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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
    Sorry about the double post, but you posted while I was composing the other post!
    I know, I'm a spaz poster today.

    With hair, without hair, impressive man. (Just my opinion.)


      for sanctuary fans, chris plays john druitt/jack the ripper in the first five episodes and he does a wonderful job.


        Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post're thinking she got kinda turned on playing with her food while they ate their last supper? Yah...I can see that for Wraith kicks. I don't think I'd want to eat a hungry meal, either! Yikes! Baaad Wraithie! Hungry meal vs Happy Meal?
        Yes, thats what I was thinking
        Does make you wonder. If the wraiths victim was hungry, would that feeling be felt by the wraith, and be "distasteful" as she (the keeper) describes it? After all, they do sense the other emotions, like the defiance that Shaun mentions tasting sweet(?). So it would be preferable to have a well fed human to feed on, so the humans hunger doesn't overpower the other more tasty emotions. (just continuing on your hungry meal vs happy meal )


          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
          Wraith Cake you are absolutely making me crack up. (Thank you, it's much needed after the last few days!) The Science Dome sounds (no pun intended) like it was a blast. I have a tendency to act rather obnoxiously at museums. I also tend to get into laughing fits at funerals. Places where a certain decorum is expected tend to make me nervous and react in Tourette's kind of way. lol

          I second you on the cooking thing. Loathe it. And I had made that connection to the Wraith awhile ago when I realized that I don't even like the act of eating. And I hate drinking water. I've always wished I could just get my fluids and sustenance intravenously, say, once in the morning and once at night. Then I could get on with the day and get a lot more done. (I have hypoglycemia so the fact that my body wants food every couple of hours doesn't help.) The Wraith method is just so appealing. But yeah, there's that feeding-off-another-sentient-being-thing.

          With all the turmoil lately, I turned to one of my favorite "security blankets" - Common Ground. I watch it on my computer now, instead of on tv because the sound and picture is so much better. I've picked up on so much more of Todd's Wraith noises that he makes. There's a few times where, beneath Shep's dialogue, he is positively purrrrrrring. It makes the hairs on my arms stand on end! I miss those noises, even though at times Todd sounds like he's got a really bad chest cold! But doesn't it seem like the Wraith are less vocal in their snarls and growls now? Maybe it's just because I can't hear them on the eps I still watch on tele. But I also thought that maybe the reason Todd was so, er, noisey was because he was in a tremendous amount of pain and that primal part of him was coming through, despite his valiant effort to remain, er, civil. Which reminds me of a favorite part - I loved his growl at Sheppard through the prison bars when Shep says "Oh yeah and you've got a great one (life) here." lol I'm such a fangirl.

          I know isn't it bad? I too have a habit of chuckling at stuffy formal events It doesn't help that my partner has the face of an angel and the mouth of sewer rat, that he conceals so well except when he's sitting next to me at these events and decides to whisper something ruthlessly funny in my ear. He's a little bum. My friends are like this too, and a number are English grads so we start to get the giggles when someone uses the word "fecundity" or "supercilious" or "crocheting"; these words sound like so many other notty words. A girlfriend of mine invited us all to her fathers funeral. It was sad, as you can imagine, but the wake was exactly that--we all woke up! All of us were sitting around a pub and of course we behaved like we always do--like young, young children. Then someone got the giggles and that was it for the evening, we spent the rest of the time smacking the table, coughing with laughter so loud the relatives started to grimace, but my friend was the one who started it. It was her fault.

          Also, Todd purring. I think I had noticed that a number of posts back. Isn't it lovely? And yes, I do think they are losing their purr--sad.


          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Naami, go bump up the The Queen thread, will ya?

            Not that I remember what I said, but oh...

            I snurched the eps, but I still gotta watch them!

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
              for sanctuary fans, chris plays john druitt/jack the ripper in the first five episodes and he does a wonderful job.
              I've never seen Sanctuary, but I've seen a clip of CH from something else he did, and boy was he a baddy! I have to admit, though, it's kinda cool when that man picks up his foot and kicks a door open. He kicks the s**t outta that door! I'm looking forward to seeing him plenty more! Good, bad or...nah! It's all good!


                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                Yeah but WK, would each of the Wraith "pets" taste different?
                I'm on pizza tonight now how could a Wraith not like to taste of pizza and eating the way they do what the taste? Also if you ate that way what would you taste? Sorry think you need to rethink your idea.

                You may be right. I suppose I like the idea of certain dishes rather than sitting down and eating them. I do have my comfort food, like tea, but that's about it. It's an endless source of bickering in my home. My partner's a "foodie", he gets endless enjoyment out of making, preparing, considering various dishes. For instance, we had some chicken in the house the other night. He was hungry and of course implored me to make something using the curry in a can sauce, and the chicken. Ug! I felt like I get getting my spleen taken out (awake!). So, I took the chicken out of the freezer (thankfully remembering to take the wrapping off) and stuck it in the frying pan. He was horrified that I didn't thaw it first in the microwave. I asked him if that was an extra step (He always makes me laugh when he mimics me) "Yessss", he said back. "First, take it out of the freezer; second take the wrapping off; third throw said wrapping into the garbage can; fourth (and so on and so forth--you get the picture)" I was sitting down a little "pouched" so I pipped up with "Did I ruin the chicken? Because, maybe if I've ruined the chicken, we can order in?" This of course started the argument of "bla bla bla, you need to cook sometimes, you can't mooch off of me all the time bla bla bla" So, I made the f$#%ing chicken and stuck the curry sauce init. Whenever he wanted dinner this week, I said "there's curry chicken!" so he had that for seven days. Needless to say, we went out for dinner a few times this week. I think he got sick of the curry chicken.

