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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by SeNedra View Post

    Yeah, he must know something! And the smile... *drools* He has intensions, of course he does.

    My number of posts grew quite quickly
    That is quite the wolfish grin on his face there! I think I like his intentions!!!

    Originally posted by Seythia View Post
    Sen I LOVE you. Honestly, you brightened my mood imensely!

    I can't wait to watch the episode, I'm cooking right now, though.
    And after that I'll have to make the small one to go to bed for a while.
    And after that... oh, I don't want to think about it

    How can children switch between 'I hate you' mode and 'I love you' mode so easily? *sighs*
    Such is the nature of kids! Remember, you're not necessarily there for them to like you. They have to do what you say (in theory) and they won't like that or you when you're making them.

    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    Some of us have, and some haven't.

    I deliberately went & had a nap so I can stop up late and squee with you all well into the night.

    This one episode could give us something to talk about for years.
    So much great stuff to chew over!

    Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post

    INTENTIONS! That is going to be my new word!
    What a word!

    Originally posted by trekie View Post
    Hey, there shippers!
    I see you've been doing happy dances for a while now. It have taken me some time to catch up in every thread, - obviously I had to express myself in the McKeller thread first - but here I go now.

    I absolutly loved it and I think it was good for both camps of shippers.
    We had our moments as well as you've got your offical confirmation from Ronon. They really handled the triangle thing well. And we are down to Keller's deceison now, which is good.

    THAT? Can't even say the name? Feeling a little unconfident in your ship? Then wait until some of the international fans get to see it, like myself! Ha! Doomed? Come on? If there's doom lurking around the corner it will be for Team Ro... (I haven't got the courage to go through with it, but all I'll say that each dot represent a letter)

    I so dare you guys with this, alongside Pandora!

    Please don't hurt me! I'm just comforting a fellow brother in arm...
    PB, I see you have gotten a little whumped here last night all alone against these obviously deluded people , I'm here to help, you can find me in the other thread, okay I mean if I make it out alive from here first...

    Great analysis with all three of them. It's spot on.
    Thank you muchly! I was up late with it!

    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    Something crossed my mind (it does happen!)

    Jennifer knows that Rodney loves her. And his behaviour seems to indicate this as well (rather than him forgetting because of his brain disease). Now if she felt the same way about him, wouldn't she be singling him out, making her interest known also? But she doesn't. Instead she smiles lovingly at Ronon and gives Rodney no encouragement whatsoever.

    BTW it's ridiculous. I'm in such a good mood today and all because of a TV programme.
    As much as it pains me as a McCadman, I never doubted Rodney loves Jenn. What I do doubt - maybe - is that Rodney remembers telling Jenn.

    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
    my thoughts on the
    the sparring I would say maybe as early as after Trio souly because I don't think she would have been too confident to ask before the Quarientine. She did say in Trio about needing to do more Cardio and Sparring would deffinatly get my heart rate up
    That timing makes total sense.

    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    I think that's a good idea.

    I've been making another sig. This is my take on one the McKellers have - can't remember who made it now - Fuchsia? Anyway I thought it was a great sig so I copied the idea and gave it a new twist.
    Great sig! You go, woman!

    Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
    Moments I loved from Tracker!

    Rodney practicing his medical words in front of the mirror.

    Rodney's face when he walks into the Gate room and sees Ronon waiting as well.

    Jenn hears the rustling of the bushes.. “Ronon?”

    After Jenn got stunned trying to escape..when she and Kiryk starts walking again and she looks at him, looks away and looks at him again. She had one pissed off look on her face

    (About Ronon not being a runner anymore) Take me to him and we’ll tell you.

    (Jenn to Kiryk) “Just turn around” (the words the tone..Remind you of anyone? Little miss bossy..Even when kidnapped.)

    (Selise to Jenn) "He’s not mean, he just pretends to be." (Jenn has a flashback of making out with Ronon and smiles <---flashback didn’t happen just the smile "I know someone just like that."

