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    that part confused me. GW is talking about re-using actors (not wraith) and AM's answer is about cloning? maybe it's just how I'm reading it.[/Quotes]

    Yeah I got abit confused by GW and their questions about Wraith actors, and then Alan answer about cloning. Theought I'd got it wrong.


    "They may have only five, or 25, different Wraith templates, and they reuse them."

    So looking at Alan's answer he seems to be saying the Wraith use cloning more, then we think?

    In the very far future if cloning is their main way of reproduction,they ould go the way of the Asgard who could no longer clone themselves.

    So maybe their main pleasure in life that they get from feeding is because they're not sexually activity.

    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      they can't use the cloning facilities without zpm's, and unless they use other methods to clone, they have to reproduce naturally.
      Last edited by naamiaiset; 05 June 2008, 03:17 PM.


        wraith had to have a way of reproducing naturally before they were advanced enough to clone. maybe since they can do cloning now, they just use that method... it's hard to say.[/Quotes]


        No ZPM - no cloning facility. So no reproducing naturally and not many resources for the cloning facility. That would impact on their population. It could also turn the tide in the war, they can't win through larger numbers as they did against the Ancients

        as you say it's hard to say.

        OK it's Friday I got to go to work. Sleep prechance to dream, nice ones I hope MCH.
        Thanks to DS for my siggy


          Hi all.

          In regards to Naami and MCH discussion.


          The way I see it, is that the ZPMs were used to clone thousands in a very short period of time, as such an action would take a huge amount of energy.

          If they only cloned a couple at a time, at a slower rate, during non-war periods, they wouldn't need the zpm, as the amount of energy is much less. We can assume they can do cloning without a zpm because that would explain the becket clone. I'd say this would be done on the hive ship, no point using some big facility that can't be powered for just a couple of replacements. And after a few thousand years, I guess if they replenished their ranks by cloning, they'd have picked out the best, and would use their structure as templates. (Though I'm trying to figure out how the Queen supplying genetic material would work into this).

          This would be done to replace officers etc. etc. who were stupid enough to get themselves killed through drink flying, hunts gone wrong etc. etc.


            Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
            Hi all.

            In regards to Naami and MCH discussion.


            The way I see it, is that the ZPMs were used to clone thousands in a very short period of time, as such an action would take a huge amount of energy.

            If they only cloned a couple at a time, at a slower rate, during non-war periods, they wouldn't need the zpm, as the amount of energy is much less. We can assume they can do cloning without a zpm because that would explain the becket clone. I'd say this would be done on the hive ship, no point using some big facility that can't be powered for just a couple of replacements. And after a few thousand years, I guess if they replenished their ranks by cloning, they'd have picked out the best, and would use their structure as templates. (Though I'm trying to figure out how the Queen supplying genetic material would work into this).

            This would be done to replace officers etc. etc. who were stupid enough to get themselves killed through drink flying, hunts gone wrong etc. etc.
            michael had beckett. michael might've learned a new way to clone from him. or, michael could've already known another method... again, hard to say... *curses the writers*

            why would wraith need queen's if they reproduce by cloning/templates only? queen's have to be around for more than just ruling. ...I think.
            Last edited by naamiaiset; 05 June 2008, 05:20 PM.


              Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
              one more thing from JM's blog... todd!


              chris looks tired.
              I thought the same thing. Exhausting being in that costume, well he wanted to be the face of the wraith...what has he gotten himself into??? Thankfully for us.


              Oh and (sorry I'd have to go back over the posts) did you want the name of the author for Code of the Life Maker? It was by James Patrick Hogan pub. 1983. One of the best sci fi books I've read in a while. Everything that is organic in our world is machine made in this one (trees, children, animals); everything that is manmade/mechanized is organic (houses, chairs, technology).

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
                Hi all.

                In regards to Naami and MCH discussion.


                The way I see it, is that the ZPMs were used to clone thousands in a very short period of time, as such an action would take a huge amount of energy.

                If they only cloned a couple at a time, at a slower rate, during non-war periods, they wouldn't need the zpm, as the amount of energy is much less. We can assume they can do cloning without a zpm because that would explain the becket clone. I'd say this would be done on the hive ship, no point using some big facility that can't be powered for just a couple of replacements. And after a few thousand years, I guess if they replenished their ranks by cloning, they'd have picked out the best, and would use their structure as templates. (Though I'm trying to figure out how the Queen supplying genetic material would work into this).

