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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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      That is good news Blen

      I was able to watch through Peace & Love saw a couple more Doctor Who guests looks like Mon I will be starting season 4.

      Today I am going to see Avengers Age of Ultron again. I saw it Thurs because a friend heard I wasn't going because money is tight so they bought me a ticket to see it I will pay him back when money is not as tight. This showing though 100% of the money I paid is going to cancer research and between friends and family who I know who have had cancer, fighting cancer or have passed from cancer it is something I am very willing to tighten my belt to make sure I can help.


        I thought Peace and Love was a great episode. My particularly favourite bit was George & John going to the gay pub - George being a little bit gay in order to get them in, John's slowly dawning horror that they were in a "teapot's place" and then the comment from that other guy that George had done well for himself!

        I also thought there was some great character development for John. The fact he was so intolerant of gays at the beginning of the episode to his being sympathetic at the end. And that he was basically offered sex on a plate by that female student but turned her down. So different to the way he was in Gently in the Night with the hostess.

        That was a lovely offer from your friend DG. Glad to hear you are going to see it again. Fun and for a worthy cause. Win win!


          I did like that too I thought at first it might be because John was going to try and fight to get Lisa back but I am glad to see he is growing. I have also learned some stuff about England during that time I knew that being homosexual was a crime (glad that went away) but I was a little horrified if a person tried to commit suicide was also a crime. Being in jail wont help them at all.

          Yes it was I said that I wasn't going and he said I would get you a ticket but the theater they were going to is one of the pricier places I said no worries I am still going Sat anyway then about 20 minutes later he comes back I got you, you can come see it with us so I was happy


            Exactly. That was a truly bizarre law. As you say, sending someone to prison for a suicide attempt isn't going to help in any way at all. Just the opposite. I believe it was because suicide was classed as self murder, so against the law. Sincerely glad that law, along with loads of others went the way of the history books.

            Here are some laws that we still have in the UK though...

            - MP’s are not allowed to wear armour in parliament.
            - It is an offence to beat or shake any carpet, rug or mat in any street in the Metropolitan Police District, although you are allowed to shake a doormat before 8 am.
            - It is illegal to keep a pigsty in front of your house (unless duly hidden).
            - It is illegal to order or permit any servant to stand on the sill of any window to clean or paint it.
            - It is illegal to eat Mute Swan unless you're the Queen of Great Britain.
            - In London, it is illegal for a person (knowingly) with the plague to flag down a taxi or try and ride on a bus.
            - It's illegal to handle salmon in suspicious circumstances, according to the Salmon Act of 1986.

            So if you are an armour wearing MP, who eats swan, shakes your carpet in public and wants to ride on a bus whilst stricken with the plague, then you are definitely on your way to prison.

            Good friend.


              DG - I know you said you were cross stitching. Have you seen this online shop with some great downloadable patterns?



                I think I will be good in the UK none of those things I do

                I had not seen that that is cool though thanks for the link


                  Are you absolutely sure you don't handle salmon in suspicious circumstances?

                  Exciting news from Big Finish (the people who make excellent audio plays). They are now branching out into doing Torchwood as well.




                    torchwood? how cool!

                    Just a quick hello and goodbye. I hope by the end of the week being back to the normal me and spending a bit of time here.*hugs all*
                    Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                    Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                      Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post

                      Just a quick hello and goodbye. I hope by the end of the week being back to the normal me and spending a bit of time here.*hugs all*
                      **hugs back** I hope so!!


                        I saw about the Torchwood audios

                        Blen why do you ask has someone said anything about how I handle my salmon? *shifty eyes*

                        Hope everything calms down JW


                          Ha! I knew it! I knew DG was a secret salmon furtler.

                          Hope to see you back here soon JW!


                            Darn I have been found out.

                            I see they have announced the new baby Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. She has some big shoes to fill with that name but I like it.

                            Happy Star Wars Day!!! I m Luke Skywalker and asking for someone to get the big walking carpet out of my way so am I also Leia?


                              Challenge #73

                              "April showers bring May flowers"




                              please click for bigger



                              Once again two pics pretending to be one.
                              Inspector George Gently



                                Challenge #74

                                This week, in celebration of the release of the movie "The Avengers" which has swept the planet, the challenge is 'Comic Book'.

                                Now, if you are like me, and are not crazed over the Avengers [no stone throwing please!] there are many comics to choose from. You can go back as far as 1842 when the first comic came out. The popular ones today mostly came out between 1930-1940. There are many to choose from, here is a just a tiny sampling: Fight Club, Doctor Who, Archie, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Casper the Ghost, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, X-Men, Avengers, Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Howard the Duck, Spiderman, Big Hero 6, the Crow, Green Hornet, Green Lantern, Red Lantern, Violet (or Star Sapphire) Lantern, Black Lantern, Aquaman, Ant-Man, Martian Man Hunter, Captian America, Avatar the Last Airbender, My Little Pony etc.

                                Feel free to make as many as you want, and you can put entrie groups in your art and fan fic if you like.

                                Have fun!

                                Entries due to me by noon your time, Monday May 11th.

