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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Yeah, I can see why you couldn't warn me. I started to google it and see how and when he comes back, but then I stopped myself. I really just need to probably let them tell the story in the order they wish.

    The other thing I noticed is the the Ninth and the Tenth Doctor seemed to really play on the "same doctor, different face" scenario. Just in the little things they did and said that reminded you that it was "the same doctor". They seemed to have the same likes and dislikes and memories, lots of overlap and quirky disposition.

    The Eleventh Doctor almost seems like a stand alone... his references to the past are a little more vague and feel like less of the "same doctor, different face." His does have a quirky disposition (using this phrase a lot because I don't know what else to call it) but it isn't as similar as the other two. Might be why I haven't quite warmed up to him yet. He doesn't have that same exuberant personality trait that the other two did and the utter glee in their expressions and tone. I have a feeling I'll like him more as the episodes move along and especially when River is around.


      Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
      Dr Who update...
      I'm up to the episode Cold Blood. I really enjoyed The Time of Angels and its second part. River is turning out to be a lot of fun, even if she has hardly been in it as of yet.

      Also really like Amy and Rory. They make a really great couple and I'm glad the writers didn't write to much inner conflict for Amy concerning Rory/Doctor. The episode Amy's Choice was so well done and the shippy heart in my loved that she picked Rory. They did a great job portraying, in my mind anyway, that her heart never seemed to be in conflict, just maybe her head a tiny bit. Amy's worry and concern seemed to be for Rory first at every turn of the episode.

      Not as fond of Matt Smith yet as the new doctor, but I do like his interactions with River, so I'm guessing that the more they interact the more he'll grow on me. They seem to have a great chemistry and it was a lot of fun to watch it sparking during Time of Angels
      I just love the interaction between River & the Doctor. So much flirting! There's lots more to come!

      Amy & Rory are wonderful together. I loved that Amy chose Rory as well. He's absolutely lovely.

      BTW I see you saw Cold Blood and what happened to Rory. WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T GO & LOOK ON LINE. You really really don't want to be spoiled about what happens!!! There are a few real surprises coming up.

      Vincent and the Doctor made me cry as well. A beautiful story.

      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
      looks like GW ate my post.......

      anyway just wanted to say sorry for scaring anyone. I am having a "procedure" not and out no hospital time I will be fine.
      Ahhhhh.... so long as you are OK.

      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
      Great story bailey!

      This so not right! The story says the guy was home but when I saw it on the news they said not only was he home his front door was open!
      That's terrible! Might as well do a drop kick & see how far he can boot it.

      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
      *runs in* SQUEEEEE! Look! Look! Look!

      How wrong to give us that a year before we get to see it?!
      Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!! It looks fantastic already!! But a whole year to wait.

      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
      Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

      And now that I have a minute to read Bailey's story, I'm off and reading!

      Today's Advent

      Super advent, Ever.

      Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
      Yeah, I can see why you couldn't warn me. I started to google it and see how and when he comes back, but then I stopped myself. I really just need to probably let them tell the story in the order they wish.

      The other thing I noticed is the the Ninth and the Tenth Doctor seemed to really play on the "same doctor, different face" scenario. Just in the little things they did and said that reminded you that it was "the same doctor". They seemed to have the same likes and dislikes and memories, lots of overlap and quirky disposition.

      The Eleventh Doctor almost seems like a stand alone... his references to the past are a little more vague and feel like less of the "same doctor, different face." His does have a quirky disposition (using this phrase a lot because I don't know what else to call it) but it isn't as similar as the other two. Might be why I haven't quite warmed up to him yet. He doesn't have that same exuberant personality trait that the other two did and the utter glee in their expressions and tone. I have a feeling I'll like him more as the episodes move along and especially when River is around.
      Matt is on record saying he based his Doctor more on the personality of the Second Doctor.

      But Steven Moffat says the Eleventh Doctor is actually more like Matt Smith.

      BUT BUT BUT everyone listen!!!!!!

      Arthur Darvill is going to the Con in March!!!! The Con that SB & I are going to!!!!!! Oh yes!!



        I am succeesfully back. Seems everything is ok

        Blen, lucky you Well I do not know him, still I am sure you will enjoy it


          So you get the Doctor and Rory cool


            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            I just love the interaction between River & the Doctor. So much flirting! There's lots more to come!

            Amy & Rory are wonderful together. I loved that Amy chose Rory as well. He's absolutely lovely.

            BTW I see you saw Cold Blood and what happened to Rory. WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T GO & LOOK ON LINE. You really really don't want to be spoiled about what happens!!! There are a few real surprises coming up.

            Vincent and the Doctor made me cry as well. A beautiful story.
            I can't wait to see other episodes with River and I promise not to look up anything about Rory!

            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            BUT BUT BUT everyone listen!!!!!!

            Arthur Darvill is going to the Con in March!!!! The Con that SB & I are going to!!!!!! Oh yes!!
            How completely awesome for you and SB, Blen!

            Glad to see that you are back safe and sound, SeN.
            Last edited by bailey1ak; 21 December 2011, 08:39 AM. Reason: GW ate my post! :mad:


              it could just be me but it looks like GW ate your post bailey


                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                Wonderful advent, Ever.

