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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by QueenMalka View Post
    I finally finished my first stunner:
    Nice! What type of foam is this?


      Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
      These turned out well, are you going to use them for cosplay?
      Yes they go with this costume---> Formal dress photos :: Queen Malka and Commander Sam in costume

      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      It looks great.

      Originally posted by Isolde View Post
      Perhaps it's me, and my truly filthy mind, but has anybody else noticed the phallic shape hand stunners possess? I can't help wondering if artistic representation of the Iratus is the only thing Wraith use for inspiration, or whether there could be something else? Frankly, my desperately-in-need-of-scrubbing brain is boggling.

      The boys:

      Btw, nice job, QM.

      *scurries off to find industrial brain bleach*
      Why are be bleaching? It's just going to creep back in. Personally I find a lot of weapons to be phallic, but in real weapons that require mechanical chain of events to work you really can't get around it due to design requirements. People are not going to reinvent the wheel for space age weapons. Well most of the time that is, once and a while you see something that is completely different.

      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      Are we back to Eddie's stunning stunner again?
      And when did we even try to crawl out of the gutter and away from such things? We have just been a bit intellectual lately down here in the gutter. It keeps the boys on their toes.

      Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
      Great work. I love it.


        Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
        Nice! What type of foam is this?
        The type of foam I used the the spray foam that you get out of a can for sealing cracks and such in your house. (For product info- ) The local theater supply house suggested it.

        I really like how it turned out; however, I did have to coat it several times in polyurethane so that it would be firmer. This gave it a little bit of a yellow cast on the lighter areas. Which worked out ok in the end.


          This is just to say that I won't be doing any more to the WDC Wraith project today either - I'm having a really rotten morning because of my back.

          I'm trying to read a few internet articles on a subject of particular interest to me but can only manage a few minutes at a time before having to lie down. What should have been a source of pleasure is starting to become a source of rage and frustration. I've now got to detach from the rage and frustration and accept that if I want to read these articles it will take me all day and I won't be able to do anything else.


            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
            This is just to say that I won't be doing any more to the WDC Wraith project today either - I'm having a really rotten morning because of my back.
            Sorry to hear about that. Is there something I can do to help out with the project?


              Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
              Sorry to hear about that. Is there something I can do to help out with the project?
              There isn't but thanks for asking. I've got to finish writing the introduction and tidy up a few entries.


                Originally posted by QueenMalka View Post
                The type of foam I used the the spray foam that you get out of a can for sealing cracks and such in your house. (For product info- ) The local theater supply house suggested it.

                I really like how it turned out; however, I did have to coat it several times in polyurethane so that it would be firmer. This gave it a little bit of a yellow cast on the lighter areas. Which worked out ok in the end.

                TP: ROTFLMAO!!!!

                Sorry... the image that conjured... just couldn't help myself... I must be immune to brain bleaching...
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  This is just to say that I won't be doing any more to the WDC Wraith project today either - I'm having a really rotten morning because of my back.

                  I'm trying to read a few internet articles on a subject of particular interest to me but can only manage a few minutes at a time before having to lie down. What should have been a source of pleasure is starting to become a source of rage and frustration. I've now got to detach from the rage and frustration and accept that if I want to read these articles it will take me all day and I won't be able to do anything else.
                  Sorry to hear you're going thru a bad period with you back again *hugs*

                  I;m impressed you can intellectualise your emotions that way and put some distance between yourself and your frustration. If there's anything I can do, even if it;s just playing sounding board, please don't hesitate to PM me - you;ve helped me often enough, so it;s the least I could do *more hugs*
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post

                    TP: ROTFLMAO!!!!

                    Sorry... the image that conjured... just couldn't help myself... I must be immune to brain bleaching...
                    That's cheered me up now you've pointed it out.


                      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                      That's cheered me up now you've pointed it out.
                      Pleased to have helped

                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                        I;m impressed you can intellectualise your emotions that way and put some distance between yourself and your frustration.

                        It's a bit of a struggle today. The irony of it all is that I'm trying to read about Susan Blackmore's investigation into the nature of consciousness using Zen.

                        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                        If there's anything I can do, even if it;s just playing sounding board, please don't hesitate to PM me - you;ve helped me often enough, so it;s the least I could do *more hugs*
                        Thanks. I think my biggest problem at the moment is trying to get rid of an earworm I found through her website. It's a song about replicators (as in genes and memes, not Asurans). But this does bring me back to SGA and Wraith.

