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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Icarium
    Yeah, sounds like they never wash themselves and don't clean their clothes Hey, what's that smell?


    Whoopsie - missed this.

    No worries - the Wraith are VERY vain creatures. They do not like being dirty, or unkempt.

    Todd was a mess when he came out of that prison, but the next time we see him, his clothes are brand new, and his hair slightly less matted. I think there's not much he can do about his hair - that's just the texture of it. But the next time we see him, he also has an earring (not sure he had that in Common Ground ), and he has that thing on his finger - he did NOT have that in Common Ground. So, it seems to me that they take great pride in their appearance (like all animals and insects), and enjoy adorning themselves with jewelry, tattoos, and clean clothing.

    And I agree - they probably do not have a body odor that's obvious to humans. I would think that - like their clothes - they keep their bodies clean. HOWEVER, Joe Flanigan (is some interview I saw on youtube), said that the Wraith have very BAD keep that in mind the next time Todd is hissing in someone's face.

    Last edited by dasNdanger; 05 March 2008, 05:23 AM.


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      HOWEVER, Joe Flanigan (is some interview I saw on youtube), said that the Wraith have very BAD keep that in mind the next time Todd is hissing in someone's face.

      I prefer not to



        Picspam to make me feel better cos the family dog was put down yesterday:

        The piccies I put in my cell phone are the next:

        (Aka the piccies I took piccies from...)


        That's it, so far...

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Guys, ever compared teeth? Like in: young versus old ones?




          Penny!Wraith (my Tommy):




          Teeth may be a very human thing to have, so the older the Wraith get, the more they become like Todd's? Ready for some kind of dentures?

          I'm snatching pics from Spoils of War, so will post more in a few min...

          Edit: Woopsie, I took some html ones instead of jpg ones... I'll load them up to photobucket first, then...

          Edit: And done!
          Last edited by GoSpikey; 05 March 2008, 09:23 AM.

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
            Picspam to make me feel better cos the family dog was put down yesterday
            I'm very sorry about your dog

            You say teeth? No, I never compared... How about these ones?








              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              Oh, I believe Wallace volunteered. But Sheppard basically coerced him to volunteer, and I think that's the reaction we see in his behavior afterwards. He knows he crossed a moral line. He also allowed something to happen which he so utterly hates - he allowed a Wraith to take his fill of a human being. This was not a 'humanized' Wraith strapped to a table, or a Genii guard trying to kill them.
              Yeah, Sheppard looks a little unsettled when Rodney comes through the door.

              But more likely, he was just tired of the humans bossing him around. He had bought himself a little time - maybe a few weeks - but sooner or later he'd have to feed again, and unless he got out of there, there was no chance of him having such luck again.
              Todd does look kind of tired, but he is moving quickly and efficiently around the computers. I think his energy is restored, but I agree that he is probably pretty depressed. He started out meeting with Sheppard in good faith on neutral ground to offer to work jointly with SGA to defeat a common enemy and found himself a prisoner instead. And in Miller's Crossing he has been brought against his will through the stargate to another world in another galaxy. Todd must see his future as pretty bleak at that point.

              I would like to think that Todd DID nearly seems impossible for a Wraith to feed (or anticipate a feeding) without showing a sign of pleasure. And Todd wouldn't hold back a smile for fear of offending the humans - afterall, he was about to feed on one of their own right in front of them - how more offensive than that could a smile be?
              A smile, yes. One of those nice toothy grins. But when I said he stifled his expression of pleasure I was thinking more about the way he roared when he fed on Sheppard in Common Ground. Even those stone-faced SGC guards might get a little nervous and trigger-happy around him if he got all snarly.

              @Spikey: I did notice the different teeth, but never really thought about them in relation to their age. Greg's teeth in The Defiant One were pointy like Todd's. Did the queen in Submersion have really pointy teeth? She was one of the oldest Wraith we have met, having been around during the siege of Atlantis. That would support your theory. I don't think we can consider Michael's teeth in the comparative analysis since he has been altered so much.

              OT: I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. I have a 4-year-old yellow lab and would be heart-broken if anything happened to her.

              @ das: I thought Todd was missing that little purple finger thingy in Common Ground then had it in all other episodes. So maybe it is a kind of jewelry like I originally thought. In Poisoning the Well Steve has three of them - two on his left hand and one on the right. There was actually a brief flurry of discussion of the finger things at the beginning of the All Things Wraith thread long ago, but no real explanations or conclusions.

              There is no doubt in my mind that Wraith bathe. And the cleaning bills for those leather outfits of theirs must be outrageous.
              Sparrow hawk



                I think the teeth depend on the actor. James had a big mouth, and could work that larger set of fake teeth well. Chris has a smaller mouth (or different shaped mouth), and needs a smaller set of teeth to be able to talk, especially with all the dialogue he's given. Otherwise...he might start drooling...or worse...lisping...



                  Originally posted by GoSpikey
                  Picspam to make me feel better cos the family dog was put down yesterday:
                  I missed that first bit - so sorry to hear. I have 4 kitties, and don't want to lose any of I really feel for you... *huggles*

                  And thanks for the pic scans! Woot! TEETH! (Seems the Wraith are brushing better, doncha think? Their teeth are much whiter now then in the beginning. A habit they've picked up from the Lanteans, perhaps?)

                  Also - about Todd's nails. They look almost red in Common Ground, not sure what color they are in The Seer and Miller's Crossing, but in BAMSR we know they're green because of Penny's behind the scenes pictures.

