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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Well in Homecoming they are heading back in Atlantis although I don't know how long they had to stay on Earth. Even then there was no assurances that they would be able to go back to the Pegasus Galaxy


      I sort of assumed that Kanaan & Torren were somewhere on Atlantis when it came to earth as I can't see Teyla leaving her baby behind either. That balcony scene bugged me. Where the hell were Lorne and Radek. And as for whatsherface being there.... grrrr.. don't get me started.

      I've just been to the Post Office to post some speshul Christmas cards.

      Shhh.... Bailey......

      I'm 43.


        Hated that she was on the Balcony as well... Sheppard would have made him come look anyway and probably would have done it with the enthusiasm of showing a friend his favorite hideout or toy. Am glad that in the photos, she is standing closer to Woolsey than Jenn's man.

        I won't tell if you don't Blen.


          Ah, but that would both make sense and imply tptb cared about the aliens of the crew.

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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            Ah, but that would both make sense and imply tptb cared about the aliens of the crew.
            That was in response to the whole Kanaan and Torren should be out on the balcony with Teyla thing. The page didn't show me there was more posts coming up. Does that to me a lot.

            And yeah, that last scene was missing a bunch of people. And I never liked - hated it even - the fact that tptb were happy with Ronon's having a romance centered around 35 seconds of face time.

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            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              There was so much wrong with EatG really I mean what was right?

              if we are confessing ages I am 29


                Right with EatG? They stopped the wraith incursion? Should have at least been a two parter. And all the relationships put right. Or at the very least, questions answered.

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  I actually liked many parts of EATG, the relationships part sucked though... and since they knew it was the last one I wish they would have spent just a little more time giving closure to a few things. Two hours though, Ever, would have been much better, although then the worry is that they would have gotten even more of it wrong or messed up than they did.

                  Funny how it is confessing... kind of a negative term, but fitting.


                    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                    Wait so Homecoming is out? Everything I have seen says not until Feb.
                    Yes, that is what I am seeing. It was going to be winter, but they pushed it all back until February.

                    BTW, hello!


                      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                      Yes, that is what I am seeing. It was going to be winter, but they pushed it all back until February.

                      BTW, hello!
                      Maybe that is why Blen isn't seeing anything on the threads.

                      Morning Copter.


                        Morning All. I get to go grocery shopping today yippee


                          I've only seen EatG two or three times, but I remember a lot of people were way out of character. Carson being ok with flying the city when he's always been afraid of the chair? Ronon being ok with staying on Earth even though there are wraith in Pegasus? Why did they need John on the Earth chair? They had Jack that could operate it. Just meh. I think by that point I was so disillusioned with S5 the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            It was too rushed, way too much Dues Ex Machina for me, then the relationship crap was horrible overall it was par for season 5 which I disliked pretty much all of S5 there are oly like 3 or 4 eps that I did like.


                              I absolutely detest EatG. In fact I don't own it. I don't own the last two volumes of season 5.
                              Something else that really bugged me was how Ronon died for two minutes. What was the point of that? I think Vegas should have been scrapped altogether, then EatG could have been in two parts. Perhaps Ronon could have died at the end of the first part and leave it as a cliffhanger for the second part. But no.... we had to have that pathetic "Ronon"s dead.... oh no he isn't" scenario.


                                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                                Yes, that is what I am seeing. It was going to be winter, but they pushed it all back until February.

                                BTW, hello!
                                Hi Copter.

                                Homecoming has been out for two weeks now.