                Now, correct me if I'm wrong: the wraith can taste (Condemned), but it has become more of a delicacy to be able to do this, because wraith don't have the luxury to eat?

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  NOBODY wins until I have my say!!!

                  Todd is sitting most...Queenly. Reminds me of how the Allies' queen sat on her throne, and since (The Queen Spoiler):
                  Todd teaches Teyla how to sit like a queen in The Queen, then it is most likely that Chris is very conscious of how he must have Todd sit on a 'throne'. It's not unlike that impression I got from 'Rhys' in Broken Ties - relaxed (or casual) confidence.

                  In other the situations around humans (BAMSR, The Seer, SoW), Todd had to be on guard - rigid, reserved, ever aware that the slightest misstep could cost him his life. But among his own, he loosens a bit, confident and in control with a bit of a 'swagger' that shows in the way he sits in the chair, but NOT on guard as he is around humans. We saw a little of Todd's 'swagger' when he was around his own or in how own environment before - when he first met with Shep on the planet in The Seer , surrounded by his warriors, and in Kindred, when meeting the team on his own turf.

                  BTW - this is a WONDERFUL picture, just the sort of thing we need to see from Todd, and from his cohort there, Tyler Wraith (that s Tyler - who just might be 'Kenny' right?)



                    Oh, and Todd's finger armor is on the right hand this time, not the left. Hmmmmm....

                    Mistake, or just personal choice?



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      NOBODY wins until I have my say!!!

                      Todd is sitting most...Queenly. Reminds me of how the Allies' queen sat on her throne, and since (The Queen Spoiler):
                      Todd teaches Teyla how to sit like a queen in The Queen, then it is most likely that Chris is very conscious of how he must have Todd sit on a 'throne'. It's not unlike that impression I got from 'Rhys' in Broken Ties - relaxed (or casual) confidence.

                      In other the situations around humans (BAMSR, The Seer, SoW), Todd had to be on guard - rigid, reserved, ever aware that the slightest misstep could cost him his life. But among his own, he loosens a bit, confident and in control with a bit of a 'swagger' that shows in the way he sits in the chair, but NOT on guard as he is around humans. We saw a little of Todd's 'swagger' when he was around his own or in how own environment before - when he first met with Shep on the planet in The Seer , surrounded by his warriors, and in Kindred, when meeting the team on his own turf.

                      BTW - this is a WONDERFUL picture, just the sort of thing we need to see from Todd, and from his cohort there, Tyler Wraith (that s Tyler - who just might be 'Kenny' right?)

                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Oh, and Todd's finger armor is on the right hand this time, not the left. Hmmmmm....

                      Mistake, or just personal choice?

                      Okay! I give up! Yah! He's always had to be on guard when dealing with the Lanteans, or they'd stab him in the back! And Yes, Todd does have quite the swagger when he thinks he's pulled a coup. Such a sexy swagger. Like a famous westerns actor Jack Palance once proclaimed huskily in a commercial, "Confidence is sssexy!" That Todd's posture is one of 'regal command' is a very good observation. Now that you mention that Queen, she did sit that way, didn't she?

                      Okay...back to Todd...CH once said that being laced in Wraith garb made it impossible to slouch. It helped him to portray the confidence and arrogance he needed for the role since by standing so straight it provided an air of stiff dignity.

                      I still think the finger armor is tool/decoration, and it is a matter of choice whether it goes on the right or left hand. We glue decorations onto our bodies. Why not the Wraith?


                        Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                        Okay! I give up! Yah! He's always had to be on guard when dealing with the Lanteans, or they'd stab him in the back! And Yes, Todd does have quite the swagger when he thinks he's pulled a coup. Such a sexy swagger. Like a famous westerns actor Jack Palance once proclaimed huskily in a commercial, "Confidence is sssexy!" That Todd's posture is one of 'regal command' is a very good observation. Now that you mention that Queen, she did sit that way, didn't she?

                        Exactly. I think when a Wraith shows that sort of attitude, it's like he's saying, "I DARE you to defy me, because I am VERY confident that I can just squish you like a bug", whereas when he was around humans, he was more like, "See? I'm not moviing...I'm not agressive...I'm a good little boy doing everything you tell me to do...EVEN if in my head I'm imagining sucking your life out this very instant."

                        Okay...back to Todd...CH once said that being laced in Wraith garb made it impossible to slouch. It helped him to portray the confidence and arrogance he needed for the role since by standing so straight it provided an air of stiff dignity.
                        Yes - I remember that, and am glad that he is paying attention to such details in his portrayal. You know it means that most of what we will see from him is deliberate, it has meaning for the character, and that's what we want. Chris is doing a wonderful job with Todd.

