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    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
    Did I start something? I'm going to have to go back and read. I'm catchin' the tail end of this.
    Oh yes you did. Well somebody did and as you seem to be asking the question "Did I something?" -( don't think it was me just act confused if accused)

    I just got two kittens! Suppose to be practice for human kitties!
    Oh dear, who idea was that???? The man?

    The man wants to call them Shatner and Nemoi (I have no idea if this is how the actor's spell their names, and I'm a little to pooped to look the spelling up right now) I don't want to call them that??!! What would they respond to? "Hey Shatty, Hey Shatty, Shatty" (Sounds like Sh*tty) and you don't want to call a kitty: Sh*tty, that's just not right. And Nemoi? I guess I could say "moi, moi" but that sounds stupid too. I'm thinking Sasha (Shatner) and Leo (as in Lenard) Nemoi? What do you guys think? I have to get a strategy on to persuade the man. And wraithy names, suggestions anyone. How 'bout Toddy? Now that sounds nice.
    Agreeded Shatty and Moi moi no and not Toddykins. Suggest you see which Wraith they act like. How about Jasper and Rhys. When you got to call them loudly that sounds ok.

    By the way WK, how your Wraith Story coming on? You know the one T64 dared you to write, and you dared her to write one to. T64 up to 24 chapter of Honor now. OK got to go work calls

    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      Jasper?!? Do I even wanna know?

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Cool! Very good! I like both - for different reasons...

        Love the detail in them...the first one looks very menacing...the second...well...kinda pervy.


        OT EDIT: I just ordered this:

        Last edited by dasNdanger; 27 August 2008, 11:08 AM.


          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

          OT EDIT: I just ordered this:

          Very nice!
          He's so fit. *drools*
          I loved the movie; shame about the ending though.


            Originally posted by Risem View Post
            Very nice!
            He's so fit. *drools*
            I loved the movie; shame about the ending though.

            He lives on in my heart...

            Have you seen this video...I'm totally addicted to it:



            I even got my sister to watch - she saw the movie with me, but didn't take to Nuada. After I had her watch this video, she said, 'weeeelll...he DOES have a really nice body..."

            I'm gonna break her yet!!



              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

              OT EDIT: I just ordered this:

              Nice ! WOW. Now das you have your very own Prince Nuada... . I was sad that he had to end the way he did. . He was fighting to keep his people from becoming extinct. much like the Wraith are fighting to stay alive. Such noble warriors the Wraith and Prince Nuada.



                Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                Nice ! WOW. Now das you have your very own Prince Nuada... . I was sad that he had to end the way he did. . He was fighting to keep his people from becoming extinct. much like the Wraith are fighting to stay alive. Such noble warriors the Wraith and Prince Nuada.


                And yet - we seem to be the only ones who see it that way. I would like to talk more on this - but very busy at the moment.

                Will try to add some more thoughts tonight...



                  Whoa, so many messages! Interesting discussions, it took quite some time to catch up and I don't have much to add. Just a little quick reply, then.

                  I like both Atlantis style and wraith ships style. Atlantis is magnificent and impressive, while wraith ships are more intimate and comfortable. I'd say that Atlantis is great for visiting, and wraith ships for living.

                  About "The Lost Tribe" photos, I agree with das, Todd sits somewhat like queens do on their thrones. In fact, I wondered in the Todd appreciation thread if it's because
                  he is in command of a huge wraith faction after "The Queen", and so he has become very, very influential again among wraith.

                  Well, before going to sleep, I wonder how many of us are socially impaired. I certainly am too, although I do my best to hide it in everyday life. But it is nothing more than pretending.
                  My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                  Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    He lives on in my heart...

                    Have you seen this video...I'm totally addicted to it:



                    I even got my sister to watch - she saw the movie with me, but didn't take to Nuada. After I had her watch this video, she said, 'weeeelll...he DOES have a really nice body..."

                    I'm gonna break her yet!!

                    This is my favorite Nuada vid. I love this song even though I think it sad. This song "Mordred's Lullaby sung by Canadian singer Heather Dale from her CD "The Trial of Lancelot" I have a link to lyrics Tell your sister there is much more to him than a nice body Anyways, got to go to work now, I'll be back later.



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      He lives on in my heart...

                      Have you seen this video...I'm totally addicted to it:
                      I've just watched it and Wow! He's gorgeous! There's another week to go before I get to see Rhys so Nuada videos could help to ease my Wraith deprivation in the meantime.


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        He lives on in my heart...

                        Have you seen this video...I'm totally addicted to it:



                        I even got my sister to watch - she saw the movie with me, but didn't take to Nuada. After I had her watch this video, she said, 'weeeelll...he DOES have a really nice body..."

