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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
    yeah that was definitely's my photo op with Joe to confirm who I am...everyone please refer to the lovelyness that is Joe's sweater
    You got your piccie taken with the sweater! I'm so jealous. That's what I get for always being late to the photo ops. I think Chlex was making fun of me for that too. LOL. (and yes, I do remember you now. )


      Originally posted by Naeara
      You got your piccie taken with the sweater! I'm so jealous. That's what I get for always being late to the photo ops. I think Chlex was making fun of me for that too. LOL. (and yes, I do remember you now. )

      YAYAY I'm remembered!
      Well the two of us were sitting outside of the photo op doors for two hours playing cards with a bunch of other people just because we had nothing better to do. Who would have thought that the benefit would be that sweater hahha

      sig by chlex


        Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
        YAYAY I'm remembered!
        Well the two of us were sitting outside of the photo op doors for two hours playing cards with a bunch of other people just because we had nothing better to do. Who would have thought that the benefit would be that sweater hahha
        Wait, I think I saw you guys doing that! Aw, it annoys me that I never got the chance to me Chlex. I think I'm borderline stalker at the moment. LOL.

        Love the Lorne | The F.O.R.D shall rule the earth.... | Fly boys do it in the air
        Quirk - The Paul McGillion fanlisting | Grace - The Rachel Luttrell fanlisting


          Originally posted by coolove
          Wait, I think I saw you guys doing that! Aw, it annoys me that I never got the chance to me Chlex. I think I'm borderline stalker at the moment. LOL.
          Border line stalker for Chlex...hmmm so would you pay for a photo-op???? I could become her manager at conventions lol...she's so fun!!!

          Man you saw us playing cards? You so should of joined us, one group was playing texas hold-em and our group was playing phase 10 with someone from the US and someone from Ireland..way cool Good way to kill time when it takes three phases to figure out what I'm actually doing.

          Oh yeah and well that two hours wasn't going fast enough while waiting for the photo-op with the gorgeous Joe....hmmmm I need a pic so I don't feel like I'm talking so much.

          The guy at the convention sitting beside me has been following Joe's career forever and he had the original pic of this...apparantly Joe couldn't believe he had a copy of it...that Andy sure is sneaky

          sig by chlex


            Originally posted by coolove
            Wait, I think I saw you guys doing that! Aw, it annoys me that I never got the chance to me Chlex. I think I'm borderline stalker at the moment. LOL.
            LOL! She's really nice. At least I thought so from the 2 or times we actually got to talk. Mostly we just waved at each as we passed in photo op lines.

            And so this isn't completely off topic ( )


              so you guys must have had to get there early for photo op or what? do the gold pass tickets make a huge difference in how fast you get to do stuff


                Off topic? Um, yeah... what's that? I love Joe/Shep! There.

                Potions - The gold passes make no difference at all for the photos op. The photo-ops are bought seperately. It's quite nice when you're in line for autographs though because waiting is such a pain.

                Love the Lorne | The F.O.R.D shall rule the earth.... | Fly boys do it in the air
                Quirk - The Paul McGillion fanlisting | Grace - The Rachel Luttrell fanlisting


                  Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                  so you guys must have had to get there early for photo op or what? do the gold pass tickets make a huge difference in how fast you get to do stuff
                  Nah it is everyone for themselves. Especially with Joe, JR and Cliff. If you had a ticket or jpeg for them you lined up and that was it. With Michael,Amanda and Beau they were supposed to go by alphabetical, but it turned into whoever was there went in that order. I missed Beau's photo ops so I don't know if they followed the process of alphabetical though. We were just bored and didn't know where the room was so wandered and found some other was so fun just to randomly chat with people.

                  sig by chlex


                    Here's a photo of Joe signing my banner. Click for bigger version.

                    Love the Lorne | The F.O.R.D shall rule the earth.... | Fly boys do it in the air
                    Quirk - The Paul McGillion fanlisting | Grace - The Rachel Luttrell fanlisting


                      Beau's photo ops were like JR's, Cliff's etc. Just show up! His went really fast too. They were trying to hurry people through because it was the end of the day and people had to leave.

                      Anyway, I'm off to bed. Gotta work tomorrow.

                      Edit: Coolove, I love that banner. Where are you gonna put it?


                        Originally posted by Naeara
                        Edit: Coolove, I love that banner. Where are you gonna put it?
                        I have NO IDEA! I've been asking my roommates too. I kinda of want to put it above the bed on the ceiling. LOL. But I don't like the idea of seeing that huge picture of Joe as the first thing I see. Even though he's great eye candy, it might freak me out a bit.

                        Love the Lorne | The F.O.R.D shall rule the earth.... | Fly boys do it in the air
                        Quirk - The Paul McGillion fanlisting | Grace - The Rachel Luttrell fanlisting


                          Originally posted by cindyz
                          got my photo with Joe scanned!!

                          **jumps up and down**

                          eh, the lighting is not so good..but damm he looks great!! oh, don't even look at me!
                          Awww, Cindy that's lovely! Thanks for sharing! JF looks so tall!


                            Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
                            yeah that was definitely's my photo op with Joe to confirm who I am...everyone please refer to the lovelyness that is Joe's sweater

                            This is a lovely photo too! Thanks!

                            That is indeed a scrummy sweater.


                              Originally posted by cindyz
                              got my photo with Joe scanned!!

                              **jumps up and down**

                              eh, the lighting is not so good..but damm he looks great!! oh, don't even look at me!
                              Cindy...that's a great photo of you and Joe! I love the idea of the 'Squeeing Fangirl' badge!

                              Thanks for sharing your pics...looking forward to more!

                              Hi and welcome cute_az_can_be! Love your photo to. Joe should've auctioned off that sweater! Bet they would have got a lot of money for it! Hee!


                                Originally posted by cindyz
                                got my photo with Joe scanned!!

                                **jumps up and down**

                                eh, the lighting is not so good..but damm he looks great!! oh, don't even look at me!
                                I know I'm suppose to URL it but *rawr* it needs to been seen again.

                                You look great Cindyz! Would you forgive me for concentrating on Joe *lol*

                                It's a great height for you too. right next to teh chest...

                                Gah! I want to meet him again now *whines* Once is not enough dammit!

                                *goes to look at own photo's*

                                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!

