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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Oh my goodness today is feeling like a Monday!

    Hello everyone

    Glad that you are moving forward Ever, even if it seems like a struggle to do so.


      How come it feels like Monday, Bailey?

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Just crazy busy like the beginning of the week rather than in that rhythm we usually settle into by the end of the week. There aren't any deadlines that the engineers are focused on so it just seems like each question/request leads in a completely different direction than the last!

        It is making the time go by fast though!

        Are you starting to make any progress on the vidding yet?


          I've got the two eps ripped. I've got one of them clipped. I'm trying to figure out how to get the other clips onto the same project. I've imported the song I want to use. So LOTS of forward progress. I just need to decide how to do the opening credits and such.

          I hate when a week's rhythms get off. You end up feeling tired and out of sorts for the whole week. And there's no getting over it.

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Another upside thing is that I'm only working a half day tomorrow. So whenever I think of that I do get to smile.

            Going to spend the day and night with my folks. I think we are doing a Primeval or SGA marathon while we visit/gimp/write or some such fun thing. We usually end the night playing Zuma on mom's and my dad's computer. They are set up next to each other in their computer room.

            Sounds like you are moving along... but I imagine the first one that you learn on is the hardest. Still looking forward to seeing what you create!



              Never mind about the question about the credits! I've got that figured out.

              Sounds like you'll be having fun with your folks tomorrow. It's good to have days like that with family playing and having fun.

              Baby update - Miriam (my granddaughter) is being a little buggar! She won't turn around like she's supposed to. So, the doctor says she's got another week and if she doesn't, they'll do a C-section sometime the week of Feb 6 - 10. Which I don't know is convenient or not. My DiL's b-day is Feb 7, Mine is Feb 5. Busy busy week in the future!

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                That will be a lot of birthday's in February and in a row. Oh, and don't forget the Superbowl.

                Hope the baby turns around on her own though... would make it easier it sounds.


                  Ever that is busier than my birthday I have a niece born on April 3 my b-day of course being April 4th on the up side I know I will never forget her b-day other than my parents I know 2 of my cousins b-days (2 out of 6) One because I see her the most and if I do forget to send her a text she texts me asking if there is anything I want to tell her and the other well no one can forget Sept 11 (what a horrible birthday that was in 2001)


                    I only truly celebrate the Superbowl when my team makes it. Of course, they only have one time, but that's not the point. Aside from that, I watch the Superbowl for the commercials and not much else. I'm the only sports "enthusiast" in the family. At least if it's not wrestling.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      I watch for the commercials too. Unless I'm in one of those squares pools, then I'm in it for my score to win.

                      I don't really have a "my team" since I don't really follow football. Or sports really, but the commercials are wonderful. I usually Tivo it so I can fast forward through the game.

                      I do think last year we watched the game, but that was just an excuse for delivered Pizza and snack.



                        Bailey, you've got a bunch new Jewel pics. Loving them! Where are they from, do you know?

                        The only reason I have a "team" in football is because being from Washington, everyone up there loves the Seahawks. I simply took my love with me down here to the desert.

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          The last one is a cap from the Supernatural episode she was in. The others I think I found through google searches a while back when I was looking for a picture of her for a piece of art I was working on.



                            I have received lots of entries today from you all. Makes me want to find the time to do at least one more. I have only made one so far.

                            Challenge 2 (Bailey)

                            Theme: Favorite

                            Make any art that represents your favorite(s). Favorite show, favorite character, favorite moment, favorite line/quote, and so on... No limit to the amount of art. PM your entries and I'll post them all as a group on the 29th.


                              I only watch the super bowl for commercials I go to the bathroom and work on food during the game I would be a bigger fan of football if when it aired on tv they only showed the actual plays and not the play and then the next 2 minutes of people doing nothing (yes I exaggerate how long they just stand around) while the measure the ball and other mill around waiting for the next snap of the ball, and think how much faster the game would be then it would take like an hour


                                All that standing around does give us the opportunity to get distracted. I think if we watch this year I'll be gimping at the same time.


