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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    I leave for a few hours and there lots of posts too read yay!
    I agree, season 5 is stronger then season 4, I loved all the episode other then the one with ronon and his "friend". This week we got like 4 newbies I love to see Mckeller growing


      Okay, so I was reading the spoilers for Identity and I noticed:
      When Neeva seduces Rodney as Jennifer, he still thinks it's Jen...not surprised that she's trying to seduce him, eh? Doesn't that say more than a thousand scenes?

      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
        Okay, so I was reading the spoilers for Identity and I noticed:
        When Neeva seduces Rodney as Jennifer, he still thinks it's Jen...not surprised that she's trying to seduce him, eh? Doesn't that say more than a thousand scenes?
        I didn't notice that!!!
        *SQUEE* well, It also depends on the type of suduction , but I'm still squeeing


          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
          Okay, so I was reading the spoilers for Identity and I noticed:
          When Neeva seduces Rodney as Jennifer, he still thinks it's Jen...not surprised that she's trying to seduce him, eh? Doesn't that say more than a thousand scenes?
          Duuuude! I totally didn't!!!!!
          This is so gonna be awesome


            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
            Okay, so I was reading the spoilers for Identity and I noticed:
            When Neeva seduces Rodney as Jennifer, he still thinks it's Jen...not surprised that she's trying to seduce him, eh? Doesn't that say more than a thousand scenes?
            the thing i can't wait for is to see Rodney's reaction to it.
            thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              Okay, so I was reading the spoilers for Identity and I noticed:
              When Neeva seduces Rodney as Jennifer, he still thinks it's Jen...not surprised that she's trying to seduce him, eh? Doesn't that say more than a thousand scenes?
              Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
              the thing i can't wait for is to see Rodney's reaction to it.
              I know,
              his facial expressions alone will probably make me roll on the floor laughing! And then of course his (and Jen's) when he's trying to tell her what happened while she was gone....teeheeP:


                What i'm looking forward to the most is how he will handle it. Him being all gentleman-like is a great + for me. I think the conclusion of the episode will bring the most McKeller moments.
                Made by the great KindlyKeller <3
                RIP Nuada


                  Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                  the thing i can't wait for is to see Rodney's reaction to it.
                  haha! lol! I Probably will be laughing during that moment xD


                    Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                    i have no idea how to respond to all of this hate being directed all around the fandom. i was reading in the anti thread to see what they had to say, and they said that TPTB are just shoving mckeller down our throats yadda yadda yadda. i mean, COME ON! we haven't even seen 1/4 of the season yet, and they are already complaining? If you don't like stargate, get out. it's just that simple. i have no idea what television show those people are watching, but i don't beleive that it's been shoved down our throats at all. there were tiny little moments between them, and oh yes, there was that ALTERNATE REALITY! big whoop, like that makes any difference in OUR reality. people are just getting excited over NOTHING! that was just a SPOILER, so we don't even know if that's going to happen yet. And it's not even keller doing the 'seducing' (or whatever TPTB mean by the word). When Sheppard and Weir were taken over by the alien entities, they KISSED! did people then start screaming that Sparky was gonna overtake the show? Of course they didnt' because everyone loves Elizabeth. Everyone loves Sheppard. But let me remind you, all of those people HATE Keller with a passion, and they will not stop insulting her until she is taken off/killed off of the show. And i'm sorry people, but TPTB aren't going to be killing her off anytime soon. so just live with it, or don't watch the show.

                    sorry, that was my rant (directed towards the anti people. not to any of you).

                    But me personally, i'm not worried at all about this episode. it's going to be, how it's going to be.

                    You should go post this on JM's board. All the antis are ranting, so should we.


                      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                      I guess it all depends on how much the general audience despises the idea of romance in their weekly dose of sci-fi. And exactly how many of them hate Keller.

                      Granted, I don't think too many of them do. It seems to be mainly concentrated amongst the hard-core fans and even then it seems to be a minority.
                      I think you've hit the nail on the head here. The vast majority of the people who watch Atlantis probably don't get on boards and don't read spoilers. They watch the show and when it's over, they go back to whatever they were doing before. As long as the ship isn't "in your face" most people probably won't care all that much.

                      Pandora's Box, can I steal your banner? Oh, and if I do, how do I put it on my posts? Sorry, I'm still relatively new to this stuff myself.


                        Hiya guys :d wow I,ve missed quite a bit. Already past 100 pages. well congrats to us on 100 anyway!!! keep it up

                        SQUUEEEEE!!! OHH!! I can just imagine all the fanart that will be made out of that!
                        + = It's a simple mathematical fact
                        And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


                          Originally posted by atlantis sg1 View Post
                          Hiya guys :d wow I,ve missed quite a bit. Already past 100 pages. well congrats to us on 100 anyway!!! keep it up

                          SQUUEEEEE!!! OHH!! I can just imagine all the fanart that will be made out of that!
                          Hey!!! Yup, miss alot
                          There's already a lot of faqn art started on that with ust a few pics I don't know why I'm putting this in spoilers


                            Oh and I forgot:

                            WELCOME ALL NEWBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            + = It's a simple mathematical fact
                            And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


                              A little off topic but those anybody know when the next episode will air?
                              + = It's a simple mathematical fact
                              And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


                                I think it's next week , but I'm not sure...

