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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    Pimping!? Me?! Would I do that?

    Yes. We got in second.


      I saw Krissie! Just behind John & Teyla. Now we should vote for anyone except you know who.


        I said that, I said that We must try to vote them off There are some possible pairs much better - no, all pairs are better

        I am in a good mood today, we have in fact finished the task we have been doing for months and a week earlier But I would prefer to be at home tomorrow


          Glad you are in a good mood SeN and I say Keller/Lorne would be good


            Originally posted by misskitten View Post
            That's the beauty over here. The "dares" are pre-approved. If anyone of them were not okay one way or another, they would have been removed before the list of "dares" was posted. In my year they did remove one "dare" that I had planned to do, because it sounded like fun; have breakfast in a roundabout.

            For some reason they are okay with partial or full nudity, but eating a meal while sitting in the middle of a roundabout... that seemed to be a problem... lol (they said it was too distracting for people driving and could lead to accidents... however when my sisters were seniors, they had done that dare). But we *are* permitted to toilet paper a teacher's car (someone did at my high school and the teacher actually just laughed, I think he was even in on it).

            Under spoiler tags, here are all the dares on the list the year I was a senior (I apologize for all typos and misspellings, these are taken from a translation I did of the list almost 6 years ago...):

            Out of those I did the following:

            · Do my share for our charity event
            · Participate at at least 3 of the dress-up days (I did all 5)
            · Stay awake for 24 hours
            · Kiss a person with the same sex
            · Kiss a policeman
            · Put a red "L" sign (learning to drive sign) on a police car
            · Walked into an other school with "I HATE (schools name)RUSS" poster
            · Draw something on a 2. grader
            · Sit a whole class in my underwear
            · Get a teacher to sign my panties
            · Stay silent for an entire schoolday
            · Crawl between these 2 clubs that are far appart (OW!)
            · Ran naked in a public street (at night, I don't want to get arrested)
            · Sat with an entire pack of gum in my mouth a whole class
            · Walk backwards for a whole schoolday
            · Talk a foreign language an entire schoolday (english of course)
            · Sing everything I'm supposed to say an entire schoolday
            · Answer in the jeopardy way an entire schoolday
            Yeah, the teachers at my school would never approve of anything dare related ever. At the moment if your failing more than 1 class you can't go to Pep Rally or Homecoming.
            If you cover your face with a mask you get suspended for 5 days, if you dont follow the dress code (no tank tops, shorts/skirts no shorter than four inches above your knee, proper shoes no sandles or slip ons.) you get 4 nights of detention, and so on.
            sig by


              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Ugh! I remember tests! Actually, I learned how to take tests a long time ago, so I could bluff my way through most of them.

              The Atlantis Ship battle or whatever it's called. The one Blenca's been pimping.
              blen's pimping??? why am I not surprised!

              Weird little off topic for you all-
              When my dad died 20 years ago, my mom sold our house to our next door neighbors. These people had been involved with drugs for many years and since our house was next door to a school... good business I guess. well a huge drug raid happened it it turned out they were growing pot in the my old bedroom! I am not surprised but my sister who lives in the town was! weird eh?

              I agree blen, we'd find a way to hide in poor mr. momoa's closet!


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                I would have loved to go that one as well. But I have no annual leave left and no money.
                *is confused* Technically speaking we are *in* a new year now, you couldn't possibly have used up all your leave already. The money thing, however would be a problem. That is the reason why I can't this time. Not that it's more expencive than the other cons I go to (the one I'm going to in Birmingham in April will be more expencive since I purchased the gold ticket).

                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                I was stunned how much these things cost. By the time you've paid for the ticket, accommodation, travelling expenses, new clothes, liposuction and face lift (in order to look reasonably presentable before that god in human form Mr Momoa) that's .... well.... a fortune.
                Well, considering they have to pay for the venue, the guests' travel, accomendation, fee, etc. the prices makes sense. A convention takes a lot of money to put on, some money would also be needed to go back to the organizer to ensure they maintain a business reason to keep these events going. Just think about how much you pay for a simple concert ticket if the band's big enough and that is merely a few hours *one* night and no guaranteed face time with the band (in fact, you can bet you will not get to meet the musicians personally), and those conserts costs are spread out on way more people than a convention. At a convention you get a three day event, packed with things to do, there are talks, autograph sessions, photo sessions and so on. You will personally meet each of the guests face to face, talk to them, have your arm around them (unless they have a clause against it in their contract) when your photo is taken. And you will be competing with way less fans for the attention.

                So, yes, it is a lot of money to spend (I should know, just flying to the UK costs me 200-300£, sometimes even more), but I think it's worth every single penny. I have been to ten conventions (for Buffy, Angel, Firefly, The L Word, BSG, Veronica Mars) since my first one in 2004 and have three more lined up this year (for Sarah Connor Chronicles/Chuck/Dollhouse/Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Veronica Mars/Moonlight/Angel and Firefly/BSG/SGA). I can tell you with all my heart that if you have the money to spare and are as obsessed as I am, you will *not* regret going to a convention.

                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                And I'd have to go with someone like Miss Kitten who could do the talking for me while I just stood there and gawped.
                Aww (((Blen))) I'd love to be your convention guide, hon. But be warned that I tend to flit around from group to group, so you would need a couple of energy drinks to keep up with me

                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                Although on second thoughts, seeing what nortiness MK gets up to, she would probably persuade me that it was a really good idea to hide in Jason's wardrobe or something.

