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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
    Well I thnk that the her dad belives she is working some where remote I mean isn't that what most people's families believe and Ronon's background would be classified so they could always tell her dad that he is an independent contractor (sp), which is what John told his brother, and his odd cultural thing... um maybe they could come up with a story about him being raised apart from "normal" socity(sp) and that he was found to be such a great asset to the mission in that he is teaching the marines to better protect themselves.

    It looks like I have given this a lot of thought but in truth I haven't.
    Of Courrrrrrse you haven't given it a lot of thought. I believe you too! *nods head emphatically*

    Does anybody else?

    Hmm independant contractor for what? I mean technically that's what he is. But given that his skills are as a soldier, it almost sounds like he's a mercenary or something. Maybe "Special Advisor" Sounds much better.

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      Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
      In Affinity Teal'c said he was from some South America country, I don't remember exactly. I think she could say something similar.

      It's a nice discussion, but I have to get up early tomorrow, so night, shippers:-)
      My ignorance of SG1 is showing. I wish my DVD's would come so I can watch the blasted thing! And yes, Ronon could say something similar. I mean he doesn't look that "odd" does he? I've seen a lot weirder folk walking down the High Street on a Saturday.

      And Good night SeNedra.

      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
      Well I thnk that the her dad belives she is working some where remote I mean isn't that what most people's families believe and Ronon's background would be classified so they could always tell her dad that he is an independent contractor (sp), which is what John told his brother, and his odd cultural thing... um maybe they could come up with a story about him being raised apart from "normal" socity(sp) and that he was found to be such a great asset to the mission in that he is teaching the marines to better protect themselves.

      It looks like I have given this a lot of thought but in truth I haven't.
      Horrible though, isn't it, having to lie to her dad? Particularly about something, I suspect, he would think of as being important, ie her future happiness and welbeing.

      I wonder if she would make a good job of it? Or if her dad could tell she was lying. My parents can always tell when somethings up. Don't know if they are very perceptive or I'm just a bad liar. LOL

      Does anybody else?

      Hmm independant contractor for what? I mean technically that's what he is. But given that his skills are as a soldier, it almost sounds like he's a mercenary or something. Maybe "Special Advisor" Sounds much better.
      Today 09:47 PM
      If I was her dad I think I'd prefer her to be with a guy from another galaxy than some mercenary. I dunno, the word seems evoke images of gun running and drugs and other unsavoury stuff.


        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        My ignorance of SG1 is showing. I wish my DVD's would come so I can watch the blasted thing! And yes, Ronon could say something similar. I mean he doesn't look that "odd" does he? I've seen a lot weirder folk walking down the High Street on a Saturday.

        And Good night SeNedra.

        Horrible though, isn't it, having to lie to her dad? Particularly about something, I suspect, he would think of as being important, ie her future happiness and welbeing.

        I wonder if she would make a good job of it? Or if her dad could tell she was lying. My parents can always tell when somethings up. Don't know if they are very perceptive or I'm just a bad liar. LOL

        If I was her dad I think I'd prefer her to be with a guy from another galaxy than some mercenary. I dunno, the word seems evoke images of gun running and drugs and other unsavoury stuff.

        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        Of Courrrrrrse you haven't given it a lot of thought. I believe you too! *nods head emphatically*

        Does anybody else?

        Hmm independant contractor for what? I mean technically that's what he is. But given that his skills are as a soldier, it almost sounds like he's a mercenary or something. Maybe "Special Advisor" Sounds much better.
        Both of you have some very good points. And maybe Special Advisor would be better than indepedant contractor. In the end I think that if her dad saw the two of them together he would be able to see that Ronon would do everything to keep her safe. I mean if his daughter is happy wouldn't that be something.

        And okay I have given it some thought but mainly when I read a fic about the two and it is mentioned in the fic "how do I tell dad"


          I completely agree. It's just the getting there that will be difficult. Lord, the road I went down with my father when I told him I was getting married wasn't pretty, and comparativly speaking my husband has a much more normal backgroud than Ronon does.

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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            The closest thing I have to compair this to is I know this woman (a friend) who married a man who is half-black (I only met him a couple times so he could have been something else I just remeber that he was born off the coast of africa and he was a very pretty carmel color) and her parents when they saw him where not all that please her mother talked to him for 5 minutes then went to her father and said we have nothing to worry about he is perfect. Her grandparents were a tad tougher.


              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
              Both of you have some very good points. And maybe Special Advisor would be better than indepedant contractor. In the end I think that if her dad saw the two of them together he would be able to see that Ronon would do everything to keep her safe. I mean if his daughter is happy wouldn't that be something.
              If Ronon was there I bet he wouldn't dare refuse his consent! He'd be like ... "take her, no, course I don't mind"!!!