    Kiryk telling Jenn she can take Selise as long as she returns her to him. (It was just a sweet moment..This harden runner loves this little girl. It just says so much)

    Jenn killing the Wraith!

    (Ronon and Kiryk fight) "Ronon!, please STOP!!!!!" (sword and gun drawn) “Ronon?” "Please."

    Ronon stands beside Jenn while she fixes the Selise’s leg.

    Jenn sparring. ( I know Ronon trained her because she did some of the same moves we’ve seen him do. And no, I’m not just being shippy. Ronon and Teyla have very different fighting styles. Teyla is more fluid..Ronon is more..I don’t know the fight word. Kick boxing?

    (McKay to Jenn)Where did you learn how to fight like that? “Oh, I’ve been taken a few sparring lessons.” (points towards Ronon) That smile on her face had nothing to do with sparring lessons.

    The look between Jenn and Ronon in the infirmary. HAWT!!!!

    OK, I will admit it (last scene with Ronon and McKay) I died when Ronon said “no, I don’t have intentions.” Then you guys know the rest

    Serious question....what is your take on the last scene?
    Was Ronon messing with Rodney from the start (did he know what Rodney was asking) or did he really need clarification.

    Why did he tell him No (Romantic kind) was he messing with him or he didn't want Rodney to know? Since Ronon figured out McKay's feeling for Jenn he figured it would be best to let him know what his intentions were also? I guess I just want to know what you thought about the last scene. If I go by what I saw I would say...

    Ronon and Jenn are already on the road to being together so it doesn't matter to Ronon that McKay won't stand aside or is he just like whatever if she wants me she can have me oif not oh well? I just don't know what to think from his reaction...
    I think at first he did need clarification. Ronon is from an alien culture and is not likely to be familiar with that idiom.

    Also, we need to add a whole bunch of these moments to our Best Moments list. I gotta find it again!

    Originally posted by Ghanima2 View Post
    I loved Tracker! It made my doubts that the show would actually swing back to my ship go away.

    Regarding the last scene:
    When I was watching the ending, at first when McKay asked about Ronon's intentions, it seemed more like he had already given up but that he wanted to make sure that Ronon would treat Jenn right.

    Then I thought "Why Rodney would you tell Ronon that you are also interested in Jen when he is armed and you two are alone?

    But I think they wrapped it up well

    I want to know everyone's opinion on something from the first scene.

    When Shepperd comes into Rodney's room and they talk about Keller, Shepperd has an odd look on his face. Do you think it's because he remembers the alternate timeline or because he knows that Ronon is also interested in her? I'd love to see a small missing scene fic about that!
    *tackles Ghanima* I always see you lurking but you never come play! You need to come play more often!

    Originally posted by fidesangelus View Post
    Just had to voice my support of Keller and Ronon. Its definitely fun to watch the two characters interact.
    Welcome to the Love Shack!!!!!

    Come back often!

    And I think that! might be my longest post!

    Click here daily to give free mammograms

    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      I've added some more to our fave moments.

      Moments I loved from Tracker!

      Rodney practicing his medical words in front of the mirror.

      Rodney fancying himself. Fiddling with his t-shirt and casually having his jacket slung over his shoulder when he goes to the gateroom. Puts it on really quick when he sees Ronon.

      Rodney's face when he walks into the Gate room and sees Ronon waiting as well.

      At the tavern, Ronon saying to Rodney "You don't have to be here" and then he eats the foot thing that Rodney found in his stew.

      Ronon calling for 'Jennifer.'

      Jenn hears the rustling of the bushes.. “Ronon?”

      The look on Ronon's face when he can tell Rodney "She's still alive"

      Rodney was a beaver! But was asked to leave.

      After Jenn got stunned trying to escape..when she and Kiryk starts walking again and she looks at him, looks away and looks at him again. She had one pissed off look on her face

      (About Ronon not being a runner anymore) Take me to him and we’ll tell you.

      (Jenn to Kiryk) “Just turn around” (the words the tone..Remind you of anyone? Little miss bossy..Even when kidnapped.)

