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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
    I loved that bit of the blooper reel too! I was of course hoping to see Todd do something silly but Christopher is too much of a professional for that

    Speaking of Chris...I was watching Season 7 of Smallville yesterday and hearing him say "I love you Kara" made my heart leap out of my body and fly to another country. Just as well it came back because I replayed that part 30 or so times! It's easy for me to close my eyes and hear Todd saying "I love you Cassandra" instead!! MAJOR THUNK!!!

    I changed the Wraith tag pic to say Who? instead of What the?:

    What the? is a segment from an Australian show that most people won't get so Who? is better.

    You know why I couldn't find the "public" option for my photo album? Because the font was black on a black background. Silly me had to hightlight the box to see the text.

    PS: And Todd's gonna be in 2 more episodes!
    (Sorry I've been saying that out loud to everyone over the last two days and now it's crept onto my keyboard too!). There are some people I live with who have actually started to throttle me over it.
    *hugs* You REALLY have it bad for Todd, doncha?? I love your enthusiasm! I think I'm going to avoid JM's blog for a bit - too many human defenders there. I just want to stay here, and talk about lovely, sexy bugs...

    Now - you MUST forgive me, Todds Worshipper...



    I just HAD to do it....





      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      A couple of things. First, tonight when I went to pick up dinner at this Italian restaurant we like (and one Robert Davi has visited ), I noticed their delivery guy, He looked EXACTLY (not kidding) like Dave the Wraith!! Of course, he wasn't green, and he had tousled blond hair instead of long white hair - but otherwise, it WAS Dave. Okay - Dave, if Dave was 5'6". But still...same mouth, same nose, same profile - EXACT. I was standing there, thinking, "oh my....the gals at the WDC would just tear this poor lad apart!'

      Kenny Wraith needs a name for Outsiders. I guess we'll let the guy in the center of my sig remain Craig, just because he is so dang pretty! (I still think he survived Ronon's gun blast...surely it was only on stun...).

      So, what do we name Tyler Wraith? And what do we name the fella with him? Both had lovely hair, with Tyler being his handsome buggy self, and the other guy looking almost...pretty.

      Anyway - we should throw some ideas out there. Wish Tyler would stop back and give us a name for his Wraith in this one, it would be fun! Hee...maybe we should call him 'Tubbs'...

      Hey, sounds like you're going to need to get delivery some time from that Italian restaurant. Then invite the cute boy in and tell him you'll give him a nice tip if he'll slip into this long black coat and pose for a few pics for your...uhhhh photo club! Yeah, that's it. Ok, I'm joking. sorta....

      I think we should call Outsiders Tyler Wraith "Tubbs"! That's a great idea. Hey, at least "Tubbs" survived! I wonder if he'll be yet another Wraith in this next ep he's in or if he'll be bringing Kenny back. (Ok, now I've got "Bringing Sexy Back" going through my head...sorry, had to share!)
      Should we call his buddy on the hive "Crockett"?



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        *hugs* You REALLY have it bad for Todd, doncha?? I love your enthusiasm! I think I'm going to avoid JM's blog for a bit - too many human defenders there. I just want to stay here, and talk about lovely, sexy bugs...

        Now - you MUST forgive me, Todds Worshipper...



        I just HAD to do it....




        I love it! Oh there are so many quotes I'd love to add there...but this forum is "PG" right? Damn.


        Edit: I want a giant poster size HD quality shot of that pic.

        Seriously, I wonder what the he's saying to Dave there.


          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          *hugs* You REALLY have it bad for Todd, doncha?? I love your enthusiasm! I think I'm going to avoid JM's blog for a bit - too many human defenders there. I just want to stay here, and talk about lovely, sexy bugs...

          Now - you MUST forgive me, Todds Worshipper...



          I just HAD to do it....



          Don't be sorry, that's hilarious! I would like to see what else we could tag that pic with, there must be heaps more?

          And yes, I have fallen in a bad way. When I first saw Common Ground he did take my breath away but I never thought I could ever love a wraith. I'd always thought they were interesting and really cool to watch and learn more about but nothing more than that. Then in Season 4, after Spoils Of War, I couldn't ignore it...I had fallen badly and even had this moment where I ran through the house and said "OMG I'm in love with a wraith!"
          It started with his looks but the deepest love came from getting to know him, his intelligence and outrageous humor to name a few.
          I'm sure everyone posting to this board is the same....well maybe not so bad

          I'm so glad I sought help by finding this forum. Without anyone to talk to I've been about to explode with devotion!

