspire me to try harder at practice (and make me want to be more of a dare devil, which isn't really good )

        my fanfic muse has deserted me, and i've never had such a great artwork muse, so i'm like in a slump as of this moment. hopefully i'll be able to think of something to add to the mckeller fanfic archive.
        thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


          Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
          yeah, i have the olympics on in the background because of gymnastics as well. watching those girls and guys perform inspire me to try harder at practice (and make me want to be more of a dare devil, which isn't really good )
          Yep. I've got the Olympics in a window streaming live on my desktop. Swimming is on right now, but I can't complain. All those hot men in skintight swim trunks....sigh....

          From one casual gymnast to another (just assuming unless you're seriously into it), I say go for all the crazy stuff while you can. I've got the history of sprains and twists and pulled muscles, cuts and bruises, but I can't complain. There's a huge sense of accomplishment that comes with along with doing something you never thought you could ever do. And a huge boost to your ego when you know you can do something that so few can. Just sayin'.

          my fanfic muse has deserted me, and i've never had such a great artwork muse, so i'm like in a slump as of this moment. hopefully i'll be able to think of something to add to the mckeller fanfic archive.
          Can't wait to read more of your stuff.

          Oh. I see you know JT4life. Great sigs by the way. I especially loved the one with the equations as a texture. Great stuff!


            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
            Lol, that was the reaction I got when people saw my agenda this past year. I only got as far as the agenda, but the notebooks will follow in the fall The looks on their faces were like "who the hel* are they?" and then when i started to rant about stargate and what not, "woah, i guess you really like the sci-fi stuff then..." And I would just smile and grin like a maniac.

            btw Nicole, CONGRATS ON 1000 POSTS!!!!
            thanks Kate!

            i know. the looks on people's faces are priceless. and when they look at Sheppard and go, 'wow, he's hot' i yell: NO! HE'S MINE! and get all possessive, and then more weird looks get sent my way. but it's always fun to do that to other people. i rant about stargate all the time as well. whenever somebody mentions something that can in some way be related to stargate, i tell them that! and it's so funny i can't help it.

            and this year as i've said, mckeller is playing a big part on decorating my books, so i'll have many pretties to look at during classes!!!
            thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
              Yep. I've got the Olympics in a window streaming live on my desktop. Swimming is on right now, but I can't complain. All those hot men in skintight swim trunks....sigh....

              From one casual gymnast to another (just assuming unless you're seriously into it), I say go for all the crazy stuff while you can. I've got the history of sprains and twists and pulled muscles, cuts and bruises, but I can't complain. There's a huge sense of accomplishment that comes with along with doing something you never thought you could ever do. And a huge boost to your ego when you know you can do something that so few can. Just sayin'.

              Can't wait to read more of your stuff.

              Oh. I see you know JT4life. Great sigs by the way. I especially loved the one with the equations as a texture. Great stuff!
              OT: although i don't swim, i love watching the swimming as well. it's just so amazing to watch! I'm not seriously into gymnastics but I am on both my Gym team, and my high school team. I made my high school varsity team in the 9th grade, but I'm only a level five. i can't do really crazy stuff, but i like to try (and fail a lot, but it's ok ). I fall on my head all the time at practice, but it's just so much fun. and that's how i see it too, i won't be able to do the stuff for much longer, so just try to do as much as i can now.

              edit: gymnastics is next!!! yay!!! *is excited*
              thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                yeah, i have the olympics on in the background because of gymnastics as well. watching those girls and guys perform inspire me to try harder at practice (and make me want to be more of a dare devil, which isn't really good )

                my fanfic muse has deserted me, and i've never had such a great artwork muse, so i'm like in a slump as of this moment. hopefully i'll be able to think of something to add to the mckeller fanfic archive.
                I was watching those too!!! it's amazing what those gymnasts can do..... was anyone watching the women's volleyball last night? USA vs. Japan? It was intense, but USA pulled through *cheers for USA being a crazy American who lives in Canada*
                Ok, totally OT.

                ANYwho, that last banner just about drained my fan art muse... and in terms of fanfics, I'm in a rut as of right now too.
                *joins Nicole in Slumpville*

                Oh! That reminds me- i convinced my mum to let us drive through the town of McKellar when we go cottage hunting (again)next week!!! I'll take pics

                Off to watch the SGA season 4 two-parter openers with my mum. She hasn't even caught up on season 4 yet... after I made her watch an ep with me convinced her to start watching Atlantis.....


