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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    What?! ****! Those names were hard to figure out, too...why did the rest of my dragons get to keep their names, though? All the ones I have are adults.


      Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
      What?! ****! Those names were hard to figure out, too...why did the rest of my dragons get to keep their names, though? All the ones I have are adults.
      This is all I know about Adults losing names

      Q: Do I still need to get views/unique views/clicks for my adult to survive?
      A: No, once a dragon reaches adulthood, it is able to fend for itself and will only die if you kill it yourself or if it is discovered that you are breaking the rules (Such as an offensive/inappropriate name or description). You should note, however, that dragons need to be viewed at least once per eight weeks or their names will be removed due to inactivity


        Hurrah! I got to the computer first!! I got home from work and found SB and Mr Blen have both gone out somewhere. I wonder where? But I am so, so tired. There is just myself and my friend to do the work of five people.

        But Misi, I love your story. Tried to green you but couldn't. So have this green jumping guy instead.

        BB - you will be missed but I understand you need your sleep. Come & visit us when you feel rested.

        And as it's only a week until Christmas, I think I need to get my sig rotation changed to my Christmassy one.


          -pouts at DragCave- Thanks, guys.

          By the way, still debating on whether or not I want to go caroling tonight. Anyone wanna help me figure it out?


            I think you should go. You might bump into your dream fella.


              -laughs- Maybe. It's mostly older adults from church, though, or people who always thought I was 'too weird' for them. It *is* at the lighthouse, though, so you never know. Some cuties living around there.

              -giggles- I'm watching X-Men, I love how jealous Gambit gets when Rogue meets up with Cody.

              Edit: Forgot to add, I mentioned my current debate on Facebook, first person who answered is my stepmom, who thinks I should go, too.


                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                -pouts at DragCave- Thanks, guys.

                By the way, still debating on whether or not I want to go caroling tonight. Anyone wanna help me figure it out?
                Go! No sense in staying home and being miserable!

                Thanks Blenca for the froggy! I love froggies!

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Okay, I decided! I'm going! Cocoa, cookies, possibly my favourite pastor and his family...I hope they're all coming, anyway, I know he is, but I'm not sure about his wife and daughters...Gotta remember to dress warm, wish I had my scarf and hat, but they're at my uncle's apartment in San Jose.


                    Hey all. Popping in real quick. First of all, Sen, *thunk* You should have posted a warning about those pics several posts back ! Warn a girl before she's them .

                    Second, Dr. J, glad to hear you are going. It could be fun and gives you a chance to get out and not be bored or anything.

                    Blen, I know how you feel. Today my boss went on the warpath with us all . We started out with about 11 people in and by 12 it was me and four others, and then he sent me home early! It's no fun trying to be several different people all at the same time . Hope you are enjoying Mr. B being home though .

                    And spoilered for OTness:
                    I may not be on much over the next week, and not just due to the holidays. I have discovered that my faithful anti-virus program of almost a decade has fianlly failed me . I discovered that I have about four Trojans on my computer and not the hot movie kind either *pout*. Nope, these are the kind that will not get off, no matter waht you do. I've been in contact with friends who do this kind of thing for a living and the consesus is to wipe the computer and start over. So I am backing everything up and double checking that last major backup to make sure that nothing snuck on those discs. *sigh* And I just got this computer adjusted to the way I like it. Hopefully when Hubby comes home I can steal his laptop to atleast come in and peak at the lovely pics every once in a while .

                    Off to do more backing up .

                    sig by DG .
                    I can be found here:


                      Originally posted by vatazes View Post
                      Hey all. Popping in real quick. First of all, Sen, *thunk* You should have posted a warning about those pics several posts back ! Warn a girl before she's them .

                      Second, Dr. J, glad to hear you are going. It could be fun and gives you a chance to get out and not be bored or anything.

                      Blen, I know how you feel. Today my boss went on the warpath with us all . We started out with about 11 people in and by 12 it was me and four others, and then he sent me home early! It's no fun trying to be several different people all at the same time . Hope you are enjoying Mr. B being home though .

                      And spoilered for OTness:
                      I may not be on much over the next week, and not just due to the holidays. I have discovered that my faithful anti-virus program of almost a decade has fianlly failed me . I discovered that I have about four Trojans on my computer and not the hot movie kind either *pout*. Nope, these are the kind that will not get off, no matter waht you do. I've been in contact with friends who do this kind of thing for a living and the consesus is to wipe the computer and start over. So I am backing everything up and double checking that last major backup to make sure that nothing snuck on those discs. *sigh* And I just got this computer adjusted to the way I like it. Hopefully when Hubby comes home I can steal his laptop to atleast come in and peak at the lovely pics every once in a while .

                      Off to do more backing up .
                      Sorry went off for a while I was playing a Wii game and watching a movie

                      I have had that same thng happen with me with the Desktop luckily there is a laptop that was bought just before the lapt top went impossible to use and I have been on that.


                        Originally posted by vatazes View Post
                        Hey all. Popping in real quick. First of all, Sen, *thunk* You should have posted a warning about those pics several posts back ! Warn a girl before she's them .

                        Second, Dr. J, glad to hear you are going. It could be fun and gives you a chance to get out and not be bored or anything.

                        Blen, I know how you feel. Today my boss went on the warpath with us all . We started out with about 11 people in and by 12 it was me and four others, and then he sent me home early! It's no fun trying to be several different people all at the same time . Hope you are enjoying Mr. B being home though .

                        And spoilered for OTness:
                        I may not be on much over the next week, and not just due to the holidays. I have discovered that my faithful anti-virus program of almost a decade has fianlly failed me . I discovered that I have about four Trojans on my computer and not the hot movie kind either *pout*. Nope, these are the kind that will not get off, no matter waht you do. I've been in contact with friends who do this kind of thing for a living and the consesus is to wipe the computer and start over. So I am backing everything up and double checking that last major backup to make sure that nothing snuck on those discs. *sigh* And I just got this computer adjusted to the way I like it. Hopefully when Hubby comes home I can steal his laptop to atleast come in and peak at the lovely pics every once in a while .

                        Off to do more backing up .
                        Ugh! Sucks about the virus! Which antivirus do you use? I need to upgrade.

                        The wind has been blowing mad crazy around here for the last few days. And while I love it, it's been h#11 on the tent that we have set up to wrap presents in. In fact, the last couple of days, we haven't even bothered to open it. It's been sustained winds of 40 miles per hour plus!

                        Oh God! The kids are out of school for the holidays starting tomorrow! I'm so not looking forward to all of the headaches I'll be getting. They've been in a "let's fight like there's no tomorrow" mode recently!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Poor Ever well it could be worse (not sure how but it could be worse *hugs*


                            Hey there Wild Things!

                            I'm just popping in too... for a short while.
                            Vatazes, sorry your comp is poorly sick... *HUGS THE COMP*

                            Ever! I have to ask.. why do you have a tent to wrap prezzies?

                            Hi DG! What Wii game were you playing????

                            The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                              it is one of the Petz ones I know kinda kidish but it is adictive and kinda fun (I am in a fluffy mood)


                                Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                                Hey there Wild Things!

                                I'm just popping in too... for a short while.
                                Vatazes, sorry your comp is poorly sick... *HUGS THE COMP*

                                Ever! I have to ask.. why do you have a tent to wrap prezzies?

                                Hi DG! What Wii game were you playing????
                                We are wrapping presents for people as a fundraiser for the local Kiwanis club. Hubby is an expert wrapper. He can wrap ANYTHING!!!

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