          Even watching Stargate for 10 years, I never fell for any of the characters. So my falling so badly for this Atlantis one is a real credit to the writers and producers etc.
          Cass Todd -







              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post

              I love it! Oh there are so many quotes I'd love to add there...but this forum is "PG" right? Damn.


              Edit: I want a giant poster size HD quality shot of that pic.

              Seriously, I wonder what the he's saying to Dave there.
              I LOVE Crockett and Tubbs for the two Wraith at the end of Outsiders!

              Possible captions for that picture:

              "I promise, no tongue."

              "Your fly's open." (Alt. "Your dart bay door's open.")

              "I wish I knew how to quit you....but I really need the health insurance right now."



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                I LOVE Crockett and Tubbs for the two Wraith at the end of Outsiders!

                Possible captions for that picture:

                "I promise, no tongue."

                "Your fly's open." (Alt. "Your dart bay door's open.")

                "I wish I knew how to quit you....but I really need the health insurance right now."

                I love the third one but, I don't know why, the first one is just making me giggle hysterically.

                So Crockett and Tubbs for our intrepid duo at the end of Outsiders unless some one can come up with something better?

                Edit: @Todds Worshipper: I am so glad to hear someone else actually runs around their house saying things like that. My sister is getting sick of staring at Todd wallpapers on our computer - so I try to change them up often so she doesn't get so bored or irritated with just one. (But they're all still Todd!) I have no one else to talk to about SGA or Wraith, none of my friends watch it or will watch it with me. (All my sci-fi friends are out-of-towners.) So that's why I get a little overzealous when I post here.


                  Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                  Don't be sorry, that's hilarious! I would like to see what else we could tag that pic with, there must be heaps more?

                  And yes, I have fallen in a bad way. When I first saw Common Ground he did take my breath away but I never thought I could ever love a wraith. I'd always thought they were interesting and really cool to watch and learn more about but nothing more than that. Then in Season 4, after Spoils Of War, I couldn't ignore it...I had fallen badly and even had this moment where I ran through the house and said "OMG I'm in love with a wraith!"
                  It started with his looks but the deepest love came from getting to know him, his intelligence and outrageous humor to name a few.
                  I'm sure everyone posting to this board is the same....well maybe not so bad

                  I'm so glad I sought help by finding this forum. Without anyone to talk to I've been about to explode with devotion!

                  Even watching Stargate for 10 years, I never fell for any of the characters. So my falling so badly for this Atlantis one is a real credit to the writers and producers etc.
                  I was intrigued by Todd in Common Ground - but I was not a fan of the show - or SG1. I don't watch a lot of tv, but hubby does, and he watched SGA from the beginning (albeit a bit hit and miss). I remember seeing parts of Michael, and I did watch Sateda. But when I watched Common Ground , I didn't even know who Sheppard was, and I thought Todd was surely going to kill him, or leave him old (I may have actually seen it before Sateda, since we may have recorded them and watched them out of order). Mr. Das kept telling me he couldn't die, because he was the star. Still...I wasn't so sure until Todd regurgitated life back into him. Yum.

                  Still, I didn't watch again (or really pay attention), until Todd popped back up in The Seer. Because of Todd (and how interesting he was), I decided to start watching the show regularly, starting with BAMSR. It was then - when finally REALLY started paying attention - that I realized how beautiful the Wraith were - the long hair, the long, slender bodies, the shape of their all just hit me that these things were gorgeous! I love them all, but Todd definitely is my favorite since he just has this 'way' about him, and it's both very entertaining, and very, VERY sexy. Still, I love all the rest, including a couple of the Queens (I really liked the Primary, and the Keeper, and the Allies Queen. Problem with the queens is that they really don't get much attention, and ...they're female. LOL...THAT means they're the competition!



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    I LOVE Crockett and Tubbs for the two Wraith at the end of Outsiders!

                    Possible captions for that picture:

                    "I promise, no tongue."

                    "Your fly's open." (Alt. "Your dart bay door's open.")

                    "I wish I knew how to quit you....but I really need the health insurance right now."

                    das, you are going to kill me tonight - *rolls on the floor laughing hyterically* - the alternatice for number 2 just did that to me



                      MFW & TW - My friends all think I'm nuts - my family, too. And even though Mr. Das likes the show, and will discuss it - and Wraith - with me, every now and then he does remind me that it's 'just a tv show'. Party pooper.

                      But they are such lovely things...I just can't imagine how people CAN'T see how attractive they are. LOL. It's nice to be able to come here and chat (and gush) about our favorite gives me a much needed outlet.

             cat is obsessively licking my hand. I can't concentrate!!! Silly kitty...



