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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
    Finally I got the episode I'm off to see it, be back in hour
    is this the first time seeing it? Come back and tell us what you thought
    Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


      Originally posted by Anda View Post
      what was your jeniffer ronon favorite episode
      I think this post got lost in all the squeeing. Welcome!
      If you would have asked me yesterday, the obvious answer would have been Quarantine. Now however I really love Tracker.


        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        I agree with you Mellow. I've noticed that

        some folk on the season 5 thread wondered if Ronon was pulling Rodney's leg. However, I don't think he was. Since when was Ronon a joker? He's not Shep. He tells it how it is.

        I did wonder if Ronon wondered what the word "intentions" meant at first. It seemed like it was a word he wasn't familiar with in that context and he needed more clarification from Rodney before he realised what Rodney meant.

        Just going for my sandwich & then I'm going to watch it again. The sun's gone off my screen now.
        I think a lot of it was not a clear understanding of what was being asked then
        I think at first he said no because well what busniess is it of McKay's if Ronon is interested in Jennifer? (not to be mean at all) but why would Ronon tell McKay that? He likes McKay well enough but they aren't that close like Ronon and John are. Then he probably wondered well why is McKayasking me? So if he admitted that he was interested then he would find out why McKay was asking?

        I do however disagree Ronon is a small jokester on two different occasions were Ronon was "mean" joking with McKay 1) in Submersion when Ronon was teaching McKay how to fight Ronon: "Your getting better." McKay: "Really?" Ronon: "No." then again in um what eppy was it when they were looking for Kannan and Teyla said about how giving a pendent and little trinkets like that were a sign of respect. Ronon: (to McKay) "Maybe I'll get you something while we are here." McKay: "Really?" Ronon: "No."


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          I agree with you Mellow. I've noticed that

          some folk on the season 5 thread wondered if Ronon was pulling Rodney's leg. However, I don't think he was. Since when was Ronon a joker? He's not Shep. He tells it how it is.

          I did wonder if Ronon wondered what the word "intentions" meant at first. It seemed like it was a word he wasn't familiar with in that context and he needed more clarification from Rodney before he realised what Rodney meant.

          Just going for my sandwich & then I'm going to watch it again. The sun's gone off my screen now.
          Oh the drama
          Of what could and will be? I thought it was clear in the epi that Jenn liked Ronon and Ronon liked Jenn so I don't know why McKay would still be going for Jenn. I wonder if he just said that because he doesn't want to admit defeat...

          Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
          I think this post got lost in all the squeeing. Welcome!
          If you would have asked me yesterday, the obvious answer would have been Quarantine. Now however I really love Tracker.
          Welcome! I agree, Tracker is up there with my favorites.

          Something I forgot to mention.......
          I like that Ronon did not "baby" Jenn when they were out in the field. You know what I mean, sometimes when shows try to write a romantic story line, they have the "man" being overly concenered with the female during fighting scenes..I was glad Ronon didn't try and rush to Jenn's rescue.
          Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


            I loved Tracker! It made my doubts that the show would actually swing back to my ship go away.

            Regarding the last scene:
            When I was watching the ending, at first when McKay asked about Ronon's intentions, it seemed more like he had already given up but that he wanted to make sure that Ronon would treat Jenn right.

            Then I thought "Why Rodney would you tell Ronon that you are also interested in Jen when he is armed and you two are alone?

            But I think they wrapped it up well

            I want to know everyone's opinion on something from the first scene.

            When Shepperd comes into Rodney's room and they talk about Keller, Shepperd has an odd look on his face. Do you think it's because he remembers the alternate timeline or because he knows that Ronon is also interested in her? I'd love to see a small missing scene fic about that!


              Just had to voice my support of Keller and Ronon. Its definitely fun to watch the two characters interact.
              "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
              ~ Robert Heinlein



                *waves hello to everyone*

                creeping into the thread to see what everyone thought of Tracker *smacks forehead* silly me what was I thinking? I went deaf from all the squeeeing!

                Oh and SeNedra thanks for all the caps! YUMMY!!!

                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                I do however disagree Ronon is a small jokester on two different occasions were Ronon was "mean" joking with McKay 1) in Submersion when Ronon was teaching McKay how to fight Ronon: "Your getting better." McKay: "Really?" Ronon: "No." then again in um what eppy was it when they were looking for Kannan and Teyla said about how giving a pendent and little trinkets like that were a sign of respect. Ronon: (to McKay) "Maybe I'll get you something while we are here." McKay: "Really?" Ronon: "No."

                I agree DG. Ronon does joke around a lot more lately. It is so great to see that side of him.

                And since my best pal DG got me so hooked can everyone click on my dragon eggs in my sig? Thanks!


                  Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                  *waves hello to everyone*

                  creeping into the thread to see what everyone thought of Tracker *smacks forehead* silly me what was I thinking? I went deaf from all the squeeeing!

                  Oh and SeNedra thanks for all the caps! YUMMY!!!

                  I agree DG. Ronon does joke around a lot more lately. It is so great to see that side of him.