                  Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                  Oh. I see you know JT4life. Great sigs by the way. I especially loved the one with the equations as a texture. Great stuff!
                  Thank you so much!!!
                  Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                  thanks Kate!

                  i know. the looks on people's faces are priceless. and when they look at Sheppard and go, 'wow, he's hot' i yell: NO! HE'S MINE! and get all possessive, and then more weird looks get sent my way. but it's always fun to do that to other people. i rant about stargate all the time as well. whenever somebody mentions something that can in some way be related to stargate, i tell them that! and it's so funny i can't help it.

                  and this year as i've said, mckeller is playing a big part on decorating my books, so i'll have many pretties to look at during classes!!!
                  Well, my friends who watch Stargate at my school think Shep is hot, but for some reason the rest of my year is either blind or just crazy because I've gotten more than a few comments on how Shep looks like a girl and I get sooo p*ssed off and end up practically yelling: "What the h*ll! He's freaking gorgeous, how could you say that?!?!?!" And I get all the wierd looks too. But that's ok, people know I'm a space geek by now

                  Also, the good thing about sticking pics on your books and agenda means that you can look at them whenever you feel like not paying attention *not that I would ever dream of doing that, lol* and the teacher can't tell you to put it away (like with a camera or something) because it's your class book. mwahahaha


                    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                    I was watching those too!!! it's amazing what those gymnasts can do..... was anyone watching the women's volleyball last night? USA vs. Japan? It was intense, but USA pulled through *cheers for USA being a crazy American who lives in Canada*
                    Ok, totally OT.

                    ANYwho, that last banner just about drained my fan art muse... and in terms of fanfics, I'm in a rut as of right now too.
                    *joins Nicole in Slumpville*

                    Oh! That reminds me- i convinced my mum to let us drive through the town of McKellar when we go cottage hunting (again)next week!!! I'll take pics

                    Off to watch the SGA season 4 two-parter openers with my mum. She hasn't even caught up on season 4 yet... after I made her watch an ep with me convinced her to start watching Atlantis.....
                    no, i didn't watch last night. but yay USA!!! *jumps and cheers* (i'm a crazy American too, so i hear you)

                    i convinced my mom to start watching Atlantis during season 4 too! after she watched 'be all my sins remember'd' with me, she said that she couldn't believe that no one watched the show, and how amazing it was!!
                    thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post

                      Well, my friends who watch Stargate at my school think Shep is hot, but for some reason the rest of my year is either blind or just crazy because I've gotten more than a few comments on how Shep looks like a girl and I get sooo p*ssed off and end up practically yelling: "What the h*ll! He's freaking gorgeous, how could you say that?!?!?!" And I get all the wierd looks too. But that's ok, people know I'm a space geek by now

                      Also, the good thing about sticking pics on your books and agenda means that you can look at them whenever you feel like not paying attention *not that I would ever dream of doing that, lol* and the teacher can't tell you to put it away (like with a camera or something) because it's your class book. mwahahaha
                      you're lucky you have friends who watch stargate. people at school know me as freaky science girl (not that i mind, i'm proud to have that title!!!) i've learned that being a loser is so much more fun that being cool, so i embrace it

                      and i'm just like Jen, i go for the geeky guys *cough Daniel cough* lol
                      thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                        I was lucky in high school, I guess. I was in a maths/science program so everyone was geeky. Now in uni, I'm still surrounded by geeks so I feel comfortable every single day.

                        Although, not everyone shares my love of sci-fi. And even fewer my love of Stargate. I'm pretty much alone in my love of McKeller. It's why I like you guys so much.

                        Oooooo, more hot guys swimming.


                          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                          I was lucky in high school, I guess. I was in a maths/science program so everyone was geeky. Now in uni, I'm still surrounded by geeks so I feel comfortable every single day.

                          Although, not everyone shares my love of sci-fi. And even fewer my love of Stargate. I'm pretty much alone in my love of McKeller. It's why I like you guys so much.

                          Oooooo, more hot guys swimming.
                          i'm in a special science program in my high school. only the top 10 kids got to participate in it, so that made me feel good. and i also won an award for scientific acievement from one of the local colleges so that made me happy

                          i can't wait to go to college because i plan to become a high school bio and physics teacher, so i'll be surrounded by my fellow geeks

                          not only am i the only stargate fan in existence here in the little town i call home, but i'm also the only mckeller shipper too!! so i love you guys to pieces *hugs*

                          and i love the mckeller vid playlist Pandora!!! it's awesome stuff (I sent you a friend request on yt. my name on yt is NoDoubtFan92)

                          and for the swimming...

                          GO USA!!!!! WE GOT A GOLD!!
                          thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                            Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post

                            GO USA!!!!! WE GOT A GOLD!!

                            I usually don't get TOO into "national rivalries." I'm always watching and hoping for my country to win, but I don't get super riled up. But after hearing what the French gentleman said about the US team ("The Americans? We're going to smash them"), I jumped out of my chair yelling, hugging, and high-fiving when the relay team made that absolutely amazing comeback and won.
                            Theoretically spoilerish:
                            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                              Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                              no, i didn't watch last night. but yay USA!!! *jumps and cheers* (i'm a crazy American too, so i hear you)

                              i convinced my mom to start watching Atlantis during season 4 too! after she watched 'be all my sins remember'd' with me, she said that she couldn't believe that no one watched the show, and how amazing it was!!
                              I have always loved the olympics and was cheering last night as well. I usually end up watching the first hour or two and then DVR the rest. My daughter just wakes up too early in the morning and I dont' want to be a zombie all day.

                              My mom got me to watch sci-fi originally. She was always a major Trek fan when I was growing up, it was always on the TV. When Stargate, the movie came out on video, we rented it right away (don't care much for movie theater crowds). Haven't stopped since.


                                Well, Czech Republic has already two golden medals and I have a feeling we will have more!

                                Anyway....geez, it´s hard to catch you up, there are always two or three new pages before I get here

                                "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5