                        I've watched a few episodes of SG-1 and, as much as I like the actors, I couldn't stand the show. And I loathed the original Stargate movie, so that might also have had something to do with it.

                        Oh yeah, I forgot to add earlier, I don't think it's much of a "credit to the writers and producers" that we have such a passion for Todd and the Wraith. I think it's *despite* them! As I've said before, I think Joe et al are actually kind of frustrated with us for siding so stridently with the "enemy". They've given us so little and the rest I think we've all just taken and run wild with. Wraith lovers, I've noticed in my short time here, tend to be a little bit more creative and free thinking. Just different. But if there's anyone else I give credit to, it's the art department (sfx, costumes, makeup, etc) and the actors like Chris, Tyler, Aaron, Andee, etc who brings these gorgeous bugs to life for us.


                        Edit: Re: kitty. My sister's cat, Jane, often licks and bites my foot while I'm on the computer. It's terribly hard to concentrate when they do that!


                          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                          I've watched a few episodes of SG-1 and, as much as I like the actors, I couldn't stand the show. And I loathed the original Stargate movie, so that might also have had something to do with it.

                          Oh yeah, I forgot to add earlier, I don't think it's much of a "credit to the writers and producers" that we have such a passion for Todd and the Wraith. I think it's *despite* them! As I've said before, I think Joe et al are actually kind of frustrated with us for siding so stridently with the "enemy". They've given us so little and the rest I think we've all just taken and run wild with. Wraith lovers, I've noticed in my short time here, tend to be a little bit more creative and free thinking. Just different. But if there's anyone else I give credit to, it's the art department (sfx, costumes, makeup, etc) and the actors like Chris, Tyler, Aaron, Andee, etc who brings these gorgeous bugs to life for us.


                          Edit: Re: kitty. My sister's cat, Jane, often licks and bites my foot while I'm on the computer. It's terribly hard to concentrate when they do that!

                          I totally agree. I mean, think of Steve. Was it the creators that made us love him, or James? It was James, and all the mystery he brought to the character - not with dialogue, but with expressions and body language. These actors, all of them, have done a wonderful job! And I agree - Wraith fans do tend to be more creative, more passionate, and more CARING, or empathetic, than fans of other characters. We just seem to be a different breed, and I think that baffles the creators. For as much as they want us to hate these guys, we can't help but love them even more.

                          I am so going to have sweet Wraithy dreams tonight!

                          And cats. What can I say - very jealous creatures...they want our whole-souled devotion to them. Sound familiar?


                          EDIT: Thanks, everyone! I really must go to bed, but you have made me feel a lot better this evening!! Hugs all around!


                            Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                            Edit: @Todds Worshipper: I am so glad to hear someone else actually runs around their house saying things like that. My sister is getting sick of staring at Todd wallpapers on our computer - so I try to change them up often so she doesn't get so bored or irritated with just one. (But they're all still Todd!) I have no one else to talk to about SGA or Wraith, none of my friends watch it or will watch it with me. (All my sci-fi friends are out-of-towners.) So that's why I get a little overzealous when I post here.
                            I'm forced to change my Todd wallpapers every day too! Sometimes twice a day. It's just as well I'm getting so many new pics now
                            I bought the Stargate magazine that had the Todd poster in it and I'm planning to print out some of the best screen caps on photo paper for my wall. I have posters all over my bedroom walls, and it needs to be Wraithasized.
                            Cass Todd -


                              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                              But if there's anyone else I give credit to, it's the art department (sfx, costumes, makeup, etc) and the actors like Chris, Tyler, Aaron, Andee, etc who brings these gorgeous bugs to life for us.
                              I agree, the actors and the art department should be rewarded somehow. Maybe some of them might read this post and can pass on our thanks to everyone. Todd just wouldn't be Todd without them.
                              Cass Todd -


                                Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                                I'm forced to change my Todd wallpapers every day too! Sometimes twice a day. It's just as well I'm getting so many new pics now
                                I bought the Stargate magazine that had the Todd poster in it and I'm planning to print out some of the best screen caps on photo paper for my wall. I have posters all over my bedroom walls, and it needs to be Wraithasized.
                                Gawd, if only there was a magazine devoted to Wraith like the do the teeny-bopper magazines. "Wraith Beat" "Hive World" "Wraith Parade". My bedroom walls would be plastered with the latest Wraith pinups. And I'm 36!!! LOL I know, I'll never grow up.