                On third thoughts perhaps that may be worth doing....
                *gasps* What are you talking about? I am purity itself (Stop snickering!) ...... I'd probably just hypnotize him when no one's looking..... what?

                Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                Yeah, the teachers at my school would never approve of anything dare related ever. At the moment if your failing more than 1 class you can't go to Pep Rally or Homecoming.
                If you cover your face with a mask you get suspended for 5 days, if you dont follow the dress code (no tank tops, shorts/skirts no shorter than four inches above your knee, proper shoes no sandles or slip ons.) you get 4 nights of detention, and so on.
                Jeez! Talk about your strict environment. I wore tank tops when it was warm (I had one that I especially loved which was open in the back with only three straps holding it in place... I never heard anyone complaining). And I LIVE for using sandals when it's warm outside. I would've been identified as a troublemaker at your school
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                  Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                  *is confused* Technically speaking we are *in* a new year now, you couldn't possibly have used up all your leave already. The money thing, however would be a problem. That is the reason why I can't this time. Not that it's more expencive than the other cons I go to (the one I'm going to in Birmingham in April will be more expencive since I purchased the gold ticket).
                  My annual leave year runs from April to April. End of the financial year & all that. It could be just a Brit thing I suppose.

                  Also I was miffed to see that is costs more to have a photo taken with Joe F than with Jason. *grumbles*

                  I can tell you with all my heart that if you have the money to spare and are as obsessed as I am, you will *not* regret going to a convention.

                  Aww (((Blen))) I'd love to be your convention guide, hon. But be warned that I tend to flit around from group to group, so you would need a couple of energy drinks to keep up with me
                  I really would like to go one of these days. Perhaps when Jason or Jewel is next in the UK.

                  *gasps* What are you talking about? I am purity itself (Stop snickering!) ...... I'd probably just hypnotize him when no one's looking..... what?
                  I just knew it! I'd end up arrested .... or lynched by other fans.

                  Rache - I'm not surprised at pot being found in your (ex) bedroom either.


                    Well guys. I'm off to bed. It's past midnight and I can't keep my eyes open any longer.

                    Good night everyone.


                      Night Blen


                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        My annual leave year runs from April to April. End of the financial year & all that. It could be just a Brit thing I suppose.
                        We do the fiscal thing, too, but not for vacation days, those are spread from January through December.

                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        Also I was miffed to see that is costs more to have a photo taken with Joe F than with Jason. *grumbles*
                        Different guests, different prices. It depends on the kind of contract the organizer has with the guest's manager. Joe's been main cast from the start and Jason joined a year later, from that point of view it does makes sense that if there were to be any differences that Joe would be more expencive.

                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        I really would like to go one of these days. Perhaps when Jason or Jewel is next in the UK.
                        If Jewel's going to an event, I'm there (barring financial problems, of course). I missed out on the last time she was over. I had every intention to go, had my costume planned out and everything. I was gonna dress up as Daisy from "Higher Ground" and since the costume competition was going to take place on Jewel's 25th birthday, I was gonna give her her birthday present there (instead I ended up sending it with someone I knew was going). But then when the exam dates were announced (they announced them about half a year in adance where I studied) I found out that not only did I have an exam on the day I intended to travel to Blackpool, but I also had one on the day I intended to travel home again... Since this was my final year, I just couldn't risk it... If I'd known then that two years later I'd be planning on switching careers I would've reconsidered...

                        I missed out on Jewel AND Clare Kramer (but luckily Clare is going to the con in April this year). I really hope Jewel will be announced for another event soon. When the organizer I use announced that he was going to do a Firefly/BSG/SGA con I instantly asked for Jewel (as did many others and even pointed out the double-connection), but so far it doesn't seem she's on the list of guests he plans to invite (but he *has* announced Morena, plus Leah Cairns and Kate Vernon from BSG, so it looks to shape up to be a good event)
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                          hey everyone How are we today?

                          There are often many times i wish i could get along to a convention, and meet some of the actors ,and meet other fans of the show. But been a poor uni student has its disadvantages, and not to mention i would have to plan it all long term, from knowing when might be in aus, to if its actually close to where i live 10months of the year. It would just be something i would want to do once in my life.

                          i wonder if people think my location listed on my posts is a little too cheeky?


                            I want to go but like you BB being poor I could possibly get enough to go assuming that they ever come to Dallas I would also rather go with someone then by myself I would not have the curage to go alone.

                            And it is iffy I agree with your argument in that everyone should be allowed to say what they feel on a foeum but I can also see where some people take that and go too far


                              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                              I want to go but like you BB being poor I could possibly get enough to go assuming that they ever come to Dallas I would also rather go with someone then by myself I would not have the curage to go alone.

                              And it is iffy I agree with your argument in that everyone should be allowed to say what they feel on a foeum but I can also see where some people take that and go too far
                              That is true, i could probably not go alone to such an event. i mean i often go to sporting events by myself, and i feel alright, but something like a convention etc, yeah could be hard to do, im a shy bugger to start with before i warm up.

                              Im not here to argue about what we can say on forums etc (thats what pm's are for ) But i understand what you say completely, but i think i should leave it there, im under stick instructions to stay off this topic on threads, so i better behave. Still i had to have some fun and the location is my little protest, but nothing more. PM me on this topic everyone if you would like to discuss it


                                There are two major roadblocks to me going to cons. One, I have no money. If it cost a dollar to go around the world, I might get to the end of the block. Two, as stated before and disbelieved by all of you, I'm shy! I'd need each and every one of you there to hold my hand.

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                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