      (Selise to Jenn) "He’s not mean, he just pretends to be." (Jenn has a flashback of making out with Ronon and smiles <---flashback didn’t happen just the smile "I know someone just like that."

      Kiryk telling Jenn she can take Selise as long as she returns her to him. (It was just a sweet moment..This harden runner loves this little girl. It just says so much)

      Jenn killing the Wraith!

      (Ronon and Kiryk fight) "Ronon!, please STOP!!!!!" (sword and gun drawn) “Ronon?” "Please."

      Ronon stands beside Jenn while she fixes the Selise’s leg.

      Jenn sparring. ( I know Ronon trained her because she did some of the same moves we’ve seen him do. And no, I’m not just being shippy. Ronon and Teyla have very different fighting styles. Teyla is more fluid..Ronon is more..I don’t know the fight word. Kick boxing?

      (McKay to Jenn)Where did you learn how to fight like that? “Oh, I’ve been taken a few sparring lessons.” (points towards Ronon) That smile on her face had nothing to do with sparring lessons.

      Jennifer saying "Not helping!" to Rodney.

      The look between Jenn and Ronon in the infirmary. HAWT!!!!

      OK, I will admit it (last scene with Ronon and McKay) I died when Ronon said “no, I don’t have intentions.” Then you guys know the rest

      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
      I do however disagree Ronon is a small jokester on two different occasions were Ronon was "mean" joking with McKay 1) in Submersion when Ronon was teaching McKay how to fight Ronon: "Your getting better." McKay: "Really?" Ronon: "No." then again in um what eppy was it when they were looking for Kannan and Teyla said about how giving a pendent and little trinkets like that were a sign of respect. Ronon: (to McKay) "Maybe I'll get you something while we are here." McKay: "Really?" Ronon: "No."
      But those were small jokes. This is a big huge one. Ronon knows how Rodney feels. I don't think he would pull Rodney's leg about something so serious.

      Originally posted by fidesangelus View Post
      Just had to voice my support of Keller and Ronon. Its definitely fun to watch the two characters interact.

      Hello & welcome to the thead Fidesangelus.


        I got inspired but the epi
        So here is a new avatar for anyone who likes it


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          I think that's a good idea.

          I've been making another sig. This is my take on one the McKellers have - can't remember who made it now - Fuchsia? Anyway I thought it was a great sig so I copied the idea and gave it a new twist.

          Blen, you are so naughty!

          Torpedoed by the Rononeller U-Boat!!!!!

          "We shall fight them on the beaches......"

          The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


            Originally posted by Anda View Post
            what was your jeniffer ronon favorite episode
            Krissie was right, I didn't even notice this last night. Sorry!
            Welcome to the Love Shack!

            Best Ronon/Jenn moments

            Ronon watches while Jennifer resuscitates Elizabeth on the trolley in the corridor.


            Ronon's very intent look when he makes Jennifer jump in the infirmary.
            Ronon telling Jennifer that John isn't seeing anyone if she is interested (which she isn't).
            Ronon, Jenn and team discussing their nightmares. Ronon saying he want to see Alien. Do you think he wants a pretty woman using him to hide behind?

            Tabula Rasa

            After he realises he isn't affected by the virus, he mows people down in his rush to get to the Infirmary.
            Feeling Ronon's glands (twice!)

            Ronon notices the ladies are late checking in.
            Ronon chooses correct direction to find Jenn - and Teyla
            Ronon escorts Jenn away from harms way and leaves Rodney! to cover their six.


            Ronon's "I slipped in the shower" line
            Ronon encouraging Jenn that she can scor the O2 tank
            The near Kiss!
            Ronon saving Jenn a chair at the end
            The look Ronon and Jenn gave each other at the end

            Kindred II

            Ronon watches Jennifer while she explains Carson's deteriorating condition.

            Search & Rescue

            Ronon gets annoyed as Jennifer is treating John & not him!

            The Seed

            Jennifer picks a chair at the conference table next to Ronon who checks her out.
            Ronon volunteers first to try the cure (injection) on himself.
            Ronon volunteers first to give Jennifer the injection to save her life.