                Morning Love Shack...

                Vincent and the Doctor
                That was a very moving episode and one of the few that I might actually want to watch again. I really loved that they took him to the future and although it didn't change his fate, at least for a moment he felt the acceptance and heard praise from someone who completely "got" him and his art.

                I hated the ending to Cold Blood. I hated seeing Rory die and Amy's heart break like that. I know from clips and art that he somehow comes back, but I wasn't expecting that at all!
                Thank you!

                I loved that they took Vincent to the "present" to see how his work was loved.
                There seems to be something about Amy - and maybe it was just that whole storyline with Rory being dead - that made me cry right along with her. Now it's almost reflex. Amy's crying and so do I.

                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                beautiful Ever!

                That is one of my fave eps it is still on my DVR from when it originally aired because I don't have that seasons DVD the rest are long gone. Yeah couldn't warn you about cold blood that would have ruined it.
                Thank you!

                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                I just love the interaction between River & the Doctor. So much flirting! There's lots more to come!

                Amy & Rory are wonderful together. I loved that Amy chose Rory as well. He's absolutely lovely.

                BTW I see you saw Cold Blood and what happened to Rory. WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T GO & LOOK ON LINE. You really really don't want to be spoiled about what happens!!! There are a few real surprises coming up.

                Vincent and the Doctor made me cry as well. A beautiful story.

                Ahhhhh.... so long as you are OK.

                That's terrible! Might as well do a drop kick & see how far he can boot it.

                Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!! It looks fantastic already!! But a whole year to wait.

                Super advent, Ever.

                Matt is on record saying he based his Doctor more on the personality of the Second Doctor.


                But Steven Moffat says the Eleventh Doctor is actually more like Matt Smith.

                BUT BUT BUT everyone listen!!!!!!

                Arthur Darvill is going to the Con in March!!!! The Con that SB & I are going to!!!!!! Oh yes!!


                Thank you as well!

                What is that gif from

                And somehow I'm getting the impression that Blenca's happy to be seeing Arthur as well!

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                  it could just be me but it looks like GW ate your post bailey
                  It does that more often than I'd like the last few days. I've tried to get in a habit of doing a copy before I post for the longer stuff, just in case. At least I'm not the only one it happens too, I just hope they work it out soon.


                    Stupid GW eating Bailey's post!

                    I'm just about done with my Christmas fic! Just a bit of fluff, but I love the fluff best!

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                      Stupid GW eating Bailey's post!

                      I'm just about done with my Christmas fic! Just a bit of fluff, but I love the fluff best!
                      Looking forward to seeing it, Ever... reading fluff for Christmas is some of the best moments.


                        It has eaten like 2 of mine in the last few days it is a pain


                          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                          It has eaten like 2 of mine in the last few days it is a pain
                          For me it is a recent thing, like a week or two is all. At first it was just a few pics and no text and so part of me wondered if I'd screwed it up... but that isn't it. I've noticed a few others having the same problem. It doesn't have to be a multi-quote or anything, just random. Noticed it did it to Copter a few days ago too.

                          It is quite noticeable though... seeing just a sig is so odd looking that it stands out.


                            Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                            I can't wait to see other episodes with River and I promise not to look up anything about Rory!

                            How completely awesome for you and SB, Blen!

                            Glad to see that you are back safe and sound, SeN.
                            You must promise me not to look anything up about River or the Doctor either, Bailey. In fact no peeking at anything!

                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            Thank you!

                            I loved that they took Vincent to the "present" to see how his work was loved.
                            There seems to be something about Amy - and maybe it was just that whole storyline with Rory being dead - that made me cry right along with her. Now it's almost reflex. Amy's crying and so do I.

                            Thank you!

                            Thank you as well!

                            What is that gif from

                            And somehow I'm getting the impression that Blenca's happy to be seeing Arthur as well!
                            The gif is from Friends, Ever. Not sure which episode.

                            Oh yes!! I'm ecstatic!!! Matt & Rory & Steven as well as all the other stuff. SB is excited as well.

                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            It has eaten like 2 of mine in the last few days it is a pain
                            I've had some of my posts eaten as well. I checked on the Ask the Mods thread & apparently Greg is looking into it. The Mods recommend using the Go Advanced button when replying to a thread. If you can see your post when you Preview your post, then all is well. Pain in the buttocks though.


                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                              You must promise me not to look anything up about River or the Doctor either, Bailey. In fact no peeking at anything!
                              I will stop looking things up.

                              I did look up
                              (before the Eleventh Doctor) if Rose was gone for good. I'd seen a clip with her in a video that I hadn't seen in the episodes yet. Was hoping she wasn't actually done. I also looked up what the next episode that Jack would be returning in.


                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                I've had some of my posts eaten as well. I checked on the Ask the Mods thread & apparently Greg is looking into it. The Mods recommend using the Go Advanced button when replying to a thread. If you can see your post when you Preview your post, then all is well. Pain in the buttocks though.
                                I always do that, go advanced and check my posts [even before this glitch] and I still had some posts eaten by GW! But then again, weird things always happen to me, just ask DG