                This would be done to replace officers etc. etc. who were stupid enough to get themselves killed through drink flying, hunts gone wrong etc. etc.
                I'm not quite sure why the wraith would clone outside of needing warriors. The impression that I got of the wraith, by using the same actor for several characters, was not that they clone as a matter of course, but rather that this is how this race tends to look in general. Whenever we think of other ethnic groups or homogenius societies, usually outsiders first impression are that the society all looks the same. The more physically unalike another society is from our own the more we tend to think of that other society as all "looking alike". Now that we know a little more about them, we now see the differences. The writers I think were counting on that perception--why else would the substitute another actor to play Todd? (Other than the scheduling reasons). I really don't think they thought we would notice.

                Silly them

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                  I thought the same thing. Exhausting being in that costume, well he wanted to be the face of the wraith...what has he gotten himself into??? Thankfully for us.

                  I don't think I could wake up at 4am to be "wraithified". as I said about andee, after being in costume/make up for hours, no wonder he feels like feeding on someone!


                    RE: Todd/Chris looking tired. Personally, I think he's looking mighty fine there. Perhaps - or, more likely, he can't move his face. Remember what he said in the article about having to be so careful with the make-up, how delicate it is? It looks like they're still dressing him (putting on his belt, finger-thingy not on yet) - he's been through who knows how many hours of make-up, he probably has to keep a stone face during all the dressing and everything to keep the makeup intact. No smiling, no chatting in excess - nothing that might pop the edges of the mask. Has to take a lot of self-control. After a few scenes of filming he can probably loosen up a bit, but he's probably trying not to mess up his fresh makeup by showing too much expression.

                    Or, he is tired.



                      Possible Todd news from JM's blog:

                      "...we’re looking into the availability of the pallid one for Alan’s eppy..."

                      This is one of those last episodes, the one that is a follow-up to The Queen. PLEASE tell me he means Todd here!



                        I would say it is. The line used to name todd was that Sheppard knew a guy in college who was vere 'pale'.
                        No other character fits that reference of being called 'pallid' in the rest of the series that I know of.


                          Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
                          I would say it is. The line used to name todd was that Sheppard knew a guy in college who was vere 'pale'.
                          No other character fits that reference of being called 'pallid' in the rest of the series that I know of.

                          It gives me a little hope...but NOW I gotta worry about him getting killed in this episode! LOL! I have real 'death' issues, I suppose. You should hear me panic over Wolverine getting killed off in the comic books (comics are notorious for killing off a character for a few months/years...and I don't know if I could go that long without a Wolvie fix).

                          I just always expect the worst.



                            [QUOTE=female Wraith;6007987] I think it's time we all to see the truth:

                            - The Wraith are intelligent creatures. With sence of humour.

                            - They have honor and in most of the cases they keep their word.

                            - Their origin is human.

                            - Yes, they feed upon humans but did they have any choice to survive?

                            - They deserve to live.

                            I know that most of the members here are fans of killing the Wraith but people think about it - don't we eat cows??? Are we monsters?

                            Ok i will admit the Wraith ARE intelligent creatures, i mean they've got hyperdrives (of a sort) and SHIPS for that matter!

                            But the fact that you say 'they keep their word' in most cases? How could you say that when a major point in the Atlantis Series revolves around the Wraith BETRAYING the Earthlings and attempting to reach Earth..?!

                            Also, YES they DO have a choice in whether they eat humans; it is shown that wraith can live perfectly well from feeding on fellow wraith in many Wraith could choose not to kill humans if they weren't so mean! haha. On earth; humans attack humans, why should it change when you talk about Wraith? They have their 'hives' and allies, they are simply being picky when they say they HAVE to prey on humans (just because everything and everyone else "tastes bad")

                            Sorry but i just dislike the Wraith..

                            ....I'm gonna go eat some cake. =)


                              @ das, Mch and so on
                              You are right Wraiths have Instincts ,we have instincts also but what I don´t understand is if Wraith ( with Faces ) have also a sexuall instinct like a male human or not? And we don´t need to eat but we need to drink. You can live one or more without food but if you have no water for drinking you die. What is with the Wraith? the only one who drink (and this is no water, it´s wine) is Shawn! Don´t need a Wraith water????

                              @ spikey WOW sounds really good.But what is with Todd?


                                just a short note: Andee posted a new blog and said there will be an action figure of the Queen Mina/Diana. And she wants us to vote for our favourite name, Mina or Diana. I already voted *yay*

                                over and out

