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    Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
    Perhaps they're compensating for something?
    kind of like in TLM? ronon has a big sword and todd just has a small dagger...

    On another note...I'm not sure what they're called, but why are nostrils so small and shrivelled do you think? If it's for any of the reasons we've thought of so far, then it just doesn't make sense. Unless it's the pheromone thing, where they might not have any need to detect these scents in other Wraith, but I doubt it?
    maybe they're just naturally undeveloped and that's why they need the mask. that's what I've always thought.

    Edit: And what happened to their hair and dreadies? Are these actually wigs made by the Wraith themselves, attached to the helmets, or are these warrior just not fully made-up yet? But having their contact lenses and teethies in would suggest they're up and ready to go....?
    well if they're infected with something, if the pictures are from "infection", then that could explain it.
    the "infection" spoilers say there's an unmasked warrior in an infected hive.
    Last edited by naamiaiset; 22 August 2008, 01:21 PM.


      from JM's blog (along with sad news ). sounds like todd is in "project twilight" (the movie).

      however, the network has greenlit the movie and we do have a terrific idea in mind. Obviously, I can’t say much about it at this point but suffice it to say that it should include the entire cast in addition to a certain gaunt and pallid flowing-locked guest star.


        I dunno whether to go yay or nay now...

        If Todd is in it (yippie!) then I'm worried that the 'will Todd and Michael have a scene together? - Not in season 5' will mean that Michael gets the axe in it? *Sigh*

        Ok, posted on Joe's blog. Need to go to bed now.

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          And great, now I'm starting to sound like Das...

          Someone knock me out, already...

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
            I dunno whether to go yay or nay now...

            If Todd is in it (yippie!) then I'm worried that the 'will Todd and Michael have a scene together? - Not in season 5' will mean that Michael gets the axe in it? *Sigh*

            Ok, posted on Joe's blog. Need to go to bed now.
            Hi guys! Real life has me very busy this week, but I have been lurking when I have a spare minute and have read all about the cancellation of SGA as a series (*sob*) and the plan for a movie sequel (*cautious optimism*).

            I know a lot of you don't visit JM's blog, but you might want to make an exception and just peak at it today, just to see what he has to say about the series and its cancellation. And to answer Spikey's question about the upcoming movie here is a quote from JM's blog today (as naaimi already said):
            Obviously, I can’t say much about it at this point but suffice it to say that it should include the entire cast in addition to a certain gaunt and pallid flowing-locked guest star. And, if it proves anywhere as successful as the first two SG-1 direct-to-video features, you can be assured that this will be the first in a long, long line of Stargate Atlantis movies.

            Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…
            Last edited by Sparrow_hawk; 21 August 2008, 05:34 PM. Reason: give credit to naami for breaking news!
            Sparrow hawk



              Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
              And great, now I'm starting to sound like Das...

              Someone knock me out, already...
              *throws micheal in the opposite direction*


              they best not kill todd... or it makes putting the gene therapy plot in place pointless.

              sparrow - I just posted that.


                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post

                sparrow - I just posted that.
                Yes, you did! Duh. That's what happens when I scan the forum to catch up with the many, many posts and don't focus (my dog is pushing my hand away from the mouse and demanding to be taken for a walk) -- I miss some of the posts at the bottom of the page!

                Sparrow hawk



                  I know they say tomorrow is another day but, When I woke up this morning I thought maybe I just had a bad dream. Then I had to go to work, came home, had supper then turned on the computer came to GW. Read everything again and, to my horror it was true. SGA is being canceled now I won't get see any new Wraith characters. Hoping the DVD movie won't kill off the Wraith or Todd

                  Anyways, here is a group hug for all of us Wraith fans



                    Despite a restless night and lots of Atlantis-related nightmares as well as other anxiety dreams, I am feeling a bit more optimistic today. I don't know why. Maybe my body's just releasing some happy endorphins because it senses an emergency downer mode. And maybe it's because yesterday made me hit bottom (as far as the series is concerned) and now I'm starting to rise up a bit, just because I feel there's no other way to go. And I must say this did help a bit more:

                    but suffice it to say that it should include the entire cast in addition to a certain gaunt and pallid flowing-locked guest star.
                    However, I'm not entirely convinced this is Todd. It might just refer to the Wraith in general (though I still think it would have to at least *include* Todd). My greatest wish would be:
                    a Todd and Michael face off with some major Michael-whumpage. But I won't hold my breath. In fact, I'll probably just write it myself.

                    @ Sparrow hawk - I love your sig! The quote is fantastic and Todd's p.o.'d face is one of my favorites. It's partly terrifying, but also partly funny to me. (Probably because I love ticking people off. ) Well done, indeed.



                      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                      but suffice it to say that it should include the entire cast in addition to a certain gaunt and pallid flowing-locked guest star.
                      However, I'm not entirely convinced this is Todd. It might just refer to the Wraith in general (though I still think it would have to at least *include* Todd).
                      Oh, I think it's Todd. Mallozzi often refers to Todd as the 'pallid one'. I am very happy with this news because it would mean that Todd survives the season, just as long as they don't kill him off in the movie. THAT would mean WAR!

                      I also like that fact that Mallozzi referred to him as the 'flowing-locked guest star' - I make such a fuss on his blog about how much I love their long hair, that in some ways I wonder if he put that bit in just for me. Not saying he did, but at least he realizes what we love about these guys.



                        Yeah I'd be ok with Todd being in the dvd movie. I know SGA won't be back as regular series. As long as Todd doesn't get killed. I am wondering if in the movie that is where the alter retrovirus will change the way the Wraith eat.



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Oh, I think it's Todd ...
                          I also like that fact that Mallozzi referred to him as the 'flowing-locked guest star' - I make such a fuss on his blog about how much I love their long hair, that in some ways I wonder if he put that bit in just for me. Not saying he did, but at least he realizes what we love about these guys.
                          I think JM plays to his audience and, das, you are certainly one of the more, uh, outspoken members of the WDC posting on that blog. I think that description is there for all of the Wraith fans, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if he chose that phrasing with you in mind.

                          @MyFavoriteWraith: Thanks for the kind comments about my sig! I'm glad you like it.

                          I plan to watch and enjoy the remainder of the season and then will see how I feel about things at that point. But for now, I'll try to keep positive thoughts. Maybe movie format and budget will open up new possibilities for plots. Like more stuff about the origin of the Wraith and the war with the Ancients. Well, I can dream, can't I?
                          Sparrow hawk



                            (sorry if I shattered anyone's eardrums with that)
                            das, you've just made my day and night. I will be able to sleep well now. Lovely Toddy & Rhys dreams dancing through my head.
                            I hope they don't fall through with the movie deal and I hope it doesn't take very long. If they could put out two movies a year as SG-1 has done, I would be...well, not satisfied but, consoled, I guess, at this point.
                            Thanks for the reassurance, das!



                              Here is some cheery news I saw James Lefazanos in a Mars bar commercial. I will see if I can get a screencapture of it



                                Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                                Here is some cheery news I saw James Lefazanos in a Mars bar commercial. I will see if I can get a screencapture of it

                                Awesome. Please get caps.

