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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    Thursday and Friday last week, it rained buckets. It was like someone decided to pour a river out over us. Then . . . nothing. We had a 12 in rain the day before yesterday
    Doe us we had almost no rain for months by the end of June we were like 12.5 inches below normal rain fall and then in like 2 weeks at the end of July we ended up even since then it has been nothing the most we have had is a 20% chance most of the rain has been enough to get things wet and then it is gone.

    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
    Well, it actually rained last evening, but it apparently did nothing

    And yeah, my bedroom is really small, so I wanted to make more floor space with the loft bed. Only problem is that the air doesn't circulate well in my room so it might get really hot...I need some kind of little fan to attach to my bed until it gets cooler...
    That is an idea if it were me it would probably need to be like 4 little fans I hate being hot when I sleep and your body temp goes up when you are asleep so my room needs to be nice and cool for me to sleep.


      So, what color do Ronon and Jenn paint their bedroom?

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      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        YES, clintonio is working again!!
        Sig by ME!!!


          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
          So, what color do Ronon and Jenn paint their bedroom?
          I would think a blue or green color or maybe a blueish color with a decoration of green leaves something that would be outdoors type colors



            I agree that they would probably go for natural colours. Also it would have to go with Ronon's fondness for fur on the bed. I think Jenn would keep that - quite senuous.

            Has anyone read Joe's blog? He's defending Brad Wright and talks about fan over reaction. That isn't what is amusing me though. You might want to scroll down the list of comments underneath - some of which I agree with totally like DasnDangers and Bailey's. But also there are some brown-nosing comments. You know what I mean



              I got here for a minute. And read it very quickly. You are right with that comments and of course with the brown noser. It is strange how strongly you can dislike someone just through the internet

              We here didn't say almost anything against BW. I love him for all he did in SG1 and S/J especially. The cancellation was maybe partly his job, who knows, but that is not why I don't like some of his opinions... The biggest problem was with TLM (although that is AU) and that he let MG win. That is our biggest issue with him, right? And if he was tired finally of what happened with his favorite show, I am not surprised. It was quite smart decision


                I think Brad Wright is his own worst enemy. The interviews he's given here on GW - rightly or wrongly - have made him appear condescending and patronising.

                Sen - I gotta agree with you about how odd it is to dislike someone purely over the internet - but then I've always hated sycophancy & servile flattery.


                  Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                  I agree that they would probably go for natural colours. Also it would have to go with Ronon's fondness for fur on the bed. I think Jenn would keep that - quite senuous.

                  Has anyone read Joe's blog? He's defending Brad Wright and talks about fan over reaction. That isn't what is amusing me though. You might want to scroll down the list of comments underneath - some of which I agree with totally like DasnDangers and Bailey's. But also there are some brown-nosing comments. You know what I mean
                  Are you trying tom keep me in the gutter today?? Good grief, Woman!! For the record? I love fur blankets. Had one before the house fire 10 years ago.

                  Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                  I think Brad Wright is his own worst enemy. The interviews he's given here on GW - rightly or wrongly - have made him appear condescending and patronising.

                  Sen - I gotta agree with you about how odd it is to dislike someone purely over the internet - but then I've always hated sycophancy & servile flattery.
                  I adore BW for what he's done for Jack/Sam. However, I haven't seen him doing any favors for Daniel/Vala or anything for SGA. I think there needs to be different show runners for each show and different writers. Yes, there needs to be overall control, Maybe a core group, but there needs to be different perspectives and no one person with too much inflluence. *growls at MG*

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    I agree Ever I mena isses that you have with one show that has to do with writing will cross over to another show *cough inconsistant writing cough* so why have the same group of people doing 100% of all shows


                      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                      *Huggles* Mimz I know exactly how you feel it has been the same here for the last week and slim to no chance of rain

                      I like that bed it is a brilliant idea perfect for dorms and people with small living space
                      there is a company near my place that makes beautiful wooden loft beds... does a huge business because of all of the universities here in Indiana (IU, Purdue, Notre Dame, IUPUI, Ball State, Butler...the list goes on and on....) One of the few businesses doing well here.

                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                      I agree that they would probably go for natural colours. Also it would have to go with Ronon's fondness for fur on the bed. I think Jenn would keep that - quite senuous.

                      Has anyone read Joe's blog? He's defending Brad Wright and talks about fan over reaction. That isn't what is amusing me though. You might want to scroll down the list of comments underneath - some of which I agree with totally like DasnDangers and Bailey's. But also there are some brown-nosing comments. You know what I mean
                      OMG that is more than brown nosing... they are licking it off.. People like that have absolutely no self-respect and belittle those of us who do!

                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      I think Brad Wright is his own worst enemy. The interviews he's given here on GW - rightly or wrongly - have made him appear condescending and patronising.

                      Sen - I gotta agree with you about how odd it is to dislike someone purely over the internet - but then I've always hated sycophancy & servile flattery.
                      dishonesty, backstabbing, oh shall we make a list with what we dislike about the brown-nosing one?

                      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                      Are you trying tom keep me in the gutter today?? Good grief, Woman!! For the record? I love fur blankets. Had one before the house fire 10 years ago.

                      I adore BW for what he's done for Jack/Sam. However, I haven't seen him doing any favors for Daniel/Vala or anything for SGA. I think there needs to be different show runners for each show and different writers. Yes, there needs to be overall control, Maybe a core group, but there needs to be different perspectives and no one person with too much inflluence. *growls at MG*
                      Yep I am not a fan of BW, he is the one NOT putting Vala in the next movie. She was a favorite of RCC (that is why I love the man) and he didn't like character at all. Producers should not have thin skins either!!!


                        Sorry Misi! Mind you, you might want to be in the gutter all day.

                        Rache - I quite agree. Some comments are quite stomach churning to be honest.

                        BTW I see Mella68 has done another lovely little R/K Love is... cartoon.

                        This link is to her art website. She's done some fabulous McShep (adult) slash art. Now if we could only persuade her to do some similar R/K stuff!


                          Rac, I think if we did make a list of what we didn't like about the brown-nosing one, were we to stretch it out it could cover the entire Earth.


                            LOL yeah dr. jen it probably would. Some people are just soooooooo annoying!
                            I love fanart that are cartoon, someone did some hysterical sg1 cartoons.


                              Don't know if anyone wants to vote in the Favourite Keller moment game. There's now a few more choices including .... drum roll ..... the R/K slipped in the shower moment from Quarantine.


                                Good Afternoon(:
                                Anything Interesting Happening?
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