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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Very early. Plus Star doesn't get home until late tomorrow night. I think I'll just give up on sleep for a few days.

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



      Fittingly this is a teaser for a commercial that will be shown during the super bowl

      Are they making another Ferris Bueller movie?? Maybe the Sausage King of Chicago will come out to have another Day off!! (Like Ever needs)


        I have a question I am working on a story and I need ideas about why a person (namely a male) would help a woman he doesn't know and in return he wants nothing from her. I am not going to use him as an antagonist so he wont be lieing and saying I want to help just because but really he is waiting for his moment to strike.


          Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

          Still no baby here. *waits impatiently* Aside from that, I spent the day napping and generally vegging out. Fell asleep early. Slept in this morning. I'm feeling more alive now.


          Fittingly this is a teaser for a commercial that will be shown during the super bowl

          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          I have a question I am working on a story and I need ideas about why a person (namely a male) would help a woman he doesn't know and in return he wants nothing from her. I am not going to use him as an antagonist so he wont be lieing and saying I want to help just because but really he is waiting for his moment to strike.
          And llol. I didn't recognize him at first! Another Ferris Bueller movie would be epic! Ditching work for a day of fun in Chicago or wherever.

          I don't know off the top of my head about your question. I'll ask hubby when he gets home this afternoon. I either ask him or my brother when I need the male perspective on anything.

          And I don't know what I did wacky with those posts, but it seems that the end of the first got lost in the ether somewhere.

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Morning Love Shack.

            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            I have a question I am working on a story and I need ideas about why a person (namely a male) would help a woman he doesn't know and in return he wants nothing from her. I am not going to use him as an antagonist so he wont be lieing and saying I want to help just because but really he is waiting for his moment to strike.
            How about something like the woman in question reminds him of his mom, sister or wife, one of them depending on your scenario which one and so he helps her because it feels natural. He'd do it for her, why not a stranger that reminds him of her.... misses home and the act of helping someone else makes him feel closer to home or maybe closer to normal, while out in another galaxy fighting the wraith...

            You could always go with "that is the way his mama raised a woman in need/distress"


              Bailey, what's your avi from? I don't recognize it.

              Sorry I disappeared. I developed a nasty headache and needed it to go away. Finally seems to have.

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              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Sorry to hear about the headache, Ever... but glad it seems to have gotten better.

                The Avi is from Primeval... watched a marathon of it at my mom's last night as well as several episodes during the week with my daughter. Kind of on a kick of it lately.

                I have always loved that Avi of your's. It is the same one you use for, yes?


                  Yeah, it's the same one. Ladyhawke is my absolute all time favorite movie. The joy of that moment is so wonderful.

                  I haven't seen Primeval in a couple of years. No wonder I didn't recognize the avi.

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                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    It has been so lone since I've seen that movie.... I'll have to see if it is streaming.

                    I got a couple seasons for Christmas and then my daughter likes it so it is fun to watch with her. Plus there are a lot of good team feel and shippy-ness. TPTB for this show didn't disappoint me when it came to my ships.

                    Also watched some SGA last night too.


                      Oh, which eps of SGA?

                      I've been watching the SG-1 ones with Ishta for obvious reasons.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Enemy at the Gate -

                        How is the vid-ing coming along?


                          Kinda slowly. I'm having a hard time deciding which clips are just right for this part of the song or that part of the song.

                          I'm occasionally tempted to write a fic where Ronon and Jenn get together right after EatG when she realizes she was scared by him dying. I might get around to that one day.

                          Any ideas for Ronon/Jenn vids after I get done with this current one?

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            I've had a lot of ideas for team/expedition type of vids, but haven't really thought about R/K videos. Will have to think while listening to songs and shout out some ideas.

                            I know many didn't like EATG, but I actually really enjoyed that episode. Would love to see some fics of R/K after EATG and maybe even the thought of them on Earth after. I of course think you should write your idea.

                            I am about half a chapter away from finishing a fic. I need some quiet time to finish... but can't wait to be done with it!


                              WHat about ROnon and Jennifer to Complicated by Carolyn Dawn Johnson That song has always fit the two of them perfectly (imo)


                                That would be absolutely perfect for them, DG. Could think of all kinds of clips while I was listening to that one.