                        I still think the finger armor is tool/decoration, and it is a matter of choice whether it goes on the right or left hand. We glue decorations onto our bodies. Why not the Wraith?
                        Yeah, starting to lean that way, too. Evil Kenny (props manager) is taking Q&A on JM's blog, so I asked him about it - not that he would know because I'm not sure which department the finger armor falls under - wardrobe, make-up or props. But maybe he can still help us out.



                          Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                          Just remembered something. You're a regular visitor to JM's Blog Laura?
                          Actually....the Wraith don't use chairs at all. So we have no way of knowing how they would sit on it. I think the only chair on a hive would be the one in the Queen chamber. While they control the hive they are all standing,
                          They even dropped the idea to tie Ronon to a chair in the Wraith-lab in "Broken Ties" because of that...because there are none
                          Hey Kar, do you mean the wraith don't have many chairs on their hive? Or they don't sit in general? I'm a little confused, because wraith have that very utilitarian black furniture--kinda ugly we saw in Rising, and in Allies part two. It's also in another up coming episode. Beyond Michael, we haven't seen the wraith's living quarters. Todd sat around on his lovely tush all the time in Atlantis. If I remember correctly, there are also lots of places to sit on the control deck of a hive--they just seem to be part the ship (what Tayla was sitting on in...was it SOW?). So, I know I'm late to the party and probably quite confused, but wraith sit.

                          Now, let's see they wouldn't be sitting the the throne room--only the monarch sits there; there wouldn't be seats in the corridors; there wouldn't be seat in the interrogation chamber (on a hive that is) because the humans are made to kneel anyway--so sitting? Hmmm curious. Does make them seem rather stuffy eh? not sitting when humans are about.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            Exactly. I think when a Wraith shows that sort of attitude, it's like he's saying, "I DARE you to defy me, because I am VERY confident that I can just squish you like a bug", das
                            Uh, "squish like a 'bug'", das? Makes me think of Men in Black where the giant space cockroach has swallowed Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) and Agent J (Will Smith) is taunting him by stepping on all those "earth" cockroaches that come spilling out of the dumpster. "Oh, I"m sorry was that your auntie?"

                            Just a little Wraith-related humor...



                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Exactly. I think when a Wraith shows that sort of attitude, it's like he's saying, "I DARE you to defy me, because I am VERY confident that I can just squish you like a bug", whereas when he was around humans, he was more like, "See? I'm not moviing...I'm not agressive...I'm a good little boy doing everything you tell me to do...EVEN if in my head I'm imagining sucking your life out this very instant."

                              Yes - I remember that, and am glad that he is paying attention to such details in his portrayal. You know it means that most of what we will see from him is deliberate, it has meaning for the character, and that's what we want. Chris is doing a wonderful job with Todd.

                              Yeah, starting to lean that way, too. Evil Kenny (props manager) is taking Q&A on JM's blog, so I asked him about it - not that he would know because I'm not sure which department the finger armor falls under - wardrobe, make-up or props. But maybe he can still help us out.

                              Now wasn't Todd slouching in BMSR? When he's Chatting with Rodney about the Replicators it looks like he's slouching. I'll post a pic:

                              More Todd Slouching

                              And more Todd Slouching

                              Steve Forward Slouch

                              Steve Forward Slouching again

                              Queen needs to pull out remote

                              Wherez the popcorn and beer?

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Hmmm, you know the more I look at these pictures of Todd slouching, the more I think it's the costume's fit - around the neck at least. Have you ever worn a big winter coat that's maybe a tad to big for you and when you sit down in it, sometimes it hikes up above your waist and nearly covers half your face? lol This happens to me a lot because I'm short. It gives the appearance of slouching because it hides your neck and obscures linear view of your spine. Am I making sense? (I'm starting to get a bit punchy and tired.) So when Chris talked about how stiff the jackets were - and though he is extraordinarily tall and long-limbed - that coat seems to sneak up a bit around the neck and shoulders. Plus, some of the picture you've shown, Wraith Cake, are Brendan Penny from BAMSR and he appears to be a bit shorter and a little less lanky than Chris, so the coat seems to creep up on him even more.

                                And that is my perspective.


                                Edit: Sorry forgot to address the other Wraith (I'm so Todd-track minded now!) Yes, the Wraith Queen and Steve are both slouching a bit, but look at the angle Steve creates with his body and his hands pressed together. He may be trying to meditate, but he is definitely not relaxed. And the Queen's slouch is kind of insolent, but not enough to look lazy or sloppy. I guess that pic of the Queen is about as relaxed as a Wraith can get, considering her lofty position.

                                2nd Edit: Love the remote control comment. I remember when they showed the pic of the chair from "The Queen" (I believe) in that L.A. Times article, I was like "omg, I want that for my living room!" It looks so comfortable! Perfect for watching tele.
                                Last edited by MyFavoriteWraith; 24 August 2008, 07:31 PM.