              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              I completely agree. It's just the getting there that will be difficult. Lord, the road I went down with my father when I told him I was getting married wasn't pretty, and comparativly speaking my husband has a much more normal backgroud than Ronon does.
              Some parents do have odd ideas about what they "think" will make their children happy. I'm lucky. I have easy going parents.

              We're assuming I guess that she and her dad get along. What if they don't?

              And do you think she would go to see her dad alone or should she take Ronon with her?

              BTW - I am REALLY enjoying this discussion.


                *trying to remember her tone of voice when she was talking about him* Still, her folks came to get her when she wanted to go home early from camp. It's a bit 'little girl' in her life, but it does speak of a good relationship and doting upon a child.

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  I can't remember either. Did it seem that they doted on her or could it be more a case of "she messed up again, lets get the stupid kid before she embarasses us further"? I honestly can't remember how she said it or the tone of her voice or anything from that scene. I'll have to watch it again.

                  BTW - Shock, horror! Got a message just as I was last posting that the server was busy & I thought I'd lost my post. He should get pedalling faster and we'll have less of this "too busy" business.


                    I think she does det along with her dad. I mean when Jennifer and Teyla were captured by the Boli Kai Teyla calmed Jennifer down by getting her to talk about her dad and where she grew up if her and her dad didn't get along wouldn't it have stressed her out more wouldn't it. Plus when they got back to Atlantis Jennifer said she was going back home to visit her dad.

                    And I think Jennifer should tell her dad about Ronon in a letter or e-mail you know just the "I meet this guy and I really like him etc, etc." and it would even give her a chance to give him a heads up about his "oddities" then have Ronon go with her sometime to go visit her dad. So he can see him.

                    And I am loveing the conv. too


                      She said (when she was talking about her folks getting her from camp) that she got homesick and they came to get her. I'm really trying to remember here. I've only seen Missing once even though it was an awesome ep.

                      Good idea dragongirl about her writing him. Maybe a few video e-mails? To get her dad used to the idea. One of those "Get over here and say hi to Dad."

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                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                        I think she does det along with her dad. I mean when Jennifer and Teyla were captured by the Boli Kai Teyla calmed Jennifer down by getting her to talk about her dad and where she grew up if her and her dad didn't get along wouldn't it have stressed her out more wouldn't it. Plus when they got back to Atlantis Jennifer said she was going back home to visit her dad.
                        I'd forgotten that bit too! I'm going to have to get my act together if I'm going to write any decent fic, aren't I! LOL.

                        So yes, they must get on.

                        And I think Jennifer should tell her dad about Ronon in a letter or e-mail you know just the "I meet this guy and I really like him etc, etc." and it would even give her a chance to give him a heads up about his "oddities" then have Ronon go with her sometime to go visit her dad. So he can see him.

                        And I am loveing the conv. too
                        Sort of breaking it to him gently, kind of thing? That would work.

                        Still think he's going to have a hell of a shock. Can you just picture it? My dad, bless him, used to be 5' 6" but he's shrunk (osteoporosis) and is now only 5' 3". Can you imagine someone that size meeting Ronon? Tee hee!!!

                        She said (when she was talking about her folks getting her from camp) that she got homesick and they came to get her. I'm really trying to remember here. I've only seen Missing once even though it was an awesome ep.
                        I've only seen it the once as well and agree it was awesome.

                        What does her dad do? Did she say? I'm going to have a rummage through the transcrips in a mo.


                          I fon't think they ever said I think the most that we know is that her mother died a few years ago (of what we don't know) and her and her dad are all thats in her family


                            Found the relevant bits in the transcript ..

                            TEYLA: Where are you from?

                            KELLER: What?

                            TEYLA: Your home.

                            KELLER: Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Little town.

                            TEYLA: Do you have any family?

                            KELLER: Just my dad. My mom died a few years back

                            TEYLA: I'm sorry. You must miss him.

                            KELLER (tearfully): I'm all he's got left.

                            TEYLA: Then you must do everything you can to survive – to return home. You must ...

                            (She stops as two men approach the cage. Jennifer looks at them in dread. Teyla looks at her sternly again.)

                            TEYLA: You will survive. You will return home. Do you understand?
                            And at the end

                            KELLER: So I got permission to go home for a few days of R&R. God bless that Intergalactic Gate Bridge, huh?

                            (Teyla is still gazing into the distance, lost in thoughts of her people.)

                            KELLER: Anyway, I get to see my dad ...

                            (Teyla finally turns her head to look at her.)

                            KELLER: ... and I have you to thank for that.

                            Edited to say: Sorry folks I'm off to bed now. We'll have to think of another topic for discussion cos tonight has been really fun.
                            Last edited by Blencathra; 23 April 2008, 02:56 PM.


                              *wails* Blenca! I can't green you for that! Thank you though!!!!

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                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Why does this conversation remind me of Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwald in the movie Breakfast Club when he tells her that dating him would be an "outstanding" way of getting back at her parents.