            Broken Ties

            Jennifer mops Ronon's brow while he is recovering from the wraith enzyme.

            The Shrine

            Jennifer and Ronon disagree on taking Rodney to the Shrine - like an old married couple!
            She tells him to shoot the parasite, which he does & then he tells her "you did good", she replies "So did you".

            The Queen

            Looks repeatedly to Ronon for reassurance while talking to Todd


            Ronon happy to know she is alive
            Ronon sounded proud of her when he saw she dragged the unconcious Kiryk.
            He stoped fighting when she told him what happened
            Ronon has been teaching her to spar
            The look between them when he gave the girl back her doll
            Ronon admitting he has intentions for Jenn and the taunting look on his face when shaking McKay's hand..or better yet the look on McKay's face..

            Here's that list so we can all add to it! HInt hint!

            I think John's in a difficult position. Both of his best friends are interested in the same woman. I think he needs to play it veerry neutrally.

            I think in the last scene, there was also from Ronon a certain amount of feeling Rodney out. And a decision about how much ( a lot) of trust he was going to give Rodney regarding his INTENTIONS for Jenn! Remember that while Ronon does like to tease, Rodney is his friend, and he is an intensely private man.

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Originally posted by fidesangelus View Post
              Just had to voice my support of Keller and Ronon. Its definitely fun to watch the two characters interact.


                Ok, so I'm still feeling a whole bunch of and a LOT of

                I have no idea who I snurched those from!

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  Ok, so I'm still feeling a whole bunch of and a LOT of

                  I have no idea who I snurched those from!
                  I love them they are cute and I feel the same way!! I'm watching The Seed right now
                  Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                    Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                    Blen, you are so naughty!

                    Torpedoed by the Rononeller U-Boat!!!!!

                    "We shall fight them on the beaches......"
                    "We will never surrender"

                    I've added to couple of R/K moments

                    Best Ronon/Jenn moments


                    Ronon watches while Jennifer resuscitates Elizabeth on the trolley in the corridor.


                    Ronon's very intent look when he makes Jennifer jump in the infirmary.
                    Ronon telling Jennifer that John isn't seeing anyone if she is interested (which she isn't).
                    Ronon, Jenn and team discussing their nightmares. Ronon saying he want to see Alien. Do you think he wants a pretty woman using him to hide behind?

                    Tabula Rasa

                    After he realises he isn't affected by the virus, he mows people down in his rush to get to the Infirmary.
                    Feeling Ronon's glands (twice!)


                    Ronon notices the ladies are late checking in.
                    Ronon chooses correct direction to find Jenn - and Teyla
                    Ronon escorts Jenn away from harms way and leaves Rodney! to cover their six.


                    Ronon's "I slipped in the shower" line
                    Ronon encouraging Jenn that she can scor the O2 tank
                    The near Kiss!
                    Ronon saving Jenn a chair at the end
                    The look Ronon and Jenn gave each other at the end

                    Kindred II

                    Ronon watches Jennifer while she explains Carson's deteriorating condition.

                    Search & Rescue

                    Ronon gets annoyed as Jennifer is treating John & not him!

                    The Seed

                    Jennifer picks a chair at the conference table next to Ronon who checks her out.
                    Ronon volunteers first to try the cure (injection) on himself.
                    Ronon volunteers first to give Jennifer the injection to save her life.

                    Broken Ties

                    Jennifer mops Ronon's brow while he is recovering from the wraith enzyme.

                    The Shrine

                    Jennifer and Ronon disagree on taking Rodney to the Shrine - like an old married couple!
                    She tells him to shoot the parasite, which he does & then he tells her "you did good", she replies "So did you".

                    The Queen

                    Looks repeatedly to Ronon for reassurance while talking to Todd


                    Ronon shouting "Jennifer!"
                    Jennifer hears rustling in the bushes and says "Ronon?"
                    Ronon happy to know she is alive
                    Ronon sounded proud of her when he saw she dragged the unconcious Kiryk.
                    He stoped fighting when she told him what happened
                    Ronon has been teaching her to spar
                    The look between them when he gave the girl back her doll
                    Ronon admitting he has intentions for Jenn and the taunting look on his face when shaking McKay's hand..or better yet the look on McKay's face..


