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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Ever, I got your PM with the fic. I'll have a look at it today.


      I watched the pilot ep of Inspector George Gently yesterday it was a spur of the moment thing I had some time to kill will at least watch the next ep today not sure if I will get to ep 3 I know this weekend I probably wont get to any. I am liking it so far, I have to say though I couldn't help but wonder where the Doctor was when we saw the baddie in that first ep


        The Dallas Zoo's baby giraffe has been named Kipenzi. It means "loved one" in Swahili


          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          I watched the pilot ep of Inspector George Gently yesterday it was a spur of the moment thing I had some time to kill will at least watch the next ep today not sure if I will get to ep 3 I know this weekend I probably wont get to any. I am liking it so far, I have to say though I couldn't help but wonder where the Doctor was when we saw the baddie in that first ep
          LOL I know who you mean. Philip Davis I think he's called. He seems to be in everything. Mind you it goes with the old joke that the UK has only 10 actors.

          (As well as Richard Armitage ) I liked the bit near the end where


          John Bacchus tells our toothy bad guy (Joe Webster?) that there had been twins and he had killed his other son as well.

          I'm glad you are enjoying it. The thing about it that got me totally hooked is the relationship between George & John and obviously that takes a while to develop.

          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          The Dallas Zoo's baby giraffe has been named Kipenzi. It means "loved one" in Swahili
          Great name! But I like our choice better.


            I knew his name was Joe W but I forgot his exact name I liked that as well it was wrong but he deserved it.

            I agree our choice was better but guess not everyone is as awesome as we are


              Yeah, that's typical of John at the moment - unethical. George will need to keep an eye on him.



                Glad you got a chance to see the pm, Blenca. Life has been crazy busy here with all the drama in the last month. Waaay too much for just one post. Does life ever settle into normal?

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  I hope things settle down for you Ever.

                  I've been a bit busy over the weekend as well, helping SB with exam revision.

                  I've sent off a couple of items for the Challenge this week. One of them is a thumbnail link to a larger pic. DG - don't click on it, as it is a spoiler for an episode of George Gently - Gently in the Cathedral.


                    Challenge #72 was a mystery challenge and you had to go on a scavenger hunt to find pictures!

                    {sorry I am posting so early but I have a crazy busy day ahead!}



                    All Inspector George Gently.



                      Challenge #73

                      There is a saying, "April showers bring May flowers" and I think at least half of that is true. We have had so much rain this month we have beat the record for the past 100 years! So the challenge this week is Rain and/or Flowers. This goes for art and fan fic as well.

                      Entries due to me by noon your time, Monday May 4th.


                      I am looking for an assistant to help me with the challenge in several different ways. I need someone to help me keep the clubhouse updated with the archives or old challenges. I need someone to post the challenge for me if I am unable. I also need someone to collect the challenge if I am unable.

                      You do not have to be participating in the challenges to help me out!

                      If you are somewhat organized, can go back and look up old posts, have great new ideas for the challenge, or can just collect PMs and then post them, any or all those, please let me know. I will need an alternate way of contacting you other than GW, such as text, Facebook or email.

                      This is not an all-the-time job, this is just a some-time job. And if more than one person can help, that would be great as well. Or if you can only do one thing, like the archives, that is great too.

                      Please let me know if you are interested, or have more questions!


                        Blen I did not click no spoilers for me. I watched a couple more eps the last one I watched was the first ep of season 2 that was a disturbing ep for a number of reasons


                          Yeah, they do tackle some disturbing issues. Another troubling episode is Gently Evil, (Series 3 Episode 1) though it does have some sweet George moments and Madame Vastra out of her lizard makeup.

                          Have you got to Gently Through the Mill yet? That's when we start to see parallels between the plot/murder and the relationship between George & John, which I find so interesting. That thing with parallels continues through the rest the series.

                          My absolute favourite episodes are Gently in the Cathedral, Gently Between the Lines, Gently Going Under, Gently Northern Soul & Gently with Class.

                          The challenge is to make somethig with rain and/or flowers? I'll have to see how busy I am this weekend.


                            Oh, BTW does anyone here watch Lewis? Or Inspector Lewis I think it's called in the US. I'm getting into that as well, though not as much as Gently. But I have to say I've got a real thing for DS James Hathaway.

                            Because detectives should always bow after questioning a witness.


                            Oh, and a Happy Birthday to JW!
                            Last edited by Blencathra; 01 May 2015, 04:20 AM.


                              Blen Gently through the Mill is the next ep I am going to watch and since I plan on doing some cross stitching while dog sitting I will watch it while keeping my hands busy. I may watch Gently Evil too.

                              I am not sure if I am going to get to the challenge this week I am trying to make some cross stitch stuff to sell (right now dice bags for some comic people) and Sat and Sun I will be out of the house most of the day I will see if I can make something today


                                Sounds like a good plan DG.

                                Oh excitement!!! Not one, but two new series of Red Dwarf have been announced!

                                Smegging hell! (as they say)

                                The boys from the Dwarf return!!

                                Last edited by Blencathra; 02 May 2015, 04:38 AM.

