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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    gg- good luck and what an interesting schedule.
    It's way better than last years schedule (: Except that every other week for 1/2 the year I have Gym 1st period
    This is what my schedule actually looks like.

    P1 "A" Week: Real to Reel
    P1 "F" Week: Health Education -Semester 1
    P1 "F" Week: Physical Education -Semester 2
    P2 "A-F" Week: Graphic Theory
    P3-4 "A-F" Week: Graphic Arts
    P5 "A-F" Week: Algebra 1 Part 1
    P6 "A-F" Week: English 11
    P7 "A-F" Week: Advance Placement Chemistry
    sig by


      Okay I know I am behind but I FINALLY got to see Harry Potter (missed the first few minutes though not exactly sure how much I missed but I fianlly saw it) took forever because I hate hate hate going to the movies alone and there was no one I could go see it with until this week.


        Hi Wild ladies

        Long time no chat

        I just haven't been coming on gw this past month. No particular reason for my silence. I have missed talking to you all.

        I suppose ive just been having some me time over the past month or so. Im feeling the best i have in around a year, and im enjoying feeling happy, confident again. I turned 23 while ive been away, 6th August. One thing i did want to say, is a massive thankyou to you all, because you were strong for me. You gave me confidence, lifted me when i was down, made me laugh when i was sad, and acted like a bunch of mothers and good friends to me. Words alone cannot relay my feelings on it. I struggled to talk to many people about my insecurities, but i felt like i could talk to you all on here, and that made it better for me in the long run. Many thanks, hugs and kisses to Ever, DG, Sen, Blen, Rac, DrJen, GSR, Mimz and all the others.

        So, can you all please bombard me and tell me how you have all been??


          BB!! *Huggles* I missed you and it is great to know that thinks have gotten better for you. Happy Belated Birthday!! Lets see while you were gone I halped a firend move into her apt, and that is pretty much it. And we do what we can I mean we are all friends here and we don't want one of our friends to be down so of course we helped how ever we could.


            *massive hugs* DG

            Thanks for the b/day wishes. Glad to hear you are well. And you are quite right, we are friends and we don't want one of them to be down. Ive been battling this stuff on and off for 3 years, so its nice to be seeing light


              BB! It is always great to see you You were missed. Well how I have been? Busy is the right word. I don't go here everyday... And I am planning to find different job But nothing interesting happened till now.


                Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                Started School Today
                It wasn't that bad but I didn't get the right elective so i have to switch my classes on Monday. I have Algebra1 Part1, English 11, And AP Chemistry. And of course Gym/Health but thats every other week it alternates with my elective and then i have 3 shop periods.
                Good luck! Hope all goes well
                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                Sig by ME!!!


                  BB!! Me darlin! I've missed our *shifty eyes* cookery lessons.

                  I haven't been very well & have spent most of the last couple of months in bed. My rheumatologist says it's Lupus. So everyone here suspects I am a werewolf. Next full moon I'm off to TPTB and will rip them limb from limb unless they write Stargate Extinction the way we want it. But if I can't manage the limb ripping then I'll try giving them fleas.... or mange....


                    Well Blen, i could come cook for you

                    Things just aren't going right for you are they. my cooking partner, my partner in crime. we need to sort this out don't we.

                    Sen, glad to hear you are going well, good luck with the new job for when it comes. i send you all the best


                      Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                      Hi Wild ladies

                      Long time no chat

                      I just haven't been coming on gw this past month. No particular reason for my silence. I have missed talking to you all.

                      I suppose ive just been having some me time over the past month or so. Im feeling the best i have in around a year, and im enjoying feeling happy, confident again. I turned 23 while ive been away, 6th August. One thing i did want to say, is a massive thankyou to you all, because you were strong for me. You gave me confidence, lifted me when i was down, made me laugh when i was sad, and acted like a bunch of mothers and good friends to me. Words alone cannot relay my feelings on it. I struggled to talk to many people about my insecurities, but i felt like i could talk to you all on here, and that made it better for me in the long run. Many thanks, hugs and kisses to Ever, DG, Sen, Blen, Rac, DrJen, GSR, Mimz and all the others.

                      So, can you all please bombard me and tell me how you have all been??
                      BB!! I've missed you! Soo glad to hear you're doing better! It even sounds like you''re doing good! :O I got hugs and kisses. I feel special!

                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      BB!! Me darlin! I've missed our *shifty eyes* cookery lessons.

                      I haven't been very well & have spent most of the last couple of months in bed. My rheumatologist says it's Lupus. So everyone here suspects I am a werewolf. Next full moon I'm off to TPTB and will rip them limb from limb unless they write Stargate Extinction the way we want it. But if I can't manage the limb ripping then I'll try giving them fleas.... or mange....
                      Now I have pictures of tptb trying to scratch behind their ears.

                      I'm on my daughter's ittle bitty laptop. My computer is being slow as molasses. I'm used to nice big keyboards.

                      BB, forgot to mention that you missed all the happy birthdays a few weeks ago. We posted just in case you were lurking.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Oh i am doing well Ever, an ever growing man. You deserve the hugs and kisses. Thanks for the birthday wishes (which page would they be located?)

                        Sorry i cannot stick around ,i need to head to bed, past my bedtime. take care all of you. i will be back tomorrow for a bit more of a catch up with my favourite wild women


                          Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                          Oh i am doing well Ever, an ever growing man. You deserve the hugs and kisses. Thanks for the birthday wishes (which page would they be located?)

                          Sorry i cannot stick around ,i need to head to bed, past my bedtime. take care all of you. i will be back tomorrow for a bit more of a catch up with my favourite wild women
                          Geet your sleep. We'll be here this evening.

                          Um birthday wishes? I just went back to check and didn't see them. But they're there! We love you!

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            (((BB))) glad things are looking up for yoiu. I ahve just been hanging around here...getting into trouble.....and am now ready to the semester to start.....I think!!!


                              We are getting our group together again now to find out what happened to Fushcia


                                we seem to be always looking for missing members...we love our members and don't want them getting lost.