                  And since my best pal DG got me so hooked can everyone click on my dragon eggs in my sig? Thanks!
                  yes silly you my throat is sore from all the Squealing LOL

                  I agree it is nice to see a little bit of the Ronon he might have been before he was a runner.

                  and hey I only got you addicted so I cold drop you a couple of my eggs to make room for the new summer egg LOL not really it is just fun I want to share that

                  and YAY I am a best Pal


                    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                    yes silly you my throat is sore from all the Squealing LOL

                    I agree it is nice to see a little bit of the Ronon he might have been before he was a runner.

                    and hey I only got you addicted so I cold drop you a couple of my eggs to make room for the new summer egg LOL not really it is just fun I want to share that

                    and YAY I am a best Pal
                    My only wish......*the wig* ICK it needs to go away!!!!!

                    *gasp* using me for an egg drop???? iz ok as long as you post pretties for me!

                    Yep more like BFF!


                      Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
                      is this the first time seeing it? Come back and tell us what you thought
                      I just saw the epi and I have just one thing to say
                      The ending was precious


                        Originally posted by Ghanima2 View Post
                        I loved Tracker! It made my doubts that the show would actually swing back to my ship go away.

                        Regarding the last scene:
                        When I was watching the ending, at first when McKay asked about Ronon's intentions, it seemed more like he had already given up but that he wanted to make sure that Ronon would treat Jenn right.

                        Then I thought "Why Rodney would you tell Ronon that you are also interested in Jen when he is armed and you two are alone?

                        But I think they wrapped it up well

                        I want to know everyone's opinion on something from the first scene.

                        When Shepperd comes into Rodney's room and they talk about Keller, Shepperd has an odd look on his face. Do you think it's because he remembers the alternate timeline or because he knows that Ronon is also interested in her? I'd love to see a small missing scene fic about that!
                        I think Shep is the fly on the wall.
                        I couldn't tell if his odd look was because McKay was going on the trip and he was somehow trying to talk him out of it or because of info from TLM. But John knows that Ronon and Jenn are a possibility from Quarantine. We don't know what Ronon has told John but John will know more than Rodney because Ronon is more likely to talk to John. John doesn't know what to do with the info he has from TLM because that reality won't exist anymore. Not to mention it wasn't a happy ending and McKay even said in TLM, I hope she doesn't end up with me. Also, in The Seed when John looks over at McKay, Ronon and Jenn and said something about thats not the only thing that was weird about that timeline...

                        Originally posted by fidesangelus View Post
                        Just had to voice my support of Keller and Ronon. Its definitely fun to watch the two characters interact.
                        come and stay with us

                        Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                        *waves hello to everyone*

                        creeping into the thread to see what everyone thought of Tracker *smacks forehead* silly me what was I thinking? I went deaf from all the squeeeing!

                        Oh and SeNedra thanks for all the caps! YUMMY!!!

                        I agree DG. Ronon does joke around a lot more lately. It is so great to see that side of him.

                        And since my best pal DG got me so hooked can everyone click on my dragon eggs in my sig? Thanks!
                        Hello! Yes, Ronon can joke when he wants to..
                        Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                          My only wish......*the wig* ICK it needs to go away!!!!!

                          *gasp* using me for an egg drop???? iz ok as long as you post pretties for me!

                          Yep more like BFF!
                          I always have pretties see

                          Need to get caps from Tracker uploaded

                          and YAY!


                            OK, so here goes another rant and for fear of getting in trouble I will not say where I got this little bit of information... *wink wink*

                            But I came across this and was like What? Are you talking about Tracker?

                            Jenn was talking about Rodney when she said "I know someone just like that." being mean? Because the next scene showed Rodney.
                            yes, Rodney and Ronon. She was talking about Ronon! She didn't mean MEAN like McKay. She meant mean like the way Kyrik is, the way Ronon is. Am I making sense?

                            Ronon was just messing with McKay in the last scene...
                            If you take this last scene still have Jenn smiling at Ronon in the infirmary. Hello, that must have sent a message..the message us Ronon/Jenn shippers got because it got McKay to go ask Ronon about his intentions
                            Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                              Huh. Little sidenote about my non-Stargate-fan cousin.

                              She was over yesterday and watched an episode of Atlantis (and a bit of SG-1) with me. I had to explain the Wraith (and the Goa'uld, and the Ancients...) to her again.

                              spoilered for new episode stuffs.
                              I dread the day when I show her Tracker. She's gonna ask all kinds of questions like "What the hell's a Runner?" and "Why are those Wraith wearing masks if the others aren't?" and maybe even "Why is that blonde woman so bossy when she's clearly at a disadvantage?"

                              Two of those questions could be answered with an angry "Because!" but I'd have to actually go on at length about the other. And I hate it when there's talking going on during my favorite shows. Even if it's mostly from me.

                              Black J/T sig made by Blencathra, Keller sig by Krissie, all others made by me

                              My Fics (updated 7/29/09)


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                                Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic

