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    Interesting, when I was giving you a green for this message I did not even get the option for disagreeing. Apparently my computer also thinks your message is excellent!

    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
    For me, I've always had the impression the shows are too short for the intended story. As a writer yourself, is it not the case that stories take on a personality of their own? Some are longer because that story needs to be told in a longer fashion. Some are shorter, because this is how they unfold. Some lend themselves best to a script, others to a novel etc.
    Yes, you're right. I saw that. It happens when you really let your creative juices flow. However, in my line of work (science) I'm often faced with writing to a certain subscribed length. And to adapt the level to the intended audience. Nevertheless, I do prefer not to have limitation if I decide to write the story.

    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
    So, when I look at an episode such as Vegas I see fragmented pieces of information, such as parachuting the motives behind John's
    inanity into the plot, or Keller doing an autopsy in the dark--don't you usually need to have a GREAT DEAL of light for an autopsy? Perhaps we would know why she is nodding so often and performing an autopsy in the dark, if the show had more time to explain.

    Finally, that bit about the wraith sitting in his trailer thinking on the initial battle with Earth--why did they insert that piece? I think there is a clear reason, but I'm not clearly sure what that reason is.
    He's sitting, leaning forward with half the prosthetic hanging down. Is it to imply "he really is a wraith, and wishes he could come clean--"step out of the closet?" Does it imply he is sick of Earth? Does it imply that he is getting sicker from the radiation, or that he wants to get the information about Earth to another hive. I really don't know what they were trying to say about this guy --maybe morning sickness, who knows?
    I'm glad they inserted that piece, but again I truly think the show needed to be longer to clearly explain, or hint or imply what they were trying to do.
    Well, with the TV and film one also used the colors, the costumes, actors, scene to transfer information. Spike's
    flashback was unnecessary. We could conclude ourselves that the Hive was destroyed. I think that even Rodney said that before that flashback scene. So as something offering the "informations" it can be taken as something intended only to give the info about the Wraith themselves. So it might be that the creators of the episode did it all on purpose and I was wrong assuming that it was just another example of sloppy writing....
    Gosh, I really hope so!

    So in this light, the dark room during the autopsy might give us additional information. Perhaps, that Sheppard is left in dark? Or to emphasize that Sheppard will not get exact and true coronary report? (he did not.)

    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
    Finally, I think that many of their episodes need to have an overall story arch for the entire show to work, and not present so many inconsistencies. Babylon Five, for instance, had a five year story arch and it was immensely successful because of it.
    good point. Yeah, you're right. some continuity in the episodes, some arch is necessary.
    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
    For the most part, the writers are shooting from the hip with each episode and/or season. This has been directly implied, and it is obvious in the writing. Many of us here deal with the written word as a hobby or for a living and the one thing I think we can all attest to, is that once words are committed to a page, the work cannot lie. In other words, it always reveals its own discrepancies. This is especially true when words are committed to sound and paper.
    Fair enough. I did not know this fact. True, I can imagine how difficult it is. But for Gosh sake, why do not they at least try to get rid of the inconsistencies???
    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
    I often say this to my students when I warn about plagiarism--I can hear your voice in your writing. When I cannot hear your distinct style in your writing I get curious. The last thing you want, as student, is for your teacher to get "curious" about your work. This also applies to reporters getting curious--no one wants that.

    I also think this is why so many of us are frustrated with the lack of continuity in the story line.

    Ugh, I know what the curiosity can bring. Unfortunately, when I write my scientific papers I always get curiosity; and the most annoying part is constant comments that I need to improve my English! I'm seriously considering now to enroll in the closest university to another English course! Only once they questioned my science, everything else is just "bad English!"


      He, he. I must admit I'm nasty one in this regard.
      When someone starts to attack me on some tread I just switch into my "scientific discussion mode" (that can be indeed nasty) and continue. When I was discussing the Wraith evolution with some people in that way they ended up leaving the thread.
      So which tread you wish me to kill??

      Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
      I think part of it is GW's size. People form into groups and you are either invisible and they ignore you, or they respond like that thread you visited where they were downright rude. It's ridiculous that adults (I take it that they were adults) would act like that. What I hate is that they tend to gang up on whoever they are attacking as well.

      GW seems to think the anti threads are the problem. They aren't. The people who generally go into an anti thread are companionable about not liking whatever. The real problem are the regular threads where the people are just pain rude to anyone outside of their group which they've been in for a hundred years or so. LOL (Okay, so my last statement was a a bit of a hyperbole.)

      Big hug. Don't let those nasty people get you down!!!


        Originally posted by leksa View Post
        He, he. I must admit I'm nasty one in this regard.
        When someone starts to attack me on some tread I just switch into my "scientific discussion mode" (that can be indeed nasty) and continue. When I was discussing the Wraith evolution with some people in that way they ended up leaving the thread.
        So which tread you wish me to kill??
        In the interest of scientific verification and the interest of dissimulation of scientific information, to stimulate discussion, your offer is a very noble one.
        (I even managed to spell the long words too)

        I like your style, even if I probadely don't understand your science .... which branch of science do you work in? Apart from Wraithlogy of course.

        Thanks to DS for my siggy


          Laura Dove
          Honestly, the less sexual tension I get in my sci-fi shows, the better for me. It's not really that I'm a prude and it makes me feel uneasy, it's more like a disgust out of too much exposition to it. You can't walk in the street or take the subway without seeing ads on the walls everywhere with pretty half-naked top models; you can't sit in a park without having human wastes harass you and drool over you; you can't open your email without tons of bloody spams about viagra and penis enlargement. A woman is more than a frigging blow doll, @#^$*&!! At least SGA, with its focus on action, adventure and friendship instead of female body parts, gives me a much welcome break.
          Originally posted by leksa View Post
          Really, what show you're watching?
          So far I could not find any Sci Fi film or series which do not use female body parts (so called eye-candy) to attract the audience.
          At least I'm satisfied if they put some semi naked men there too...
          Yeah, I was gonna say, what about Teyla and her cleavage and tummy bearing getups? And don't get me started on Larrin and the Travellers' dominatrix outfits. That's your typical geek-boy sci-fi writer showing his inner teenager there (Yeah I'm lookin' at you Martin Gero!)

          No, the sexual tension I'm talking about is kind of the Victorian one: where everyone is buttoned up to the neck but there's those significant glances, pregnant pauses and hints at stuff that's happening off camera. They sort of explored it with Teyla and Sheppard at first, but then it quickly turned brother/sister-ish. Their attempts to show love interests for Weir and Rodney were awkward at worst and hilarious at best (what was the name of that cactus that Katy named after Rodney? )

          But yeah, what am I thinking? Most of the writers are the guys that were too busy playing video games and roll-playing games in high school and too stupid to figure out why the girls they approached to ask to prom usually rejected them. So why would I expect them to know how to write good sexual tension?



            Hey folks I've just watched Vegas and while I don;t disagree with any of the comments I've read here so far, may I offer my tuppence worth on what struck me most about the ep? Besides I've no one else to talk to about it and I need to get it off my chest!!!

            Cool and appropriate music and half naked Wraith I think was a nod (of respect?not sure) to Wraith fans, as well as giving us back our real Wraith ie. can fall off a roof and get up and walk away, albeit stumbling a little at first (my reaction to that scene was "Oh yes, the Wraith are back!") and an acknowledgment of Wraith intelligence, adaptability ingenuity and even playfulness and certainly emotions - Spike was scared, lonely and just wanted to get home. Yes, OK he transmitted Earth coordinates, but how are his brothers going to come and rescue him if they don't know where he is? I think escape was his primary motive.
            I think with Spike they were trying (albeit not consistently) to give Wraith fans something before it all ends.

            With Todd... even the writers would've known the effect that scene would have on Todd fans, but perhaps that's exactly what they were trying to do - if it made us want to weep for Todd, perhaps it just might engender some feelings of sympathy in those who are not normally Wraith fans? I wonder if they were trying to get more people on side with the Wraith? And if so, why? What do they have in mind for Todd and Wraithkind in EatG and the movie?
            I am actually more hopeful now for the Wraith than I was before I saw this ep for myself. In spite of being starved, delirious and poss even insane, Todd was still proud and defiant and beautiful. Todd is not done yet.

            As for Sheppard, I even liked him better in this ep, too. He wasn't the mean and nasty one in this AU - Rodney was. Shepaprd was just trying to do his job and catch what he saw as a serial killer. Rodney was the one who wanted to exterminate Wraith and had no qualms at all about torturing and starving Todd. Grrr.

            btw I definitely think they were trying to imply that Shep is gay, but perhaps I'm reading too much into that. Besides, my hubby keeps trying to make out that Todd is gay because he wears his earring in his left ear, but I don't believe that either!!!)

            Anyway, nothing radical there I don't think. Thanks for listening folks, even though I'm several days behind you all.
            Looking forward to what y'all have to say about EatG.
            *big Wraithy hug*
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by MCH View Post
              In the interest of scientific verification and the interest of dissimulation of scientific information, to stimulate discussion, your offer is a very noble one.
              (I even managed to spell the long words too)

              I like your style, even if I probadely don't understand your science .... which branch of science do you work in? Apart from Wraithlogy of course.


              Good one!

              I'm an astrophysicist. The real one.


                Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                Yeah, I was gonna say, what about Teyla and her cleavage and tummy bearing getups? And don't get me started on Larrin and the Travellers' dominatrix outfits. That's your typical geek-boy sci-fi writer showing his inner teenager there (Yeah I'm lookin' at you Martin Gero!)

                No, the sexual tension I'm talking about is kind of the Victorian one: where everyone is buttoned up to the neck but there's those significant glances, pregnant pauses and hints at stuff that's happening off camera. They sort of explored it with Teyla and Sheppard at first, but then it quickly turned brother/sister-ish. Their attempts to show love interests for Weir and Rodney were awkward at worst and hilarious at best (what was the name of that cactus that Katy named after Rodney? )

                But yeah, what am I thinking? Most of the writers are the guys that were too busy playing video games and roll-playing games in high school and too stupid to figure out why the girls they approached to ask to prom usually rejected them. So why would I expect them to know how to write good sexual tension?

                I got you! The sort of the things you can in the real life.
                And about the nerdy guys, ahhh. In my line of work you have all bunch of them. Actually, I do not remember single one who was not like that.

                Also, you're right, they are socially "challenged". And sometimes can make a problems because of it.


                  Originally posted by leksa View Post

                  Good one!

                  I'm an astrophysicist. The real one.
                  Hang on let me just get my dictionary.....*thumbs through pages* ooh my....

                  OK my dictionary says

                  "the branch of physics concerned with the physical and chemical properties of the celestial bodies -, astrophysicist"

                  Like this from 1926 New Gresham Dictionary it defines Astronomy this word come from Astron a star. Nomos a law or rule

                  First question looking at this on a scientific level do the Wraith qualify as celestial bodies???
                  Second question scientific question oh forget it - stars sure looking good from the gutter tonight........

                  Thanks to DS for my siggy


                    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                    Hey folks I've just watched Vegas and while I don;t disagree with any of the comments I've read here so far, may I offer my tuppence worth on what struck me most about the ep? Besides I've no one else to talk to about it and I need to get it off my chest!!!

                    Cool and appropriate music and half naked Wraith I think was a nod (of respect?not sure) to Wraith fans, as well as giving us back our real Wraith ie. can fall off a roof and get up and walk away, albeit stumbling a little at first (my reaction to that scene was "Oh yes, the Wraith are back!") and an acknowledgment of Wraith intelligence, adaptability ingenuity and even playfulness and certainly emotions - Spike was scared, lonely and just wanted to get home. Yes, OK he transmitted Earth coordinates, but how are his brothers going to come and rescue him if they don't know where he is? I think escape was his primary motive.
                    I think with Spike they were trying (albeit not consistently) to give Wraith fans something before it all ends.

                    With Todd... even the writers would've known the effect that scene would have on Todd fans, but perhaps that's exactly what they were trying to do - if it made us want to weep for Todd, perhaps it just might engender some feelings of sympathy in those who are not normally Wraith fans? I wonder if they were trying to get more people on side with the Wraith? And if so, why? What do they have in mind for Todd and Wraithkind in EatG and the movie?
                    I am actually more hopeful now for the Wraith than I was before I saw this ep for myself. In spite of being starved, delirious and poss even insane, Todd was still proud and defiant and beautiful. Todd is not done yet.

                    As for Sheppard, I even liked him better in this ep, too. He wasn't the mean and nasty one in this AU - Rodney was. Shepaprd was just trying to do his job and catch what he saw as a serial killer. Rodney was the one who wanted to exterminate Wraith and had no qualms at all about torturing and starving Todd. Grrr.

                    btw I definitely think they were trying to imply that Shep is gay, but perhaps I'm reading too much into that. Besides, my hubby keeps trying to make out that Todd is gay because he wears his earring in his left ear, but I don't believe that either!!!)

                    Anyway, nothing radical there I don't think. Thanks for listening folks, even though I'm several days behind you all.
                    Looking forward to what y'all have to say about EatG.
                    *big Wraithy hug*
                    Like your observations TP.

