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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Linzi
    I love the story, S.G.C. Very funny, and quite gripping really!

    More please!
    There will be more, I need to think about what the new story is going to be about, in truth there will be a new one tommorow (UK Time Zone)

    Ideas are of course welcome




        I made a new shep icon So I'm posting all three of them again in case anyone missed the first two.

        (I grabbed your pic for the new one SGC. It was perfect for my mood today so I made the icon for my LJ. Hope you don't mind!)
        1. 2. 3.


          Originally posted by melpomene
          I made a new shep icon So I'm posting all three of them again in case anyone missed the first two.

          (I grabbed your pic for the new one SGC. It was perfect for my mood today so I made the icon for my LJ. Hope you don't mind!)
          1. 2. 3.

          lol...I love number 2...

          Number 3..definitely matches the quote...

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            thud...escpecially the rear pictures *ahhh faints*
            I'm a doctor.. a medical doctor. I break things like this.. "beckett season one episode one of atlantis"


              Originally posted by melpomene
              I made a new shep icon So I'm posting all three of them again in case anyone missed the first two.

              (I grabbed your pic for the new one SGC. It was perfect for my mood today so I made the icon for my LJ. Hope you don't mind!)
              1. 2. 3.
              I have no problem with you using the pics, feel free


                Awesome pictoral story, S.G.C.

                Great subject matter. Heee


                  Originally posted by S.G.C
                  Once Upon Time...

                  Man: Its quite simple, you all hide whilst Sheppard tries to find you...

                  McKay: Got to be careful, he could come appear behind me at any time..
                  Sheppard: Booo!!!, found you Rodney...

                  Sheppard: How easy was that, I found you Teyla, Beckett and Zelanka all in one go!
                  Teyla: Yes it was easy, how did you...?
                  Sheppard: Easy...shot down this dart, which I knew would grab your attention...
                  Teyla: Well when you put it that way.
                  Sheppard: Now all I just need to find Weir and Ronon...

                  Weir: Darn it how did you know I would be here??
                  Sheppard: You are never anywhere else...
                  Weir: Now that isn't true
                  Sheppard: Yeah but you rarely leave Atlantis.

                  Sheppard: Got you Ronon
                  Ronon: How did you??
                  Sheppard: Now that would be telling

                  Man: So how did the game go?
                  Sheppard: It was a walk in the park
                  McKay: You cheated...
                  Sheppard: Didn't
                  McKay: Did
                  Sheppard: Didn't
                  McKay: Did
                  Sheppard: Didn't
                  McKay: Did
                  Sheppard: Didn't
                  McKay: Did
                  Teyla: Thats enough you two
                  Sheppard: Okay but Rodney started it
                  McKay: Didn't
                  Sheppard: Did

                  And thats that
                  *clicks on to thread by accident, takes a look around, really, really likes what she sees!*

                  You guys got a great sense of humour. Especially love the picfics. The pretty Shep pictures are a given. Think I'll drop in more often for some more visual feasting.
                  *Is it a moral sin for a happily married lady to have non-PG thoughts? Just wonderin'. *
                  Last edited by Ronnikins; 22 March 2006, 02:01 PM.

                  Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                    Welcome to the JFT, Ronnikins!

                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      I just loved the Gramercy pics. Joe knows how to hold a baby! *sighs* *melts into a puddle*


                        hello ladies!

                        i've been thunking in private, but Beanie's baby pics have brought me out of lurkdom! awwwww, how cute???!!!!!

                        Anyhoo... a bit of catch up...

                        - sorry the JFT has lost some regular posters
                        - welcome to all those newbies
                        - 'how do?' to people who remember my rather brief regular posting
                        - and finally hugs to those i met at P1


                          Nothing in seven hours. I'll have to do something about that.


                            Welcome Ronnikins to JFT.

                            Anybody going to a con anytime soon? (Sorry I just had to ask, knowing the answer full well!!)


                              Beanie those piccies were adorable! I'm dead from the cute.

                              Originally posted by Linzi
                              Anybody going to a con anytime soon? (Sorry I just had to ask, knowing the answer full well!!)
                              lol! Tomorrow!! I can't wait. I'll try to get online and post some tidbits after JF's talk on Saturday.


                                Only Con I'm going to soon will be Pegasus 2 next Feb. People yet to be announced for that. But hopefully got my roomies sorted *looks sweetly at Beanie - luffs wu!*

                                I found the baby pics amazingly sweet. The way he holds it, you can definately tell he's had experience

                                - Welcome Ronnikins...fancy seeing you here!

                                Naeara - You lucky girl you! You can join the few of us in the 'We've touched Joe omg!' group

                                Welcome Lou

                                I'm getting bondage withdrawl

                                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!

