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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Hi everyone it's been a very long time since i was last here don't know if I'm still welcome i just wanted to stop by as I'm still upset after hearing that Atlantis is ending.

    I was really hoping we would get another 1 or 2 seasons cause there's so many questions about the Wraith that we'll probably not get the answers to now.

    I know there's going to be movies but that's just not going to be the same i just hope they don't decide to kill off the Wraith in the movie (if they're going to be in it at all ) as they're one of the reasons why i love watching Atlantis.

    Well i could go on and on and on but unfortunately i don't have time as I'm going away again (A.K.A returning to Real Life) but before i do i wanted to say this Long live the Wraith!!!!


      The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the SG creative/writing team wanted this (the cancellation) MORE than MGM/SciFi. Perhaps they were bored with writing what was basically the same show since the beginning of SG1. Maybe they wanted to do something else, so pushed the SGU idea, then whined that they couldn't handle two shows at once. Make MGM look like the bad guys, while it's really the creator's idea all along.

      Just a thought.



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the SG creative/writing team wanted this (the cancellation) MORE than MGM/SciFi.
        Wouldn't them have planned a damn REAL end, then?
        My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
        Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          Why does everybody feel such negativity towards TPTB when they have to deal with the Wraith?

          Isn't the spoilers enough proof that the Atlantis expedition doesn't want to off the Wraith?

          Apparently not. Everybody keeps on saying the same thing around here. (I really wanted to use the w-verb again, but stopped myself.)
          I wasn't whining. I'm the one always trying to convince people TPTB have a bigger plan in mind. As you see, it hasn't been successful.

          Anyone else got the feeling that they quickly wanted to find a cure for the Wraith, because someone was feeling a cancellation coming up? Good thing they could get Chris for another few eps, so they can finish up on that story line, then?
          Yes, that's why I said they may implement
          the gene therapy plot in the movie.

          Is it bad to want to see SGU fail, and MGM crawling back to SGA on their knees?
          If you've read my rant in the "multi-channel" news thread, you already know. It would be poetic justice if SGU fails due to MGM angering/disappointing their fanbase.

          And we didn't even get an interview with Chris on Joe's blog, either.

          To vote for Todd's next meal?
          I elect employees at MGM.

          Although one can never have too much Todd...

          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the SG creative/writing team wanted this (the cancellation) MORE than MGM/SciFi. Perhaps they were bored with writing what was basically the same show since the beginning of SG1. Maybe they wanted to do something else, so pushed the SGU idea, then whined that they couldn't handle two shows at once. Make MGM look like the bad guys, while it's really the creator's idea all along.

          Just a thought.

          I'd put off speculating til JM addresses it in his blog. The multichannel article makes it pretty clear though it was MGM...


            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
            Wouldn't them have planned a damn REAL end, then?
            Hard to tell. Mallozzi did say that S5 would tie up loose ends from they may have been preparing for this, and not...shall I say...'encouraging' MGM to pick up a 6th season. If they enthusiastically assured MGM they could handle both, that they - the producers - could PRODUCE the money - then I'm sure we'd have another season. It's not just one person making this choice, it's a bunch...and how the producers show their enthusiasm for the show will affect final decisions.

            Or, maybe I'm just being cynical...



              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the SG creative/writing team wanted this (the cancellation) MORE than MGM/SciFi. Perhaps they were bored with writing what was basically the same show since the beginning of SG1. Maybe they wanted to do something else, so pushed the SGU idea, then whined that they couldn't handle two shows at once. Make MGM look like the bad guys, while it's really the creator's idea all along.

              Just a thought.

              Hey das, perhaps but I don't think so. Joe's side kick did his own thing "Young People Getting STDs" (I don't think that was the exact name of the film). So, if they do want to do other things, for the two of them they certainly could. Neither have children and they both work nonstop so I don't think that is the issue. It's also quite difficult to get writing jobs, even if you are already in the business, the most important thing is that you are seen as "easy to work with". If they cause too much of a stink, movie mongers will black list them. After the writers strike a few years back, the whole "mid-class" group of screen writers/produces to which JM is a part of, pretty much got wiped out. And it is still incredibly difficult to keep working in this field. It's not steady work. I know that the writers guild to which he belongs offers writers a pension, but for the most part it really is feast or famine. Unless you are quite wealthy it is difficult to maintain a career in the film industry. You know the old idea of "actresses sleeping with the director to get a job?" It's not wide spread but it's pretty much true. We know why actresses do it, but I think directors entertain this because they're incredibly lonely. I don't think JM does this, but he's a melancholy sort. He likes the sycophants on his blog not because he's egocentric so much as because he's incredibly insecure. When you're livelyhood depends on whether you can "entertain" people, it's bound to make anyone insecure, so he soaks up all the encouragement he can--you know what I think of his blog attitude overall, but I believe what we will see is him trying to coax the fans into petitioning to have the show reinstated. He'll do it subtly, because he has to watch his ps and qs with the studio, but he'll hint at it. I think its more important for him to just have work.