                        An interesting contrast of viewpoints concerning SGA Replicators

                        From Reunion, about the Asurans.


                        WRAITH: They are an abomination. They’re not even alive.

                        McKAY: In other words, you can’t eat them, so they’re no good to you.

                        WRAITH: They are machines. Machines can be reprogrammed.

                        From Outcast where Sheppard, Ronon, Bill Lee and Bates are wondering what to do about Ava.


                        BATES: She's a machine.

                        LEE: Well, we're all machines – just different kinds, you know.

                        Is it possible that the Wraith view of Asurans is coloured by the fact that they can't eat them? If so, how would Wraith view all the animal species they can't eat because humans are the only thing on the menu?

                        Wraith have developed a technological method of reproduction where warriors are concerned and might even use it for faced males too. Could this have led Wraith to regard themselves as biological machines?

                        Finally there's Michael who took what might be seen as the biological machine approach when creating his hybrids who were conditioned to obey him. Did he get this idea from being a Wraith or from Beckett who is likely to have regarded humans as gene machines?

                        It's taken me an hour to write this what with having to take breaks so don't expect too much input for me if people want to have a discussion about it.


                          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

                          An interesting contrast of viewpoints concerning SGA Replicators
                          The Wraith are so biased against the Asurans because they were created by the original Lanteans solely to fight the Wraith. The Asurans were were a direct threat to them by attacking hives and also indirectly by killing off their food source. The fact that they can't be eaten makes them even more useless.

                          The reprogrammable aspect of the Asurans makes it a tragic waste to see one start to develop some independent thought, only to be overridden and reprogrammed the the others. The Wraith do not seem to have this problem: their soldiers have their own minds, albeit weaker ones, and merely seek guidance from their intellectual superiors. I am not sure about Michael, but the Beckett theory is a good one. At least Michael's hybrids never fully lost their personalities like reprogrammed Asurans, as Kanaan was able to return to Teyla and be a father.


                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

                            Is it possible that the Wraith view of Asurans is coloured by the fact that they can't eat them? If so, how would Wraith view all the animal species they can't eat because humans are the only thing on the menu?
                            The Wraith were also content to let the remaining Asurans alone after the Wraith created a shut down code that deactivated their directive to attack the Wraith.


                              Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                              The Wraith are so biased against the Asurans because they were created by the original Lanteans solely to fight the Wraith. The Asurans were were a direct threat to them by attacking hives and also indirectly by killing off their food source. The fact that they can't be eaten makes them even more useless.
                              I agree here - the Wraith view of the Asurans was based solely on the fact that they were created as a mechanism to do what the Lanteans were unable to do and defeat the Wraith.

                              Just a couple of random thoughts - We know the Wraith can look into human minds but would they have been able to do the same with Asuran 'minds'? I wonder how long it took them to realise that the Asurans were artificial life forms though? Fairly quickly I imagine!


                                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                                The Wraith were also content to let the remaining Asurans alone after the Wraith created a shut down code that deactivated their directive to attack the Wraith.
                                Which is a very different attitude to that of the Lanteans who tried to destroy the Asurans when they didn't turn out to be the super weapons they wanted.

                                Perhaps the Reunion Wraith's classing them as abominations wasn't a general Wraith viewpoint. Wraith can't eat Asurans but they were content to leave them alone once they were no longer a threat. Humans infected with the Hoffan drug, on the other hand, were eliminated because they were a threat.

                                This has got me thinking about the start of the Wraith/Lantean war. From Rising Part 1.


                                HOLOGRAM: Then one day our people stepped foot upon a dark world where a terrible enemy slept.

                                This suggests to me that the Wraith were hibernating.

                                HOLOGRAM: The enemy fed upon defenceless human worlds like a great scourge until finally only Atlantis remained.

                                So why didn't the Wraith do that before instead of hibernating? Is it possible that they'd sent Worshippers to planets outside their territory for information gathering so they knew about the Lanteans? If so, could they have decided it was better to conserve their food supply by hibernating rather than getting involved in a war with another technologically advanced civilisation? It's likely that the Lanteans woke the Wraith up and disapproved of the Wraith lifestyle - the Wraith then saw them as a threat and decided to do something about it.