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      "We will never surrender"

                      Thats right...NEVER!!!

                      I'm watching The Seed and I just love that Jenn sat beside Ronon..she could have sat anywhere but nope..she sat right next to him and he just continued leaning closer towards her...
                      Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        "We will never surrender"

                        I've added to couple of R/K moments

                        Best Ronon/Jenn moments


                        Ronon watches while Jennifer resuscitates Elizabeth on the trolley in the corridor.


                        Ronon's very intent look when he makes Jennifer jump in the infirmary.
                        Ronon telling Jennifer that John isn't seeing anyone if she is interested (which she isn't).
                        Ronon, Jenn and team discussing their nightmares. Ronon saying he want to see Alien. Do you think he wants a pretty woman using him to hide behind?

                        Tabula Rasa

                        After he realises he isn't affected by the virus, he mows people down in his rush to get to the Infirmary.
                        Feeling Ronon's glands (twice!)


                        Ronon notices the ladies are late checking in.
                        Ronon chooses correct direction to find Jenn - and Teyla
                        Ronon escorts Jenn away from harms way and leaves Rodney! to cover their six.


                        Ronon's "I slipped in the shower" line
                        Ronon encouraging Jenn that she can scor the O2 tank
                        The near Kiss!
                        Ronon saving Jenn a chair at the end
                        The look Ronon and Jenn gave each other at the end

                        Kindred II

                        Ronon watches Jennifer while she explains Carson's deteriorating condition.

                        Search & Rescue

                        Ronon gets annoyed as Jennifer is treating John & not him!

                        The Seed

                        Jennifer picks a chair at the conference table next to Ronon who checks her out.
                        Ronon volunteers first to try the cure (injection) on himself.
                        Ronon volunteers first to give Jennifer the injection to save her life.

                        Broken Ties

                        Jennifer mops Ronon's brow while he is recovering from the wraith enzyme.

                        The Shrine

                        Jennifer and Ronon disagree on taking Rodney to the Shrine - like an old married couple!
                        She tells him to shoot the parasite, which he does & then he tells her "you did good", she replies "So did you".

                        The Queen

                        Looks repeatedly to Ronon for reassurance while talking to Todd


                        Ronon shouting "Jennifer!"
                        Jennifer hears rustling in the bushes and says "Ronon?"
                        Ronon happy to know she is alive
                        Ronon sounded proud of her when he saw she dragged the unconcious Kiryk.
                        He stoped fighting when she told him what happened
                        Ronon has been teaching her to spar
                        The look between them when he gave the girl back her doll
                        Ronon admitting he has intentions for Jenn and the taunting look on his face when shaking McKay's hand..or better yet the look on McKay's face..
                        Blen I think this is a good idea for a new Game Thread. What do you say?


                          I finally finished the sig, I just couldn't get it right, now I like it but I am not gonna use it so if anyone wants, you can snurch.

                          I am gonna turn off the compter already, I am tired and have headache, so see you all tomorrow Enjoy the post tracker mood


                            Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                            I finally finished the sig, I just couldn't get it right, now I like it but I am not gonna use it so if anyone wants, you can snurch.

                            I am gonna turn off the compter already, I am tired and have headache, so see you all tomorrow Enjoy the post tracker mood
                            I hope you feel better.
                            Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                              Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
                              Blen I think this is a good idea for a new Game Thread. What do you say?
                              You're right Aqua!

                              Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                              I finally finished the sig, I just couldn't get it right, now I like it but I am not gonna use it so if anyone wants, you can snurch.

                              I am gonna turn off the compter already, I am tired and have headache, so see you all tomorrow Enjoy the post tracker mood
                              It must be the excitement SeN I hope you feel better soon.

                              Love the sig.


                                DG! I almost forgot! Are you planning on checking out the show on History International about dragons in different cultures around the world tonight? I saw it and thought of you.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