              I think for some actors and writers if they've been doing a show for seven to ten years, or they really don't like a show such as Jonny Depp with 21 Jump Street, or Christina Applegate with (that live Homer Simpson show, I don't remember what it was called), they had contractual obligations but they really hated it. I don't think this is the case with JM. He's older (mid forties?) and just wants routine. His younger, whatever he's called, probably may not feel as glum about it.

              Anyway, this is my perspective.
              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Hello Wraithlord

                it is wonderful to have you back here- so sorry i missed you

                as someone pointed out on another thread how can two hours make up for the loss of twenty hours.

                we want to know about Wraith- they do not need gene therapy - they are perfect in every way- it reminds me of a song in the 1980s-

                "Oh lord it is hard to be humble, you are perfect in way." fits the Wraith down to the ground

                Todd's next meal- whoever -no matter how many are involved- decide to cancel SGA.Honestly if they sticking their hand into a Hive they deserve to get stunned!!!
                We are angels of death in black leather
                Your demons without wings, we glide
                We are angels in black with a hunger
                Not your sheep to change or guide.
                We are angels in the blackness for ever


                  Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                  It's completely out of logic to cancel a golden show like SGA but from what I have seen in the previous years the management of MGM and SciFi is a bunch of uncompetent non-proffecional gathered from who knows where people. I am also working in the company' management and for me this is an act of foolishness. If the managers and the ones responsible for SGA were in my work team they would be immediatelly fired and throw away without a second thought. I am really surprised how something so unproffecional can exist in a company with the rank of MGM.

                  Yeah, I will missed Todd And if the movies are like the Ark of Truth and Continuum then it is better if SGA ends without movies. Better to stop something in honour than to ruin it completely.
                  Any Wraithworshiper and lover would miss the Wraith.
                  But for me it is a comforting that Wraith are in my heart and soul, gabriel in particular. I wonder what Chris Heyerdahl will think of this...Accordingly to what i know he really loved to do Gabriels role. I do not believe those unanswered questions about Wraith and society is actually dependent of the SGA Writers. Rodneys claimed there are parallell Universa, so anything is possible and from perspective of Quantum Physics there are many worlds out there. You all can think something like : Tut tut Xepherah, goodnight and sweet dreams. I really think there is more between heaven and earth so to speak. Do not let this disencourage you all....


                    anyone ever wondered what a warrior apparently looks like under their mask?...



                      Naami - Thanks for those pics Those are some very scary looking characters! They remind me of Freddy Kreuger


                        Yeah, I think they're from Infection.
                        Oh, god...please don't tell me one of them is Tyler!!!!


                        Pretty cool make-up, though! I said I think it's the producer's way of turning us gals off of the Wraith, but as long as the likes of Todd/Steve/Bob/Rhys varieties are around, we will not be detered!



                          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                          anyone ever wondered what a warrior apparently looks like under their mask?...
                          Where did you find them? They're quite impressive.
                          My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                          Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                            anyone ever wondered what a warrior apparently looks like under their mask?...


                            You could always send them round to MGM and Scifi to have a little CHAT about their misguided idea of cancelling Stargate Atlantis.

                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              For a bit of fluff. I've always believed that the Drones are supposed to be unable to reproduce or anything like that.....So why are they dressed in uniforms that have such large cod pieces? They shouldn't be necessary


                                Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
                                For a bit of fluff. I've always believed that the Drones are supposed to be unable to reproduce or anything like that.....So why are they dressed in uniforms that have such large cod pieces? They shouldn't be necessary
                                Perhaps they're compensating for something?

                                On another note...I'm not sure what they're called, but why are nostrils so small and shrivelled do you think? If it's for any of the reasons we've thought of so far, then it just doesn't make sense. Unless it's the pheromone thing, where they might not have any need to detect these scents in other Wraith, but I doubt it?

                                Edit: And what happened to their hair and dreadies? Are these actually wigs made by the Wraith themselves, attached to the helmets, or are these warrior just not fully made-up yet? But having their contact lenses and teethies in would suggest they're up and ready to go....?