                        I'm gonna break her yet!!


                        Hasn't seen HellboyII yet, but you got me depressed about it already. Oh yeah, now I'm addicted to that vid, too! Good thing I'm already on a dark chocolate bender. Excepted that I've gained 5.5 pounds already. issues, issues, issues! I am so sick of having issues!


                          I love the hive ships - and the darts. I think they're more interesting than the clunky earth and Ancient ships. The hives remind me of - well - hives - those large paper wasp/hornet hives about the size of a basketball - only flatter:


                          OT @ Laura - Oh, I think most of us are in one way or the other. I just had my mom watch the video - and she laughed at me and said I'm weird (she's 71ish). I've dealt with this all my life - my family thinking I'm a nutcase. I've come to accept that people have that view of me - and, in fact, I think I'd freak out if suddenly someone told me I was normal. lol.

                          OT @ Wraithie - Actually, the movie is not depressing - at least, it wasn't to me. Major Hellboy II spoiler -
                          It was a beautiful death - a sacrifice by one to 'save' the other, so to speak. And when you see some of the things Nuada is capable of, understand that he needed to be put out of his misery. It's one of those things that makes you love the character more.

                          Another thing that I was touched by was his reaction to the death - of a friend. I won't spoil it for you, but it was something between grief, anger...and a deep wounding. Nuada is such a passionate character, so full of every emotion...beautiful creature, for sure.

                          @ ciannwn - ah, yes...he is gorgeous!! I totally agree! If we only saw Steve like that, eh? Bam Bam said he saw the movie - so...hopefully...he picked up some tips from it...

                          @ LS - Thanks for the info. I love that just goes so well with that video! I listened to her other stuff, and it's okay - but too Ren Faireish for me (I love Ren Faire music, but I would have preferred the entire CD to have more haunting music like Mordred's Lullaby).

                          Odd, how Nuada goes so well with soft, melodic haunting sounds of Celtic music, while the Wraith - of a similar look and style - seem to fit heavy metal music better. Why is that?

                          Last edited by dasNdanger; 27 August 2008, 01:56 PM.


                            look what zuz made :


                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                              Odd, how Nuada goes so well with soft, melodic haunting sounds of Celtic music, while the Wraith - of a similar look and style - seem to fit heavy metal music better. Why is that?


                              I went to see it earlier today with my mum, and actually we were both disappointed that the Rammstein that was played in the adverts for the film wasn't in the film itself. To both our minds it would've fitted perfectly. There was a bit at the start of the bouncing around the clockwork bit near the end where it sounded like it might launch into something interesting, but on the musical front we were rather disappointed.

                              In the car on the way home though afterwards, I had Nightwish's Ghost Love Score going round and round in my head, and it occured to me how much that would've fitted to some of the scenes, if anyone put them togather as a video on YouTube or whatever

                              On the Wraith front though, I can more imagine somewhat harsher music, such as the black metal mentioned beforehand, as opposed to the operatic sounds. I feel though that some industrial metal would fit well too though *shrugs*

                              Metal all the way though m'afraid


                                Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                                Whoa, so many messages! Interesting discussions, it took quite some time to catch up and I don't have much to add. Just a little quick reply, then.

                                I like both Atlantis style and wraith ships style. Atlantis is magnificent and impressive, while wraith ships are more intimate and comfortable. I'd say that Atlantis is great for visiting, and wraith ships for living.
                                Exactly! I also love the sound the Wraith darts make. I know it sounds like a metallicized giant mesquito but it always sends chills up my a good way. And even the Wraith "alarm" sound is cool to me. I think I must like listening to bugs. I'm listening to the cicadas in the trees outside my window right now and it's always been one of my favorite sounds of summer. (That and the "clicking" sounds the bats make too. It's a regular chorus!)

                                About "The Lost Tribe" photos, I agree with das, Todd sits somewhat like queens do on their thrones. In fact, I wondered in the Todd appreciation thread if it's because
                                he is in command of a huge wraith faction after "The Queen", and so he has become very, very influential again among wraith.
                                Of course, I hope that has something to do with it. But I also hope that that's the way he'd look if he came into my living room and sat on my couch!

                                Well, before going to sleep, I wonder how many of us are socially impaired. I certainly am too, although I do my best to hide it in everyday life. But it is nothing more than pretending.
                                Yeah, for me it's a lot of acting when dealing with the general public. Thankfully I've got a nice group of friends that seem to like me as my abnormal self. And my family tolerates me! God bless 'em, they're sooooo normal!

                                Last edited by MyFavoriteWraith; 27 August 2008, 07:59 PM.