                    I don't think Shep is being portrayed as gay in this ep. I think he is just down and miserable, because of what has happened in the past, and doesn't see himself as worthy of any woman, basically because he is depressed, just look at his jacket - un-ironed and his whole appearance was someone who just didn't care about himself - low self-esteem - he was just getting by. He new his job and that is what he did.

                    As for Todd being gay - no way - so what if he wears his earring in the left ear - in his culture it might mean something totally different like, I am alpha male or something like that - that was just putting our culture perceptions onto someone elses culture. For all we know it might be a sign of rank or he might he have another one in the other ear, who knows, certainly not the viewers.

                    Glad you were able to watch it now - I have to download the show as we won't get the free to air release till probably next August or so. We are so far behind here!

                    Looking forward to Enemy at the Gate soon.

                    I came, I saw, I conquered!
                    We are unique! Created unique!


                      Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                      Like your observations TP.

                      As for Todd being gay - no way - so what if he wears his earring in the left ear - in his culture it might mean something totally different like, I am alpha male or something like that - that was just putting our culture perceptions onto someone elses culture. For all we know it might be a sign of rank or he might he have another one in the other ear, who knows, certainly not the viewers.

                      Why didn't I think of that - so next time hubby's winding me up, I'll just say, "Well in Wraith culture it means he's the Boss Man - so you'd better watch out!"
                      Mind you, hubby already knows Todd rules this household anyway - hence the pathetic jealousy!!!
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by leksa View Post
                        I got you! The sort of the things you can in the real life.
                        And about the nerdy guys, ahhh. In my line of work you have all bunch of them. Actually, I do not remember single one who was not like that.

                        Also, you're right, they are socially "challenged". And sometimes can make a problems because of it.
                        Hey, don't get me wrong - I love and cherish my nerdy guy friends. The ones that have somehow figured out how to be nice and talk to a female. Unfortunately *they* have friends that quite remind me of those whom I mentioned above.



                          Originally posted by MCH View Post
                          Hang on let me just get my dictionary.....*thumbs through pages* ooh my....

                          OK my dictionary says

                          "the branch of physics concerned with the physical and chemical properties of the celestial bodies -, astrophysicist"

                          Like this from 1926 New Gresham Dictionary it defines Astronomy this word come from Astron a star. Nomos a law or rule

                          First question looking at this on a scientific level do the Wraith qualify as celestial bodies???
                          Second question scientific question oh forget it - stars sure looking good from the gutter tonight........


                          Sure! The Wraiths have a bodies and they are in the space!
                          What? You can actually see the sky tonight in UK?
                          I thought it's cloudy again....


                            Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                            Hey, don't get me wrong - I love and cherish my nerdy guy friends. The ones that have somehow figured out how to be nice and talk to a female. Unfortunately *they* have friends that quite remind me of those whom I mentioned above.

                            Agrh, maybe my problem is that I'm forced to deal with them on everyday basis....
                            But, you're right, there are nice ones. Strangely, those ones usually have significant other....


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              Why didn't I think of that - so next time hubby's winding me up, I'll just say, "Well in Wraith culture it means he's the Boss Man - so you'd better watch out!"
                              Mind you, hubby already knows Todd rules this household anyway - hence the pathetic jealousy!!!

                              Todd Rules - Yah , Just as well he's got a big big big hive ship hey!
                              I came, I saw, I conquered!
                              We are unique! Created unique!


                                Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                                Like your observations TP.

                                I don't think Shep is being portrayed as gay in this ep. I think he is just down and miserable, because of what has happened in the past, and doesn't see himself as worthy of any woman, basically because he is depressed, just look at his jacket - un-ironed and his whole appearance was someone who just didn't care about himself - low self-esteem - he was just getting by. He new his job and that is what he did.

                                As for Todd being gay - no way - so what if he wears his earring in the left ear - in his culture it might mean something totally different like, I am alpha male or something like that - that was just putting our culture perceptions onto someone elses culture. For all we know it might be a sign of rank or he might he have another one in the other ear, who knows, certainly not the viewers.

                                What's the catch with this gay things?
                                What the earring has to do with that? No one ever told me that rule. And I'm suppose to be from the Earth.

                                Ah, and I remember someone asked do the actors who portray the Wraith go home in costume to their significant others....
                                Girl, the film makeup tastes awful! And smells too! You do not wish to kiss anyone with that makeup unless you're paid to do so! Rather, close your eyes and use your imagination...

