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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Welcome Ronnikins! Lovely to have you here!

    Some day I gotta get myself a membership of that 'We touched Joe' group!!


      *smiles wistfully* Someday Elinor...someday...

      Just remember to keep the hug to the waist..the waist!

      Last edited by Major_Moomin; 23 March 2006, 02:07 AM.

      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Originally posted by Naeara
        Beanie those piccies were adorable! I'm dead from the cute.

        lol! Tomorrow!! I can't wait. I'll try to get online and post some tidbits after JF's talk on Saturday.
        Can't wait to hear read report!

        Have a wonderful time. And remember, all the juicy details please!........


          *runs back in thread panting*

          RL is over-rated
          So I have 5 essays to write in a week......I've been lax in me posting.

          111 Gramercy...still gutted Joe and Jonathan ain't in the same scenes

          Zelenka for regular Season 3!! More Lorne!!! Whumping and Thunking my way along! I'll be in the bar! sig thanks to crazybitchqueen on LJ


            You ask and you shall recieve!!!

            Okay I admit it the "Hide And Seek" Story Is Going To Continue

            Previous Chapters 1 , 2 and 3

            Sheppard: What's the big emergency?
            Weir: We revieved this message...It seems that the rest of the team have decided to play hide and seek again.
            Sheppard: again...
            Weir: Yes...and as you are the best "seeker" here on Atlantis its your job to find the team.
            Sheppard: No problem...

            Sheppard: Now where could they be...hmm...walking around this chair might help...

            Sheppard: Nope still nothing...

            Sheppard: I got it, I will ask Weir if she knows!

            Sheppard: Wheres Weir??

            Zelanka: She went into hiding shortly after you left the control room

            Sheppard: You would think that after hiding here the last two times you wouldn't come back here for a third!
            Weir: It's like you said Colonel, It's the only place that I go other than the control room.

            Sheppard: I am going to need your help Carson in finding Teyla
            Becktett: Ay, why not?
            Sheppard: Okay here what I need you to do.

            Sheppard: Got you Teyla
            Teyla: I can't believe I fell for the dart trick again!
            Sheppard: Actually you didn't because you see I got Beckett to bring you to this planet, shoot down this dart, which would draw you in and I would find you!
            Teyla: No fair!
            Sheppard: Thats Hide and Seek for you!

            McKay: *Thats it Sheppard keep your eyes closed as I seek past*
            Sheppard: I know your there Rodney!
            McKay: How did you??
            Sheppard: I have ears don't I!
            McKay: Well, yes I guess you do...

            Sheppard: Okay we need to find Ronon, thats why I drafted in the Genii

            Sheppard: Okay thunkers the Genii plan didn't pan out, did Ronon go that way?
            Thunkers: Yes
            Sheppard: Right better go get him!

            Ronon :*Sheppard will never think to look for me here*
            Sheppard: What you looking at Ronon?
            Ronon: What, how did you??
            Sheppard: I had some help from my thunkers, they pointed you out.
            Ronon: Damm it!

            Man: And so the game comes to yet another close, was it fun?
            Sheppard: You betcha!
            Ronon: It was okay.
            Teyla: It was enjoyable
            McKay: Yeah I suppose.


            This time it is the end...I mean it
            Last edited by Stricken; 23 March 2006, 07:59 AM.


              Lmao Genius

              Zelenka for regular Season 3!! More Lorne!!! Whumping and Thunking my way along! I'll be in the bar! sig thanks to crazybitchqueen on LJ


                Can us thunkers go play with Shep on his own?

                ...ok, maybe Rodney too

                Nice to see you Jane...long time, no see!

                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                  Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                  Can us thunkers go play with Shep on his own?

                  ...ok, maybe Rodney too

                  Nice to see you Jane...long time, no see!
                  After writing that my mind isnt focused...what do you mean by "play with shep on his own?"


                    err... *PG..PG..PG*

                    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                      Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                      err... *PG..PG..PG*
                      lol, I think I know what you meant anyway


                        Originally posted by lou
                        hello ladies!

                        i've been thunking in private, but Beanie's baby pics have brought me out of lurkdom! awwwww, how cute???!!!!!

                        Anyhoo... a bit of catch up...

                        - sorry the JFT has lost some regular posters
                        - welcome to all those newbies
                        - 'how do?' to people who remember my rather brief regular posting
                        - and finally hugs to those i met at P1

                        Hi Lou! Nice to see you back...thought I'd not seen you here for a while!!

                        Did you have fun at P1? That's a stupid question I know!!


                          Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                          *smiles wistfully* Someday Elinor...someday...

                          Just remember to keep the hug to the waist..the waist!

                          LOL!! Nice pic there!!


                            Ooh forgot to say Hi Jane! Welcome back to yous as well!!

                            SGC - love it!


                              I just watched 'Farewell to Harry'... I LOVED it, the whole movie was so sweet and especially Joe's character.. I wanted to hug him constantly for being so caring and nice. *dreams away*
                              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                                Page 2 won't do!!

