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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I just finished Journey's fic and it is just love. Well done. Believable reactions to the situation, most everyone well in character. Wonderful!

    Off to read Nika's!

    Click here daily to give free mammograms

    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      And Nika writes some of the hottest smut fics ever! *fans self*

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Dad has plunged down hill fast. He can't really swallow and he can't talk anymore. He wont be with us much longer. one of his brothers comes in today my Mom and younger Brother are driving up today. Mont I would have said he had a month or two left yesterday that went to a couple weeks today it looks like just a few days. Just wanted to update everyone.


          Dg, I am thinking of both of you! *hughs*

          Ever, I wanted to say finally: I loved your vid

          I manged to do one entry for the challenge today. I am staying at home tomorrow, we have a day off. We are taking our cat to be castrated... I hope everything will be ok.


            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            Dad has plunged down hill fast. He can't really swallow and he can't talk anymore. He wont be with us much longer. one of his brothers comes in today my Mom and younger Brother are driving up today. Mont I would have said he had a month or two left yesterday that went to a couple weeks today it looks like just a few days. Just wanted to update everyone.
            *hugs DG* Thanks for the update. I'm praying for your family.

            Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
            Dg, I am thinking of both of you! *hughs*

            Ever, I wanted to say finally: I loved your vid

            I manged to do one entry for the challenge today. I am staying at home tomorrow, we have a day off. We are taking our cat to be castrated... I hope everything will be ok.

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Thanks for the update, DG. I'm so sorry to hear that the time is getting shorter. Will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you.


                Morning Love Shack.







                      Sorry I have not been here in a while, and unfortunately I come in with a heavy heart. I just heard from DG, and her dad passed away.

                      I have no idea when she might be back online, but until she does I will gladly pass along any messages for her.


                        I'm so sorry to hear that, Copter. Please give her a virtual hug from me.


                          Good evening, Love Shack! How's it going?

                          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                          Sorry I have not been here in a while, and unfortunately I come in with a heavy heart. I just heard from DG, and her dad passed away.

                          I have no idea when she might be back online, but until she does I will gladly pass along any messages for her.
                          Send DG our love. So sorry to hear of her loss.

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            I am really sorry, tell DG we are thinking of her.


                              Thanks everyone. Even knowing it was coming it is not easy. We have a meeting today at the cemetery where Dad will be. My Mom and younger brother are here with me now. Dad had a chance to talk to everyone before he was unable to speak from the time he went into the hospital and yesterday he went down hill very fast and I am glad for that solely because he didn't suffer.



