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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    okay I saw this commercial and it is such a funny one that I had to share



      I've seen that commercial!

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      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Hugs for your son Ever. Tell him if he ever does anything like that again, I'm coming over to the States to give him a piece of my mind.

        Rache that's bad news about your nose (and your sofa ) Still, if you get it sorted out, then hopefully sinus problems will be a thing of the past & that's always good news.

        My poor Monty has been very unwell. He spent the weekend at the vets. Apparently he has something called geriatric vestibular disease. It affects the nerves from his ear to the brain & he couldn't stand up. Too dizzy. He's been on a drip, steroids and antibiotics & he's loads better now. But I have to help him eat & go out in the garden for a pee. He should make a full recovery though, in time.


          Hugs for your son Ever. Tell him if he ever does anything like that again, I'm coming over to the States to give him a piece of my mind.

          Rache that's bad news about your nose (and your sofa ) Still, if you get it sorted out, then hopefully sinus problems will be a thing of the past & that's always good news.

          My poor Monty has been very unwell. He spent the weekend at the vets. Apparently he has something called geriatric vestibular disease. It affects the nerves from his ear to the brain & he couldn't stand up. Too dizzy. He's been on a drip, steroids and antibiotics & he's loads better now. But I have to help him eat & go out in the garden for a pee. He should make a full recovery though, in time.


            Glad Monty is going to make a full recovery, Blenca!

            I'll be sure to tell my son that you'll have a word with him.

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Oh! There's fic to be had today! First off Reading Between the Lines by Hifield and then another chapter of The Courting of Ronon Dex by White Raven

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Sorry Monty has been sick but glad that he is improving Blen

                Between the lines is a good one I read it (well 2 chapters yesterday have they added more to it?) and YAY off to read the other one


                  Hifield seems to be updating Reading Between the Lines fairly regularly. It'll be interesting to see how it all unfolds.

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Yes it will I am glad that it is getting updated regularly


                      Ok, so I've had a busy morning and haven't had a chance to read the fic as fast as I usually do. But I had to share these couple of sentences from White Raven's fic.

                      "You're a force of nature, Ronon Dex. Bigger than life. So sure, so confidant. Honestly, it was scary sometimes. There's a strength in you that demands reciprocation in everyone who occupies the same space. At the time I didn't think I measured up. Rodney was safe. Smart but a complete idiot when it came to dealing with people or situations. I could relate on a lot of levels."
                      So completely true!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Yes it is that is why I think she made that choice it is a shame the show ended before she got to fix what she did


                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            So how is everybody out there today? When's your test, Mimz?

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              I am good working on dinner now.

                              Yeah Mimz how was the test they started was it today?


                                What's for dinner, DG? We're probably going with spaghetti here. I still can't convince myself that I actually need to do dishes. Ugh. It's starting to get desperate around here.

                                My oldest stayed home from school today. Just took it easy. I'm not sure he knew what to do. Most every other time he's stayed home, he's had some small chore to do. Today, he just got to sit.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