                  Can someone get caps of Todd's nail color in the different episodes?



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Can someone get caps of Todd's nail color in the different episodes?

                    And how about that bug thing they have on their fingers? Does it only pop up with age?

                    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                    I wish I got to know you better.


                      Originally posted by GoSpikey
                      And how about that bug thing they have on their fingers? Does it only pop up with age?
                      We were just talking about this - Todd doesn't have one in Common Ground, but does in all the other episodes - so it must be 'jewelry', or a tool that doubles as ornamentation. Perhaps it's embedded. I know that Carson seemed to 'peel' it away from the dead Wraith hand he had, so...maybe they have it implanted on their fingers - perhaps to make it easier to open cocoons for feeding, or to pierce the skin, or something. Would like to know what they are really for....



                        I've been mulling over some thoughts in anticipation of The Last Man. What is Todd up to? I can't get Sheppard's comment that he thought Todd was lying about knowing Michael's whereabouts out of my head.

                        Granted, Todd has probably been very busy making the antidote/vaccine to counter the Hoffan drug, and he isn't really interested in playing answer-man (answer-Wraith?) for Sheppard and Co. But if he does have more information about Michael and is withholding it, why? Three possiblities come to my mind:

                        1. Todd knows where Michael is and would like to get to him before the SGA so he can get hold of Michael's research before they do. He might want use it for his own purposes. But I think it is more likely that Todd doesn't want the SGA to get it. He might not trust them not to use it or a modification of it on the Wraith in the future.

                        2. Todd knows where Michael is and wants to get him to join his hive and work with him to conquer the other Wraith. (not my favorite theory - it would mean Todd is tending toward evil and I don't think he would do it)

                        3. Todd knows where Michael is and wants to kill him himself. While the vendetta was just between Michael and the SGA, Todd didn't care. But now Michael is targeting all of the Wraith. Todd might feel that this is an issue that should be settled by the Wraith, not the humans. As a matter of honor.

                        Any opinions?
                        Sparrow hawk



                          Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                          I've been mulling over some thoughts in anticipation of The Last Man. What is Todd up to? I can't get Sheppard's comment that he thought Todd was lying about knowing Michael's whereabouts out of my head.

                          Granted, Todd has probably been very busy making the antidote/vaccine to counter the Hoffan drug, and he isn't really interested in playing answer-man (answer-Wraith?) for Sheppard and Co. But if he does have more information about Michael and is withholding it, why? Three possiblities come to my mind:

                          1. Todd knows where Michael is and would like to get to him before the SGA so he can get hold of Michael's research before they do. He might want use it for his own purposes. But I think it is more likely that Todd doesn't want the SGA to get it. He might not trust them not to use it or a modification of it on the Wraith in the future.

                          2. Todd knows where Michael is and wants to get him to join his hive and work with him to conquer the other Wraith. (not my favorite theory - it would mean Todd is tending toward evil and I don't think he would do it)

                          3. Todd knows where Michael is and wants to kill him himself. While the vendetta was just between Michael and the SGA, Todd didn't care. But now Michael is targeting all of the Wraith. Todd might feel that this is an issue that should be settled by the Wraith, not the humans. As a matter of honor.

                          Any opinions?

                          I think if anything, it's the first one.
                          Todd is a scientist. He wants whatever research he can get his hands on because it might make things better for him, and for Wraith. He doesn't want the Lanteans to get ahold of anything that can eventually hurt him, either. So, I'm thinking that Todd would be most concerned with gaining knowledge, for knowledge is power. Not sure he'd be on a vendetta - not by himself.

                          Another possibility is that he's trying to find Teyla himself. He knows she's been captured, he knows she can link minds. He also thinks she'd make a very tasty meal. My guess is that he might see Teyla as leverage - find her (save her?) and the Lanteans will owe him big time.

                          He *might* be trying to stop Michael - hunting for clues, etc...that is possible. If he's found a cure already, he may feel safe following Michael's tracks, perhaps in an attempt to stop him. But...still...why risk his life to do what he knows the Lanteans can do for him? I still think he wants to get his hands on information...MAYBE he wants to find an alternative food source, too...simply because he's come to realize that it is the Wraith's biggest vulnerability.

                          But not sure he'd actually join with Michael. Todd doesn't seem to me to be a guy who's willing to share power right now, and to join with Michael would mean coming under someone else's control yet again.

                          Ack! Friday canNOT come soon enough!!



                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            so it must be 'jewelry', or a tool that doubles as ornamentation. Perhaps it's embedded. I know that Carson seemed to 'peel' it away from the dead Wraith hand he had, so...maybe they have it implanted on their fingers
                            Maybe they just stick them on with a kind of glue. It's what people do when they wear false fingernails.


                              Originally posted by ciannwn
                              Maybe they just stick them on with a kind of glue. It's what people do when they wear false fingernails.

                              Maybe they stick 'em on with their super-sticky all-purpose webby stuff.

                              It seems they tie their hair and goatees with stands of something (web?), and that young fella in Sateda had web-framed sungoggles. They use it for everything. It''s like the Wraith's version of duct (gaffer) tape!



                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Maybe they stick 'em on with their super-sticky all-purpose webby stuff.

                                It seems they tie their hair and goatees with stands of something (web?), and that young fella in Sateda had web-framed sungoggles. They use it for everything. It''s like the Wraith's version of duct (gaffer) tape!
                                I just hope their ships aren't tied together with it as well.

